AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 2

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Just to give some perspective of MPD. I have some experience dealing with them regarding a couple of situations where parents were concerned about the safety and/or location of their children. In every case, the child was a drug user of some type. From the moment that was divulged to the police, they were pretty much done. They give some nice little speech about how they see it everyday, and you might believe your child needs you but they don't. They are off somewhere getting high and you just need to get over it, and wait for them to show back up or call. I am not saying that this is the case with BW, but I have seen them in do this in a very frightening situation where the child called their parents crying and screaming and the call was disconnected. The MPD just did not care. I hope they are doing more for BW that we just aren't seeing. I know in the Mickey Shulnick case LE gives a lot of updates and information, atleast you tell they are doing something.

This case is gonna soon get a "High Profile" status. Guaranteed. MPD & BPD would be remiss to not care. They'll look like fools. Marc Klaas will be there...again...and he is now a very public figure. He's very respected. He's a frequent guest on Nancy Grace & JVM, plus he helps all across our nation in various avenues of causes. Trust me, MCPD & BCPD (whatever their correct abbreviations are :)) are gonna work hard. They have no choice.
This case is gonna soon get a "High Profile" status. Guaranteed. MPD & BPD would be remiss to not care. They'll look like fools. Marc Klaas will be there...again...and he is now a very public figure. He's very respected. He's a frequent guest on Nancy Grace & JVM, plus he helps all across our nation in various avenues of causes. Trust me, MCPD & BCPD (whatever their correct abbreviations are :)) are gonna work hard. They have no choice.

I hope so, and I will be glad to see it. I think everyone deserves to be looked for, whether they have used drugs or not.
I'm glad they are doing another search. This beautiful girl needs to be found. My heart breaks for her parents and her daughter. This is all so tragic and sad.
This case is gonna soon get a "High Profile" status. Guaranteed. MPD & BPD would be remiss to not care. They'll look like fools. Marc Klaas will be there...again...and he is now a very public figure. He's very respected. He's a frequent guest on Nancy Grace & JVM, plus he helps all across our nation in various avenues of causes. Trust me, MCPD & BCPD (whatever their correct abbreviations are :)) are gonna work hard. They have no choice.

I've lived in both Mobile and Baldwin Counties and, while I do have a great amount of respect for LE, I think you have more faith in MPD than I do. They have a high amount of crime and are stretched VERY thin. They also tend not to take missing persons of legal age seriously IMO. Maybe they're just jaded, I dunno.

BCSO on the other hand, is probably taking this seriously, but they don't have much experience with things like this. They don't have any of the big city resources and great seasoned detectives that come with bigger city's resources.
Zeaux, something I don't understand... When CW was being interviewed on national tv, she was asked why Donnie would commit suicide, if she had any ideas. CW's response was something to the effect of having money problems, she doesn't know, doesn't really think they had a relationship or anything, and that even her son has spent time with him, etc. CW imvho stuck up for Donnie. Why? Why stick up for him if she knew he was under investigation for molestation of a family member? I sort of makes me feel a little funny, like it's odd to me that she wouldn't take the chance in getting as much info out there as soon as she could. Fear maybe?
OFFICIAL PLAYER'S LIST (confirmed by Zeaux)

CW (mom) & WH (dad) (BW's bio parents) have 2 sons (DW & TJW) & 1 daughter (BW) together. All 3 children have CW's last name.

AH is PH's bio dad who has custody of BW's daughter since April 2012, we believe. AH allegedly lives in Grand Bay with his mother & daughter.

CW has a 2 year old girl and an infant son with her current boyfriend, PH (also a PH - sometimes referred to as BW's stepdad). They are not married but they live together as a family.

CW's 2 year old is about the same age as BW's daughter (PH).

RSW (fka SW - 2nd uncle arrested with the heavier charges) is CW's brother (now known as RSW to distinguish from the other SW sister below).

WH (BW's dad) is married to SSH (BW's stepmom).

SW (another sister of RSW, CW, MWK & WWH)

DK (1st uncle arrested, out on bond) is married to CW's sister, MWK.

MWK & WWH are twins.

CW's sister WWH was married to DH who allegedly committed suicide the morning after BW went missing. He died a few days later in a Pensacola hospital. He was allegedly discovered by WWH & MWK.

DH & WWH have 2 sons & 1 daughter together. DH may have 3 other children who are older.

Mod, Is there any way we could put this in a sticky on the first post? It really helps!
Zeaux, something I don't understand... When CW was being interviewed on national tv, she was asked why Donnie would commit suicide, if she had any ideas. CW's response was something to the effect of having money problems, she doesn't know, doesn't really think they had a relationship or anything, and that even her son has spent time with him, etc. CW imvho stuck up for Donnie. Why? Why stick up for him if she knew he was under investigation for molestation of a family member? I sort of makes me feel a little funny, like it's odd to me that she wouldn't take the chance in getting as much info out there as soon as she could. Fear maybe?

I'm not Zeaux. But I believe it has been said that CW didn't know about the investigation of Donnie.
I'm not Zeaux. But I believe it has been said that CW didn't know about the investigation of Donnie.

Waitsec, I thought CW knew about Donnie but not about her brother & other brother in law that were recently arrested...
Bump... Any updates yet?
Here we go:

"As of Friday, Wood hasn’t seen her daughter in 22 days.

"She was happy as she could be. She wasn't upset at all. She walked out of my yard carrying a blue bad and just i thought she was going to a friends that was the last time I saw her,” said Wood."


"Chaplain Tony Dickey with Disaster and Victim Services says the cases are not connected.

"This is a total separate investigation. That is in Baldwin county investigation it has nothing to do with Brittney at all,” he continued "when it deals with a missing teen you always have those individuals who traumatize the family," said Dickey."


"Brittney honey, you are in no trouble whatsoever. If you believe you may be in some kind of trouble I’ve done checked it all out. You are not in any trouble call me, instant message me, Facebook me or whatever just come home or let me know you are safe," said Wood."
This news article has already been posted up thread, but I found this part interesting..

"The day after Wood disappeared, her uncle allegedly committed suicide and two of her relatives were arrested for sex abuse this week.

Chaplain Tony Dickey with Disaster and Victim Services says the cases are not connected.

"This is a total separate investigation. That is in Baldwin county investigation it has nothing to do with Brittney at all,” he continued "when it deals with a missing teen you always have those individuals who traumatize the family," said Dickey."

I know this is the family spokesperson talking, not LE, so take it with a grain of salt (or like a huge salt lick, ha)

But the last part is just odd. 'you always have those individuals that traumatize the family'?? Like, what- uncles that are charged with sex crimes are just doin it to traumatize the family? .. :waitasec: IMO MOO and all that!

Well, I'm probably wrong. This case has had me baffled from the start.

I found it. CW knew about the investigation into DPH. Here's Zeaux's post...

Thread: FEATURED AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 View Single Post #1063 * *
Yesterday, 04:47 PM

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Anything WWH should be considered unreliable at best.

CW knew about the investigation into DH. She didn't know about SW and DK.
What I find interesting is that the good 'ole chaplain specifically states "that's Baldwin County" yada yada...but when the police official spoke after the arrests of Brittney's relatives - he specifically said it could be huge & could carry over into Mobile County.

Sounds like somebody better get their act together before speaking.
Omg I can't take a walk bc it's raining hard, I can't cuss bc it's making me go broke, I can't have a drink bc I don't keep alcohol in my house, I can't smoke a ciggie bc well I think it's yucky & I don't smoke lol, so what can I do? When I hear an official spokesperson speak like that, I could honestly punch a hole in my wall...and that's just awful sounding yuck I'd never do that...but it's infuriating!
And this part:

"This is a total separate investigation. That is in Baldwin county investigation it has nothing to do with Brittney at all,”

As if the fact that these guys are her UNCLES is negated by the fact that the investigation is centered in Baldwin County? So therefore it has nothing at all to do with Brittney?


Hmm, I don't like that at all. Might be my reading comprehension, but he seems to be minimizing the fact that two men were just arrested for the rape, incest and sodomy of Brittney's minor relative. Maybe he feels the need to sugar coat events for the family, but he's doing a great disservice to the victims of their crimes. Is he suggesting the family compartmentalize their trauma? Just sweep this under the carpet, nothing to see here folks. This is bad. MOO
IMO The name you choose to go by is a personal choice of either the mother or the person themselves and it's nobody's business. I use my mom's maiden name. No one has ever asked me why and if they did, I would think they were rude.

I think some of the questions that are being asked are not relevant to finding Brittney.

There was no rude intention in my post. But I'm sure you knew that.

Just hard to keep all the sides of the family straight.

You have a nice night.

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