AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 3

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That's exactly how I understand it to be. Of course all of my knowledge is from what I've been told by RSW.

Hi to you, I'm glad for your perspective and concern. Now I have to be nosy. :blushing:

Did Scott discuss the means of Donnie's death? Small caliber or shot gun? We've discussed this to no end and I'd surely appreciate some first hand knowledge. Thanks in advance.
I did the same thing. I actually yelled: Nancy Grace? What the heck?
I woke up the dog. He was not amused.
My husband slept through it. He would've been very amused.

Sleepy dogs lose their senses of humor!:floorlaugh:

But that is a funny visual of your grumpy, sleepy-eyed pup! :smile:
Hi to you, I'm glad for your perspective and concern. Now I have to be nosy. :blushing:

Did Scott discuss the means of Donnie's death? Small caliber or shot gun? We've discussed this to no end and I'd surely appreciate some first hand knowledge. Thanks in advance.

I don't recall if the actual caliber was discussed but I want to say he mentioned it was a pistol. When I read about the .25 caliber here it sounded familiar, like maybe that was what he told me, but I can't be certain. I never asked specific questions about DH's death. It didn't seem appropriate at the time.
I don't recall if the actual caliber was discussed but I want to say he mentioned it was a pistol. When I read about the .25 caliber here it sounded familiar, like maybe that was what he told me, but I can't be certain. I never asked specific questions about DH's death. It didn't seem appropriate at the time.

Thanks! No doubt it was awkward asking stuff. It's just that I can't understand why Donnie would choose a small caliber pistol knowing it might not do the job. He was a hunting - fishing kind of guy and would know using a little pistol like that to kill himself was chancy.

Just doesn't make sense to me. It's a freaking girly gun. A gun a lady would carry in her purse for protection. Was he just trying to wound himself?

So many questions. :waitasec:

Thanks! No doubt it was awkward asking stuff. It's just that I can't understand why Donnie would choose a small caliber pistol knowing it might not do the job. He was a hunting - fishing kind of guy and would know using a little pistol like that to kill himself was chancy.

Just doesn't make sense to me. It's a freaking girly gun. A gun a lady would carry in her purse for protection. Was he just trying to wound himself?

So many questions. :waitasec:

My son said the same kind of thing. He wondered why a grown man would use a 25 caliber to try and kill himself. My son said that a gun expert might be worried that the 25 wouldn't finish the job. Who wants to be half dead from an attempted suicide? Even if he shot himself in the head or inside the mouth, sometimes a 25 just does very serious damage, but that is all.
On the Hometown Search for BW FB page a concerned citizen posted that he was troubled by the fact that Tillman's Corner in is close proximity to a place where the remains of a woman were found in March 2011 (and not officially identified by DNA until Aug. 2011). LE still has no suspects nor was the cause of death ever discovered. Here is a news story on Alabama Live about it:

Apparently the location of the discovery was 4435 Schillinger Road North Semmes, AL (in the Mobile area). I looked this up location on Google maps and it is only appx. 20 miles NW of Tillman's Corner, AL and appx. 35 NE of Grand Bay, AL. In fact, if one was to travel from Schillinger RD N in Semmes to Grand Bay, AL then they would pass by Tillman's Corner, AL. The road from Tillman's Corner to Grand Bay, AL of course leads straight to I10. I know this may have nothing to do with BW, but as a young woman, if I lived in that area I would be SERIOUSLY concerned. I am very concerned simply be being in the same state.

After doing a research on crime statistics for that area, it does appear that there is a higher rate of domestic violence/sexual assaults to minors and women when judged against other demographically comparable areas (in both the south and the nation). What is a little odd about this is the area is not riddled with poverty. Yes, the income levels may be below the national average but we southerners enjoy a lower cost of living than most. Obviously crime can happen ANYWHERE no matter if an area is wealthy or below the poverty line, however places with high poverty rates are typically associated with high crime levels. This leads me to suspect that residents in the area of Tillman's Corner and adjacent communities are somewhat numb about violence towards women. I am by NO way saying most are or that the majority of people here are not good people...because I would put money on it that most are. It just seems like some interesting information that may be of concern to experts associated with interpersonal violence studies/campaigns. If it is true that some residents do not take these crimes as seriously as they should, then this could be the reason why more people are not coming forward with information regarding BW's disappearance. Also, the police in the area are probably already stretching themselves thin with investigating these type os cases. I am sure those of you who do work pertaining to women's studies or family studies would be interested in this.

Ok, I know that was long, but it just seems like a summary of my research and posts that Ive been reading on here. Hopefully it will help generate some new ideas to discuss.

Also, just to inform everyone a reference for county and city public records for Mobile, AL and surrounding areas (including Baldwin County) is
Crime by date is also listed on here. The Tillman's Corner area is in Precinct 2
This is a really interesting link concerning BW and the recent outbreak of missing young women who all fit the same description. I am not sure if I think all are related but the site seems to display some of the same frustrations of WS members...especially about the police not disclosing information or being more vocal about informing the public that these individuals are missing. I though many on here might want to read it:

Side Note: I think there is one piece of incorrect information in the article. It states BW cell was last pinged in Styx River, AL but I thought we concluded in was in Grand Bay, AL. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks!

Thanks! No doubt it was awkward asking stuff. It's just that I can't understand why Donnie would choose a small caliber pistol knowing it might not do the job. He was a hunting - fishing kind of guy and would know using a little pistol like that to kill himself was chancy.

Just doesn't make sense to me. It's a freaking girly gun. A gun a lady would carry in her purse for protection. Was he just trying to wound himself?

So many questions. :waitasec:

I am wondering if he chose it because it was what he had readily available and it was easily concealed. Most of the hunters that I know have a great collection of rifles and shot guns, but usually only have one pistol.
Is there a local radio station that might be willing to provide BW's information during their broadcasts. Perhaps they could give out The Hometown Search FB page information. In my area we have a local station and stores and other business will have that station on throughout the day. If BW is out there, she may hear her name and reach out to the family.

Thanks! No doubt it was awkward asking stuff. It's just that I can't understand why Donnie would choose a small caliber pistol knowing it might not do the job. He was a hunting - fishing kind of guy and would know using a little pistol like that to kill himself was chancy.

Just doesn't make sense to me. It's a freaking girly gun. A gun a lady would carry in her purse for protection. Was he just trying to wound himself?

So many questions. :waitasec:

I'm not sure if the question was serious or sarcastic, its so hard to tell on a computer at times (and I can be so dense) but I really doubt he would stick any gun to his HEAD with the hopes of just injuring himself. Some other body part, maybe, but not his head.
I wish I had something new to contribute, but there's really been no activity in the media or news from LE.

For those that have expressed frustration over the family's lack of action, they really don't know what to do. KlassKids is still helping them, but not conducting any organized searches until there is more information. It is true that those who work have had to resume their regular work schedules. They're extremely frustrated over the lack of help from Mobile PD and also the lack of information being given to them and the delay in getting the information they do have. They have no experience with a missing child (she may be 19, but she's their child), so it's very easy to sit back from a bird's eye view and ask why aren't they doing this, why aren't they doing that?

Might I suggest instead of saying there are no comments on the facebook page, to go make some comments, get some activity going, like it, share the photos, etc. I think they're following all the tips they get that they can feasibly do. I came here to get help, and I have received invaluable help. But now that the leads have dried up, the juice is all squeezed out of the story, WS doesn't allow organized assistance to the search, I'm asking you to please reach out on your own to the family through facebook and give them some constructive guidance, tips, questions to ask LE, etc. They really don't know what to do.

Thanks again to all of you for all of the information you've given me.

As always, thanks for your input here!

1. BBM - Thank goodness BW's family have no experience with a missing child prior to BW's disappearance BUT the family has direct access to Klaas Kids who has vast experience. IMHO, the family should be picking Klaas' brain for suggestions of what they can/should be doing.

The only conclusion I can draw at this point for the "radio silence" is that Klaas has advised the family to lay low for a while.?.?.

2. BBM - Regarding posting on BW's FB page: Respectfully, the last thing I would want to do is gunk up the BW FB page with the ruminations that we do here. That page should be focused on getting info out to the public (eg search updates, links to news, pics & positive info on BW, any and all efforts they are making like the balloon launch that they did post, something new should be posted everyday, etc)

I don't mean to sound harsh and critical - my input here is coming from a good place of wanting this young woman found and of great concern for her well-being and for the future of her small child.
Well, there's certainly more than a couple hours work there. Let me rephrase that. I'll be back on later tonight to see where I can help.
Great list. I think for phase 1, can you prioritize the top 3? Like I'd suggest truck stops, homeless shelters, and ___. Some like LE & Missing PErson Agencies, I'd hope don't need alerts but I"m still naive.
Churches puts me on overload. Thank you for all you do.

truck stops, homeless shelters, and weekly rental motels (no-tell motels)?
It is difficult in the Mobile area to get into a homeless shelter if you don't have children. The programs have such a demand and the resources are so limited. Unless there has been a recent change, a new program of which I'm unaware, then I know for sure it is about impossible to find haven if you don't arrive with children. I am very sure the domestic violence shelters here would be aware of Brittney. I can't say that for an absolute fact but I will contact them to find out.

If a person showed up at a homeless shelter and the place was full, wouldn't they at least refer her to a place she could get a free meal? Like a "soup kitchen"?
I've just finished catching up...after reading and thanking every single post for most of the the #1 thread. I then started skipping the "thanks" and skimming all the while my head was spinning from this confusing disturbing sad case.
Wanted to say "thanks" (since I didn't click "thanks") to all the posts and sleuths that are putting the pieces together, sorting through the tangled mess of family members, rumors, facts and putting their hearts into finding Britteny.
The small caliber weapon makes sense in that he was in the hospital a few days before his death. Sorry to be graphic, but he may have chosen this weapon because it would leave less mess. UGH... sorry. He could have very easily ended up alive with severe brain damage.
I am going to quote my own post since the info was easy to find.

" On June 1, DH was found in his home in Fairhope by his wife. He had committed suicide, reports Fox 10 News, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The Baldwin County Sheriff's Office said Holland was being investigated for sexual abuse at the time."


"RSW, 42, was arrested for sodomy and incest after police received information from a juvenile on June 19. DAK, 36, was also arrested and charged with sodomy and rape on June 19. Capt. Steve Arthur of the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office said that these two men are cousins of Brittney, in the video, although other information has identified them as Brittney's uncles."

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

I almost hate to say this...BTW....I am not bashing BW...but has it been considered that she may have been the reason that DW, RSW & DAK were all charged and/or being investigated for some type of sexual abuse. They all could have been involved with questionable sexual relationships with BW before she turned 16. Perhaps LE is not getting involved with her disappearance because they know exactly where she is. They could possibly have her in hiding to protect her from the families of the three men. These type of rural areas sometime try to take the law into their own hands!

The more I read about this case and the convoluted family relationships (Cousins/Uncles???), I am so reminded of the Cummings/Croslin clan. It is almost like Fairhope, could be sister cities to Palatka! Likewise the community of Styx River is just like Satsuma!

Again, I respect the fact that BW is the victim...I am NOT blaming her! I am just throwing my thoughts and possible scenario's out there!

Dear God..Please Bring Brittany Home To Those That Love Her!
I almost hate to say this...BTW....I am not bashing BW...but has it been considered that she may have been the reason that DW, RSW & DAK were all charged and/or being investigated for some type of sexual abuse. They all could have been involved with questionable sexual relationships with BW before she turned 16. Perhaps LE is not getting involved with her disappearance because they know exactly where she is. They could possibly have her in hiding to protect her from the families of the three men. These type of rural areas sometime try to take the law into their own hands!

The more I read about this case and the convoluted family relationships (Cousins/Uncles???), I am so reminded of the Cummings/Croslin clan. It is almost like Fairhope, could be sister cities to Palatka! Likewise the community of Styx River is just like Satsuma!

Again, I respect the fact that BW is the victim...I am NOT blaming her! I am just throwing my thoughts and possible scenario's out there!

Dear God..Please Bring Brittany Home To Those That Love Her!

Those exact same thoughts crossed my mind as well. I do not know if that has been discussed as I was late joining the thread(s).
If a person showed up at a homeless shelter and the place was full, wouldn't they at least refer her to a place she could get a free meal? Like a "soup kitchen"?

I hate to say this, someone will be mad at me, but the truth is that this area of very unfriendly towards the homeless. The resources that are available are hard to access and I think it would be really difficult for someone to just show up at a homeless shelter. Those who are able to access their services are referred to them from other agencies. But, it would be good to inform the homeless themselves about Brittney, especially since most wouldn't have access to the news otherwise. Most of the homeless in this area are literally on the streets (backroads) and there are camps in the woods where they gather. There are shelters, but not many.

The only soup kitchen that I would think it possible for her to come through would be associated with the Salvation Army. They do have a women's program too but again, hard to access without a referrel, and I would think they would be aware of Brittney's case even if she is not "officially" missing.
I almost hate to say this...BTW....I am not bashing BW...but has it been considered that she may have been the reason that DW, RSW & DAK were all charged and/or being investigated for some type of sexual abuse. They all could have been involved with questionable sexual relationships with BW before she turned 16.


Respectfully snipped by me.

I've been trying to catch up on this thread for awhile ...and a few things keep nagging at me.

1.DH was to be interviewed the day he shot himself...the investigation was approximately 4 months along...
Question--when was it BW was involved in the vehicle stop supposedly related to a "rolling meth lab?" If around the 4 month mark-could she have been the one to say something to start LE looking at DW?? (either meth related or something relating to the
charges against the uncles) If someone could possibly verify a timeframe for the "rolling
method lab" stop I would greatly appreciate it.

2. When discussing RSW and DAK and the difference of the may be charged with the charges he is due to being present (not necessarily in the same room) but 'knew or 'should have known' what may have been happening...guilt by association ...I've seen this type of charging with child abuse cases with the boyfriend beating the child and the mom being charged for not immediately reporting it after knowing something had happened.


method lab" I
That is a BRILLIANT plan!!!

and....:welcome:, OEJ!

Awww, you're too sweet. Thank you. The more I think about it, the more I think she could be alive. Losing her daughter had to have been the last straw for her.
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