AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 3

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I hate to say this, someone will be mad at me, but the truth is that this area of very unfriendly towards the homeless. The resources that are available are hard to access and I think it would be really difficult for someone to just show up at a homeless shelter. Those who are able to access their services are referred to them from other agencies. But, it would be good to inform the homeless themselves about Brittney, especially since most wouldn't have access to the news otherwise. Most of the homeless in this area are literally on the streets (backroads) and there are camps in the woods where they gather. There are shelters, but not many.

The only soup kitchen that I would think it possible for her to come through would be associated with the Salvation Army. They do have a women's program too but again, hard to access without a referrel, and I would think they would be aware of Brittney's case even if she is not "officially" missing.

I agree with you about the Salvation Army and I'm glad that you were able to give insight into the local area. I had picked up on the lack of resources and also how inaccessible many of them appeared to be. But, I was getting that impression based off of internet research, which isn't always a complete picture of a particular region or city. Birmingham seemed to be much better, but again I am forming that opinion off of what I found on the internet.
You are fantastic!

Now I'll be Debbie Downer. Brittney is 19 almost 20. IF Brittney is being held against her will, she's not at a shelter. If she's in a drugged state somewhere, or has met her fate, I don't know how a fax would help.

If she's chosen not to speak to her family by her own free will, she has that right. If she is at a shelter, the shelter will respect that and they cannot make her contact her family, nor can they contact her family without her permission. If her family calls the shelter, they will not say she's there. If she seeks medical care, her privacy continues by HIPAA laws.

If and when Alabama makes her an official missing person, then she'll be entered into the system and LE can send out a BOLO or a pick up order.

I find this very frustrating.

Anyone can request a welfare check, though, and the shelter would probably at least let her know she needs to check in with LE or her mother to let them know she's alive. She wouldn't HAVE to, but maybe she would.
I'm going to print up some fliers today and take them to a few places that I have in mind. Is the FB page the best place to find the flier? I should know this, just wanted to be sure. I thought there may be others but I'm sure getting any out there is better than sitting her typing in the virtual world. I know the stepmom is working on updating the flier now. The computer I'll be working with doesn't allow me to download and then print, so I'd like to find one I can print directly off of the screen.

EDIT: I figured it out!! Looks nice. I wish we had a photo of her without make up on though.
Respectfully snipped by me.

I've been trying to catch up on this thread for awhile ...and a few things keep nagging at me.

1.DW was to be interviewed the day he shot himself...the investigation was approximately 4 months along...
Question--when was it BW was involved in the vehicle stop supposedly related to a "rolling meth lab?" If around the 4 month mark-could she have been the one to say something to start LE looking at DW?? (either meth related or something relating to the
charges against the uncles) If someone could possibly verify a timeframe for the "rolling
method lab" stop I would greatly appreciate it.

2. When discussing RSW and DAK and the difference of the may be charged with the charges he is due to being present (not necessarily in the same room) but 'knew or 'should have known' what may have been happening...guilt by association ...I've seen this type of charging with child abuse cases with the boyfriend beating the child and the mom being charged for not immediately reporting it after knowing something had happened.


method lab" I

In response to #1: The uncle that committed suicide was an uncle by marriage, so his last name was not Wood. It was Holland. The initials should be DH. I've been following from the beginning and I still have to stop and think about who is who in this case. As for the "rolling meth lab", I don't know if we have an exact time when it happened, but I believe that it happened after DH was under investigation. There was a statement made by a family member on FB that insinuated that RSW was the one that initially reported the abuse.

In response to #2: It is funny that you mention this because I was updating a friend who does not belong to WS on this case. She worked in the court system for many years and she mentioned the same thing. I had asked her what she thought about RSW being arrested and how it could fit in with him reporting the incident. Apparently, it is not uncommon for anyone present when a sexual assault occurs to be charged the same as the perp, even if they were not aware at the time that the assault was occurring. Typically, my friend saw this in rape cases where the assault occurred at a party. Charges like this are often dropped or thrown out of court by a judge. I am on the fence with this, but it is something to consider.
I feel the integrity and charges against the family are major factors as to why people are not donating resources, especially money. I really want to give to the reward fund, but as a student I do not have a steady income and therefore must use my money wisely. Do we know who is responsible for the management of this fund? Is Klaas Kids in charge of it? If not, I think it would be beneficial if they were and if this was made public that they are managing it. I really feel more reward money and resources from private donors would pour in. In the meantime, I think all concerned citizens can help by printing the missing BW fliers and putting a few around town. Many convenience stores, grocery stores, churches, etc...will allow you to post this type of information, with their permission. I am in the process now of printing some and plan to hang them around Alabama and Mississippi. Also, many mid-size towns and especially state capitals have women's shelters and domestic violence research offices. These places will likely post this information as well. Also, if there is a college campus in your town please pose here as well. Many schools have bulletin boards around school for people to put up signs. Many schools additionally have women's centers and I'm sure they would be glad to post fliers. Of course, I feel the truck stops near I 10 would be most helpful. However, I made the previous suggestions because I know not everyone lives near I 10, nor has a fax machine readily available ( but an earlier thread suggested one can fax from their computer, this is an awesome idea!). We can all still help by posting signs in our local community. For whatever reason many people feel drawn to this case and I think, if at the very least, posting fliers will generate more attention and more media coverage to this case. Please post her fliers if your Are able to. All you need is a printer, some tape and permission. Hope these suggestions help :)

Hi All!
I do not think its tru ppl are not concerning themselves with this case because of the allegations of these men in the family. If anything i think
any kind of molestation or sex offense against a child would outrage them TO
help out.

I believe there is something else thats holding ppl back and it could be DRUGS! PPl dont want to help ppl that abuse or sell drugs...
I also read a few pages where ppl wwere trying to raise money to get her brother out of jail and they said he would just go back to using drugs..

To me DRUGS are the real issue. and they are hindering this case!

Another thing is could RSW be an informant?
If he is this is The reason he was held in JAIL.
he just seemed like the last person you would expect..
Im personally going with DH killed himself with a small calibur pistol in his vehicle on a vacant lot not too far from his home....

Im basing this on posts from One and Zeaux, some fb posts and very little accurate reporting.

There was also a post a woman made that i read in the posts after a news article and i posted it in the last thread i believe and she said a man had shot himself in a vacant lot near the Fish river....

Now by the map One poster that home is a distance away from his house so i wonder how his wife knew to go loook there.

Did his wife find him ? Or someone else?
Did anyone hear the shot?

Thanks! No doubt it was awkward asking stuff. It's just that I can't understand why Donnie would choose a small caliber pistol knowing it might not do the job. He was a hunting - fishing kind of guy and would know using a little pistol like that to kill himself was chancy.

Just doesn't make sense to me. It's a freaking girly gun. A gun a lady would carry in her purse for protection. Was he just trying to wound himself?

So many questions. :waitasec:
I hate it that I know this... but a larger caliber gun would have gone clean through. Probably fatal. A smaller caliber bullet will ricochet off of bone, bouncing around inside the skull and virtually ensuring that sufficient damage is done to result in death. So it's six of one and half a dozen of the other.
If BW was in hiding, would local LE and Klaas Kids still conduct these searches and talk to media about her? What if someone got hurt (or worse, killed) during the search? Whatever agency that was hiding BW would be liable. I wish she was being protected by some authority...but I don't think it's the case. :(
If BW was in hiding, would local LE and Klaas Kids still conduct these searches and talk to media about her? What if someone got hurt (or worse, killed) during the search? Whatever agency that was hiding BW would be liable. I wish she was being protected by some authority...but I don't think it's the case. :(

I dont think she is hiding or being protected.
She is gone! I do not see a happy ending here!

I think Uncle Donnies suicide has everything to do with her being missing.
I do not think it has anything at all to do with RSW and DK i think DH RSW and DK were in that mess themselves....

I blieve her phone pinged at great bay but i do not think Brittney was with her phone...

I sure hope they looked to see if someone elses phone pinged there that night.
I know Randall Scott Wood, whom we all know as just "Scott," through our mutual interest in tabletop roleplaying games and board games. Until his arrest, he frequently could be found at one of the local game shops here in Mobile. All of us who have known Scott have been shocked and amazed at his arrest. He's the last person any of us would have expected to be involved in something like this. There were honestly no warning signs whatsoever. He's the kind of guy who never has a bad thing to say about anyone; doesn't drink, smoke or curse; and was generally pleasant to be around. It's been hard to reconcile our image of Scott with the charges against him: sodomy, sexual abuse and incest.

The local newspaper, the Press-Register, is silent on the arrest of the two uncles (cousins?) and has not covered Brittany's disappearance since June 8th. The fortnightly arts and entertainment paper, the Lagniappe, is the only print news media to cover the arrests, and it was just one line in their followup story on the 27th. It seems that only the television news is willing to cover the story, and even their coverage has been spotty.
No one even talks about what might have happend to this young woman!
Only us here on these forums!

And i cant for the life of me figure out why!
I know Randall Scott Wood, whom we all know as just "Scott," through our mutual interest in tabletop roleplaying games and board games. Until his arrest, he frequently could be found at one of the local game shops here in Mobile. All of us who have known Scott have been shocked and amazed at his arrest. He's the last person any of us would have expected to be involved in something like this. There were honestly no warning signs whatsoever. He's the kind of guy who never has a bad thing to say about anyone; doesn't drink, smoke or curse; and was generally pleasant to be around. It's been hard to reconcile our image of Scott with the charges against him: sodomy, sexual abuse and incest.

The local newspaper, the Press-Register, is silent on the arrest of the two uncles (cousins?) and has not covered Brittany's disappearance since June 8th. The fortnightly arts and entertainment paper, the Lagniappe, is the only print news media to cover the arrests, and it was just one line in their followup story on the 27th. It seems that only the television news is willing to cover the story, and even their coverage has been spotty.

Sure is strange isnt it?
If BW was in hiding, would local LE and Klaas Kids still conduct these searches and talk to media about her? What if someone got hurt (or worse, killed) during the search? Whatever agency that was hiding BW would be liable. I wish she was being protected by some authority...but I don't think it's the case. :(
This is a good question. I have been wondering the same thing. If she was in protective custody would LE announce that? It seems like, for the reasons you stated, an announcement about this would be made. I'm not sure if the matter is a state or Federal issue. I will see if I can find any information pertaining to it.
I know Randall Scott Wood, whom we all know as just "Scott," through our mutual interest in tabletop roleplaying games and board games. Until his arrest, he frequently could be found at one of the local game shops here in Mobile. All of us who have known Scott have been shocked and amazed at his arrest. He's the last person any of us would have expected to be involved in something like this. There were honestly no warning signs whatsoever. He's the kind of guy who never has a bad thing to say about anyone; doesn't drink, smoke or curse; and was generally pleasant to be around. It's been hard to reconcile our image of Scott with the charges against him: sodomy, sexual abuse and incest.

The local newspaper, the Press-Register, is silent on the arrest of the two uncles (cousins?) and has not covered Brittany's disappearance since June 8th. The fortnightly arts and entertainment paper, the Lagniappe, is the only print news media to cover the arrests, and it was just one line in their followup story on the 27th. It seems that only the television news is willing to cover the story, and even their coverage has been spotty.
Welcome to the forum and thanks so much for your input!
Hi everyone. This is my first post on Websleuths and I am honored to be here. I have been following this case since the first day it was announced in the local media. I have read every post and find most here to be intelligent and insightful yet respectful and caring. My parents live around the corner from the location she was reported to have been seen last so my interest has been very high concerning the details. My sister and I have racked our brains trying to figure this case out. We definitely believe that members of this family know more than they have told the public. Whether they have told LE remains to be seen. Regardless, BW is missing and a family is in turmoil over her disappearance, the suicide of a sister's husband and the subsequent arrest and alledged charges against one blood uncle, of BW, and another uncle by marriage. My brother-in-law was a Mobile Police Officer but has since left the force to further his education and follow another career path. I have nothing but the upmost respect for the MPD and BCSO, as well as, police forces around the state and nation. I do not always agree with them but I do believe that most conduct their cases with a complete respect and integrity for law and justice. My gut feeling is that something bad has happened here and BW is either running from it or has been caught up in it. I choose, however, to hold out hope that a daughter will be returned safely and a mother will be found alive. In a case as bizarre as this, hope is all we have and can cling to as we follow the clues and allow the picture of the events of the past month to be revealed to us in due course. The very essence of our democracy is to be able to challenge what is said to us and what we see in front of us but temper it with a respect for our fellow man, an understanding of the laws that protect us and an admiration for the men and women that defend us within those laws. My prayers go out to this family and, though interest may fluctuate, we must not allow this case to go cold as long as there is a chance that BW is alive and well. We cannot lose hope that she will be found and returned safely should that be her choice.
Awww, you're too sweet. Thank you. The more I think about it, the more I think she could be alive. Losing her daughter had to have been the last straw for her.

I am leaning towards that theory, too...

Maybe because I WANT it to be true!:please:
Inthedetails4, Wow, such a great post. So glad you have decided to join us!

Thanks. It has been very hard to follow the details of this case but I have found the timelines and list of persons involved to be most helpful.

The lack of media coverage one month after her disappearance is not what is, necessarily, bothering me. It is the lack of coverage, period, from day one that is a little unsettling. A handful of written articles and a about a half-dozen to a dozen tv news reports? Very few fundraisers and, exactly, one area search with several door-to-door searches. I'm not blaming anyone but do find it a little odd. I have to agree with a previous poster. I believe that the lack of coverage is due to the alleged past dealings with drugs, not only in BW's case but also in those within her family. I believe that could be the greatest travesty of all, concerning this case, once the dust settles.
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