AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 4

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This may sound crazy, but hasn't it been posted that DK supposedly confessed about certain crimes he committed? If this is indeed true, is there any way LE released him with his fancy jewelry based on what he confessed.....without a paid bond?

I know that sounds totally ignorant, but I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that LE released him a third time!!! How anyone could pull that off TOTALLY blows my mind!
I don't think the cops have the authority to release him, its up to a judge (who sets the bond)
As far as I know, the only place I saw this about WWH being adopted and was actually DH's "sister" was in comments on a fb news site. Rumor at best. Untrue gossip probable, IMO.

I can't find the post, but she was also listed on one of those "people finder" sites as his sister.. but we all know how inaccurate they can be.

Yes, on one of the people finder sites DH had a wife listed (presumably wife #1, unrelated to this case) and WWH was listed as part of the family (not wife) along with his kids. I think it led to a bit of confusion due to the questionable comment on the news site. I don't remember anything posted anywhere that confirmed WWH & MWK were adopted by DH's parents.
Clairifying my opinion: yes, I believe many knew but I also believe many did not know. I'm equally confident IMO that some who did not know would likely be in jail for assault and/or murder had they known.

There are clearly a number of evil people involved but there are also several who are not evil.

There are also some who have who may not be evil themselves but have an alliance with the evil ones and IMO that makes them culpable as well.

I cant believe they didnt know!
If it was one guy yes maybe ,but all these men sorry no way!

Yes, on one of the people finder sites DH had a wife listed (presumably wife #1, unrelated to this case) and WWH was listed as part of the family (not wife) along with his kids. I think it led to a bit of confusion due to the questionable comment on the news site. I don't remember anything posted anywhere that confirmed WWH & MWK were adopted by DH's parents.

I find it disturbing that DH at one time dated both WWH AND MK at the same time.
I cant believe they didnt know!
If it was one guy yes maybe ,but all these men sorry no way!


It is very logical that some knew and just as likely that others didn't.

I never said anything to my family until after the SOB was dead and I was an adult. To this day not all of my family members know what I endured for years when i was a child. I certainly never told my father because I know he would have killed the SOB & possibly my mother for turning a blind eye or just being well... herself. She was not a nice person or a good mother.

Not only was my fear of not being believed & self-shame reasons for not saying anything but most importantly I didn't want my family members who truly loved me to suffer or go off the deep end and risk losing them. By staying silent I was protecting them and myself.

I think if my aunt & uncle (who i was very close to) would have known they would taken steps to ensure he was prosecuted but my father would have eventually found out. I simply could not risk losing my daddy to prison or a heart attack due to extreme anguish.

I truly believe with all of my heart that if WH knew what his children probably endured he would have rained fire over their heads. Now that man has to live every day not knowing where his baby girl is, what she endured, how he wishes he would have known so he could have protected her. Now he has to rely on law enforcement who do not appear to be doing much to find her because they claim "she just ran away" & a legal system that is allowing child predators to walk free and not answering any questions about his daughter.

WH's suffering makes me even more confident in my decision to protect my own father from a similar circumstance when he was alive.
I find it disturbing that DH at one time dated both WWH AND MK at the same time.

I'd never heard that until you (IIRC) recently stated it in an earlier post. Can you provide any hints or direction as to where you learned or heard that?
I'm not so concerned about the monetary amounts though it could allude to who is providing the funds to bail DK out and provide for his defense. What I want to know is the reason behind it. If it isn't his family, as was suggested here, then who and why? If DK is the one that confessed then perhaps others want him to be quiet about whatever else he may know. If that is the case then he is the only one of the five that we know of that has admitted to their crimes. Ofcourse all of this is speculation but we know that BW had serious ties to uncle DH and aunt WWH. We also know that DH and WWH had serious connections with MWK (WWH's twin sister) and DK. DW, BW's brother, had connections with these men as well. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put together the obvious. Is it possible that all of these events, from BW's disapperance to DH's suicide, all the sex abuse, rape, sodomy and incest charges and subsequent arrests of five men (Four family members and one family friend) to the bail out of RSW and DK (three times) are all unrelated in any way shape or form? Sure but would you place a bet on those odds?

sorry guys catching up and know you are probably way past chatting about DK and who is paying his bonds.

To me it is obvious who is (thanks footballmum for that link to the attorneys fees)

But I dont care WHO is paying, like Inthedetails says above, it is WHY.

I can tell you if my uncle was accused of raping at least 3 children I'd be spitting on him to start with then and would then get hold of his testicles and !!!....nah not really, but I would be disguisted and ashamed and want nothing to do with him....

What concerns me is that there is behind the scenes talk of these guys being innocent or it is a big misunderstanding or the adults arent beleiveing the kids.

That is the only reason I can see for them paying for him to get out. But didnt he confess????
It won't be a "popular" opinion... but since when have I ever let that hold me back from expressing how I really feel or what I think?

My personal opinion is that DW & BW are among several victims. IMO, the abuse began at a very early age and continued for many years. My gut tells me elements of Stockholm Syndrome are probably present.

I also believe that a teenage child who was abused for many years can be easily forced, manipulated & threatened by his/her abusers into committing those very same crimes against others...

The law says it is a crime if you are 16 and older. The arresting agency is not concerned about the reasons or conditions or whether they were forced or consensual circumstances. That will be determined in court.

Shame, fear, disgust are all common reasons for victims to not report the crimes against them. I suspect that also played a very large part as to why this went on for so very long.

Just wanted to say that I totally agree with this.....which is why I keep saying that this family has a skewered sense of sexual wrong and right.

Re: DH parents adopting the twins, I also read that as a comment on a news hasnt been confirmed and it would really really help if someone could confirm this.

Another thing that was posted on one of the news sites was that the abuse started one generation before DH (not trying to say by exactly whom)...which is once again why I have said before about the skewered sense of sexual right and wrong and that it has gone thru generations.

Because if this is true, which we cant prove, then uncle donnie may have been a victim or witness to it, and we definitely know CW knew uncle donnies family since the age of 6 and then if the rumors are true about the family adopting the twins....then eek....I do feel sorry for them in a way and it is all a big cycle.

I am wondering if it wasnt adoption, as surely this could be found thru the records...but just "took them in".

ONce again all of above is based on comments on news sites, there have been a couple suggesting the same thing, so I am not totally believing it, but it does make some sort of horrible sense.

Is there any way we can confirm that the twins were "sisters" to DH?
I'd never heard that until you (IIRC) recently stated it in an earlier post. Can you provide any hints or direction as to where you learned or heard that?

In a round about way, I'm local to the area and have moved in some of the same social circles as the twins since childhood.
Hi Mobilegirl! Does that mean you have observed the twins since childhood? Do you know if any of these rumors are true about the twins living with DH's family since childhood? What is the local gossip on the sex abuse charges? Brittneys disappearance? TIA!

Brittney is always on my mind. Maybe today?

It really bothers me that someone is continually bailing DK out. I really want to know WHY? Who would benefit by him not being in jail?
This may sound crazy, but hasn't it been posted that DK supposedly confessed about certain crimes he committed?

Of the original two arrests, LE stated that they had a confession from one of the perps. Since DK is still maintaining his innocence, we can deduce that RSW is the one who confessed. Looking at their original booking photos, you can kind of tell which one of them has just confessed and which one is defiantly denying the charges.
Of the original two arrests, LE stated that they had a confession from one of the perps. Since DK is still maintaining his innocence, we can deduce that RSW is the one who confessed. Looking at their original booking photos, you can kind of tell which one of them has just confessed and which one is defiantly denying the charges.

As long as we're on the subject of the mugshot "looks", DK's latest one gave me the creeps thinking he could be capable of a lot worse than what he is charged with. And for a 2 cent theory, maybe DH was a witness to DK doing something instead of being suspected of doing something himself.
I don't know about ya'll but I'm ready for a press conference from the Mobile Co. LE... anything on the investigation into BW's disappearance. Something more than she is not a victim of "this" arrest and there is "no connection"... IIRC DK's name was brought up in connection to BW's case therefore finding DK and arresting him.
I would like to know what they are doing to find her and if there is anything the public can do...keep looking for her? raise money for the reward? pass out flyers? or just forget about her because she left on her own and doesn't want to be found. (still can't go along with that one)

Patiently waiting for them to hurry up!
I don't know about ya'll but I'm ready for a press conference from the Mobile Co. LE... anything on the investigation into BW's disappearance. Something more than she is not a victim of "this" arrest and there is "no connection"... IIRC DK's name was brought up in connection to BW's case therefore finding DK and arresting him.
I would like to know what they are doing to find her and if there is anything the public can do...keep looking for her? raise money for the reward? pass out flyers? or just forget about her because she left on her own and doesn't want to be found. (still can't go along with that one)

Patiently waiting for them to hurry up!


I think (or at least my interpretation from that statement and observation of Mobile's lack of effort) is that DK's name came up in BCSO's investigation and BCSO determined one of the sex crimes had been committed in Mobile county. I think the only reason Mobile arrested him was because it occurred outside of BCSO jurisdiction... NOT because Mobile was conducting any investigation of their own into the sex crimes OR Brittney's disappearance (JMO).

I would ALSO love for LE to stop hindering the efforts to find Brittney through their "official" position that she "simply ran away and is believed to still in the area". That may be some sort of ruse or ploy to make the perps comfortable and let down their guard but it certainly isn't helping Brittney's family to find her any sooner or give them any peace of mind that LE even cares about finding her.

The perps have no pressure or reason to say anything and the public doesn't want to help look for a "run away" or donate time or money to find her... add in the disgusting crimes her family members committed and while a logical & compassionate person would say that is all the more reason it is necessary to find her as soon as possible it actually creates negativity.

All of the above are just my personal opinions... as usual. :banghead:
P.S... If you visit the Hometown Search for Brittney Wood on FB or @FndBrittneyWood on Twitter - you can ask them if they need help with flyers, bank locations for donations, etc...

Just because LE doesn't appear to be looking for Brittney it does not mean her family isn't still searching daily on their own. Not sure if folks realize this or not but gas prices are pretty astronomical and the last I heard the search fund account had a $0.00 balance...
I don't know about ya'll but I'm ready for a press conference from the Mobile Co. LE... anything on the investigation into BW's disappearance. Something more than she is not a victim of "this" arrest and there is "no connection"... IIRC DK's name was brought up in connection to BW's case therefore finding DK and arresting him.
I would like to know what they are doing to find her and if there is anything the public can do...keep looking for her? raise money for the reward? pass out flyers? or just forget about her because she left on her own and doesn't want to be found. (still can't go along with that one)

Patiently waiting for them to hurry up!


I would like to point out that it is not Mobile CO. LE (Mobile County Sheriffs Office) that a press conference should come from but the Mobile Police Department (MPD).

I too share FootballMom's frustration with local LE. I'm not the only local that has lost faith over the last few months with the MPD. In one local story a man waited for LE, in this case MPD, for over an hour after a teen pointed a gun at him and threatened to kill him when the man yelled at him to stop badgering his dog and damaging his property.
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