AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 4

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AstroKitty - You ARE Worthy & Deserving Of A Good Life, So Keep On Keeping On Honey.

I agree with your point. I'd like to add that I never hooked or danced but I did work for Hooters in college & made REALLY goooood money. I worked Super Bowl & made $1200 in 5 hours - kid you not. One of my neighbor's gf danced at Pure Platinum on OBT (not sure if it's still there) & she made enough to pay for a brand new vette convertible in 4 MONTHS. I came across sooo many college girls making spending money and/or tuition money by escorting in OC. Some patrons were le. OCFL is a far cry from Baldwin Cty AL as far as money is concerned, but the concept is the same.

However, even though I did research some of this stuff as a possibility in Brittney's case, there's nothing in her past to suggest she could have been doing that, other than being molested at a younger age.

I looked for the same but unless I had told people, they had no idea. I kept my dancer friends from ever knowing my real name, where I lived etc because of some unstable people that work there. Then as far as escorting, Oh no - I didn't even state where I lived city wise (more because I didn't want to get arrested). I'm just not gathering where she did get money to be an addict. A user is different, that would be occasional and per favors or some sort. An addict is an entire other situation. She's painted as an addict and that worries me. But if she's doing illegal things to make money and she is alive, she will be arrested in due time and that will bring her home.
I know I'm in a far other side of the country but I'm going to ask some old resources. If she's out there working this field, it won't be overnight but I'll find out for sure sooner or later. I'm going to sleuth this with a few phone calls. ;) I'll report if I find out. Otherwise, then one has to wonder if she's just hanging out / fed up with "a friend in need is indeed" (sings Placebo)
I looked for the same but unless I had told people, they had no idea. I kept my dancer friends from ever knowing my real name, where I lived etc because of some unstable people that work there. Then as far as escorting, Oh no - I didn't even state where I lived city wise (more because I didn't want to get arrested). I'm just not gathering where she did get money to be an addict. A user is different, that would be occasional and per favors or some sort. An addict is an entire other situation. She's painted as an addict and that worries me. But if she's doing illegal things to make money and she is alive, she will be arrested in due time and that will bring her home.

My honest opinion is 50/50. I don't see anything that suggests she's an addict, but lots of stuff that point toward using. However, when meth was mentioned, you can't just casually do that without forming a habit - it's like heroin. So I'm up in the air. Donnie "shared" his pain killers & apparently Britt helped him "share". That includes everything that falls in the "pain killer" description - prescription narcotics, Mary-J, etc.
& I agree about the appearance of that picture that was discussed on the last page...sure does appear like that, unless it's unexercized left over baby fat from giving birth. Not sure bc my best friend still has that same pouch & her daughter is 6 now. She says it's hurtful when people assume she's pregnant or just had a baby so she gets congratulated. Don't know if it was an issue with Brittney...
What are nearby cities that are major? I even looked at low rent hotels near somewhere someone hinted towards (I called them, they require ID and CC when checking in, although someone could check her in). The airport, 1-65 keeps popping up on my radar. First start is looking at her "besties" and getting a feel for where they work. If anyone wants to PM, I can usually just tell in many ways (honestly, the self pictures give it away).

Dealing in painpills (oxys - which I keep bringing up because that's what has been pointed out that DH was taking). aka hillbilly heroin, is changing in chemical compounds. They are making it harder to "bang" (aka shoot up) or snort. If he had an older Rx and the pharmacy hadn't switched over, he could have what the big time addicts desire. The cost of an oxy is per milligram. So, 80mgs of oxy's are 80.00 that's one pill. there's obviously a use or want for those due to the high amount of methadone clinics just in that area alone. When I look at the escorts in that area, they are anywhere from 20-60.00 :( Most offer truck dates. Just throwing that out there. I still say there's a bigger drug connection than sexual here. And if she was victimized at 9, the person is in prison still, it's possible her brother and she shared in these stories of horror. Also, usually people with sexual abuse (females) tend to gravitate towards heroin or opiates as it causes them to not care. This is from professional and personal experience.
& I agree about the appearance of that picture that was discussed on the last page...sure does appear like that, unless it's unexercized left over baby fat from giving birth. Not sure bc my best friend still has that same pouch & her daughter is 6 now. She says it's hurtful when people assume she's pregnant or just had a baby so she gets congratulated. Don't know if it was an issue with Brittney...

There are too many photos of her thinner post birth. Also, the sweat pants are turned down.. I know I did that in my last weeks. Speculation of course but if this was all prior to her leaving, maybe she's suffering from depression.
I know I'm in a far other side of the country but I'm going to ask some old resources. If she's out there working this field, it won't be overnight but I'll find out for sure sooner or later. I'm going to sleuth this with a few phone calls. ;) I'll report if I find out. Otherwise, then one has to wonder if she's just hanging out / fed up with "a friend in need is indeed" (sings Placebo)

Welcome to Websleuths AstroKitty! It's so interesting to read your perspective. I'm curious how you first heard about Brittney. Was it on your news or did you read about her in the paper? Her story desperately needs more publicity.
Yeah, I agree about the post birth thinner pics.

Also, I read about oxys going for that rate but I didn't know if that was just speculation for that area. Thank you!
Welcome to Websleuths AstroKitty! It's so interesting to read your perspective. I'm curious how you first heard about Brittney. Was it on your news or did you read about her in the paper? Her story desperately needs more publicity.

A friend of mine, who's torso washed up was mistaken for Brittney. Well, here I am. & no .. nothing I related about earlier (that was in 1995)

And yes, Jersey - it is per milligram. If he was planning his suicide (which I believe), he could have handed off his supply or script and she left with it for funds. Typically if one family member sees one "Dr Feel good" several do too.
A friend of mine, who's torso washed up was mistaken for Brittney. Well, here I am. & no .. nothing I related about earlier (that was in 1995)

And yes, Jersey - it is per milligram. If he was planning his suicide (which I believe), he could have handed off his supply or script and she left with it for funds. Typically if one family member sees one "Dr Feel good" several do too.

What was in 1995?


You said that you left home, volluntarily? I may have missed the exact reason why so don't shoot me down but was it to go deeper into your addiction or to seek help? Also, I believe you stated that your parents didn't want to divulge your drug addiction because they didn't want to bring the humility they felt would be cast upon them and the family, basically they were ashamed of it and were pretty well off financially so it could have hurt their social status. I believe you also stated that you were listed with the Missing Person's organizations but very little was done to try and locate you. I am sorry in some ways that more was not doen to locate you but am thrilled that you found a way to make it through it and become a stronger person on the otherside.

With that said, not much is similar between the two cases. Brittney didn't come from money so her parents have nothing to hide, especially with the disturbing actions of her uncle's coming to light. The fact that her father is out searching for her daily shows me that he only wants to find the truth.

It's also my understanding that Brittney was more or less an infrequent user of meth, though it is no secret that it was her drug of choice. She would do it for a period of time and then straighten out for some time. Other drugs were probably used though pills have not been mentioned. Alcohol use is evident by the posting of comments from friends on fb and other places. I know what Zeaux said and I don't dispute that but even some of what she said was speculation as to how frequent the use was.

I was talking with a friend about it and the first thing they noticed, while looking at her photos, was that her skin, although not fresh looking, did not indicate a serious drug addiction and her teeth looked fairly clean and relatively untouched. Now, I am no expert on Meth or drug use but my understanding is that these are usually the first to be affected depending on how frequent the use is. My friend said that the physical traits are just not there to indicate a drug addiction as serious as some would suggest.

As far as her going on a bender or something I would think that someone somewhere would have seen or known about it and would have come forward to collect that reward, especially if we are dealing with drug buddies who are looking for the next fix. No doubt Brittney was street smart to some degree, as far as it goes down here in the South, but these are a series of small communities. Nothing happens without someone knowing about it and when it comes to the sub-culture here, there are no allies or friends just people looking for the next buck or fix and that money would be awfully inticing.
Inthedetails04, I'm nodding my head while reading your comments. I don't see Brittney as a strung out meth head or oxy abuser. She may have partied with friends but I haven't seen her looking like a strung out abuser. She looks healthy enough at her daughter's birthday party just a week before she went missing.

I think we'll find more answers looking at her immediate surroundings; those uncles. Especially Donnie Holland and Dustin Kent. Next up WWH and MWK. The child molestation charges running rampant in her family. Her own brother is still locked up for rape and sodomy.

Brittney went missing while visiting Donnie!

:banghead: I almost feel like I have to tell my story to make this more plausible. I'm not going to, other than the basics - simply because I don't want certain people finding me (and no, it's not LE - it's family & media).

I do come from wealth which is just as underbelly as one can imagine. I grew up in a time of "tough love" with no sympathy. It wasn't unheard of to have your child run off and just either wait or call the police to handle it quietly. My mother only listed me when my parents divorced, at that point I wasn't recognizable.

About the part of looking gaunt and meth. Where I live now, I don't see meth use unless it is in the gay community (this isn't slander, it's just more part of the gay culture in larger cities). I see more gauntness from rx pill abuse and heroin or crack. Although I know some very healthy looking methadone and crack users. Opiates cause a person to crave sweets and it also causes less saliva in their mouth, which result into cavities. People on drugs (after awhile) fear going to the dr or dentist and being detected, so their bodies deteriorate. I see this more in medicaid patients due to the stringent laws in drug testing and such. Others want off the map and do not have health insurance, while 1 day of drug use = one dentist visit, they rather not. I can look at BW photos and see drug use. I know what I'm looking for too though (the forehead - the heavy lids - the pupils). I personally do not see meth use, I see pain pills.

Let's all get on one page here, there's no such thing as binges with heroin or meth. None. People like it once and hate it, try it again to test it, never to touch either again OR they get that elation and they look as though they go on binges for a few reasons:

1. drug testing (her daughter was not in her care, if state was in on removal to the father hence paternity test that's been claimed- CPS almost always requires follow up on drug screens prior to alone time. Only though, if they've tested positive before. Where I am, the drug screen is done through a cheek swab now).

2. They run out of money.

3. they are functioning addicts. That means they have food in the house, use enough to feel stable and hide behind closed doors.

Drinking, smoking pot and doing bath salts (which was on her FB wall) is not the sign of a binger. it's a sign of an addict who will try anything as long as there's a promise high. I don't buy into "kids will experiment" bs if they are having kids themselves.

I'm not here on a high horse. I'm not here to argue. I'm here to give my speculation and a new direction because I've read all the locked threads. I've read things that were out right nasty and things that made sense but not elaborated upon. I don't know why someone won't listen to a person who's both a professional in this field and spent ages 13-and on, on drugs.

There's a wonderful but sad saying by Hubert Selby Jr "I didn't change the names, the place or the lifestyle of the characters of Requiem for a dream _from the book to the film - because a junkies tale has never evolved". Think about that.

And lastly, if her family is destitute or considered "poor", then someone is on govt aide I'm sure. This would make the police roll their eyes even more. She didn't' disappear into thin air everyone, she's here - somewhere and until people stop believe one way or the other, stop looking at it "had to be the uncles" - NOTHING will be done. The FBI isn't involved for a reason and it has to go deeper than drugs. I know personally of someone who was murdered over drugs and trust me, FBI was all over it (and they were immigrants / dealers). There's a reason... there's a reason.

The truth lies somewhere in between what the family knows, LE is saying and what we speculate here.

Donald Paul Holland, uncle of Brittney Wood

Officials wanted to talk to him about the sex abuse case. Commits suicide. According to family, he is the last person to see Brittney Wood.

I know what it says, I don't believe he did it. I think he planned this suicide, had her gun in his car stowed away and I think he gifted her his supply - told her to get the F out of dodge and he did it before turning himself in (or for questioning, however you want to look at it). I think WWH was on a streak with the phones because she sincerely didn't want fraud rx charges. I see crap like this all the time - even concerning missing people. People care more about their medicaid and low -co pay with high generated income from selling the pills than they do their family, if that family purchases said pills. Because in the end, it's business honey and nothing more.
& if he was on disability - he was on medicaid or medicare plan. It was stated he was on disability from a back injury and she sure as heck doesn't work.

PS: I don't care about people being on assistance, I rather see healthy bodies - but people do abuse it and here is an example on how/why.
Astrokitty, again, welcome! You mentioned Jaren was a friend of yours. I have been following this case closely. Any updates that you know of? Last, I read Margaret Sanchez is out of custody. I so fear that will become a cold case, yet the two suspects have a lot of explaining to do!
Astrokitty, again, welcome! You mentioned Jaren was a friend of yours. I have been following this case closely. Any updates that you know of? Last, I read Margaret Sanchez is out of custody. I so fear that will become a cold case, yet the two suspects have a lot of explaining to do!

I don't want to go through the motions of verification for some various reasons but yes, I heard about Margret and I'm sickened. The one positive outcome for the Brittney Wood case is that Jaren was identified. If you take away the sexual aspect of BW's case, this is eerily similar in disappearance (as far as drugs go). That's about all I can say on it. I do think closure will come for Jaren's daughter and loved one, trust me, it's not being over looked - despite her income, her job or drugs. This is why I'm stressing so differently in BW's case. I've been apart of Jaren's from the start (or the first phone call from a girl I used to work with). I hope that makes sense, long day here.
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