AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 5

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Been away due to Hurricane Isaac and just as I get back on, here it comes again, well, the remnants anyway.

I can speak as to the efforts of local LE concerning BW's case, as I am sure that a few others here can too. If it seems or appears that the MPD has done little or nothing to locate BW or determine the actual reason for her disappearance then please do not be fooled, that is exactly what they have done, little to nothing.

In every case, whether drugs, murder or theft, the MPD has begged for community support and vigilance to bring the perps to justice. This is evidenced by the great number of pleas to the community by LE and city officials. However, they have been strangely silent concerning BW's case. And when they do speak they sound defensive as if their very integrity is being assaulted unjustly.

We are talking about a missing citizen that has, dispite their constant denial, disappeared under suspicious circumstances and their best effort is to respond to tips as they come in?

Every officer takes an oath to serve and protect the citizenry from those that would do harm. When last I checked there were no exceptions to that oath nor was there fine print located on the badge they wear that allows them to give less than their best just because the citizen, in this case, is a teen that has had a run in with the law or is a known drug abuser. She is still a human and a resident of Mobile County and lives within the three mile jurisdiction zone of the MPD. She has had a job in the past and, though she has had her ups and downs, I cannot find where she has been arrested nor has warrants out for her arrest.

By all accounts, BW is a teen that has made poor decisions in her past. Thank God that nothing like this happened to any of us when we were teens and made poor decisions because I hate to think that any of us would be treated in such a way by those who have sworn to protect us.

If this is seen as a scathing review of the way the local LE has handled the BW disappearance case then good, because I believe they haven't done enough. I believe they became reactive from day one instead of being proactive. Someone looked at her case and decided that, for whatever reason, it did not deserve or warrant the high level of effort that other cases may have received in the past or since. What those reasons are may never be fully known and that is, perhaps, the greatest travesty of all, because I believe that the majority of our LE officers do their profession justice but the actions of the department, at least in this local's mind, brings their ability to serve and protect without prejudice and with the upmost respect for the position they have obtained through the badge they wear into question.

you are awesome. :rocker:
Been away due to Hurricane Isaac and just as I get back on, here it comes again, well, the remnants anyway.

I can speak as to the efforts of local LE concerning BW's case, as I am sure that a few others here can too. If it seems or appears that the MPD has done little or nothing to locate BW or determine the actual reason for her disappearance then please do not be fooled, that is exactly what they have done, little to nothing.

In every case, whether drugs, murder or theft, the MPD has begged for community support and vigilance to bring the perps to justice. This is evidenced by the great number of pleas to the community by LE and city officials. However, they have been strangely silent concerning BW's case. And when they do speak they sound defensive as if their very integrity is being assaulted unjustly.

We are talking about a missing citizen that has, dispite their constant denial, disappeared under suspicious circumstances and their best effort is to respond to tips as they come in?

Every officer takes an oath to serve and protect the citizenry from those that would do harm. When last I checked there were no exceptions to that oath nor was there fine print located on the badge they wear that allows them to give less than their best just because the citizen, in this case, is a teen that has had a run in with the law or is a known drug abuser. She is still a human and a resident of Mobile County and lives within the three mile jurisdiction zone of the MPD. She has had a job in the past and, though she has had her ups and downs, I cannot find where she has been arrested nor has warrants out for her arrest.

By all accounts, BW is a teen that has made poor decisions in her past. Thank God that nothing like this happened to any of us when we were teens and made poor decisions because I hate to think that any of us would be treated in such a way by those who have sworn to protect us.

If this is seen as a scathing review of the way the local LE has handled the BW disappearance case then good, because I believe they haven't done enough. I believe they became reactive from day one instead of being proactive. Someone looked at her case and decided that, for whatever reason, it did not deserve or warrant the high level of effort that other cases may have received in the past or since. What those reasons are may never be fully known and that is, perhaps, the greatest travesty of all, because I believe that the majority of our LE officers do their profession justice but the actions of the department, at least in this local's mind, brings their ability to serve and protect without prejudice and with the upmost respect for the position they have obtained through the badge they wear into question.

Very well written and I echo the sentiment of the other poster that this should absolutely be sent to the newspaper / editor. Public humiliation will get their attention.

Since you are local to the area, concerning MPD and their treatment of people who "fall between the cracks", how do they handle anything? I'm interested to know any back stories you can share.

Thank you again, this was very well written and poised perfectly. I hate that it has to be written but it's the truth.
Thanks so much! For whatever reason, the last several days my mind has been spinning on why LE wouldn't even check out her disappearance. The comparison that keeps going through my head is a neighbor who reports gunshots from inside their neighbors house and LE only drives by and sees no one with a gun so they write it up as all is peaceful. Just because it seems peaceful on the outside, doesn't mean you disregard the call and not check into it more thoroughly. Likewise, here, just because at a quick glance LE figures voluntarily leaving is the most likely answer doesn't mean you don't check into things a little bit more thoroughly when there are, in fact, criminals circling around Brittney.

DH's suicide alone is enough to dig deeper.
DH using Brittney's gun is enough to dig deeper.
Not 1, but 2 ex-BF's in trouble with the law is enough to dig deeper.
Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 (if I'm not forgetting anyone) immediate family members charged with being sexual predators is enough to dig deeper.
A close family friend being charged as a sexual predator is enough to dig deeper.
Drugs being rampant among her circle is enough to dig deeper.
BW's own drug use and possibly selling drugs is enough to dig deeper.

Anyone ONE of these reasons is enough to justify digging deeper, much less the fact that they are all present in this case (and I'm sure I left out many others). That's not to say LE has to suddenly believe foul play is involved in her disappearance, but how do you determine if foul play was involved if you never look? FOR GOD'S SAKE, JUST LOOK

Sorry, rant over.
I read the bit that her ex wrote (almost in laughing or "whatever" manner) about the fact he attacked someone with an AXE and got off with probation but now he's "right with the lord" so all is well. :eye roll: That to me (alibi or not) would make me pause and start looking at her associates a tad closer, along with how the manage their anger.
Been away due to Hurricane Isaac and just as I get back on, here it comes again, well, the remnants anyway.

I can speak as to the efforts of local LE concerning BW's case, as I am sure that a few others here can too. If it seems or appears that the MPD has done little or nothing to locate BW or determine the actual reason for her disappearance then please do not be fooled, that is exactly what they have done, little to nothing.

In every case, whether drugs, murder or theft, the MPD has begged for community support and vigilance to bring the perps to justice. This is evidenced by the great number of pleas to the community by LE and city officials. However, they have been strangely silent concerning BW's case. And when they do speak they sound defensive as if their very integrity is being assaulted unjustly.

We are talking about a missing citizen that has, dispite their constant denial, disappeared under suspicious circumstances and their best effort is to respond to tips as they come in?

Every officer takes an oath to serve and protect the citizenry from those that would do harm. When last I checked there were no exceptions to that oath nor was there fine print located on the badge they wear that allows them to give less than their best just because the citizen, in this case, is a teen that has had a run in with the law or is a known drug abuser. She is still a human and a resident of Mobile County and lives within the three mile jurisdiction zone of the MPD. She has had a job in the past and, though she has had her ups and downs, I cannot find where she has been arrested nor has warrants out for her arrest.

By all accounts, BW is a teen that has made poor decisions in her past. Thank God that nothing like this happened to any of us when we were teens and made poor decisions because I hate to think that any of us would be treated in such a way by those who have sworn to protect us.

If this is seen as a scathing review of the way the local LE has handled the BW disappearance case then good, because I believe they haven't done enough. I believe they became reactive from day one instead of being proactive. Someone looked at her case and decided that, for whatever reason, it did not deserve or warrant the high level of effort that other cases may have received in the past or since. What those reasons are may never be fully known and that is, perhaps, the greatest travesty of all, because I believe that the majority of our LE officers do their profession justice but the actions of the department, at least in this local's mind, brings their ability to serve and protect without prejudice and with the upmost respect for the position they have obtained through the badge they wear into question.

Great post!
Mapquest says it is 121.10 miles from Wilcox to Gulf Shores via I-65.

Tillman's Corner to Gulf Shores via I-10 E is 57.75 miles.

Locals probably have a better idea of exact mileage.


It's Wilcox exit not Wilcox Alabama. The Wilcox exit is not far from Loxley Al. So, from Loxley to Gulf Shores is about 25 miles or so.
It's Wilcox exit not Wilcox Alabama. The Wilcox exit is not far from Loxley Al. So, from Loxley to Gulf Shores is about 25 miles or so.

Thank you so much for correcting this. I wondered why there was so much difference in the mileage compared to what others said. I should have left this one alone.
I feel so hopeless not being able to do anything. The LE needs to be bombarded with faces and letters to find this girl.

It seems like people have now just cast her off as the "girl from the incestuous family" and that's that. :(
What strikes me as odd is that I really do believe that certain persons or entities/groups want the story of BW's disappearance to slip into obscurity. To me, and this is my humble opinion, that automatically throws up red flags and points to guilt. I am not, let me repeat, not saying that those persons or entities are responsible for BW's disappearance but I am saying that they are trying to cover something up.

Now, I am not a detective nor have I ever had the distinction of serving with law enforcement but I believe that reedus23 "hit the nail on the head" with the post showing all the activities surrounding BW's disappearance that should be enough to warrant a deeper more thorough investigation. I have never claimed to be the "sharpest tool in the shed" but if I can see the necessesity based on what little evidence I have to go by then how can a seasoned, well trained investigator not see it? I cannot, in a million years, believe this nor do I believe that LE, of its own volition, has chosen to simply ignore the circumstances and put forward this insane idea that a young social teen, attached at the hip to her phone, never been more than a few dozen miles from home, constantly in need of support from friends and family, mother of a beautiful little girl and whose life was not perfect but was riddled with poor decisions (sounds familiar to me) just gets up one day and decides to run away from everyone and everything.

We may not know the exact contents of the bag she carried but unless she was a magician at some point in her life or Mary Poppins then she probably only carried one or two nights worth of clothes, four or five at most. The nagging thought in my head is that she, potentially, knew way more about the sex abuse that was rampant in her mother's side of the family than most would suggest and that she, based on what we have learned, was probably a victim of some of these men at one point or another.

Now, I am no conspiracy theorist and never have been but where there is smoke, there is generally a fire and that loud siren in my head is screaming foul about right now. There is, in my opinion, no question that some powerful people, perhaps friends or family of some associated, are pulling out all the stops and calling in lots of favors to try and keep BW out of the news and squash any thoughts contrary to that accepted by LE regardless of the reasons why.

Truth is that we may never learn why BW decided to go with her uncle that night or exactly why that uncle decided, not 48 hours later, to commit suicide with BW's gun. Without further physical evidence or some kind of witness testimony I cannot see how this case will ever be solved. It doesn't mean that we lose hope or give up on justice for BW.

As we continue to move forward and stay vigilant in searching for the truth of what happened May 30th 2012 we must also evaluate the slow response of LE and the evident disregard of countless reasons to investigate this with an open mind to all possibilities prior to issuing an "all's well" statement to the public. We must also evaluate our lives. This gives us a chance to look at how we teach and educate our children. The breakdown in society is placed, squarely, at our feet as parents. We cannot blame anyone but ourselves. This allows us to evaluate our own lives knowing that none of us are promised tomorrow. I know that I have hugged my children a little tighter and been a little more thankful for having them close to me since becoming involved in this case.

May BW be found, the truth be known and the subsequent justice come swiftly.
Been away due to Hurricane Isaac and just as I get back on, here it comes again, well, the remnants anyway.

I can speak as to the efforts of local LE concerning BW's case, as I am sure that a few others here can too. If it seems or appears that the MPD has done little or nothing to locate BW or determine the actual reason for her disappearance then please do not be fooled, that is exactly what they have done, little to nothing.

In every case, whether drugs, murder or theft, the MPD has begged for community support and vigilance to bring the perps to justice. This is evidenced by the great number of pleas to the community by LE and city officials. However, they have been strangely silent concerning BW's case. And when they do speak they sound defensive as if their very integrity is being assaulted unjustly.

We are talking about a missing citizen that has, dispite their constant denial, disappeared under suspicious circumstances and their best effort is to respond to tips as they come in?

Every officer takes an oath to serve and protect the citizenry from those that would do harm. When last I checked there were no exceptions to that oath nor was there fine print located on the badge they wear that allows them to give less than their best just because the citizen, in this case, is a teen that has had a run in with the law or is a known drug abuser. She is still a human and a resident of Mobile County and lives within the three mile jurisdiction zone of the MPD. She has had a job in the past and, though she has had her ups and downs, I cannot find where she has been arrested nor has warrants out for her arrest.

By all accounts, BW is a teen that has made poor decisions in her past. Thank God that nothing like this happened to any of us when we were teens and made poor decisions because I hate to think that any of us would be treated in such a way by those who have sworn to protect us.

If this is seen as a scathing review of the way the local LE has handled the BW disappearance case then good, because I believe they haven't done enough. I believe they became reactive from day one instead of being proactive. Someone looked at her case and decided that, for whatever reason, it did not deserve or warrant the high level of effort that other cases may have received in the past or since. What those reasons are may never be fully known and that is, perhaps, the greatest travesty of all, because I believe that the majority of our LE officers do their profession justice but the actions of the department, at least in this local's mind, brings their ability to serve and protect without prejudice and with the upmost respect for the position they have obtained through the badge they wear into question.

Great post. I'd like to add that the MPD and MCSO seem to have problems standing behind their oaths in several areas, not just in this case. Based on my experience, they also have problems enforcing Protection from Abuse orders and most other laws that deal with domestic violence/property rights of couples, as well as LL/Tenant laws with regard to evictions. I must say, this is NOT a problem that is confined to Mobile County, but it is unfortunately a problem in far too many counties in our state. In my opinion, this stems from a couple of things. The first is that I don't believe LE receives the proper training in all of these areas and they actually don't even know what the law says that they are supposedly in charge of enforcing (that makes a whole lot of sense now doesn't it?). The second is the most obvious and the most alarming to me - the LE officers in positions of power and leadership allow their officers in the field to ignore the law, take actions that are adverse to the law or allow others to take actions that are adverse to the law without consequence.

Sorry to get OT, but this is one of my major soapbox issues and I couldn't resist chiming in.
Wow Medtech!! Did I read that correctly that there are 2 different bodies?? Makes me nervous!
not 2 different ones... same body...2 different news stations reporting. the second one gives a little more info...
Thanks for your posts Medtech...
I copied them over to the PL too since another poster had a fb link on the same subject. (hope you don't mind!)
notice the comments....we arent the only ones whos thoughts go immediately to BW.
CW is having a prayer vigil 7:00 Friday for Brittney.

I'm not in Alabama but I will be lighting a candle on Friday for Brittney....I will be sending her family & friends caring thoughts of strength & hope and prayers for Brittney that the light of peace, love & protection is surrounding her.
I've opened a media, maps, timeline thread for Brittney. Here's the link.

AL AL- Brittney Wood News Media Links, Timeline, Maps Only **NO DISCUSSION** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I know some of you are working on a timeline. As you update it, you can re-post with a note that the previous version has been revised, and/or pm a mod to delete the previous version.

Thanks everyone for your hard efforts to help Brittney. I'm really sorry we didn't open this thread sooner.


ETA: I've opened a second thread to list **case facts only**.

AL AL- Brittney Wood CASE FACTS ONLY **NO DISCUSSION** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
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