AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 7

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I'm not sure if CW is planning anything. Maybe an imaginary search if it's anything like her past planning. Wonder if she would take her own LD test for the 1year . As far as WH and SH, they are trying to figure out the best way to bring Brittney back to the spotlight and also do something for Payton . As soon as definite plans are made I will share.

~Team Brittney~
I actually found this before seeing on WbS and I was shocked. I havent had a lot of time to keep up with the cases but THANK YOU to everyone for the updates and theories. My mind is whirling.
As I have followed the case from the beginning my feelings about all of the "characters" involved have fluctuated some but for the most part there has been this gut feeling that EVERY one on Brittney's maternal side of the family knows what really happened with the children- How could you not?
I had a younger distant relative who I long suspected was harmed- she was extremely sexualized very young (think Toddlers & Tiaras but worse) and was always acting out/showing off to appear older- to the point of having sex with two (much older) guys at once at 13 then bragging about it. Although she is far overweight, she always made her FB etc photos focus on her breasts and (beautiful) but EXTREMELY made up face. She claims over 100 partners. She got pregnant in her teens from a guy 14 years older than her who had been in prison several times and she was diagnosed w Borderline Personality and addiction issues, and frankly is spiteful- but I have seen her vulnerability, caring, and loving side as well. Her parents divorced when she was 13 bc her father had sex with a 16yo. He was always creepy to me and my family avoided contact unfil he was gone...She confided eventually that she was molested by her father but she still has contact and allowed her baby around him. (She lost custody within 6mos). I never understood why she would let her baby around such scum when she herself was hurt by him- but I can draw a lot of parallels from Brittney's life and relationship to DH to her pretty easily. It's almost like Stockholm Syndrome?
This relative finally sought help and was abused sexually at the center she went to by a male attendant. She now refuses care and I'm sorry to say I have cut her out of my life until she does.
My family never really knew what was up, but we avoided him and any get-togethers we had, he was NOT welcome at bc he had abused his wife. Oddly the (ex)wife/mother works w troubled families but chose to stay until he was caught with the 16yo. She ignored it and his behind appearances. I think this can be said for many of the women in Brittney's family- yet how can you NOT know when your child has been harmed? I'm not a mother- but I think I would be able to see the signs. However, if it were my partner i must admit that love DOES blind.
IMO Chessie absolutely freaking knew. And knows. Her attitude towards the abuse-communicating with the Twins after Brittney's disappearance and the arrests, trying to get into Brittney's phone with WWH, accessing her Facebook and her lies on social media all point to damage control to me. She was/is covering her own *advertiser censored* but as the investigators said, MORE arrests are coming. I honestly don't see how she still has custody of her younger children after all of the issues her older children have faced (I hope that TJ wasn't a victim but the odds aren't pretty). Her toddlers seem to be her "make-up" children and I pray that if she does keep custody (and I don't think she should) that she really does protect them. But those shifty eyes tell another story. And her "husband" missing Brittney's "looks".. Seriously?!
I do believe DH was the "ringleader" but I believe most of the men involved were more than eager participants. I also believe that RSW knew the (stuff monkeys fling) was about to hit the fan and wanted to put himself in a place where he seemed like the good guy when the investigation started. Let's face it, he seems like one of the brighter bulbs on the Charlie Brown XMas tree that is the Wood pile- yet he joined in to something so sick. He seems like he has something of a split-personality or he was living a giant lie.. Well, they all were, but his was the most believable. Derek's case is hard for me as he has likely been so warped by the years of torment that he grew to accept it as "okay" as a defense mechanism/feeling of "power". Brownlee, I guess was just joining in the "fun" with the guys. Something about Dustin Kent just disgusts me and I suspect that if Donnie was indeed the "ringleader" than he was most certainly the sideshow host in that dark carnival. I cannot get the scene that was described with him and Donnie's child out of my head. Pure evil. And Wendy.. IMO she is THE sickest of them all; words can't even describe how I feel about her but to me the words "sexual torture" stand out in my mind. And I will go ahead and say it but I wish I didn't feel it, but I think she either lured, killed or helped cover up Brittney's death herself.
Brittney, whatever she knew or didn't or did or didn't do, deserves to be found- she never had a chance. She never knew a "normal". And most importantly, like AstroKitty said, Brittney's daughter deserves the chance to know the truth and to be able to visit her mother. She WILL wonder. I wish the father and his family the strength and hope and courage and wisdom to be able to tell P when she is ready the right way. I am so glad she is in good hands, it seems.
I was so.. I don't know how to describe it, but ultimately happy- to see Brittney's case covered like it so deserves to be- with DIGNITY- and I hope it picks up nationally. Theirs cannot be the only family with such dirty secrets and as hard as the subject matter is, if it causes one person to come forward about what they suspect or know or have experienced.. it could save lives.
I still think there is a LOT that LE is withholding and I wonder why these disclosures are finally being made NOW if they expect to come forward with more arrests? They said half a dozen, right? I, too, am having trouble viewing part 2 (I am using my iPad) Hoping for a Youtube upload. Thank you to everyone for keeping this case up to date. I like to think that maybe, just maybe, this forum and its awesome members are a part of the reason her case is being kept alive and in the spotlight.
I hope the upcoming arrests and trials answer some questions and I do hope that a plea bargain is struck (yes, I hate it in this case, but these people are so selfish I think it is only way the truth will ever get told and even then it will be distorted) that allows for some closure for Brittney's true family.
A bit of dark humor before I end this novel I didn't intend to write.. If Chessie were to pick her lie detector questions I am sure the only question allowed about Brittney would be "Is she your daughter?"
I'm not sure if CW is planning anything. Maybe an imaginary search if it's anything like her past planning. Wonder if she would take her own LD test for the 1year . As far as WH and SH, they are trying to figure out the best way to bring Brittney back to the spotlight and also do something for Payton . As soon as definite plans are made I will share.

~Team Brittney~

I still say "Steve Wilco's" (spelling) should be phoned until they call someone back with interest. I know it's rather trashy but it's national media and they always do LD.

Is America's Most Wanted still on? They often profile missing persons cases.

I know it sounds naive but - I never realized how dense the area is in which she disappeared. It's defeating to view it.
But that brings up an old question (I know it's been answered) - was DH's property ever really checked? I know Payton had gifts still there and early on it was suspected that Brittney was lured there to collect them. I don't really think that now but stranger things have happened.
BRAVO Brangele! Great points and I 100% agree. "Damage control" and the re-do family sums it up. You brought up a very interesting subject: more arrests looming. LE has been saying this since the start and granted there were several more arrests but no movement since. I wonder who else is left? It will be very telling if the "friends" of WWH are arrested (I have a feeling they were involved somehow) or the twin. But by the LE calculations there's at least 5 more awaiting arrests. I wonder what they are waiting for? And I'm not sure I understand their version of a sex ring. To my understanding a sex ring involves prostitution and often times pornographic material. I hope to g-d that isn't the case here.

I do not think Derrick knows what happened to his sister but my gut says that Dustin, and Donald Jr / Donald SR and Wendy / Chessie do. Something in my gut just makes me feel that way. I feel that dustin was very involved with all of it. I'm still curious if RSW didn't have a hidden meaning in that geocaching/hidden CD thing. Timing was just too close.

I really hope something positive comes out of this entire ordeal. I hope the victims are safe now, receiving help and true comfort/love. I really would like to see a trust set up for Payton so that she can have the financial means to not struggle in life. She's such a beautiful child and always is shown with a smile beaming.
It's hard to know what to say, isn't it? When I think about Brittney's disappearence, it feels like a parrellel universe type situation. I do think, for instance, that Chessie knows a lot more than she is saying. I am also now convinced that Brittney is deceased, and that she was murdered soon after she left her Chessie's house. If this is so, then I find it really hard to come up with any reason why Chessie would be keeping any secrets- what could matter more than the death of your child, the mother of your infant grandchild, probably at the hands of someone within your extended family? What could?

Ha, a tiny shred of hope that Brittney did run away. Oh, I hope so. I wrestled with her brother's arrest, victem or abuser. I guess the same could apply to Britteny? Maybe? But, what about WH, isn't there some suggestion that she might have been a "grown up victem" of Donnie too, groomed for the role from a young age?

Astrokitty, DH looks positively demonic in those videos. I had to force myself not to look away. And the missing her looks comment was totally inappropriate. Shivers, you're right, yukko!

If a trust fund is set up, I'd gladly contribute.

Otherwise, I'd like to say how glad I am for all of your company, support, and smarts in this incredibly important, totally frustrating, and so sad quest to find out what happened to Brittney. Sometimes I think it is so sad that I will not be able to stand anymore, the sheer filth of it can be overwhelming, the heartache. But then I see what good, strong people I am surrounded by. The Dark, the Light, and I feel hope. Thank you.
I really have nothing more to add, but I need to add to my posts. 666 is not a number I want to have next to my name.

Haha... I know what you mean... Imagine my chagrin years ago when a new address code assigned to me was "666".

Sorry, I just had to comment.
Minusfour - I battle the same thoughts as you concerning this. I guess we are all shell shocked over it all. It's surreal. Just friggin' surreal.

Concerning Brittney's mom. I think there is a lack of maternal bonding (and I'm not snarking). Chessie became a mother very young, and while that's not an excuse - in her case I believe it made a difference in how she parents. She was also raising herself and battling her own set of demons. So, in my opinion - she played the "friend" role, not the mom one. I'm sure she did try but I bet it was extremely difficult. Once again, I'm not saying this to put her down in the least, just pointing out that she had to grow into a woman herself and somewhere it got lost in translation on how to balance it all out.

This case is unique to me. I came here for someone else and found out about Brittney through that. During this entire ordeal, a girl I worked with has been murdered (her ex refuses to disclose where her body is) and it's VERY similar to Brittney. The case is on this board. The family cannot get any resolve and I have 100% gave leads to police in person. They NEVER followed up with it. So I can see the frustration when the daughter is considered a drug user or a "teen mom". But Brittney has stirred a lot of emotions up with a group of people. She's made us think about life in ways we never did. We've all bickered, had issues with one another and yet - when it comes to Brittney - at the end of the day we pull together and do so out of love. She's a total stranger to us but she's become WS's daughter, sister and best friend. Part of me wishes we had meet-ups so that we could sit down and go through the case and then go out and find her. it hurts to know we were brought together by such a tragic events, however, I'm glad we all have. It also hurts that she will never know how many people love her. How many lives she's touched. How many people are now talking about the abuse they endured and how many have become advocates.

I will swear that when she's found - I will fly my lil' butt down there and attend that trial. I will see justice be served.
I really appreciate all the links to Andrew Perez's Special Report. I was glad to see that, and the new-to-me information. I hope this program generates more discussion of the subject in the area. It looks like it will take something from someone not closely related to the case or suspects to make a difference. Perhaps some little word will jog someone's memory about something they saw, or heard, even a year ago. Unless things really change, the folks who know aren't talking.

You locals have done so much in so many ways for Brittney. When Payton gets older, she will have that bit to treasure -- that people who didn't even know her mother cared about, loved, and searched for her. We can only hope and pray that children like Peyton can be spared the evil that surrounds Brittney and others like her ~~ and that they can see beyond that to the good in others.

Praying for Brittney, and all the other children who never had/have a chance to know a life without such horrible circumstances.

How many lives have been ruined/forever altered by such despicable acts.
The TV episode said DH was an arch manipulator and charismatic. Is it possible he persuaded Brittney to ask the victim what the victim had told LE?
I am by no means an emotional person, but the special report brought tears to my eyes. The story somehow brought it all home for me: the grooming, raping, training, etc....just sad more than anything else. I do not believe Brittney is alive. I do think she was going to shoot her uncle, or at the very least stand up for herself and this younger victim, that is what i would have done if i eventually had the courage after all those years of enduring that pain. Having a daughter, becoming an adult, and another female victim could have all played factors into her thinking---i just don't think she would have run away or been able to not be seen for so long. Of course, I hope I'm wrong---i can't believe it's already been this long :-(
The TV episode said DH was an arch manipulator and charismatic. Is it possible he persuaded Brittney to ask the victim what the victim had told LE?

Man i think you hit the nail on the hammer! I never thought about it before but if brittney did run it would fit into that theory. The victim tells her what she said and maybe implicated her in some way? Or said something that brit felt she was going to get in trouble for? Idk, what happend too brit but everytime it comes down too her running I always go back too her daughter. It dosent matter that she didn't have custody if she was going too run and thought that she was in trouble she would have took her daughter too. Still hoping and praying though!!!
The TV episode said DH was an arch manipulator and charismatic. Is it possible he persuaded Brittney to ask the victim what the victim had told LE?

That is a good question.

To me, it put an entirely different spin on things to learn that at least one other person was discussing with Brittney the fact that they had been raped, and by whom.

I can maybe understand that DH person was manipulative, but charismatic? Don't see that at all. He appears as a bully to me, but, I've been blessed and never came in contact with him.

Anyway, I don't really have anything helpful to add, was just surprised to learn that one victim was communicating with Brittney.
The TV episode said DH was an arch manipulator and charismatic. Is it possible he persuaded Brittney to ask the victim what the victim had told LE?
Great point! He might have offered her money or drugs to do it. Who knows? The victim might not even know.

It did sound like LE had been looking for Brittney so they could talk to her. I wonder if Chessie knew LE wanted to talk to Brittney. I wonder if LE had contacted Chessie about Brittney's whereabouts before she disappeared?
I'm not sure if CW is planning anything. Maybe an imaginary search if it's anything like her past planning. Wonder if she would take her own LD test for the 1year . As far as WH and SH, they are trying to figure out the best way to bring Brittney back to the spotlight and also do something for Payton . As soon as definite plans are made I will share.

~Team Brittney~

I think Chessie is buying a rock for a yard memorial.
Bumping Britt back to the first page. :beats:
Not taking a lie detector test for your own daughter.

What can you say? What's a person to think except the worst?

Most parents of a missing child wouldn't give a hoot what a lawyer said - they'd exclude themselves just as soon as they could, so LE could get on with finding out who really disappeared their child.

What on earth do Brittney's brothers make of that?
The worst thing is, I don't think Chessie did have anything to do with her daughter's disappearance. I just think she's making herself look as though she did, because she's trying to hide something else from investigators.
Not taking a lie detector test for your own daughter.

What can you say? What's a person to think except the worst?

Most parents of a missing child wouldn't give a hoot what a lawyer said - they'd exclude themselves just as soon as they could, so LE could get on with finding out who really disappeared their child.

What on earth do Brittney's brothers make of that?

EXACTLY!!! The first thing *most* parents would do, would be to clear themselves so the focus can go to finding where their daughter is and catching who may have been involved in their disappearance. But see, someone with something to hide wouldn't take a lie detector test - because they'd fail and they don't want to go to jail.
The worst thing is, I don't think Chessie did have anything to do with her daughter's disappearance. I just think she's making herself look as though she did, because she's trying to hide something else from investigators.

I tend to agree with you zwiebel...I don't think she necessarily had anything to do with Brittney's disappearance but I do think she has information/knowledge/belief as to what happened.
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