AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 8

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I don't believe there was any partner/friendship thing going on between DH and BW. More like he used her and she used him. HE spent years grooming Brit. With her horrid mother, and gma.. I'm sure it wasn't hard for him to be the one "who was there for her".

This monster was very good at manipulating children. Especially since no one seemed to care that knew. That much is obvious.

I don't think DH killed Brittney. But harmed her? YES... horribly. After what he did to his own daughter, how could anyone think he didn't harm every kid he was ever in contact with???? I think others killed both of them.

He used her and she used him, is a partnership of sorts. She didn't tell the police though. That's why I agree that he probably didn't kill her and then commit suicide.

If others killed her, what was the motive? They are already in trouble because of the other charges. So it wouldn't seem that they were worried they would talk as someone else already had and another came forward, so you would think they would have quite a few ppl to kill to escape their actions. DH would have no reason to talk as he was as much in trouble as the rest.

Which is why I suggested another theory that perhaps Brit and DH were planning to split and leave the heat for the others. Brit may go along with this if she was dependent on DH, seems like she had no fixed address and income, so perhaps. W may have found out and decided to kill them both. Perhaps far fetched, but just trying all angles :)

Although perhaps given W idiocy at telling the world she was busy destroying evidence, perhaps no rational thought went into this murder at all.
Steph asked me to let you guys know she is working but will try to answer some of your questions during her breaks!

So glad to see Britt's thread moving again, especially as we approach the one year mark! Don't forget to light a candle and thank you to everyone for keeping her name on the front page :)

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I just wanted to say thanks to BrittsStepMom for taking the time to answer our questions. You never know, if enough people bounce ideas off of one another, maybe just maybe something that seemed insignificant before might lead us to Brittney one day. Thanks again.
What is it that you are thinking?

I probably read the Statement Analysis blog too much. Peter Hyatt analyzes the words people use, how they say it, etc. to determine if there is deception. He uses interviews, 911 calls and so forth. I'm not up on this case as I just started reading about it, but when I read about the reward and what was said, and recalled what Peter said about looking at the obvious....

'We believe we have missed something that is hollering our name, and maybe it was so obvious,' said Mrs Wood. (RE: The reward money. July 22, 2012)

From the little bit I've read, it does seem that something is hollering the family names and it seems so obvious to me especially after several family members were arrested and what their charges are. Sorry if that offends, I certainly didn't mean to. But this is the mother who refused to take a lie detector test?? Yeah, I think something is hollerin' obvious alright.
I always thought that perhaps LE wouldn't talk to CW much because they thought she was lying/covering up.

Any Mom who won't take a lie detector test when her daughter is missing is hiding something.

I have wonder if they cut us All off like they did cause they aren't sure who to trust. LE really doesn't know any of us from Eve so in my mind they aren't sure who knows and does what.
If a person is homeless in the US, do they get more social security benefits and food stamps than they would if they have a permanent home?

Your question started "in the U.S. I believe every state is different but in FL if you are homeless you qualify for emergency foodstamps, meaning you don't have to wait the usual 6 weeks, you can get them in 5 days and all you need is a card that they load them on to. If you don't have an address for them to mail you that card, the state will mail it to your local DCF office and you can pick it up. No permanent address required. You also qualify for a prepaid cell phone.
This also applies to people just released from jail and/or prison.
Sorry if this has been answered before, but how do LE know that Britney was a victim of DH. It seems that she was never interviewed by the police. Would it be correct to say that her brother told them?

I also think LE must be investigating W. So much suspicious behaviour!

LE never explained to us how they came to that conclusion only that they did.

I'm sorry but which W are you referring to? There a couple of them. If WWH then I would say yes if not before DH's said suicide then after forsure.
Your question started "in the U.S. I believe every state is different but in FL if you are homeless you qualify for emergency foodstamps, meaning you don't have to wait the usual 6 weeks, you can get them in 5 days and all you need is a card that they load them on to. If you don't have an address for them to mail you that card, the state will mail it to your local DCF office and you can pick it up. No permanent address required. You also qualify for a prepaid cell phone.
This also applies to people just released from jail and/or prison.

Same goes for AL as FL.
No, she was reported missing until 6/2 we didn't know until the evening of 6/1 that she wasn't with the friend, that was after DH shot and we were trying to find Britt to tell her cause they were so close and we felt she would want to know. The friend told us that Britt went to DH and WWH said No she didn't. And after hours of reaching out to Brittney's friends we decided to report her missing.

In light of the info you posted above, I don't understand this quote from the article:
Holland shot himself just half an hour before he was scheduled to meet with investigators about the teen's disappearance.

He was about to be questioned about her disappearance but noone knew she was missing?

I'm confused? :blushing:
I have wonder if they cut us All off like they did cause they aren't sure who to trust. LE really doesn't know any of us from Eve so in my mind they aren't sure who knows and does what.

I agree with your post completely. I don't think police are being rude, I personally believe they're being responsible. Its of upmost importance to them that they protect the integrity of this case, all facets of it.

I 100% understand why they may not be sharing info with Chessie, as well as returning her calls, especially when considering she has her mutha living with her - the same mutha that sends money to her freaky past significant other that raped Brittney when she was just 9 years old. Chessie sticks up for the accused perps every chance she gets, so obviously she doesn't have Britt's - nor any other victim 's - best interest at heart. They may feel as though her family is hiding more info.

As far as the police not returning calls to you guys, it could possibly have something to do with Wally's past. There was some bad blood there awhile ago, so police would have to consider everything before completely being able to rule something/someone out. You & Wally have been steadfast in the search for your daughter/step and you need to stay that way. Maintain focus and don't get sidetracked, no matter how hard it gets. Imo, there've been a few times when people have flown off the handle, on Facebook as well as elsewhere, so I don't find it odd when police don't share certain things. Their investigation cannot be compromised. Its I'm certain larger than they could have even imagined in the beginning. The crimes are generational.

You and Wally just keep doing what you're doing. The minute you guys stoop to the peons levels, the harder it is to redeem yourselves. As an example I'd like to say this: In the beginning I felt so sorry for Brittney, sorry for the hand she was dealt in life. I read the words Chessie said in interviews, looked up everybody's records, felt shame for Wally being in jail, shame for Chessie being on drugs and not able to care for her kids, everyone surrounding Brittney struggling with various multiple issues. Now a year into this, if anything ever happened to me, I'd be proud to have someone like Wally and yourself fighting for me, to find me if I ever went missing, to advocate for justice. Neither of you have ever given up. Your loyalties are clear. It makes the past remain in the past and helps people only see the good, at least for me that's how I feel. I hope neither of you give up and I pray that life works out for the better. That which doesn't break us only makes us stronger. Combined strength is infinite, unbreakable. Have faith in the cops. They may have a reason to the method of their madness.
I don't believe there was any partner/friendship thing going on between DH and BW. More like he used her and she used him. HE spent years grooming Brit. With her horrid mother, and gma.. I'm sure it wasn't hard for him to be the one "who was there for her".

This monster was very good at manipulating children. Especially since no one seemed to care that knew. That much is obvious.

I don't think DH killed Brittney. But harmed her? YES... horribly. After what he did to his own daughter, how could anyone think he didn't harm every kid he was ever in contact with???? I think others killed both of them.

I agree with everything you have said. Other than not thinking DH killed her, I Believe he was VERY capable of doing so. Being of his own hands or letting her O.D. JMO
He was about to be questioned about her disappearance but noone knew she was missing?

Snipped by me.

That was misreporting. He was about to be questioned about the molestation claims, not Britt's disappearance.
Snipped by me.

That was misreporting. He was about to be questioned about the molestation claims, not Britt's disappearance.

Thank you! I thought that might be the case. I haven't followed this in months and have forgotten a lot.
The biggest thing that tells me Britt didnt just run off is the fact that P's dad was given P while Britt was using that time to get her life together. It was said by multiple people in her inner circle that she wanted what was best for P, that she wanted to get herself together so she could be a good mommy to her, etc. That doesn't sound like somebody that would disappear and stay away from her daughter, at least imo.
You know how CW said Britt left with either a pink or teal tote? How can somebody mix up those colors when they're not even close on the spectrum? Was it intentional? We're the places she (Brittney) crashed at checked for either tote?
How did Brittney come to own a handgun? Some of us have been told it was through a drug trade. Is this true? I'm only asking bc I tend to think the "type" of drug in the trade would be important (if this even holds basis). Honestly, its hard for me to imagine a pot sale gun trade. Or is it possible her acquiring a gun had nothing to do with drugs but rather for protection?
Re the news reports about a couple guys going around in a white truck attempting to lure young children... Has that been connected to DH, DK, RSW? Or were those perps found? This was going on just prior to Brittney going missing.
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