AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 8

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Steph, IIRC Donnie and Lil Paul went out west to work a few months before all the mess began. Do you know anything about that? Was it North Dakota?

I want to add that it's so admirable the way you answer all our questions. I truly believe you are telling the complete truth as you know it to be.

And please don't take it the wrong way if some of us think it's a possibility that Brittney could have left without her child. I wouldn't think worse of Brittney if she did. She may have felt it was best for her child, just as she did when she gave away custody. Make a new start and get her feet solidly on the ground, then try to regain custody.

How many times have we heard family members say they never-ever-ever thought their family member was capable of doing something, only to find out that's exactly what happened.

Heck, one could catch a ride with a trucker and it wouldn't cost a dime. She didn't need money to leave. $10 buys a lot of Ramen noodles. :seeya:

From what I remember it was Denver Colorado and I'm not sure that Lil Paul went with him ( I could be wrong) it was the end of Oct 2011 he got back right before Thanksgiving 2011 he only worked 3 weeks and never went back. On that Thanksgiving DH, WWH and their 3 kids were at Chessie along with the Kents and RSW. We stopped by to see Wally's kids and Payton as Andy had dropped her with Brittney for the afternoon.

And in no way do I think bad or ill of the people that think Brittney went to make a new life. I would much rather that be so and know she is alive and that one day I could see her again, then to think the worst like I have and do.
Steph, I mentioned that a long time ago. It would get her out of the area, and could bring in some money. (Sorry...) My theory was pretty much shot down here because people seemed to think because she had a gun, and didn't put up with anything, that it couldn't happen.

I still think it is a possibility from some of the other cases I've read about in the news. It really wouldn't be that hard to overpower someone if they were not expecting it.

I will see if I can find the posts -- there were just a few, as I said, no one else believed it could happen.

Well we now know that DH ended up with her gun. And she is/was a scrapper but I have heard that these girls are drugged and stay that.
Steph, I mentioned that a long time ago. It would get her out of the area, and could bring in some money. (Sorry...) My theory was pretty much shot down here because people seemed to think because she had a gun, and didn't put up with anything, that it couldn't happen.

I still think it is a possibility from some of the other cases I've read about in the news. It really wouldn't be that hard to overpower someone if they were not expecting it.

I will see if I can find the posts -- there were just a few, as I said, no one else believed it could happen.

Thank you! Yes, there's been a lot of "brick wall" when discussing what might have happened. I think it's so important for those closely involved keep an open mind. So much was said about Brittney being a spunky gal - who spoke her mind - and carried a gun - but would never leave Tillmans Corner, her only home. That may have been the case, but we've learned a few things since then.

It's vital to keep an open mind to all possibilities, even the ones that are hard to look at.
When we heard about the ping at the truck stop, there was quite a bit of discussion about the I-10 corridor sex trafficking. It's probably back in the first threads.

The thing we have to remember is that the "truck stop ping" was only a guess. The ping came from a tower with in 1 mile radius and the way LE explained it to us. Is a cell tower can pick up with in a 5 mile radius (as the crow flies) so it's not certain that she ever was actually at the truck stop.
I'm sorry to run but I have to get some rest before work tomorrow. I will be back to answer more questions. Thank you all for keeping Brittney on front page.
And could someone show Quester the the link of the Fox10 special where Chessie talks about not taking the LD. I'm still not good at linking in here yet.

Good Night,
I know Mickey Shunick went missing around the same time as Brittney and they didn't live very far apart. How come there wasn't 1,000's of ppl ready to search for brittney and find her too? Nancy grace covered her story non stop! Why is britt not as important? Makes me sad!;(
I know Mickey Shunick went missing around the same time as Brittney and they didn't live very far apart. How come there wasn't 1,000's of ppl ready to search for brittney and find her too? Nancy grace covered her story non stop! Why is britt not as important? Makes me sad!;(

Very very good point! ! I'm guessing it's because of Brittneys pedophile family. Which is heartbreaking. Brittney deserves the same amount of attention and urgency! !!!

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I don't not want to bash Chessie but to answer these questions truthfully it might seem that I am. And for that I apologize.

But yes Chessie told me that when she told Brittney that she was wanting her to help with the babies Brittney said no. Yes I believe that Chessie thought it unreasonable. The way Chessie explained it to me was that she needed someone to feed one while the other was being bathed things such as that. I am not saying Chessie can't handle both babies at once but I rarely went by her house and she didn't have a friend, Mendy, Derek or TJ there helping out until Paul got home.

And I think it's possible that Brittney left instead of being nagged to. JMO

Chessie is the last person to see Brittney alive. Chessie and Brittney had an argument.

Donnie picks up Brittney at Chessie's house but Donnie can't prove that because he'd dead.

Chessie won't take a polygraph because three different attorneys told her not to. ??
Steph, it is so wonderful having you around, not only to provide kosher information, (I thought, for instance, that Donnie was positively raking it in from his medication sales!), but also to give us that all important "sense" of who Brittney is. Earlier on, the orthodontic appointment, was used to illustrate- convincingly- that Brittney had no plans to be leaving any time soon. (Quite sound, too) About how Brittney would pay for such treatment provoked some speculation, but none of us thought she would be just winging it, somehow hoping that it would all work itself out.
Which you tend to do when you are very young. Of course, who hasn't? Something will turn up etc.
She must have driven you nuts sometimes. In a very loveable way, of course. As kids will.
I don't think it is likely she would leave without her daughter, or without contacting her brothers. Golly, I hope she did though.
(It is not impossible. Overwhelmed, and with an alcohol problem, my father disappeared when I was six, leaving four children- I was the youngest- a wife, career, home- his life. He basically ran away and had another life)
I reckon you are right about Brittney protecting her daughter from the Woods.

Steph, just in case this doesn't come through from my posts, I reckon Brittney is great. I really, really like her, and I've loved learning more about her from your words, and if I come across as a bit uptight or judgemental, please forgive me, 19 was a very long time ago!
Chessie is the last person to see Brittney alive. Chessie and Brittney had an argument.

Donnie picks up Brittney at Chessie's house but Donnie can't prove that because he'd dead.

Chessie won't take a polygraph because three different attorneys told her not to. ??

I'm sure an attorney would have told her that. She doesn't have to do what they say though. Most parents of missing children would do absolutely anything to clear themselves first, so police can concentrate on finding their child.

I am still gasping at CW's suggestion to police that she will take a lie detector if she can decide what questions they can ask her!!!!????
Very very good point! ! I'm guessing it's because of Brittneys pedophile family. Which is heartbreaking. Brittney deserves the same amount of attention and urgency! !!!

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I think that is probably the case. And also, no-one was allowed to think for a second that Mickey might have disappeared intentionally. And there was a list as long as your arm of all the people who had proudly taken a lie detector test, which was published. I believe her sister Charlie's name was on it.

Loved ones of Mickey were open and honest from the start and they did EVERYTHING they could to find her, so people had a good lead to follow. In Brittney's case they had CW and WWH at first. No wonder no-one knew what to think.
Here's another "what if" that we were given. I don't think I have seen y'all throw around.

What if DH took Brittney to the truck stop in grand bay and traded her off and now she's trapped in a sex trafficking ring? LE did say this is the biggest sex crime case in Al's history!
What's to say it doesn't cross state lines?

It's possible. I know for an absolute FACT that this has occurred at the Grand Bay truck stop/biker bar across the bridge from the truck stop (not sure if it is still there, I think it was called 'The Broke Spoke'). bikers and truckers were involved.
Here's another "what if" that we were given. I don't think I have seen y'all throw around.

What if DH took Brittney to the truck stop in grand bay and traded her off and now she's trapped in a sex trafficking ring? LE did say this is the biggest sex crime case in Al's history!
What's to say it doesn't cross state lines?

I think she was taken to the truck stop and put in a truck but I don't think she was sold into sex trafficking I think she was pretty much sent away.
If she is running from being placed in Jail for 20 some years then yes she ran and she would not take her daughter and she will not return. If this is the biggest sex crime in Al. history and she is involved like her brother she could have been facing serious jail time.

I think her and Donnie had a long conversation and he told her they could go to jail for a very long time and thught she should leave and he chose to end it all instead of go to jail for the rest of his life!
With DH's strong connection/"obsession" with BW, do you think he had it in him to torture BW like that by sending her off to be sex trafficked?

The way this family is sticking up for each other I do not see them hurting Brittney. I do not think DH would harm her or sell her. As despicable as they are there is some form of family code or bond here. As I see it they did not want her to go to jail along with them and had someone drive her away.
But that's just my opinion. At least my theory has her alive.
There were/are people in the family not supporting Brittney though. Brittney may have had her support because she was DH's favorite, not because the family all stick together. It seems to me it is the sisters and their husbands who stick together and the children don't get the same loyalty.

I think it is entirely possible Brittney was harmed by someone other than DH, myself. I don't think he would have trafficked her - I can't see him handing over one of 'his' females to anyone else. I keep thinking about who else she may have had information about, and who was desperate enough to disappear her. Who might have felt they were not close enough to Brittney to control what she might or might not say about them.
I think the trials might provide some really strong clues to what happened you know. I hope so. Lawyers are going to be looking out for their own clients and won't have the family loyalties.

I've got no idea how it will work though. Will they all be tried together? Or will different victims mean different trials? I know sometimes in other countries if one person is found guilty, it is kept a secret to avoid prejudicing the other trials. Does that ever happen in AL?
At the time Brittneys world as she had known it seemed to be falling apart. Her and Andy were no longer together, she had no job no vehicle no true home. She was bouncing from Wally's mom's to friends houses to her own mom's house. Wally's mom's house was the most stable she knew and that was nothing but a party house no enviroment for Payton on the dailey plus his mom was losing her house to foreclousure. Yes Wally and I helped where we could but I work a full time job and have 2 children of my own one of which is autistic. Brittney had traffic warrants for not paying tickets and was worried about who would keep Payton if she had to serve any time. Andy on the other hand has his grandmother that doesn't work and could stay with her all the time while Andy works plus they both have transportation to take her where need be (Dr. appts and such). He and I had talked about it before and she knew they would allow her to be in her life and hopefully things could get better for Brittney and she could get her back. IDK if it can be reversed or not, but IMO knowing what we know now this could have been her plan along to keep Payton safe from the Wood clan

I just had to say how much I admire Brittney for making this tough decision. Brittney was only a young 18 but knew at the time her daughter was not in a healthy environment. I believe she wanted more for Payton and did not want her to live the life that Brittney had grown to know. She wanted a better life for her daughter. I think it is important to remember all Brittney had been exposed to in her life at the age 18. In my opinion, Brittney lived in a dysfunctional environment with minimal emotional support. Brittney was a broken young girl. She needed to work on herself so she could provide a stable home for P. I admire Brittney for putting her daughter first. It shows me how much she loves her daughter.
There were/are people in the family not supporting Brittney though. Brittney may have had her support because she was DH's favorite, not because the family all stick together. It seems to me it is the sisters and their husbands who stick together and the children don't get the same loyalty.

I think it is entirely possible Brittney was harmed by someone other than DH, myself. I don't think he would have trafficked her - I can't see him handing over one of 'his' females to anyone else. I keep thinking about who else she may have had information about, and who was desperate enough to disappear her. Who might have felt they were not close enough to Brittney to control what she might or might not say about them.

BBM - In my opinion, WWH was likely desperate and very jealous of Brittney. It doesn't appear WWH and Donnie had much money. I imagine WWH was not happy when Donnie would give Brittney rides. I can see WWH complaining about wasting money on Brittney. Throwing away money to hangout with Brittney. In every way Brittney is much more attractive than WWH. I personally don't think the word attractive fits WWH at all. She is an ugly person inside and out. Besides the jealously, WWH was desperate. Her husband was facing jail time and I'm sure WWH knew she may be charged too. In my opinion, there was a lot to gain in silencing Brittney and Donnie. Silencing Brittney fulfilled a jealous rage and any information she might provide LE pertaining to the sex abuse investigation. Silencing Donnie fulfilled a jealous rage, any information he might provide LE pertaining to the sex abuse investigation and money. WWH would receive a SS check for each of Donnie's surviving minor children and a SS check for herself until the children reached age 16. Three paychecks a month, jealousy and silencing 2 voices that could potentially help LE in the sex abuse investigation. Maybe she was even looking out for her sister MWK and her sick husband DK. In my opinion, control and desperation.
There were/are people in the family not supporting Brittney though. Brittney may have had her support because she was DH's favorite, not because the family all stick together. It seems to me it is the sisters and their husbands who stick together and the children don't get the same loyalty.

I think it is entirely possible Brittney was harmed by someone other than DH, myself. I don't think he would have trafficked her - I can't see him handing over one of 'his' females to anyone else. I keep thinking about who else she may have had information about, and who was desperate enough to disappear her. Who might have felt they were not close enough to Brittney to control what she might or might not say about them.


This is what One90Proof had to say about Scott's relationship with Brittney:
"He told me that they weren't super close and he had maybe seen her about a half dozen times over the past 1+ year he had been back in town. I think RSW lived out of state for most of BW's life. Of course, after BW went missing he was obviously upset. Perhaps they weren't close, but she was still his family."

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AL AL- Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - #3
BBM - In my opinion, WWH was likely desperate and very jealous of Brittney. It doesn't appear WWH and Donnie had much money. I imagine WWH was not happy when Donnie would give Brittney rides. I can see WWH complaining about wasting money on Brittney. Throwing away money to hangout with Brittney. In every way Brittney is much more attractive than WWH. I personally don't think the word attractive fits WWH at all. She is an ugly person inside and out. Besides the jealously, WWH was desperate. Her husband was facing jail time and I'm sure WWH knew she may be charged too. In my opinion, there was a lot to gain in silencing Brittney and Donnie. Silencing Brittney fulfilled a jealous rage and any information she might provide LE pertaining to the sex abuse investigation. Silencing Donnie fulfilled a jealous rage, any information he might provide LE pertaining to the sex abuse investigation and money. WWH would receive a SS check for each of Donnie's surviving minor children and a SS check for herself until the children reached age 16. Three paychecks a month, jealousy and silencing 2 voices that could potentially help LE in the sex abuse investigation. Maybe she was even looking out for her sister MWK and her sick husband DK. In my opinion, control and desperation.

Great post, Lash! I agree with most of this - still undecided about DH's "suicide".
Baldwin County has had more than one controversial "suicide" in the last few years......
Angel Downs and Hannah Rogers come to mind.
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