AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 9

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Don't forget tomorrow I'll be talking to Jon Liberman about Brittney on sirus radio 101 Liberman live @5

Is this 5 eastern or central time? I wanna make sure I don't miss it!
Don't forget tomorrow I'll be talking to Jon Liberman about Brittney on sirus radio 101 Liberman live @5

Glad you're doing a segment on sirus radio. Wish I could listen, but I don't subscribe. Hope someone will
tape it to post here.

I know you'll do great speaking up for Brittney. :wave:

Yes, the Baldwin Co clerks office told me on Fri that DTW, WBB, DAK DPHjr & RSW will all be tried together beginning Aug 19th.

Steph, how does this work? I'm not familiar with several people being tried at the same time. Tia!
I hope it will be possible to listen to the radio interview via a link.

Good luck for the interview Steph!
I still think she left on her own! Why? Because she met up with uncle Donnie he explained to her he would probably be arrested and she would be wise to leave . The sheet was going g to hit the fan.

It appears Brittney's first choice was to hang out with A. In my opinion, Donnie was likely her last choice. I believe Brittney already knew the sheet was going to hit the fan. The investigation into Donnie was not NEW news. This is something Chessie has even admitted to knowing and allegedly said she didn't want Brittney hanging w/Donnie. Brittney was aware of what was coming down long before she met Donnie that evening. We also learned of the Facebook messages Brittney exchanged with a victim who told her she was raped by these scums. The messages were received days before she went with Donnie. It didn't appear she was desperate to reach out to Donnie after receiving these messages, she called A before she called Donnie. In my opinion, if Britt thought she needed to run, she would have taken more personal items with her. She had plenty of time to go home after talking with Donnie to gather what she needed and then take off.
It appears Brittney's first choice was to hang out with A. In my opinion, Donnie was likely her last choice. I believe Brittney already knew the sheet was going to hit the fan. The investigation into Donnie was not NEW news. This is something Chessie has even admitted to knowing and allegedly said she didn't want Brittney hanging w/Donnie. Brittney was aware of what was coming down long before she met Donnie that evening. We also learned of the Facebook messages Brittney exchanged with a victim who told her she was raped by these scums. The messages were received days before she went with Donnie. It didn't appear she was desperate to reach out to Donnie after receiving these messages, she called A before she called Donnie. In my opinion, if Britt thought she needed to run, she would have taken more personal items with her. She had plenty of time to go home after talking with Donnie to gather what she needed and then take off.

Well Lash I think there is so much more we do NOT know!
I think her speaking to the victim was a ploy for info. JMO
Personally I do think Brittney is more involved in all this than most think and I still think she took off. I have thought this since the very beginning and have yet to change my mind... Hey I could be very wrong but at least my theory has her alive!
Steph, how does this work? I'm not familiar with several people being tried at the same time. Tia!

It's new to me also. I have no idea how it works. I just hope that it means the victim only has to testify once and then she's done. I don't think she should have to go to court and have to tell the story over and over. JMO
just checking in! i'm on tour right now so i can't listen to the radio show tonight, but i'm there in spirit as it's going on. please post a link of it, if anyone can :) best wishes to steph! i really think (regarding you, steph) should become a victims right advocate! or a missing persons advocate... basically, become an advocate. you not only carry yourself well, but you also are very unbiased, truthful and even keeled. we need a lot more steph's in this world.
Here's a link to a recording of Steph's interview for those who could not listen :)

So glad to hear Brittney's case get some attention! You did GREAT Steph, so proud of you for keeping her case out there and not giving up, thank you!
Thank you, justanother! Listened just now.

Great interview, Steph!
Here's a link to a recording of Steph's interview for those who could not listen :)

So glad to hear Brittney's case get some attention! You did GREAT Steph, so proud of you for keeping her case out there and not giving up, thank you!

I got to listen! A big thanks to you, justanother, for posting the link.

Steph, you did do GREAT. It was very interesting and informative. You have a clear, direct communication style that draws the listener in easily. You convey your sincerity and honesty. Your love for Brittney comes through.

Steph, it is wonderful what you are doing to keep Brittney's name out there.

Today's Docket Call for Dustin Kent, Scott Wood, Billy Brownlee, Derek Wood, and
DP Holland, Jr. was rescheduled for October 7th.
No reason reported on the news.

It hasn't been posted as of yet, I heard it on Live Stream @
Groan. That seems a long time away - though I understand why these things take time. I just can't help hoping someone will trip themselves up during the trial, and we'll get some information about Brittney.

After listening to the radio interview with Steph, I think;

1) If Brittney had been Steph's child, she would not be missing now. She'd probably be in college.
2) What Steph said in the interview really throws into stark contrast what Mom last said about Brittney - which boiled down to; I wish my daughter wasn't missing because she could help clear me.

I also listened to Mark Klaas'es comments about Brittney's family being uneducated and poverty-stricken. I didn't mention it at the time because being poor and not getting a good education is no crime.

However....There are plenty of people who have those obstacles in their childhood who overcome them. Lack of education doesn't have to equal stupid. They get low-grade jobs when they're older and pay for their education. They struggle, but then they get a better one. And then a better one. With a loving, supportive family behind them, they sometimes do so well they're able to turn around and lift other family members out of poverty, or ease Mom and Dad's later years.

Brittney never had a chance of doing that. And it wasn't poverty or lack of education. It was being surrounded by sexual abuse and deviance, drugs and violence, and lack of care and support and supervision. The least those who were charged with her care could do now, is help bring her home.

It looks like this terrible circle has been broken at last. But it's taken the bravery of children to do it.
Groan. That seems a long time away - though I understand why these things take time. I just can't help hoping someone will trip themselves up during the trial, and we'll get some information about Brittney.

After listening to the radio interview with Steph, I think;

1) If Brittney had been Steph's child, she would not be missing now. She'd probably be in college.
2) What Steph said in the interview really throws into stark contrast what Mom last said about Brittney - which boiled down to; I wish my daughter wasn't missing because she could help clear me.

I also listened to Mark Klaas'es comments about Brittney's family being uneducated and poverty-stricken. I didn't mention it at the time because being poor and not getting a good education is no crime.

However....There are plenty of people who have those obstacles in their childhood who overcome them. Lack of education doesn't have to equal stupid. They get low-grade jobs when they're older and pay for their education. They struggle, but then they get a better one. And then a better one. With a loving, supportive family behind them, they sometimes do so well they're able to turn around and lift other family members out of poverty, or ease Mom and Dad's later years.

Brittney never had a chance of doing that. And it wasn't poverty or lack of education. It was being surrounded by sexual abuse and deviance, drugs and violence, and lack of care and support and supervision. The least those who were charged with her care could do now, is help bring her home.

It looks like this terrible circle has been broken at last. But it's taken the bravery of children to do it.


Awesome post...thanks was not enough!

"What Happened to Brittney Wood?" BlogTalkRadio on August 2:

Join me as I talk with the mother of missing Brittney Wood, Chessie Wood, about her the disappearance of her daughter. Brittney was just 19 years old and the mother of a 2-year-old little girl when she went missing on May 30, 2012.

There is scandal involved with some of Brittney’s family members and things were starting to come to light. Five members of Brittney’s family were arrested and when you hear the story of what Brittney was doing up to the day she disappeared, you will definitely come to your own sad conclusion. That Brittney might have been taken away, or murdered to keep her quiet.

Call in to speak with the host: (714) 333-3301

Awesome post...thanks was not enough!

No, thank you and thank Steph. I had a murderer and a murder victim in my family. I struggled with it, growing up. Seeing the look in people's eyes if I mentioned it, sensing the distance they put between themselves and me. As if murder was somehow catching...ugh.

First time I heard Steph putting the word out for Brittney, dealing with and flipping aside the shame of child sex abuse, making sure people knew looking for Brittney was so important and showing the world there was nothing to be scared of....Well, I was awed. Child sex abuse is not catching. It's a choice.

Brittney deserves to be found and people can be proud to be searching. Steph, and certain other posters here, are responsible for making sure the world knows that. I bow down to them in admiration, I really do.
The interview was great, Steph!

You are Britt's :angel:
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