AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 9

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I think CW thought she could put up a good show, positioning herself as a missing person's advocate without anyone questioning her about the hideous charges against her, her inconsistent story or alluding to the disgusting family past-time activities. She must truly be delusional or seriously short on brain cells! JMO
I think CW thought she could put up a good show, positioning herself as a missing person's advocate without anyone questioning her about the hideous charges against her, her inconsistent story or alluding to the disgusting family past-time activities. She must truly be delusional or seriously short on brain cells! JMO

A little bit of both. IMO
I think CW thought she could put up a good show, positioning herself as a missing person's advocate without anyone questioning her about the hideous charges against her, her inconsistent story or alluding to the disgusting family past-time activities. She must truly be delusional or seriously short on brain cells! JMO

but once again she made a complete fool of herself :floorlaugh:
Anyone else surprised by the fact that CW and Jeffrey's mom are on this awareness campaign but they haven't set up a FB page for it yet?

I mean, setting up a FB page takes like 5 minutes. You'd think you'd do it before the interview to get the FB page's name out there and ask people to visit it while you're doing an interview.

I know nothing about Jeffrey's mom & hate to criticize her. But I hope she breaks ties w/ CW...for the sake of Jeffrey's case if nothing else.

Jeffrey Holloman's step mom may set up a thread here on WS if there isn't one already started.
Jeffrey Holloman's step mom may set up a thread here on WS if there isn't one already started.

Is this the woman who gave the interview & is working with CW or was that his bio mom?
From ktgirl-----> Is this the woman who gave the interview & is working with CW or was that his bio mom?

The one from the interview/ step mom
Here's the link if you want to hear it. I want to listen to it again. It was starting to sound
like CW is at the center of a movie with her being framed and all. :wink: Believe me, I hope
it's not true that she did something to a child, but nevertheless those are the charges. I'd
hide my face for awhile, but . . .

Any attention to really find Brittney is fine by me.

WHERE ARE Brittney Wood and Jeffrey Holloman: separate cases
I think some of the comments made by CW were very telling. The slip of the tongue "her husband..." made me think that she definitely had Wendy on her mind and whatever thought she was conjuring was about her. That and some of the other comments make me feel that CW does believe that WH (?) is involved in Britt's disappearance. Has WH ever attended a vigil or a search?

The thing that is really bothersome about CW's radio appearance is that she was so vague and offered no real information to put out to the public. The only reason I even understood some of the comments that she made or the story at all is because I am already familiar with this case. An ordinary listener would be completely lost.
She doesn't get the questions about searches anymore hmm... I wonder why! Maybe beacuse she kept planning them and then at the last minute "something comes up" every time it never fails.
Thanks to those that listened & trancribed. I'd much rather read what was said than hear her. I'm wondering what chessie did that crossed the line for her siblings for chessie to get thrown into the mix, charge wise, later than the rest? Why she wants evryone to think her charges alone are'nt real but. Unwarranted or revenge? Love how she tries to come off as clueless when these people communicate with each other every single day if not actually see each other all the time. They all knew the charges were coming, it had to be the only topic of converstaion for the last month before they "disappeared" Brittney, well that & who had the next script to fill. IMO.
For those that listened, does she evn speak to her siblings being railroaded or speak with venom that her young nieces might have suffered horrible crimes? Imo chessie did'nt follow the group story somewhere here. I don't know if she was'nt supposed to bad mouth donnie or what cause she was sure there for her siblings when this broke. To me she does'nt even seem real concerned that her siblings could have done something heinous to one of her nieces or that her own daughter who was abused so young by another "family" member, and how horribly truamatic it would be if Brittney were still being abused. That all seems 2nd place to her own agenda, which is clearly not searching for her daughter. Also, if she's so sure Brittney's at styx river then why is'nt she scouring that 1 area w/ a comb? She's not even saying there's to many places she could be, she's saying right there. So go search for her there. Imo they planned this a tad better than to keep Brittney around the last place she was known to be. I still think geocache guy would luv the challenge to hide's part of the geocache fun. I'd luv to know where his phone pinged in those days.
Good morning,:seeya:

I did listen to the interview last night. I feel so bad for Cathy (stepmom) of Jeffery that his disappearance didn't get much info out there. I have PM the show's host asking her to sch another show for just his case. I have many opinions on the interview last night. :facepalm:

Not ready to comment on them yet.

I will not be on much today if at all, as P is on her way. :rockon:

But I will be on Sunday!!!

Everyone have a good day!
I have a question!

Have they ever said What Donnie was going to be charged with?

Donnie is dead seems the perfect person to blame EVERYTHING on!

Im in no way saying hes not involved im trying to find out to what extent.
When describing their last moments together, Chessie says Brittney "snapped" at her when she asked for help with the two babies.


Brittney handed over custody of her OWN daughter to the babys father she no longer had that responsibility and why should she take on the responsibility of Chessies kids?

I think if LE could ever get Chessie to take a poly OMG what info they would uncover!

I think she knows everything!
Brittney handed over custody of her OWN daughter to the babys father she no longer had that responsibility and why should she take on the responsibility of Chessies kids?

I think if LE could ever get Chessie to take a poly OMG what info they would uncover!

I think she knows everything!

I don't think she knows everything, but I do think she knows a great deal. I think she has a lot to hide/cover (drugs/sex crimes), and that's the reason she hasn't been truthful or forthcoming with facts that could help find Brittney. If she really wanted to find Brittney, she knows who to go to.
She knows Brittney is dead, and probably has info about where she might be, but she will never tell the truth - the others won't either.
They don't want to be charged with murder.
I don't think she knows everything, but I do think she knows a great deal. I think she has a lot to hide/cover (drugs/sex crimes), and that's the reason she hasn't been truthful or forthcoming with facts that could help find Brittney. If she really wanted to find Brittney, she knows who to go to.
She knows Brittney is dead, and probably has info about where she might be, but she will never tell the truth - the others won't either.
They don't want to be charged with murder.

Well I dont know! I do not think DH would kill her who do we have left???? her brother her uncles her aunts? Her Mother! I dont think she is dead. I do think they would Kill Donnie.
"My daughter's death" -CW
CW seems very sure that Brittney is deceased. She kept referring to Brittney in the past tense. "Brittney was a firecracker", etc.

Good point! Chessie also said she raised Brittney to take a stand for things she believed in whether it be a position against abortion or animal cruelty.

Well, this bothers me to no end because while browsing photos and videos on facebook, I noticed Chessie keeps a dog chained up in her backyard. The poor old dog on his short chain has worn the grass down to dirt. :stormingmad:

I know this probably has nothing to do with anything. But to me it's another example of Chessie's misguided notions.
Brittney handed over custody of her OWN daughter to the babys father she no longer had that responsibility and why should she take on the responsibility of Chessies kids?

I think if LE could ever get Chessie to take a poly OMG what info they would uncover!

I think she knows everything!

To the part bolded by me- this! Exactly!

Something also rubbed me the wrong way about how Chessie went on about how Britt loved her little sister & wanted a little sister for years. I don't doubt that, but Britt had her own baby around the time Chessie had her little ones. I think CW may have thought of Britt as free child care to dump her kids off on. I'm sure Britt loves her little siblings, but she was a social 19 year old who had given custody of her own child to the baby's father & his family. In her situation, when CW wanted her to help with the kids, I'd probably be calling all my friends loooking to go out for the evening, too.
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