That's what they should've used the spray paint for...
As for hiding his height, people have speculated maybe he's using a wheelchair but others have pointed out how hard that would be for her, not to mention where to access a wheelchair in the first place.
But you know what's much easier? Crutches! Most people kinda slouch when they use them, and while he'd still be tall, of course, it would put him more in that "commonly tall" category that lots of people fall into. And he can maneuver himself so it doesn't become a burden for her.
One more thought for all the newbies on the thread. Many larger cases end up with a media-only thread, no discussion allowed there, but all the news articles, LE statements, etc all in one place. If you come in late to a story and want to catch up without taking the time to read everyone's comments, read the media thread first.
When there is a media thread, it will be linked on the first page of each thread for that case. The media thread for this case is
AL - AL - Casey White & Vicky Sue White, Lauderdale, MEDIA, MAPS & TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*