Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White (Deceased), CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #5

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I truly wish that VW would have survived, even though she would have been spending the rest of her days in jail. I am sad that she's dead. I don't even know why. JMHO

It is likely that she would have spent up to 10 years in prison and then, having paid her debt to society, she would have been free.

I think it is quite understandable to be sad at VW's death. She seemed to be liked and admired by just about everyone who knew her. And it is certainly possible to want to hold someone accountable for wrongdoing, but at the same time have compassion for them. The two are not at odds.
Yeah, no offense to anyone, but the take I do not want to hear right now is "I have so many wonderful things in my life and Vicky obviously didn't". JMO but checking society's boxes of a husband, kids, and McMansion isn't a failproof recipe for happiness.

Also, she definitely made a bad decision, but she's dead, and we don't need to hear about how and why your life is better than hers was right now.
Don’t we, though? Aren’t we all products of our backgrounds and experiences?
Vicki was by most accounts pretty bright, pretty committed until recently. Had she been born into your circumstances or mine, we’d be having a very different conversation, no? This is not at all an excuse for her extremely poor decisions, for which she paid, ultimately. But I personally have never met with an incarcerated person. I’ve never been to a jail! (Noting my stepbrother is a jail guard, in full disclosure). I’ve never dated a man who wasn’t dead set on improving my life! Without excusing what she did … borrowing a loaded term, it was deplorable … she was so vulnerable. Had nothing left to live for except one thread with her mother. I can see why this happened. No stones from me.
CW will probably lie about how, when, where and why this happened
He might say she kidnapped him and he thought he really had a mental evaluation she was taking him to. Then he was forced at gunpoint to get in the Ford Edge. :rolleyes: Liar and User! If he goes back to Sheriff Singleton's jail he daggone sure won't be met with a warm welcome. MOO
Her work pension is a state pension, and if she would have had to name a beneficiary such as husband or child. With some state pensions, you can name a parent, in other states it is limited to a spouse or children. She lost the pension's monthly payments for life, but still was eligiible for a refund of the money she put into it over the years she worked for the state, plus interest. I would think that her mother would receive that now that VW is gone, unless she was legally married to CW.
I'm sitting here feeling so sad for VW's mom. This must be heartbreaking for her. She shouldn't have to be dealing with this.
I have also been thinking of the years Vicky spent caring for her mother and her ex-husband. It seems she was a caregiver. I wonder if that's how CW got to her. He most likely spun sob stories about how misunderstood and mistreated he was. It seems she fell for it hook line and sinker.
I'm not making excuses for VW. I would have liked nothing more than for her to spend time in prison for what she had done. I guess, like others, I'm trying to wrap my head around why she would throw everything she had worked so hard for away for this common criminal. I wonder if VW's lasts thoughts were that she wished she way lying on a beach somewhere like she had planned. Mostly though.....I'm worried about her mom.
Don’t we, though? Aren’t we all products of our backgrounds and experiences?
Vicki was by most accounts pretty bright, pretty committed until recently. Had she been born into your circumstances or mine, we’d be having a very different conversation, no? This is not at all an excuse for her extremely poor decisions, for which she paid, ultimately. But I personally have never met with an incarcerated person. I’ve never been to a jail! (Noting my stepbrother is a jail guard, in full disclosure). I’ve never dated a man who wasn’t dead set on improving my life! Without excusing what she did … borrowing a loaded term, it was deplorable … she was so vulnerable. Had nothing left to live for except one thread with her mother. I can see why this happened. No stones from me.
I don't want to get into an argument but generally speaking, I don't think judging Vicky's (or anyone's!) life based on your own life is relevant or accurate. The things that make you happy are not a recipe for happiness in anyone else.

Lots of women who risk it all in criminal situations with men have partners and/or children (Sherri Papini, anyone?). It's no guarantee of happiness. The grass can look greener elsewhere to you no matter how emerald yours looks to others. In that same way, someone's grass that looks brown to you might be a rich, fulfilling life you could never imagine to them.
Maybe I’m stupid but in an autopsy do they do everything? I mean, if it’s an obvious gunshot, would they also find skin cancer or brain diseases (hmmm well in the part that’s left I suppose) or other natural illnesses?
Maybe I’m stupid but in an autopsy do they do everything? I mean, if it’s an obvious gunshot, would they also find skin cancer or brain diseases (hmmm well in the part that’s left I suppose) or other natural illnesses

A psychosis simulation (which sounded bizarre based on the article) doesn't make a person mentally ill or cause disordered thoughts. None of us will know what she was thinking, but I think it's very unlikely she had a diagnosable mental health condition that made her do this. We know a lot about why people do things like this and usually it isn't an acute mental illness. I can say with about 99.99% confidence (as an expert in the field) that it has nothing to do with the psychosis simulation.
I agree. She's had some very well hid conditions that unfortunately went undetected/unreported for much too long
So I read through one whole thread at lightening speed so I'm sorry I didn't upvote your great comments.

I'm glad it's over without further loss of life but I feel inexplicably sad over Vicky's death. It should never have gotten to the point it did where the incarcerated knew more about what was going on in that jail than the staff. What she did was very wrong but she didn't operate in a vacuum. Processes that should be in place in a well run, disciplined facility would have stymied any attempt to escort a prisoner free and clear in the manner she did. If anything, a review of management and procedures needs to be done to identify the flaws and oversights. Management are not without blame.

I doubt Vicky was ever going to be that happy upbeat person living on a beach flirting with the bartender while sipping silly drinks. Based on anecdotal information she appeared to have a reclusive nature and didn't go out of her way to engage others. She literally had a captive audience with the incarcerated. But she was loyal to people in her sphere including her ex husband.

I just hope her mother and even her ex-MIL can weather the pain and confusion they must feel right now. Because they are also victims of this nightmare. What a void she must leave in their lives.

It appears CW did not go off the deep end during his brief taste of freedom. If he was off his meds his behavior doesn't follow what those who know him said he would do. She still had the gun, she was driving, he didn't ditch her and take the money and he gave himself up.
All of that planning and he didn’t think to wear long sleeves to hide his tats or wear a long-haired wig to cover his distinctive ears. Going to a motel? Holy facepalm, Batman.

Not at all surprised about them having a truck, other platforms had been buzzing the last few days about a “black truck” associated with them.

Did he care for her? Enough that when he got out of the car his main concern wasn’t that she was shot but that he wasn’t to blame. So, no.

No urgency in the departing ambulances, she probably died at the scene.

Sad end, I feel sorry for her mother and coworkers.
Agreed. My mouth hit the floor when I read they were in a motel! Good point about his main concern after the crash and her ending her life.
I can't imagine anyone traveling with that much cash. Recipe for murder should their relationship turn sour along the way.
When you‘re in finance and banking and you’re licensed (examples: bank branch managers, operators of trading floors, supervisors of financial advisors, etc), once a year, you go to a test center to take certification classes on exactly what to do in scenarios such as this. Person walks in with a bag full of money and no clear explanation … police call and say they pulled over a car with a large sum of money and need a place to custody cash … safety deposit box with cash is abandoned … older person requests an uncharacteristic large withdrawal … you would be shocked at how often this stuff occurs. FINRA Series 24. Check it out. Hope this is interesting.
Commonlaw was abolished in Alabama Jan 1 2017
And besides, the ‘same last name’ had nothing to do with the two of them. ‘White’ was her married name from her ex-husband, and no credible source has been published in MSM to trace a connection between the Casey White family tree, and the Tommy White (ex-husband,) family tree.

MOO, but I certainly haven’t seen anything.
Maybe VW had arranged for them to get married in Indiana and it took that long for the paperwork to come through/get an appt with a Justice of the Peace? VW supposedly has some connection to Elkhart, Indiana.

I've been thinking along those lines as well. Maybe the escape was all about getting married. You never know.
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