Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White (Deceased), CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #6

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Investigator Shahine:

"With my duty pistol pointed at the windshield of the vehicle, I could see a male driver attempting to stick his hands out of the driver side window. I gave multiple commands, to the occupants of the vehicle, so as to have them show me there hands. Due to the tint on the windshield and the angle of the vehicle, I could not clearly see any other occupants inside the vehicle. While giving my verbal commands, I heard one gun shot come from inside the vehicle."

Yesterday when I was driving home from the grocery store, the car in front of me when I stopped at a traffic light was a copper/bronze colored Ford Escape. I thought of how ironic it would have been if this vehicle had been available on the sales lot when VW made her getaway vehicle purchase in Alabama, rather than the Ford Edge.

Three recent cases of lover/accomplice aiding escape. Individual searches provide revealing insights from the ladies of their mindset.

JM is most recent and well-known. From Day 1 of VW’s saga I was reminded of TD—now an advocate—who also lasted 11 days on the lam before a fiery crash. The 11-year run of BP, however, is intriguing.
It would take me some searching to find the link, or maybe it was in those released official reports on Google Drive yesterday, but one LE officer said as he approached the vehicle laying there on its side, he saw the male sticking his hands out to surrender, and heard a gunshot go off inside the vehicle.
Yes, that's pretty well documented, the shot followed the crash. It is my speculation only that there might've been two shots, the first coinciding with the crash itself, muted by it.

In the end, the effect is the same.

JMO, but is it possible there were 2 gunshots? The 1st being the loud pop some WSer's have discussed around the 38 second mark in 911 audio & just before VW no longer talks. Then, a second gunshot heard after the crash by LE. Possibly the 2nd being from reflex (the same action that LE responders were concerned about)?
I could see this and if the sunroof had already been shattered or if it had been open then LE may not know of a second exit location of the bullet from the car. I guess they could count ammo from the box and compare that to what’s left?


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I could see this and if the sunroof had already been shattered or if it had been open then LE may not know of a second exit location of the bullet from the car. I guess they could count ammo from the box and compare that to what’s left?
Ballistics can determine which of those multitude of weapons was fired recently. When the firearm in Vicky's hand is examined they'll be able to tell if it was fired recently and they'll count how many bullets are left in the magazine and chamber. If that was the only weapon fired and there is only one bullet missing I think they can safely conclude the shot heard was the only shot. Now, if two or more bullets are missing they're going to have to figure that out.

The sunroof looked closed and intact to me on the video when they opened it. He pushed a button and it slid open so they should be able to inspect the sunroof glass to see if it's damaged. I would think. IMO
VW purchased the orange Edge (considered her personal car) in Alabama before the escape. It was abandon on a rural road in Williamson County TN (College Grove)

I still don't understand the orange car. If the abandoned effort to paint it green was to camouflage it among the trees - and I think it was - why not just buy a green car in the first place??? Weird. IMO
Another car question. Was their final car, the gray Cadillac, stolen or bought. I’ve seen both in MSM sources. The last I saw, LE didn’t sound quite sure.

VW purchased the orange Edge (considered her personal car) in Alabama before the escape. It was abandon on a rural road in Williamson County TN (College Grove)


Ohhhhhh, that makes sense.

And it explains why she'd need a ride to work. From the mall area.

I had thought she had a car separate from the orange one.

Maybe she purchased it with jail colors in mind, a nod to prison orange, prior to committing to being a getaway car.

Hard to picture the two of them, stopped in the street, trying to paint an entire vehicle. An unnecessary step anyway -- as the car was towed swiftly without an immediate connection being made.

The tow bought them time.

11 days.... I wonder if anyone still had green fingers.

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If VWhite signed her love letters thusly, whoever screens prisoner email may have assumed she was family.

I imagine they could each write extensively about life outside of prison without anyone thinking it was anything but dreamy talk.

Guessing there was communication outside of paper but it's also possible that VW planned most of it out herself and saved the details until the day of.

People will eventually make sense of this in whatever way will make it easiest to bear.

But it remains -- if it was any kind of real love, VW would've grown old, visiting him in jail. She could have retired. They probably could've married. It might not have been thrilling, but they'd both be alive.

I still don't understand the orange car. If the abandoned effort to paint it green was to camouflage it among the trees - and I think it was - why not just buy a green car in the first place??? Weird. IMO
Was VW initially expecting that due to her use of an alias (and maybe not expecting cctv reach where she parked) that the kind of vehicle they were traveling in wouldn’t be discovered ? And when they discovered that it was all over the media, they panicked ?
My eyes are bad but in this image does it look like she has a swollen thyroid area? Like a goiter?

Good catch. Graves disease can have manic-like symptoms too, if not treated. Wonder if it would be included in the autopsy report. Still not an excuse though, VW knew what she was doing.
I think Bolin was recently executed. If anyone remembers she was on the Casey Anthony case briefly at the end.

Thought about this case a lot since this story broke. If VW loved him I wish she would have done something like this. They could have had alot of years together.
I think Bolin was recently executed. If anyone remembers she was on the Casey Anthony case briefly at the end.

Thought about this case a lot since this story broke. If VW loved him I wish she would have done something like this. They could have had alot of years together.
Yes. But I think there’s a reason VW didn’t do what the above woman did.

Her position of power in transporting inmates to the court, having handcuff keys, etc. planted a seed in her mind, which grew daily. It was a temptation which latched onto her with its tentacles. And wouldn’t let go.
Good catch. Graves disease can have manic-like symptoms too, if not treated. Wonder if it would be included in the autopsy report. Still not an excuse though, VW knew what she was doing.
@Skibunny i agree that she knew what she was doing regardless. I recall a probation officer who was a patient of a treatment team that I was a part of and she was manic (for the first time) and she was engaging in some extremely out of character behaviors. However, people around her caught on quickly and got her help so I have no doubt that we would have heard reports by now of her changed behavior, especially since this has been going on for 2 years. It was just something that I noticed. I guess I want to know how someone who seemed to strictly follow protocol and had been respected so much by those she worked with got in this deep. I am a strong believer that you just can’t judge a book by its cover. I learned that through a couple dud exes though sadly.
Was VW initially expecting that due to her use of an alias (and maybe not expecting cctv reach where she parked) that the kind of vehicle they were traveling in wouldn’t be discovered ? And when they discovered that it was all over the media, they panicked ?
I don't think so. They abandoned the orange car before the jail even noticed they were gone. I'm not sure why. It could have been a simple matter of a passing highway patrol car giving them the usual side eye and they massively freaked out about it.

And I still haven't seen any information about exactly when the attempt was made to paint the car. Did Vicky have second thoughts about the color and attempt to paint it herself before she even broke him out of jail? Did Casey say, "Babe, I'm not sure orange is the way to go here," and they painted it together? Did they not paint it at all and it was just kids vandalizing a tow lot?

I still have questions about that orange car. IMO
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