AL AL - Danniella Vian, 24, Mobile, 17 Jul 2018 #2

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Has anyone seen an update as to the status of DNV apartment? Last update was that an eviction proceeding was in process and I don't know how long it takes the landlord to get an eviction order in AL. As AL is a 'put out' state my understanding is that would mean that all her belongings would effectively be removed to the curb by the Sheriff for anyone to take.

Needless to say this is quite upsetting to hear especially in the event that she does in fact return at some future date. I am wondering if LE can do anything to 'stay' the eviction or if perhaps the 'family' that has raised nearly $4,500 based on public reports can do anything to stop the eviction process to preserve a missing persons home until the case is resolved?

If any money has been raised in the name of Danniella Nickole Vian since her disappearance, then it seems like one of the first expenses should be to preserve her lifestyle and memory for at least a couple of months. She is currently a missing person, and it does not look like it is a voluntary disappearance. How much can her rent be - couple of hundred a month paid in cash?
But it is one of the few explanations based on current information that might explain stopping at a closed Shell Station in that part of town.

The fact that the closed Shell station is on his way home explains why he was there. It doesn't explain why Danniella was there. She was supposedly following him to Ollies, and she knew where Ollies was because she had previously worked there. Instead of stopping at Ollies, she continued to follow him. Why did she do that?

He was aware of her and when he saw the flashing lights in his rear view mirror, he knew who it was and pulled over.

So it's very likely that he was going home. It's uncertain why she may have followed him past Ollies Grill, but it's also curious that she left her phone on a car in the parking lot at The Dublin. How much had she had to drink? Did she eat dinner?

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Have you dismissed the foul play at Dublin's scenario that you mentioned last night? It so hard to see the scene at the Shell station to figure out if DNV was in her car and driving or if someone else might have been driving her car and she was rendered unconscious at Dublin's and brought in her car which was driven by someone else. We also still don't have a clear read on the 'job' of the Car 3 individual/s.
Some additional information on JCD that was posted on local TV station website last week. Stories like this one simply cannot be made up!

*modsnip*/ screenshot removed, source private fb, no original link
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Hypothetically, if you co-signed, or assisted with, the purchase of a vehicle, and the following morning learned that the new car owner's phone had been found in a parking lot and no one knew where the car was, what would you do?


What if you then learned that the new car owner did not show up for work? What would you do?


What if you were expecting the new car owner to show up for a visit and it was a no-show. What would you do?

Maybe wait another day and then report it?

Am I looking at a cultural difference?
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Have you dismissed the foul play at Dublin's scenario that you mentioned last night? It so hard to see the scene at the Shell station to figure out if DNV was in her car and driving or if someone else might have been driving her car and she was rendered unconscious at Dublin's and brought in her car which was driven by someone else. We also still don't have a clear read on the 'job' of the Car 3 individual/s.

Since learning that there were only 4 people in the 'party train', and everyone except Danniella is accounted for, I still think it's possible that someone was following her from The Dublin, but it's as likely as someone seeing the rental car plates and following that car to the closed Shell station. Hard to say.

I originally thought 'party train' was 8 or 9 people.

I don't think anyone knows anything about Car 3. If there was any information, we'd know what happened to Danni because Car 3 is the last party to see her.
Since learning that there were only 4 people in the 'party train', and everyone except Danniella is accounted for, I still think it's possible that someone was following her from The Dublin, but it's as likely as someone seeing the rental car plates and following that car to the closed Shell station. Hard to say.

I originally thought 'party train' was 8 or 9 people.

I don't think anyone knows anything about Car 3. If there was any information, we'd know what happened to Danni because Car 3 is the last party to see her.
Yes, but above the people that could see the picture at the station report at least 6-7 people (allegedly including DNV and Car 3). What possible reasons could the 2 cars remain at the station for a longish period of time? Could the press report that DNV left the Shell Station driving her own car have been incorect (as somebody else was driving her car and she could have been in the trunk as we see an open trunk at Shell)? Does it seem possible that DNV was abducted at The Dublin and someone else drove her car to the Shell where the LoJack/GPS was disabled?

Car theft and crime is a real issue in Mobile and the Port of Mobile is one of the major ports of exit for stolen cars from the US to various ports around the world. The DNV car could have either been taken to a local chop shop for parts or added to some existing container of stolen cars? I am trying to understand if DW fits into the scenario in any way, if at all and just don't see it yet. I also wonder about how many car jackings involve taking an individual as well? The recent car jacking cases I have seen involve the people in the car being left by the side of the street and the car stolen by thieves.
Hypothetically, if you co-signed, or assisted with, the purchase of a vehicle, and the following morning learned that the new car owner's phone had been found in a parking lot and no one knew where the car was, what would you do?


What if you then learned that the new car owner did not show up for work? What would you do?


What if you were expecting the new car owner to show up for a visit and it was a no-show. What would you do?

Maybe wait another day and then report it?

Am I looking at a cultural difference?
I don't believe we have any information about a co-signer on the car but its an interesting idea. Who were you thinking might have co-signed?

I'm not sure who in the overall cast of characters related to the D/T family though who might have co-signed a loan as frankly on surface most seem unbankable and lacking in current employment/income IMO.

DW could have co-signed as was financially viable but why co-sign if just an acquaintance of DNV or was perhaps closer to DNV than originally thought? AC could have co-signed as also appeared financially viable and a longstanding friend of DNV. MK is unclear character here as not sure how close they were to DNV so don't see MK as co-signing. MK connection seems to be to DW and AC and not DNV who might have just been an acquaintence.

Its believed now that the car was partially financed (earlier in the process it was believed the car was purchased for cash).

No, I don't believe we have a cultural difference but rather ignorance as to what to do and indifference possibly? A 3 day gap in filing a missing report as we have seen in other cases is huge issue.

I know we have talked the issue of DW not circling back to find DNV endlessly on this thread but I continue to see this lack of follow up by DW as a major hole in the overall story. If its late and someone says they are going to follow you to look for their phone (you know they have been drinking and friend is a single female out late at night by herself in an industrial area of town with probably not much night traffic) and they don't show at The Dublin, it doesn't make sense to me that you wait for them for 20 min at Dublin's, go to Ollies, return your rental car and then go home. I think the normal human reaction is to show concern and look for the person. I am as baffled by this response from DW as much as I am about the delay in filing missing persons report.
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No, I don't believe we have a cultural difference but rather indifference possibly?

Indifference? Interesting. I thought cultural.

Perhaps a trust that she would show up when she got around to it - celebrating the newfound freedom of a car?

If it were me, I would have been all over the cell phone the following morning as soon as I learned that it was found in a parking lot. Even if it was not my cell phone or car, I would have been all over a daughter-in-law (24 years old, relationship with family since age 17) whose phone was found in a parking lot, she and car unaccounted for, and I doubt I'd be able to sit still after hearing that she failed to show up for work. Would I wait a couple of more days to see if she showed up?

There must be a reasonable explanation for this. Does she have a history of leaving her cell phone in strange places and not showing up for work?
Several have stated TT and DNV both come from a military family - I haven’t seen either father mentioned in the posts - are they in the military serving out of the country perhaps?
I don't believe we have any information about a co-signer on the car but its an interesting idea. Who were you thinking might have co-signed?

I'm not sure who in the overall cast of characters related to the D/T family though who might have co-signed a loan as frankly on surface most seem unbankable and lacking in current employment/income IMO.

DW could have co-signed as was financially viable but why co-sign if just an acquaintance of DNV or was perhaps closer to DNV than originally thought? AC could have co-signed as also appeared financially viable and a longstanding friend of DNV. MK is unclear character here as not sure how close they were to DNV so don't see MK as co-signing. MK connection seems to be to DW and AC and not DNV who might have just been an acquaintence.

Its believed now that the car was partially financed (earlier in the process it was believed the car was purchased for cash).

No, I don't believe we have a cultural difference but rather ignorance as to what to do and indifference possibly? A 3 day gap in filing a missing report as we have seen in other cases is huge issue.

I know we have talked the issue of DW not circling back to find DNV endlessly on this thread but I continue to see this lack of follow up by DW as a major hole in the overall story. If its late and someone says they are going to follow you to look for their phone (you know they have been drinking and friend is a single female out late at night by herself in an industrial area of town with probably not much night traffic) and they don't show at The Dublin, it doesn't make sense to me that you wait for them for 20 min at Dublin's, go to Ollies, return your rental car and then go home. I think the normal human reaction is to show concern and look for the person. I am as baffled by this response from DW as much as I am about the delay in filing missing persons report.

Mother in law took Danni to the car dealership to pick up the car.

There was no reason for DW to circle back. He was leaving the Shell station at 11:07 and he saw her headlights in his rear view mirror. They were returning to The Dublin to look for her phone. That probably disrupted his plans to go home, but it was apparently important to help Danni collect her phone. He did not see her headlights on the way to The Dublin and assumed they took different routes, or got separated.

I don't see it as a hole in the story. I see it as DW following through on the plan to meet at The Dublin, after 20 minutes she didn't show up so he wondered if she went to Ollies instead. He went to Ollies and spent some time there with the rest of 'The Party Train'. He returned his rental car at 1AM.

He had no reason to believe that she wouldn't contact him in the morning. Perhaps she just went home instead of follow him to The Dublin where he picked up her phone?

Was it 7:30AM, July 18, that he called Danni's mother-in-law to let her know that he found her cell phone on a car in a parking lot at a bar the night before she was unaccounted for?
Indifference? Interesting. I thought cultural.

Perhaps a trust that she would show up when she got around to it - celebrating the newfound freedom of a car?

If it were me, I would have been all over the cell phone the following morning as soon as I learned that it was found in a parking lot. Even if it was not my cell phone or car, I would have been all over a daughter-in-law (24 years old, relationship with family since age 17) whose phone was found in a parking lot, she and car unaccounted for, and I doubt I'd be able to sit still after hearing that she failed to show up for work. Would I wait a couple of more days to see if she showed up?

There must be a reasonable explanation for this. Does she have a history of leaving her cell phone in strange places and not showing up for work?
There could be a cultural/regional aspect to this as well and the assumption could have been that everything was ok and DNV had just been out partying with friends and there was no reason to worry. The reason I'm not so sure about this though is that Mobile is not a low crime city. The crime stats were posted earlier in prior thread and violent crime is an everyday experience in Mobile along with vehicle crime. Maybe if you have lived in a place for a very long time that you don't focus on crime quite as closely as you feel comfortable and safe in your environment. The T family might not have expected to hear from DNV every day so maybe that was the reason as well. IDK. But I've been following the local media since this case started and crime is a daily part of life in Mobile.

Thinking about this question is so difficult as I don't feel like we have heard from friends as to who DNV was and would this be typical behavior for her. From what I've read I feel comfortable saying that DNV was a very hard worker as she had 2 jobs. By all accounts she works almost constantly to be able to afford apt and now new car and most likely paid some child support for CT. For a 24 year old with minimal education (although I'm not sure about this as her FB said she attended Kansas State at some point in the past while others have said on here that she didn't graduate from HS - another interesting question for VI!). It sounds from her mind map that she was working to be more responsible and independant. So perhaps the people in her life were giving her space to do this? Again, not hearing from friends makes it hard to assess this aspect of DNV.

Most people these days are quite careful with their phones as virtually all their personal information and banking is on the phone. I am also not sure how much contact there was with JDT other than formal calls about visitation for CT and this might be a good question for the VI in the thread. The current relationship status with TT is unclear but it seems like they weren't together but then why would JDT report taking furniture and clothing belonging to him for DNV apartment and this might be another good question for VI?

PS DNV and TT are not married. TT marital status is unclear and this might be another good question for VI on the thread IMO.
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Mother in law took Danni to the car dealership to pick up the car.

There was no reason for DW to circle back. He was leaving the Shell station at 11:07 and he saw her headlights in his rear view mirror. They were returning to The Dublin to look for her phone.

Was it 7:30AM, July 18, that he called Danni's mother-in-law to let her know that he found her cell phone on a car in a parking lot at a bar the night before she was unaccounted for?

Will have to look at both these issues again and repost.

I don't think we know anything other that the supposed statement from DW that he didn't see her headlights in the rear view mirror. I will have to recheck the JDT timeline on this. My recollection is that lights from her car flashed and he assumed she was behind him and the reason he waited at the Dublin for 20 min was to make sure she just hadn't gotten lost. She didn't show. He went to Ollies. She didn't show. He had her phone so he didn't have any way of contacting her although if she had a laptop he could have sent her a message via FB.

He knew she had been drinking. Maybe they weren't as close as we had initially assumed? But if someone says they are going to meet you and its midnight and they don't show I'm not sure why you wouldn't be concerned?
Several have stated TT and DNV both come from a military family - I haven’t seen either father mentioned in the posts - are they in the military serving out of the country perhaps?
No info on DNV father
Anything said about phone records? The first thing I do if I can't find my phone is have someone call me. Was there a phone call from DW to her phone around the Shell station time? If not, how did they know her phone wasn't in her car somewhere? Could she have been given something while at the Shell? or more probable, right before leaving the bar? Pull over at Shell, drug hasn't taken full effect, pull out of Shell, realize forgot something in her car, like disabling the LoJack, so go back, and then what? Both cars did leave right? So there would have to be another person, OR, she was OK at that point, and was driving her car... maybe they were going to meet somewhere after that?

There's too much information missing to get a good theory going, IMO.

I wonder if she didn't just disappear on her own, but as others have said, she had no money, no way to survive. She would have her car, and I guess driver's liscense, but nothing else. Sigh. At least she might be alive though if it was voluntary. Otherwise...mighty grim.

If DW did something with her, to her, etc., then in what timeframe? It seems the timeline is pretty tight. From Shell, back to the bar, to Ollie's, to the rental place. How did he get home from the rental place? Was Danniella there at that point and met him? Is there any proof he did take the rental back at 1 am? Any proof where he was after that? There's gotta be cameras somewhere that have picked up something! Even if only either vehicle and what direction they were going.
Anything said about phone records?

I would hope LE has gone through the phone records of all parties involved with DNV on the evening she disappeared. We don't know what the phone records revealed. We also don't know if a BOLO was issued for DNV and/or her car? This is basic information and yet it hasn't been released by MPD for this case. Further, if car jacking or organized vehicle theft were suspected it might make sense to involve the FBI and so far MPD hasn't chosen to involve either the State Crime Group or FBI. If the case were going cold at the time of the Chief of Police press conference a couple of weeks ago why not bring in outsiders to look at the situation with fresh eyes and more resources?

Also the decision by MPD to not release the CCTV now after so much time has passed is looking questionable unless they are looking for a specific suspect and just haven't found them. Another local story was interesting it doesn't support LE's decision to not show the tape. In the case a CCTV of a burglary was posted on local TV and within a short period of time numerous leads existed and an arrest took place. Not sure what MPD is doing on this case at all or if its tied to some other larger case they are working on but the lack of public disclosure is concerning.

CAUGHT IN THE ACT UPDATE: Arrest made in burglary at car dealership
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