AL AL - Danniella Vian, 24, Mobile, 17 Jul 2018 #2

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That was one reason that your idea that something happened at The Dublin was interesting. Or, maybe she stopped to chat with people and put the phone down on the car to do something else and then forgot to pick it up. IDK

Thanks - short term memory issues.

Yes, the fact that her phone was found on a car in the parking lot at the bar after 10:45PM. Someone has a good eye! Forty minutes after this happened, DW retrieved the cell phone from bar staff even though it was not his phone.

If she stopped to chat on her way to the car, with whom? She was with DW and another couple. The other couple arrived at Ollies, DW was apparently going home, Danni was apparently following him to Ollies.

At what point would she put her phone down on another car? To look for her keys?

It doesn't seem like roofies, what about ecstasy - MDMA. Would that explain leaving her phone on a car, missing the turnoff for Ollies, following DW for no known reason, flashing her lights to alert him. What abour DW leaving the parking lot within 2 minutes of hearing about her phone and then trying to find her for the rest of the evening?
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Anything said about phone records? The first thing I do if I can't find my phone is have someone call me. Was there a phone call from DW to her phone around the Shell station time? If not, how did they know her phone wasn't in her car somewhere? Could she have been given something while at the Shell? or more probable, right before leaving the bar? Pull over at Shell, drug hasn't taken full effect, pull out of Shell, realize forgot something in her car, like disabling the LoJack, so go back, and then what? Both cars did leave right? So there would have to be another person, OR, she was OK at that point, and was driving her car... maybe they were going to meet somewhere after that?

There's too much information missing to get a good theory going, IMO.

I wonder if she didn't just disappear on her own, but as others have said, she had no money, no way to survive. She would have her car, and I guess driver's liscense, but nothing else. Sigh. At least she might be alive though if it was voluntary. Otherwise...mighty grim.

If DW did something with her, to her, etc., then in what timeframe? It seems the timeline is pretty tight. From Shell, back to the bar, to Ollie's, to the rental place. How did he get home from the rental place? Was Danniella there at that point and met him? Is there any proof he did take the rental back at 1 am? Any proof where he was after that? There's gotta be cameras somewhere that have picked up something! Even if only either vehicle and what direction they were going.

The question of Car 3 is interesting. Did Car 1 circle back at 11:08, or was Car 3 a random car?

I wondered if she chose to disappear with her newfound freedom and new car, but lean towards involuntary disappearance. She had no bank account and if she was running off to start a new life, she would not have left cash sitting in her apartment. Furthermore, her long term goals included her daughter.

Any chance she was pregnant?
So when reading this, I’m gathering that she left her family at 17 to move hundreds of miles away to be with TT + family.

I’m a different theory, maybe she wanted to get away, maybe she met somebody online and just like she did 6 years ago, picked up and moved? If she had met another military guy, that wouldn’t be so strange for her to leave cash and “disappear” - especially if said guy had means to take care of her.
She knew her daughter was taken care of, as JDT had custody for quite some time, I’m gathering.

We are basing our “she would never” from JDT who by all accounts is still considered a suspect herself, as far as I’m concerned.
The question of Car 3 is interesting. Did Car 1 circle back at 11:08, or was Car 3 a random car?

I wondered if she chose to disappear with her newfound freedom and new car, but lean towards involuntary disappearance. She had no bank account and if she was running off to start a new life, she would not have left cash sitting in her apartment. Furthermore, her long term goals included her daughter.

Any chance she was pregnant?

Her being pregnant/recently having a baby has been a rumor around Mobile since she disappeared...
If any money has been raised in the name of Danniella Nickole Vian since her disappearance, then it seems like one of the first expenses should be to preserve her lifestyle and memory for at least a couple of months. She is currently a missing person, and it does not look like it is a voluntary disappearance. How much can her rent be - couple of hundred a month paid in cash?
And if DNV paid a portion of the car in cash and had cash in her apartment, why wasn't rent paid? Did I miss something along the way about why she was late on rent and was going to be evicted?
Thank you for this explanation. I did not see it at first but, after zooming in on my laptop and reading this, I totally see it. The frightening part of this is that the person being held is wearing a dark shirt & dark hat, just as it has been said DNV was that evening.
Thank you @cedgison I thought I was losing it when no one else could see it.
Few thoughts- how do we know DW had DNV's password? If it's because he answered a call, you don't have to have a password to answer a call or to see who is calling. Also does it seem strange to anyone else that a potential abductor would immediately know to disable the lojack/gps tracking on DNV's car?? And if whoever took her was that keen regarding no one being able to track her then why would they believe her when she said she didn't have her phone? I would think they would rip the car and her possessions apart looking for phone (knowing it could track her) assuming she was lying. Definitely think they would have left some kind of evidence (accidentally) in the parking lot
Did someone at the Dublin parking lot see/hear her phone fall off her car? Followed her to the Shell station knowing she'd be an easy target- no cell phone, possibly intoxicated?? Car 3?
Not sure where I'm headed with all of this, just some thoughts I've had while catching up from last night. Huge thank you to everyone here, yall are doing some really great work
Few thoughts- how do we know DW had DNV's password? If it's because he answered a call, you don't have to have a password to answer a call or to see who is calling. Also does it seem strange to anyone else that a potential abductor would immediately know to disable the lojack/gps tracking on DNV's car?? And if whoever took her was that keen regarding no one being able to track her then why would they believe her when she said she didn't have her phone? I would think they would rip the car and her possessions apart looking for phone (knowing it could track her) assuming she was lying. Definitely think they would have left some kind of evidence (accidentally) in the parking lot
Did someone at the Dublin parking lot see/hear her phone fall off her car? Followed her to the Shell station knowing she'd be an easy target- no cell phone, possibly intoxicated?? Car 3?
Not sure where I'm headed with all of this, just some thoughts I've had while catching up from last night. Huge thank you to everyone here, yall are doing some really great work

I've read two stories:
1) DW went back to Dublins to look for the phone and found it in the parking lot.
2) DW went back to Dublins to look for the phone and was approached by a bartender who asked if he was looking for a phone and stated they'd found one on the back of a car.
Google Maps

Google street view of the gas station may help discern some of the photo.
So those 'people' may actually be the gas tanks. Ok.

Now, looking at that google link, the car dealership/repair shop beside the gas station, someone who works there might have an idea of how to remove/disalarm a LoJack or GPS, if special tools are needed to do that, maybe that tool was at the car place? Maybe that's why they went to there to begin with , and not to the gas station.
IF danniella is missing voluntarily, maybe she asked somehow to disable the gps/lojack, and they offered to do it for her. IF she intended to pay cash for the car, why didn't she pay all of it at one time? Why partial payment? Maybe her intent was to disappear...
So those 'people' may actually be the gas tanks. Ok.

Now, looking at that google link, the car dealership/repair shop beside the gas station, someone who works there might have an idea of how to remove/disalarm a LoJack or GPS, if special tools are needed to do that, maybe that tool was at the car place? Maybe that's why they went to there to begin with , and not to the gas station.
That’s where I see the car with the guy standing with his car parked next to the shop/whatever it is.
Thanks - short term memory issues.

Yes, the fact that her phone was found on a car in the parking lot at the bar after 10:45PM. Someone has a good eye! Forty minutes after this happened, DW retrieved the cell phone from bar staff even though it was not his phone.

If she stopped to chat on her way to the car, with whom? She was with DW and another couple. The other couple arrived at Ollies, DW was apparently going home, Danni was apparently following him to Ollies.

At what point would she put her phone down on another car? To look for her keys?

It doesn't seem like roofies, what about ecstasy - MDMA. Would that explain leaving her phone on a car, missing the turnoff for Ollies, following DW for no known reason, flashing her lights to alert him. What abour DW leaving the parking lot within 2 minutes of hearing about her phone and then trying to find her for the rest of the evening?

The Molly/MDMA idea makes sense. There have been bad batches of both happening all over the world which might fit into an 'OD and panic by the party train group' scenario IDK. 3 people died recently from a bad batch at a concert in NYC and if you google Molly/MDMA tainted its clear its an issue all over the world as the drug is being cut with all kinds of other ingredients as the ingredient from Indonesia that is part of traditional MDMA is in very short supply due to crackdowns by LE in Indonesia. I think it was in Boston where LE and local press ran public service announcements to explain how to test your Molly/MDMA as its such a party drug and there is a huge college population there.
Are we taking it as fact that DNV placed her cell phone on a car herself at The Dublin?
No I don't think this can be safely assumed at all. Its certainly possible but by all accounts there was no CCTV at Dublins so we would have to have some eyewitness account to understand how the phone ended up on car. It could be as simple as putting it down to look for keys (@otto idea) to someone grabbing her phone and overpowering her in the parking lot. Sadly we just don't know.
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