AL AL - Danniella Vian, 24, Mobile, 17 Jul 2018 #2

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it was impossible for her to be 'right behind him'...she hadn't budged...
if we are to believe DW: only thing I can think of is - he wasn't paying much some point sees headlights in rear view, assumes that's her, headlights veer off onto another he thinks she's turned off course...but he continues....
The DW story has many issues but this entire issue of not seeing DNV to me is the black hole in the story. I am sure everyone has been a situation where you are following somebody to get from pt a to pt b. Its never as easy as you think so you speed up, slow down or pull over and wait if the traffic is crazy or the person isn't visible. DW did none of these things according to the story. It makes little sense to just take off and assume the person is following behind especially if its known that the person had been drinking, the route has stop lights and its quite dark and deserted. This entire scenario becomes even more challenging after a few drinks. But with the story from DW there was no waiting or looking for DNV. This doesn't make much sense and hasn't from the first time this story was presented IMO.
Thanks for joining the thread to give us a local perspective of things! We have been struggling alot with the route from Dublin's to Shell (reason for going there in the first place - drugs or party at DW house?) and back again and then trying to fit Ollies into the equation just made it super crazy! You cut through all the difficulty in one sentence. Much appreciated! Thanks also for confirming the drug drop aspect of the Shell. That was the suspicion from early in the case due to location and station being closed and relatively dark and the access to multiple highways would make it an easy meet up spot.

Do you have any ideas on where the party train might have been heading if they had picked up drugs and wanted to party for a few more hours? Would they go to somebodies house (maybe DW?) or head to a club or someplace else downtown? What is the party drug of choice in Mobile? Is it Molly, weed, MDMA, speed or something else?

What is still strange about the timeline is that DW left the Shell station and DNV stayed with Car 3 for a period of time. We still know nothing about the person/people in Car 3. The theory about Car 3 being DW returning is somewhat questionable as its unclear whether DW would be able to disable a lojack. Maybe DW went to get a person that knew how to disable a lojack and then returned? We don't know unfortunatley.

Well if they were going to continue on and not go to Ollies the only other option would be Dauphin Street really (there are some random small bars throughout the city but neither fit the typical patrons of those establishments lol) I know there was some confusion at the very beginning about the last ping from her car being on Dauphin Street at a parking garage which is plausible but most people do not park in garages when going to clubs on Dauphin Street. Everyone I know parks on the street or if you can't find a spot on the street then usually one of the small lots that you pay $5 to park. The parking garages are mostly for the Hotels. But since then they have changed the last ping to being at the Shell station. However the bars there all close around 12am and one at 2am on weekdays if I'm not mistaken.

As far as party drugs, I'm really out of the loop on that. I'm 38 and only go to Dauphin Street after kickball games on Thursday (that's actually where I first saw DNV's missing persons flyer and thought she looked familiar after reading the details about the locations involved I was instantly on alert simply because it's literally so close to home and I have a daughter not too much younger than DNV as well as one that just started driving). I know there are a lot of weed smokers though and prescription drug use (adderall maybe) I haven't heard of any Molly or MDMA discussed.

As far as Pearl Motors goes, it has been in business a pretty long time for a used car lots go since 1966... just throwing that out there. Not to say they couldn't have hired someone with bad intentions.

Also another interesting thought I had when writing this is in reference to DW and his line of employment being on the port (not far from dauphin St) having something to do with those big shipping containers.
Cmpeezy251......okay, if I'm following you right.....
DW and DNV may go together to Shell station to procure drugs...she realizes her phone is missing...DW goes back for it, she stays to do transaction....he assumes she'll meet up with him after the drug exchange takes place at Dublins, get her phone.......
They were always going to go back to Ollies - after getting drugs at Shell......
So, when she doesn't appear at Dublins...that's why he goes to Ollies (instead of back to Shell) - because that's where everyone was going to get back together...
Hope this makes sense!
And maybe that is not what you meant at all lol ;)

this makes a lot of sense to me. Now who called the dealer for a meet up? That should be on someone's phone
As someone stated earlier, it would be very easy/normal for someone DWs age- also around my age- to google how to disable lojack. I just googled it and a bunch of youtube videos showed up. I don't think that's worth discrediting DW as a suspect, to say well he couldn't have done it because he has no known mechanical knowledge. I do however (sorry for the broken record here!!!) wonder how he would know the car had a lojack system in the first place. Personally I don't think he would.
True. Disabling a lojack is a job and there are certified lojack technicians for a reason I think. I even question if DNV knew the lojack was in place? If you read some of the consumer complaints from Pearl Motors (there are a few) its clear that they actively use lojack to repossess cars for non payment. Its likely that if the car were financed that the lojack issue is buried someplace in the financing agreement and maybe DNV didn't know. Maybe people that have dealt with dealers like Pearl would know about lojack and kill switches but if DNV hadn't bought a car this way before and wasn't told by the dealer then she wouldn't necessarily know. Its doubtful that DW would be buying a vehicle from a place like Pearl motors given a totally different personal financial situation IMO. So, who knew about the lojack and was it disabled intentionally or just stopped working?
Still catching up and I apologize if I'm out of turn.

I really feel this was a carjacking and car number 3 was responsible.
Yes, your thinking is exactly what a number of people have though since this thread first started and definately seems a viable theory. Where things get murky though was when the reporter that saw the CCTV said that DNV left the Shell station driving her car. This could just be incorrect information (as she could have been jacked and somebody else was driving her car) but since the MPD hasn't explained what happened at the Shell station I think we are left trying to put out multiple theories of what could have happened. But its also strange if its a car jacking then why take DNV? Most car jackers want cars and not people. The other confusing issue is that DNV seemed to stay at the Shell station with Car 3 for a period of time. If she were afraid why not flee? Frankly I'm still confused!
It sounds like she was right behind him as he left the Shell station - he saw her lights behind him, so he returned to The Dublin, and he assumed that she either took a different route or they were separated.

As he pulled out, another car pulled in, and Danni remained at the Shell station - perhaps involuntarily.

Is the Shell station in a scary side of Mobile?
Its not the best area of town. Someone local put some color on the Shell station today that was super helpful IMO and said it was a local drug meetup location.
Well if they were going to continue on and not go to Ollies the only other option would be Dauphin Street really (there are some random small bars throughout the city but neither fit the typical patrons of those establishments lol) I know there was some confusion at the very beginning about the last ping from her car being on Dauphin Street at a parking garage which is plausible but most people do not park in garages when going to clubs on Dauphin Street. Everyone I know parks on the street or if you can't find a spot on the street then usually one of the small lots that you pay $5 to park. The parking garages are mostly for the Hotels. But since then they have changed the last ping to being at the Shell station. However the bars there all close around 12am and one at 2am on weekdays if I'm not mistaken.

As far as party drugs, I'm really out of the loop on that. I'm 38 and only go to Dauphin Street after kickball games on Thursday (that's actually where I first saw DNV's missing persons flyer and thought she looked familiar after reading the details about the locations involved I was instantly on alert simply because it's literally so close to home and I have a daughter not too much younger than DNV as well as one that just started driving). I know there are a lot of weed smokers though and prescription drug use (adderall maybe) I haven't heard of any Molly or MDMA discussed.

As far as Pearl Motors goes, it has been in business a pretty long time for a used car lots go since 1966... just throwing that out there. Not to say they couldn't have hired someone with bad intentions.

Also another interesting thought I had when writing this is in reference to DW and his line of employment being on the port (not far from dauphin St) having something to do with those big shipping containers.

Daupin St doesn't help with understanding why they were near the Shell station.
Yes, your thinking is exactly what a number of people have though since this thread first started and definately seems a viable theory. Where things get murky though was when the reporter that saw the CCTV said that DNV left the Shell station driving her car. This could just be incorrect information (as she could have been jacked and somebody else was driving her car) but since the MPD hasn't explained what happened at the Shell station I think we are left trying to put out multiple theories of what could have happened. But its also strange if its a car jacking then why take DNV? Most car jackers want cars and not people. The other confusing issue is that DNV seemed to stay at the Shell station with Car 3 for a period of time. If she were afraid why not flee? Frankly I'm still confused!

Unless it was someone she knew (not the party train) and she voluntarily or involuntarily left with them. Promise of a better party? IDK. But...gps disabling IMO, points to involuntary. Then I think if something sketchy was going on, drug deal or car jacking. Why would anyone hang out at a known drug dealing spot? I'd be afraid of the cops driving by.
Well that information about DW's work gives me a bit of the creeps.....DW could fast track a shipping container, under the radar as best he could...I imagine that LE will be all over that possibility though...

Also thought about the idea of DW & DNV going back to his place..simply don't know if that was a possibility though re: status of his wife being there...

Am thinking that DW getting rid of that rental car so late at night: he didn't want to be associated with it, have others recognize him...thinking he could have been freaked out @ car #3 & whatever went down...could be why, as far as we know despite DNV last being seen by him at Shell, he never went back to Shell - freaked out he'd be spotted.....

I agree about being lead car when having people follow you, even if other person knows destination, you keep your eye out, make sure they're behind you....
good question..about camera - but as we sadly know - doesn't seem to all that much of one! We don't even know if one car is another, or who's there or how many yadda maybe it's a great spot
Its not the best area of town. Someone local put some color on the Shell station today that was super helpful IMO and said it was a local drug meetup location.
Another thing to throw out there... maybe they did not realize the Shell was already closed, I would’ve thought it would be open until midnight Especially being so close to the interstate. But if they had a lot of illicit activity going on there that may be why they close fairly early.
RE rental car - apparently for work.....but don't know why he'd need one
Good question..
Anyone know why DW would have a work issued rental car...??
Well that information about DW's work gives me a bit of the creeps.....DW could fast track a shipping container, under the radar as best he could...I imagine that LE will be all over that possibility though...

Also thought about the idea of DW & DNV going back to his place..simply don't know if that was a possibility though re: status of his wife being there...

Am thinking that DW getting rid of that rental car so late at night: he didn't want to be associated with it, have others recognize him...thinking he could have been freaked out @ car #3 & whatever went down...could be why, as far as we know despite DNV last being seen by him at Shell, he never went back to Shell - freaked out he'd be spotted.....

I agree about being lead car when having people follow you, even if other person knows destination, you keep your eye out, make sure they're behind you....

A verified insider said that DW lived about 15 minutes SE of the Shell station. DW is accounted for both on the evening that Danni disappeared and in the following days (regarding trying to return the phone to Danni's family)

Drug dealers don't set up shop at a gas station in full view of a CCTV camera.

I'm not seeing this as a drug deal or DW being Car 3. That is, there's nothing to support this theory at this time.
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