GUILTY AL - Jack Girdner, 73, & DeJerinett twins, 9, found murdered, Hope Hull, 3 June 2012

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Oh no! Thank you beach for the update, and my heart goes out to all involved with this tragedy.
:grouphug: Thanks Beach...wonder if he was murdered also...

That is what I want to know. WHO exactly is responsible for the homicide.

Call me Pollyanna but for some reason my gut instinct tells me that Girdner did not murder these kids. As of yet, they are not calling it a murder/suicide. I am thinking that one of the reasons they have not released anything is because they believe there is someone else involved. I mean they are STILL investigating it. From what I know about this kind of stuff, if they believed Girdner was responsible, why not report it by now? I am thinking there is another suspect maybe???

Keep in mind I am NOT thinking very clearly here.

Guys, I probably could have wrangled some more info out of the nice [someone in the know] but I could tell he was telling me what he did because of who I worked for and that he could tell I was a basket case. I didn't want to put him in a bad position, iykwim. I was just grateful for the info about the kids.

I hope we know more at noon. I did get the impression that they expect to hold a presser or at least, release a press release at that time. How much they release will be a whole other matter. I guess it will depend on if they are pursuing anyone else.
Just tragic. Praying for you also Beach! Did he indicate if the children's bodies have been found?

It definitely sounds hinky if an elderly unrelated man shows interest in kids, volunteers to be a babysitter and then disappears with the kids. Hope they are found safe soon.

Were they planning to drive anywhere that day? A 73 year old man driving two children in a 24 years old vehicle sounds like accidents could happen too.

Where is the children's father?

No freaking way!
Some of the comments in links said something about possibly having a couple of guys involved, and not Mr. Girdner...IDK
Just tragic. Praying for you also Beach! Did he indicate if the children's bodies have been found?

you know, I couldn't swear to it but I think they were found. I know my boss is under that impression after his breakfast with [the source] this morning.

Again, we could both be assuming, but I know we both got that impression.
you know, I couldn't swear to it but I think they were found. I know my boss is under that impression after his breakfast with the [source]this morning.

Again, we could both be assuming, but I know we both got that impression.

was this it? (re: related??? do you think?)

he Alabama Bureau of Investigation and the Lowndes County Sheriff's Department are investigating what appears to be a homicide at this time.

Investigators said, "Due to the sensitivity of the investigation, no other information is available at this time."
Yeah, nurse....I think they are related.
I feel sick thinking what may have happened to these kids with this guy......bad hey, the first thing all of us are thinking...

But also, mum why would you leave your kids with a man by themselves until you are 100% sure of who he is....I would never leave my kids alone with a man unless they are their dad.
Well, not ALL men are bad. I have male friends I trust more than my kid's own dad and I have allowed them to watch my children. Just because someone is male does not mean they are gross and icky and want to hurt your kids. Of course know them VERY well FIRST, do background checks, keep your eyes open (stats do show that of course this is how male sex predators can work) but just because they are male is not a reason to freak out. Keep your eyes open on ANYONE who shows an interest in your kids, male or female. The case of Sandra Cantu and cases of children dying at the hands of female babysitters due to beatings or due to someone else in their home means you must look at ANYONE carefully. In this very very very sad. A guy at 73 would make me suspicious though, since I know my parents are a year older and don't have enough energy for my own kids yet they will at times watch them. I can't imagine that being that old you would willingly look at kids and want to watch them. I know I too would have looked at this and gotten a bad feeling. I feel for this mom.
Respectfully written, I am really surprised to have read this information here before it came out in the media.
Some of the comments in links said something about possibly having a couple of guys involved, and not Mr. Girdner...IDK

I can't even read the comments anymore. I got so upset last night reading them.

HOWEVER, for context I can tell you that that area is very, very rural. There are a lot of drugs grown & manufactured. Obviously, that means some not so savory characters, if you get my drift. I don't want to say too much negative because I have some friends that live out there and they are terrific, upstanding folks. However, there are plenty who are not.

I will be surprised if Mr. Girdner is solely responsible for these murders. I feel there are other more plausible scenarios.
It is possible that an unrelated person did something to the man and two children. It could definitely be related to certain social issues. Very sad, horrible.
Respectfully written, I am really surprised to have read this information here before it came out in the media.

Respectfully, consider me an insider and rest assured, I have held back PLENTY. I did not say one thing that would hinder the investigation and I know plenty more.
Oh, and there were comments that he wanted to marry mom/they were going to get married/he gave her $$...FWIW
The northern part of Lowndes County, AL is geographically between Montgomery and Selma. According to Wikipedia, in 1965, it was predominately occupied by Whites. In 2000 census, the majority is Black/African American.,_Alabama

I wonder how long Jack Mac Girdner has had a connection to the area.

I would not be surprised if Mr. Girdner lived in his home a very, very long time.
I've cared for people who live in neighborhoods you would never expect them to live in, but these people bought their homes 30 - 40 years ago and don't plan on moving. That is home to them!
Respectfully, consider me an insider and rest assured, I have held back PLENTY. I did not say one thing that would hinder the investigation and I know plenty more.

I don't think any information released hasn't already been in the news.
Respectfully, consider me an insider and rest assured, I have held back PLENTY. I did not say one thing that would hinder the investigation and I know plenty more.

My main concern would be if the mother is aware of this information only because the only place this info is stated about the children is here.

I was not challenging the information provided, only concerned about if the mother is aware.
I know the answer to that, Patty. Otherwise I would not have posted at all.

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