GUILTY AL - Natalie, 5, & Jonathan DeBlase, 3, beaten, poisoned, Mobile, 1 March 2010

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think whoever knew these kids were being beat (beat not spanked), need to go to jail if they didn't report it!!!!!![/quote

I do too peeples, in all these cases. Perhaps they use this to get the people to testify, threaten them with jail time, but I think they should be arrested and booked at least, in every case.

I do not hesitate to call DSS. I follow up until I know they have followed up. Of course I live in a small rural town where I know someone in the DSS and LE but I've done this several times.

I've worked in school too many times with children that were abused and I will not go to my grave knowing I didn't do something when it could have made a difference.
I can't help it. I just wish LE would accidently put him in the wrong cell!

Guys, these are the children we know about that were discarded like trash!

What about the other babies/children who have died at the hands of their sperm donors and step-whatevers that we don't know about, that no one knows about!

Sorry I'm just really upset.
I am just so sad for all these childern....What they see, hear and go through in there little short lives. God bless them all.....and God help us all.
MOBILE, Alabama -- Prosecutors have decided to charge the stepmother of two missing children with aggravated child abuse and [eta: two counts of] abuse of a corpse after she is transferred from a Louisville jail back to Mobile, authorities said this afternoon.

Heather Leavell-Keaton, 22, is being held on lesser child abuse charges in Louisville after her common-law husband's 5-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son were reported missing November.

more here
MOBILE, Alabama -- Prosecutors have decided to charge the stepmother of two missing children with aggravated child abuse and [eta: two counts of] abuse of a corpse after she is transferred from a Louisville jail back to Mobile, authorities said this afternoon.

Heather Leavell-Keaton, 22, is being held on lesser child abuse charges in Louisville after her common-law husband's 5-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son were reported missing November.

more here

Oh God, I just found this...those poor, sweet babies. Seriously, what is happening to the human race?
My heart breaks again. These beautiful, beautiful children deserved to grow up happy and to their full potential. Who on earth could harm a child????

Rest in peace, little ones.
What kind of people dream up this type of torture to babies???
Give me a couple socks, a broomstick, a suitcase and some duct tape for
these to sadists!!! I won't release them either!
I am so angry...........God's gifts are just tortured, killed and dumped.
These 2 need the DP !
I just cannot believe these two, so called human beings, could be so sick and depraved to do these things to two babies! I just will never be able to comprehend how you could even contemplate hurting a child.

Does it just seem this way or does this kind of thing seems to be happening with increasing regularity in America? Thankfully in Ireland, both North & South the instances of child murder are extremely few and far between. It does happen don't get me wrong but thankfully not often. Of course Ireland is a much smaller place and does not have the same drug problems etc; I am not comparing the two in any way - just thinking that I am thankful that this kind of thing does not happen very often in my little part of the world! I couldn't bear it.

JMHO :sick::sick::sick:
Belfastgirl, I do agree it seems to be an ever increasing event here in the US...but also there is lots of publicity with certain cases which capture the media's attention. Sadly, though, there are many, many more cases no one ever hears much about. Some babies and little children in the inner city areas might get a small blurb in a local paper when they are killed by a parent...

I think a lot of times, drugs are involved...but in other cases, some of these adults are just missing a crucial gene...something in their makeup is not as it should be. They have an absence of empathy, for sure. It is a shame that this "missing" gene could not be identified before babies are murdered...
There are no words...

Just speechless and heartbroken. My stomach turned to read those reports. I, (as I'm sure most of you) would have gladly taken those children and giving them a loving home. I wish those children had a second chance. Devastating. :(
I'm having a real problem with the description that the father "allowed" the stepmother to abuse the children in such a horrific manner.

ALLOWED?:waitasec: If you are a parent and you have knowledge that another is abusing your child and choose to "allow" it, then you are actively particpating, too. Passive-agressive? Maybe, but does it even matter? A parent's FIRST responsibility is to protect their children.

Honestly, I can't handle much more of all these innocent young children/babies being abused and thrown out like trash. :cry: :cry: :cry:
I had not been following this thread, but for some reason, I decided I should read it today. I just don't know what to say. Sarah Maynard, the Skelton boys, Zahra, and now.... Natalie and Jonathan. There are no words. I believe we are witnessing some form of devolution. I personally do not believe in the classic sense of "evolution". I believe mankind was created and did not evolve from a single-celled life form in some primordial swamp. On the other hand, I fear that I am witnessing mankind devolve into an abyss that our cave man brothers and sisters would be ashamed of. Sad, sad, sad!!!
I had not been following this thread, but for some reason, I decided I should read it today. I just don't know what to say. Sarah Maynard, the Skelton boys, Zahra, and now.... Natalie and Jonathan. There are no words. I believe we are witnessing some form of devolution. I personally do not believe in the classic sense of "evolution". I believe mankind was created and did not evolve from a single-celled life form in some primordial swamp. On the other hand, I fear that I am witnessing mankind devolve into an abyss that our cave man brothers and sisters would be ashamed of. Sad, sad, sad!!!

I wouldn't say you are wrong...I think our (human) race has become far less civilized with each passing century...we may have made some laws that seem to make us more civilized than our forefathers, but we seem to create ever more horrific crimes...and they become so frequent that the world-wide outrage is not there...
I understood that the SM was legally blind. Could she see well enough to hold down a child and duct tape them by herself or would she need some help?

OT - I had to get some duct tape the other day and was able to get some colored rolls. i just can't bear to get a roll of gray tape.
Belfastgirl, I do agree it seems to be an ever increasing event here in the US...but also there is lots of publicity with certain cases which capture the media's attention. Sadly, though, there are many, many more cases no one ever hears much about. Some babies and little children in the inner city areas might get a small blurb in a local paper when they are killed by a parent...

I think a lot of times, drugs are involved...but in other cases, some of these adults are just missing a crucial gene...something in their makeup is not as it should be. They have an absence of empathy, for sure. It is a shame that this "missing" gene could not be identified before babies are murdered...

Sadly, I believe you're right. How many babies are falling through the cracks? Breaks my heart to even think about it. :(

IMO, no matter what, it is NOT normal for a bio parent to harm - or allow others to harm - their own babies. It's just not. Yet we see it here - ALL the time. I don't suppose it's really anything new. But, it seems to me, there is some kind of major "disconnect" with the parents of today.

We really have to ask ourselves....WHY? Something is wrong. It's a primal need to protect our children. Yet here we are, witnessing so many of these horrific cases.

I just don't understand...
But if it is an increasing problem and not just more knowledge of an on-going problem...then there has to be something wrong with the parenting of the last generation or so, and no one wants to think that. I think each upcoming generation contains a greater percentage of people who feel entitled and less empathic than the one doesn't happen in a vacuum.
I tell ya' stories like this really bring out the worst in me, because I have rage inside to the point I would gladly watch this SOB be beaten to death by a group of bigger men. I know it's not a good side of me, because violence begets violence, but I feel pure rage.
Hey y'all. I'm not around here often because these threads make me horribly depressed. I read the description of the abuse these two little ones suffered yesterday. I think it was an AP article. In that article I believe it said these two nutters met on Myspace in 2008. Is that true? I guess their "father" was living with his parents then? How the hell does a situation devolve so quickly? How the hell do these sickos always seem to find each other?!

Is there a mug shot of this woman? I want to eyeball her evil self.

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