GUILTY AL - Natalie, 5, & Jonathan DeBlase, 3, beaten, poisoned, Mobile, 1 March 2010

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This is a horrific story. And while I believe every adult in that household is equally responsible for whatever happened to the children, I'm having a hard time with the father's version of events. He "allowed" a *blind* person to carry out these complicated torture scenarios?? "What, honey? You want me to find the duct tape? Because you want to torture the children? Sure, I'll get it. I'll get the scissors so you can cut it, too. Oh, the broom's out in the garage, hold on a minute..."

I think it's most likely the other way around: she "allowed" him to do these things. they were probably both completely strung out, too. But I see no reason to believe his story -- the more likely version being that the non-blind person had somewhat more control over the situation.

Though both of them should receive the maximum penalty, and *anyone* who witnessed the abuse without doing anything should get jail time. Honestly, I think people would think twice about looking the other way if their fannies were on the line, too.
I understood that the SM was legally blind. Could she see well enough to hold down a child and duct tape them by herself or would she need some help?

OT - I had to get some duct tape the other day and was able to get some colored rolls. i just can't bear to get a roll of gray tape.

My daughter's neighbor is considered "legally blind." She can see well enough to target practice with her pink AK-47 assault rifle!! She uses her $2,000 camera and takes better pictures than I do. She runs after her three kids from sun up to sun down. I'd never know she was "blind" except she does wear thicker type eye glasses.
This is a horrific story. And while I believe every adult in that household is equally responsible for whatever happened to the children, I'm having a hard time with the father's version of events. He "allowed" a *blind* person to carry out these complicated torture scenarios?? "What, honey? You want me to find the duct tape? Because you want to torture the children? Sure, I'll get it. I'll get the scissors so you can cut it, too. Oh, the broom's out in the garage, hold on a minute..."

I think it's most likely the other way around: she "allowed" him to do these things. they were probably both completely strung out, too. But I see no reason to believe his story -- the more likely version being that the non-blind person had somewhat more control over the situation.

Though both of them should receive the maximum penalty, and *anyone* who witnessed the abuse without doing anything should get jail time. Honestly, I think people would think twice about looking the other way if their fannies were on the line, too.

i have to agree with you about this - something is turned around or something. i find it somewhat interesting that the bio mom has been described as having some kind of learning disability?(never heard a proper dx) and this current women he was with is legally blind. should we suspect that he liked to be with a women that had some kind of deficit? i want to know if they poisoned the children - the fathers previous statement of "i didnt do IT" sounds to me like hes saying that tho he disposed of them, he did not actually kill them (in his opinion, of course). i also want to know who has reported the duct tape/broomstick abuse, him or her?
Legally Blind just means she can't drive or operate machinery etc. My cousin is legally blind but he can still see and do things aroudn the house.

WHY COULDN'T they leave these kids at a safe haven? Hospital? Church?

Why kill them? Leave them on a doorstep - anything. I will never understand this.

The attorney, John Thompson, said at a bond hearing Friday that 27-year-old John DeBlase (duh-BLAYZ') plans to plead not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. :rolleyes: A judge ordered DeBlase held on $500,000 bond - $250,000 for each murder count.

more here
My daughter's neighbor is considered "legally blind." She can see well enough to target practice with her pink AK-47 assault rifle!! She uses her $2,000 camera and takes better pictures than I do. She runs after her three kids from sun up to sun down. I'd never know she was "blind" except she does wear thicker type eye glasses.

Her pink AK-47??? Hahaha.
I love it.
It's true that "legally blind" people can get around quite well, especially if their lives are structured and well-organized or they still have some residual vision. Judging from pictures and the comment from a local, this SM really didn't have much sight at all, and her house was a mess.

I could be wrong, but I still really find it hard to believe she was the instigator and the father was the passive observer. Hopefully, the truth will come out...

(Why do all these child abuse cases have one parent who claims to be a passive observer? Ethan Stacy, Zahra, now this one. I don't buy it. In for a penny, in for a pound.)
I wouldn't say you are wrong...I think our (human) race has become far less civilized with each passing century...we may have made some laws that seem to make us more civilized than our forefathers, but we seem to create ever more horrific crimes...and they become so frequent that the world-wide outrage is not there...

I believe a great deal to do with it is that these folks should not have had children to begin with. I feel if you can't financially, emotionally, educationally, psychologically, afford to bring up a child, if you're under the age of 25, if you don't have a back up person to help you out with taking care of a child, if you don't have skills that allow you to work, hold down a job, support the child fully, then you should not be breeding.

I Chose not to have a child. I was in college when I found out I was pregnant at age 19. It was an 'accident' and I wasn't planning on it. At the time, my fiancee was not ready for a child, either. I was sad, but decided to have an abortion. Yes, sometimes I am very sad about it. But I knew I would not want to be a burden to others, or unable to support myself and a child. Some folks may disagree with this stance, but I felt it was being responsible.

I feel that people who have children that can't take care of them are a big part of why this happens. Dad did look very capable at one time, but the birth mom said he could be controlling at times. I would bet a dollar that drugs are involved in this case. Step mom had a good education-I would have expected more from her. I don't understand this sort of cold, unfeeling psychopathism that killed these children. I just don't understand.
I read 2 articles. I couldn't finish the second article. The hell those precious children endured is heart wrenching. I pray dad (if you can even call him that) and step mom both get the death penalty. If not the DP, then life in prison with no parole.
I believe a great deal to do with it is that these folks should not have had children to begin with. I feel if you can't financially, emotionally, educationally, psychologically, afford to bring up a child, if you're under the age of 25, if you don't have a back up person to help you out with taking care of a child, if you don't have skills that allow you to work, hold down a job, support the child fully, then you should not be breeding.

I Chose not to have a child. I was in college when I found out I was pregnant at age 19. It was an 'accident' and I wasn't planning on it. At the time, my fiancee was not ready for a child, either. I was sad, but decided to have an abortion. Yes, sometimes I am very sad about it. But I knew I would not want to be a burden to others, or unable to support myself and a child. Some folks may disagree with this stance, but I felt it was being responsible.

I feel that people who have children that can't take care of them are a big part of why this happens. Dad did look very capable at one time, but the birth mom said he could be controlling at times. I would bet a dollar that drugs are involved in this case. Step mom had a good education-I would have expected more from her. I don't understand this sort of cold, unfeeling psychopathism that killed these children. I just don't understand.


I value everyones opinions on parenting, however, not every poor, under 25, no education...etc... parent is a bad one. I just fit the exact description of the people you said should not breed. Well except for support and psycological..... lol. I know the statistics, and I fully understand that many young Moms are horribly (sp) immature, and should not be parenting, however, there are a ton of young Moms that do very well. There a millions of poor uneducated families in America, that never harm their children. I agree with the point you are trying to make, but I took offense to it as well. I have 3 wonderful babies, a home, and I work my arse off to care for them, and they have never, nor will they ever be abused.

I think the bigger issue, is generations carrying on bad parenting, and getting worse with each generation. Add drugs into the mix, and it is an all out disaster. Not to mention the media, tv shows, etc... That do not teach good morals, only encourage the bad. It is a sick sick cycle, that we need to find a way to stop!

I value everyones opinions on parenting, however, not every poor, under 25, no education...etc... parent is a bad one. I just fit the exact description of the people you said should not breed. Well except for support and psycological..... lol. I know the statistics, and I fully understand that many young Moms are horribly (sp) immature, and should not be parenting, however, there are a ton of young Moms that do very well. There a millions of poor uneducated families in America, that never harm their children. I agree with the point you are trying to make, but I took offense to it as well. I have 3 wonderful babies, a home, and I work my arse off to care for them, and they have never, nor will they ever be abused.

I think the bigger issue, is generations carrying on bad parenting, and getting worse with each generation. Add drugs into the mix, and it is an all out disaster. Not to mention the media, tv shows, etc... That do not teach good morals, only encourage the bad. It is a sick sick cycle, that we need to find a way to stop!

Thank you and I agree. It seems to me, in this case, the extended family did not care about those babies either. NO one in my family would have let months go by without seeing my children. Ever. I couldn't keep my Mom away when my babies were that little!
Thank you and I agree. It seems to me, in this case, the extended family did not care about those babies either. NO one in my family would have let months go by without seeing my children. Ever. I couldn't keep my Mom away when my babies were that little!

My family would not check in on me. If they thought I need help with the kids they might even drive farther away. Really they are like that. No way
would they let them live with them.

I agree I dont think the babies had anyone to depend on. I do think the SM is evil still. I bet the grandparents called dad everyday to find out when he was picking them up.
Oh, my family will not let any amount of time go by without hearing from me.... I live far away, so we have the computer and phone.... But if I dont update my status on FB everyday, my phone starts blowing up lol. I think family support and involvement, whether aunts uncles, grandparents, cousins, even close friends is a huge blessing in raising successful children, and being successful parents. I feel sad for people that do not have that :( But at the same time applaud those who do without, and still are great parents!

It seems as these poor kids didn't have nayone looking out for their well being, and that just breaks my heart :(((
I read 2 articles. I couldn't finish the second article. The hell those precious children endured is heart wrenching. I pray dad (if you can even call him that) and step mom both get the death penalty. If not the DP, then life in prison with no parole.

....and that's just the stuff they are actually admitting to doing. We will never know the complete horrors these children endured.
MOBILE, Alabama (WALA) - First thing Saturday morning, a team of about 100 people will comb the woods near Citronelle searching for the remains of five-year-old Natalie DeBlase.

Police say her father, John DeBlase, admitted dumping her body and her brother's body in the woods several months ago.

Along with the scores of investigators, more than a dozen dogs will carefully examine an area northwest of Citronelle.

MOBILE, Alabama (WALA) - As police continue to investigate Heather Leavell-Keaton, FOX10 News is taking a closer look into her life, before and after meeting John DeBlase.

District Attorney John Tyson Junior told us Thursday, that Keaton's charges were upgraded to aggravated child abuse and aggravated abuse of a corpse.

Keaton is the step-mother to three-year-old Jonathon Chase and five-year-old Natalie DeBlase.

Police tell FOX10 News Keaton and her common law husband are responsible for the children deaths.

Friday, we spoke with Keaton's roommate at Spring Hill College. She says both Keaton and Deblase were troubled and together they were toxic.

Thank you and I agree. It seems to me, in this case, the extended family did not care about those babies either. NO one in my family would have let months go by without seeing my children. Ever. I couldn't keep my Mom away when my babies were that little!

Sorry guys, but this is not so easy.
My husband was married before. His soon to be ex at that time took their child, only a year at that time and ran. My husband and his family did their best to try to find her, but back in those days there wasn't much done by LE on this sort of thing. It was years later that ex wife came back with daughter and even then, she sure did her best to keep daughter away.

things have healed now, but it's beyond some people's power to get to children if a parent is keeping them away from you. My husband had a legal right to see his child, but that didn't matter. He didn't have the legal resources, or the ability to hire a PI at that point for any lenght of time, to track them down.

It's harder than it seems to keep track of someone who doesn't want you to find them, or be invovled.

I value everyones opinions on parenting, however, not every poor, under 25, no education...etc... parent is a bad one. I just fit the exact description of the people you said should not breed. Well except for support and psycological..... lol. I know the statistics, and I fully understand that many young Moms are horribly (sp) immature, and should not be parenting, however, there are a ton of young Moms that do very well. There a millions of poor uneducated families in America, that never harm their children. I agree with the point you are trying to make, but I took offense to it as well. I have 3 wonderful babies, a home, and I work my arse off to care for them, and they have never, nor will they ever be abused.

I think the bigger issue, is generations carrying on bad parenting, and getting worse with each generation. Add drugs into the mix, and it is an all out disaster. Not to mention the media, tv shows, etc... That do not teach good morals, only encourage the bad. It is a sick sick cycle, that we need to find a way to stop!

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. My husband was a parent at 17. But times were different then. He had a supportive family, he had a job and was starting his own business as a contractor. He always looked and acted older than he was. He had been working since he was 16, and had a home of his own and office at 18. He worked all the time.

I'm sure you are different. But I think the odds are stacked against people under 25 who don't have a means to support themselves or their children in ways that enrich the children. There are exceptions, but they are exceptions. I know. I work in Foster Care. Majority of parents with kids in care...under 30, poor, sometimes drugs, mental health issues. Little family support, not alot of positive stuff going on.

I think it's hard before you're 30, anyway. You're still figuring out who you are, and I really believe that as my mom used to say, when money problems fly in the window, love can fly out.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you or offend you, truly. I'm just stating what I have experienced, personally. There are exceptions, and my opinions are not truth, they are just how I see things at the moment. I'm sure you've done wonderfully for yourself and your childen, and no offense was meant.

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