I thought I would ask here rather than the main thread.. I checked the timeline, but does anyone have a link to RAT's alleged whereabouts the day after AM went missing? I know he said he spent time with his son, but did he mention whether or not that visit started in the morning, etc? I'm trying to figure out the maximum possible distance he could've traveled in a few logical directions, and that radius changes depending on what time he had to be somewhere the next morning. I mean, assuming AM wasn't held on his property for any prolonged period of time.
Knowing his car and the routes he could've taken would allow investigators to pull surveillance tapes from a ~4 hour period from the first commercial area passed through. Once spotted, unless he took an alternate way back, he might appear again returning, which would narrow down the distance. I would wager almost anything he left his house going NORTH on Thomas Nelson because it remains remote and unpopulated for much longer than the other direction, also implying a higher speed limit.
Were the alleged Crabtree Falls sightings that next morning?
Or, assuming he opted to avoid populated areas altogether.. going north on 29, the first such area is Covesville. Turning off right before that on Boaz Mountain Road is another vast, forested area.
http://goo.gl/maps/vZEiz I was curious whether it was part of a park or just.. nothingness and found several hundred acres of it was purchased by Cove Creek Farms LLC a few years ago. I can't find any info about the farm or who operates it other than there's either 1 or 1-4 employees. So not a lot of surveillance. Lots of bodies of water that aren't even named, seemingly ATV accessible. Would provide difficulty in openly searching since it's private property (kind of like the place Morgan was found). And that's just 15 miles away from RAT's house... I can't even imagine how investigators feel, digging through this haystack right now.
I guess we'd have to know more about RAT's psyche etc to guess whether he's likely to have gone as far as possible, or pick the most difficult location that's as close as possible. Since he was under surveillance for SC and has probably felt paranoid since then, I would wager it's the latter.