All Things Dick Cheney

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Mabel said:
Putting aside the humor for a minute - will the be arresting Cheney and tossing his butt in jail like they would any other hunter who was so reckless and stupid?

:hand: :doh: :bang:

They don't lock up people for hunting accidents. The guy didn't announce that he was back and that he had re-joined the hunting party--almost a guarantee to get shot or shot at. It was more his fault than Cheney's fault. When you are wing shooting, it is very very fast--especially with quail--so it is the responsibilty of bystanders to announce themselves.

Don't be so transparent.

More curious than the incident, is why it wasn't reported for 18 hours. Even then, it seemed the White House was not going to announce it, as it was reported by a small Texas newspaper.
Marthatex said:
More curious than the incident, is why it wasn't reported for 18 hours. Even then, it seemed the White House was not going to announce it, as it was reported by a small Texas newspaper.

Why the heck would the White House report it? What national importance is it?

Marthatex said:
More curious than the incident, is why it wasn't reported for 18 hours. Even then, it seemed the White House was not going to announce it, as it was reported by a small Texas newspaper.
Holy crap. The White House should report this? I suppose with a press conference? :bang:
Mabel said:
Sure they do. I've seen it happen. Don't be so cocky.

Name them.

They don't arrest and lock people up unless there was some gross negligence such as shooting at movement in bushes or at sound. Unless there is a substantially negligent shooter, nothing ever happens criminally. This was an accident pure and simple when a non-shooter walked into a shooter's range without letting anyone know.

I tell you if I was a liberal and had to pin my hopes of getting W and Cheney on some of this cockameyme stuff.....:bang:

lynie said:
NRA's new slogan...

"Guns don't kill people, but run like hell if you see a VP with one...." :doh:

That is funny stuff!! :D
jannuncutt said:
I suppose that a proper investigation is out of the question.

I suppose that this is sarchasm ?

The investigation is that the wounded individual walked into the firing zone during a hunt. Not much more investigation than that.

For those who are serious about this, accidents like this are fairly common. Much more so than other, less active hunting types. Dogs typically flush the birds and you often have 1-3 seconds to get a shot off as you are swinging your gun around. Inherent in wing shooting is that everything in front of the shooter and out to his/her sides--essentially 180 degrees--is the shooting area. That's if you are hunting alone. If with a partner, you have more like 120 degrees for each hunter. You don't walk into it unless you need extra plumbing. Typically the dog caller / handler will walk in between the hunters. If approaching, you approach directly behind them while making PLENTY of noise to let them know you are there.

Want my take on this? No you say, too bad, here it comes so listen up...


There, I said it.. ! :razz: hehe :blowkiss:
calus_3 said:
I suppose that this is sarchasm ?

The investigation is that the wounded individual walked into the firing zone during a hunt. Not much more investigation than that.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were there. :cool:
PaperDoll said:
Want my take on this? No you say, too bad, here it comes so listen up...


There, I said it.. ! :razz: hehe :blowkiss:

Uh-oh, now it is ON! :D

Not pumps millions of dollars each year into State economies, teaches critical skills to youth, keeps youth out of trouble, provides food for those who eat it, provides hormone and chemical free food for those who eat it, hunters donate millions of pounds of venison each year to the hungry, it reduces animal and car collissions, reduces animal suffering via malnutrition and overgrazing, and it really really pisses off Peta freaks.

There are a LOT of benefits to hunting. I didn't know that there were so many vegetarians on this board...interesting.

jannuncutt said:
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were there. :cool:

Just me and your share of common sense looking for a host! :D


Boatswain'sMate said:
Just got an email with a link to this story from my college-age son, with the message: "What else do you need to understand?? Now he's hunting PEOPLE!"
mic730 said:
LOL - I bet the Secret Service will have to think twice about allowing Cheney to hunt with Dubbya in the future.

Like Scandi I cant wait to hear what Leno and Letterman do with this tomorrow night but I bet it wont be any funnier than whats been posted here.

made a reminder to myself...don't miss Letterman tonight..
calus_3 said:
Uh-oh, now it is ON! :D

Not pumps millions of dollars each year into State economies, teaches critical skills to youth, keeps youth out of trouble, provides food for those who eat it, provides hormone and chemical free food for those who eat it, hunters donate millions of pounds of venison each year to the hungry, it reduces animal and car collissions, reduces animal suffering via malnutrition and overgrazing, and it really really pisses off Peta freaks.

There are a LOT of benefits to hunting. I didn't know that there were so many vegetarians on this board...interesting.

Oh no, I'm not a vegetarian smart *advertiser censored* :razz: I'm a cannibal.. I eat men and I eat them alive.. hehe :crazy: I'm goofin witch ya, Cal.. but I still don't like hunting for the SPORT of it.. food, ok but I have a feeling most hunters don't eat their kill.. or do they?

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