All Things Dick Cheney

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I haven't read this entire thread just the last 2 pages so I thought I would mention something of importance that I sure didn't realize. My husband used to be an avid hunter and fisherman and he explained how a shot gun works. They have like little small parts in the shell. When it is first shot it stays together but the futher the object they are shooting at is... the further the spray begins to fan out. So that is why they say peppered with shotgun instead of just being shot. This man was not directly shot. He was too close to the object being shot at and the spray "peppered" him. That is why he will not be too hurt. Many, many hunters have been peppered and most don't even get medical help.

As for putting people in jail for hunting accidents they would really have to prove it wasn't an accident or there was gross negligence. My uncle was hunting with his best friend and he was following a deer. His best friend walked into the path and got shot and was killed. Nothing ever happened to my uncle legally but he lived a life of hell and was never quite right mentally after that. The pain and suffering he lived through until his last days were horrible. I felt so bad for him.

I have talked to several of the fathers that I do daycare for who are avid hunters about this incident with Cheney and they all believe it is more the person's fault who got shot then Cheney's. However, my husband believes Cheney should be fully aware of where each person of his party is when shooting. This was truly an accident and Cheney should NOT be beat up over this.
close_enough said:
made a reminder to myself...don't miss Letterman tonight..

Thanks for the reminder- I am to set TiVo right now!
PaperDoll said:
Oh no, I'm not a vegetarian smart *advertiser censored* :razz: I'm a cannibal.. I eat men and I eat them alive.. hehe :crazy: I'm goofin witch ya, Cal.. but I still don't like hunting for the SPORT of it.. food, ok but I have a feeling most hunters don't eat their kill.. or do they?

All the hunters I know eat their food. They take it and get it professionally cut and packaged. Heck I grew up on deer and elk and fish so I KNOW my family eats the meat. When I first moved from Hawaii back to Oregon we were dirt poor. I couldn't afford meat. So my dad gave me enough elk to last us a year. I was so sick of it but I was so glad to have it. I lost weight too as elk has almost no fat. I had to add oil to my elk burger to get it to fry and crumble it was so dry. But my brothers and dad definitely eat their meat and they share it with those who are needy too.
scandi said:
I've got a question. I know what a body looks like when shot with a sawed off shot gun. I saw a photo of the little girl that Tookie killed. Would these buckshot do the same type of damage except with less force than a sawed off gun?

Other than that it is almost comedic in nature. :bang: LOL


To answer your question, it depends how close they were to each other and what kind of shot was used.

Typically, thugs use buckshot and sawed off shotguns which is sort of like large BB's and inflicts a LOT of damage, particularly up close.

Hunting quail with buckshot is pretty much pointless as if you hit them, they would be fragmented. Most likely they were using lead or steel shot, depending on where they were hunting. This shot is typically not much larger than grains of sand....may 2-5 times as large and there is a lot more of it.

It is more likely that this guy was shot from farther away...I didn't read the articles... so I can't be sure.

My wife's uncle shot her grandfather while on a drunkard from about 50 yards. I went to visit the grandfather when he was in the hospital for pneumonia. They had his X-ray hanging up and I asked what it was and they said bird shot. Some had worked its way out and a lot was left.

calus_3 said:
Just me and your share of common sense looking for a host! :D

I'm not about to join you down there. Alcohol and/or drug testing would have been appropriate.
PaperDoll said:
Oh no, I'm not a vegetarian smart *advertiser censored* :razz: I'm a cannibal.. I eat men and I eat them alive.. hehe :crazy: I'm goofin witch ya, Cal.. but I still don't like hunting for the SPORT of it.. food, ok but I have a feeling most hunters don't eat their kill.. or do they?

Ohhhh, I see. That's what that gnawing in my netherregions is! :D ;)

So if I understand correctly, you are like many anti-hunting meat eaters. You are okay with an animal dying for food as long as someone does it for you, right? :D But someone going out and getting their own free-ranging animal is bad?

Every hunter that I know does eat what they kill or they give it away to family members who eat it. I can honestly say that I have never known anyone personally to kill something and just leave it laying or take the horns. We have a program in GA where they accept field dressed deer at certain places where the butchers process it up for the hungry. I would never call someone who kills something and leaves it laying a friend.

Now as for calling it a sport, I don't. Hunting and fishing is something as deeply engrained in me as religion. Hunting and fishing is only part of a relationship with nature and this planet that we live on. I guess you have to hunt and/or fish to understand it, but much of my philosophy comes from my ancestors who were Cherokee Indians. So I don't consider it a sport just as I don't consider my hunting and fishing voluntary. It is something I have to do. And while it may be hard for a lot of non-hunters to understand, I love the animals I hunt with all of my heart and soul. It is a hard to describe relationship. That is why Indians in America never ran out of animals over what, centuries? The white man depleted the resources in a matter of a few years.

jannuncutt said:
I'm not about to join you down there. Alcohol and/or drug testing would have been appropriate.

Yeah, well it wasn't an offer! :p

Hey, I like you around....I don't want you to be excluded by such a policy.


p.s. I am rubber you are glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you! Circle circle dot dot, not I have my jannuncutt [boy, had to type THAT carefully] shot! :D

Lighten up Frances.....
BTW, jannuncutt....I am being completely sarchastic with you and playing around.

Cal :blowkiss:
PaperDoll said:
Oh no, I'm not a vegetarian smart *advertiser censored* :razz: I'm a cannibal.. I eat men and I eat them alive.. hehe :crazy: I'm goofin witch ya, Cal.. but I still don't like hunting for the SPORT of it.. food, ok but I have a feeling most hunters don't eat their kill.. or do they?
I live in a hunting / fishing area and yes, most of us do eat what we kill.
Was VP Cheney hunting for sport? Did he eat the birds he killed? I dunno, but if he didn't, then I would suspect he gave them to others who would; others in the hunting party etc. Maybe he gave the birds to the guy he shot... lol
Off topic but isn't the Hollywood depiction of the hunter and / or fisherman just so wrong.

On TV/Movies, you see the fat, drunk idiot redneck type person that just kills to kill. It is effective, look at the opinions expressed here.

Truth be told, true hunters are the salt of the Earth type people. We care very much for the land and the animals we hunt. We spend untold hours improving the land we hunt and planting food for the animals we hunt. We supplement nature where inequities exist with year-round food and habitat for the animals. We generally pick up trash as we walk through land that others have thrown out. We are generally very courteous people who wouldn't think of letting a door slam in a ladie's face. Most of the hunters I know are decent, honest hard working individuals that I would rather spend my time with.

How is it that we have come to receive such an unfair and inaccurate depiction?

calus_3 said:
:hand: :doh: :bang:

They don't lock up people for hunting accidents. The guy didn't announce that he was back and that he had re-joined the hunting party--almost a guarantee to get shot or shot at. It was more his fault than Cheney's fault. When you are wing shooting, it is very very fast--especially with quail--so it is the responsibilty of bystanders to announce themselves.

Don't be so transparent.

I haven't ever known a hunting accident to be the fault of the person getting shot (that is, unless they shot themselves).. It is the responsibility of the shooter to make sure that there isn't anyone in his/her line of fire before pulling the trigger. The part about notifying a shooter that you are approaching is nothing more than spin by the person stating that, and it also has all other hunters shaking their heads in disbelief that someone would even make this statement..
The notification, to the news, 24 hours after the event, termed it a "hunting" accident.

48 hours after the event, GOP strategists labeled it a "haunting" accident.

48 hours after being shot, Harry Whittington is thnking it was a "hinting" accident
mic730 said:
New Republican plan to fix Social Security - shoot the elderly!

Yes!!! ROFLMAO! sorry,my best wishes are with the Bird~I mmean the man who was shot.
calus_3 said:
Off topic but isn't the Hollywood depiction of the hunter and / or fisherman just so wrong.

On TV/Movies, you see the fat, drunk idiot redneck type person that just kills to kill. It is effective, look at the opinions expressed here.

Truth be told, true hunters are the salt of the Earth type people. We care very much for the land and the animals we hunt. We spend untold hours improving the land we hunt and planting food for the animals we hunt. We supplement nature where inequities exist with year-round food and habitat for the animals. We generally pick up trash as we walk through land that others have thrown out. We are generally very courteous people who wouldn't think of letting a door slam in a ladie's face. Most of the hunters I know are decent, honest hard working individuals that I would rather spend my time with.

How is it that we have come to receive such an unfair and inaccurate depiction?


I don't believe it is at all unfair and inaccurate. Certainly there are responsible hunters, but if you think ALL hunters are the same you need to open your eyes. My ex and his family are all hunters. I've known them many times to leave a deer hanging from the barn rafters until it rotted. My ex is also a trapper. Nothing is more barbaric than trapping, especially when one only bothers to check the traps every 3 days or so. I'm sure that somehow he was contributing to society by clubbing an innocent racoon or bunny to death so he could sell the pelt for $2. And I'm sure the pet dog that he trapped didn't mind losing his paw.

Courteous people who wouldn't let a door slam in a woman's face????? You need to meet my ex and his family. You'd be singing a different tune.
Buzzm1 said:
I haven't ever known a hunting accident to be the fault of the person getting shot (that is, unless they shot themselves).. It is the responsibility of the shooter to make sure that there isn't anyone in his/her line of fire before pulling the trigger. The part about notifying a shooter that you are approaching is nothing more than spin by the person stating that, and it also has all other huinters shaking their heads in disbelief that someone would even make this statement..

Oh yeah Buzz, how many quail hunts you been on? SPIN? That's laughable--it is common basic safety rules.

When following a bird whilst wingshooting, there is both a presumption and a requirement that no one be in your assigned field of fire.

I can assure you that if you were to say....go to the an outfitter for a pheasant hunt (for all you Cheney haters, I said PHeasant hunt not PEasant hunt) or a quail hunt that the outfitter would explain to you is YOUR responsibility to know exactly where all members of your hunting party are and to make sure you are out of the other hunter's fields of fire. Furthermore, it is your responsibility if you fall behind or leave your party (say to take an Al Gore) to make sure you vocalize your position when returning. Even further more, you are responsible to walk up directly behind the hunter and the dog handler when returning to the party. Voilate these rules and see how fast you have an outfitter in your face. Why don't you try calling an outfitter and asking about their rules of hunting before you tell us all that established rules are spin?

If you are deer hunting, you have time to verify what is behind your target and ensure say there are no other hunters, homes, roads, cars, etc. In wing shooting, you are in the middle of a giant prarie where no one else is supposed to be. It is your responsibility not to swing your gun muzzle outside of your assigned shooting area and the responsiblitiy of everyone ELSE TO STAY OUT OF YOUR SHOOTING AREA.

Perhaps Dick swung outside of his area, I don't know. But I do know from what I have read that the hunter left the group (to take an Al Gore, I assume) and didn't announce his return to the group and was in Dick's shooting area.

When quail hunting, you don't have the time to make sure there are no other hunters in the field....that's why it is the responsibility of all hunting parties to assign a field of fire for each hunter and stay out of those areas. IMHO, if this was a guided hunt, it should have stopped until all parties were back.

scandi said:
Great one Buzz!

I so wanted to start a thread when I heard this to see who among us could figure out what jokes Jay Leno will have about this tomorrow night. :D :D :clap:

I don't really tune into Leno much, but this shoudl be good, LOL...didn't even think of it Scandi, I'll be watching tonight.
Mabel said:
I don't believe it is at all unfair and inaccurate. Certainly there are responsible hunters, but if you think ALL hunters are the same you need to open your eyes. My ex and his family are all hunters. I've known them many times to leave a deer hanging from the barn rafters until it rotted. My ex is also a trapper. Nothing is more barbaric than trapping, especially when one only bothers to check the traps every 3 days or so. I'm sure that somehow he was contributing to society by clubbing an innocent racoon or bunny to death so he could sell the pelt for $2. And I'm sure the pet dog that he trapped didn't mind losing his paw.

Courteous people who wouldn't let a door slam in a woman's face????? You need to meet my ex and his family. You'd be singing a different tune.

Well, now your ex and his family are offense.

Anyone can shoot an animal or trap it. Not anyone can be a hunter.

Becba said:
On the lighter side, someone told me it was too bad he didn't go hunting with Dubbya. lol
OMG, could you Imagine????

I am a republican supporter of Cheney and W ....however, the jokes, things said, yada yada, in this thread have me laughing my tail off!

You all are a HOOT!
The jokes are going to be hillarious.

I sure do miss the SNL political skits they did.....Darrell Hammond did the best Clinton I have ever seen....I would have tears in my eyes when he would bite his lower lip. I saw a hysterical one about the time the Clinton's left office where they were having a TV auction of the White House furnishings, etc.


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