All Things Dick Cheney

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j2mirish said:
i'm just thankful the vp has medical staff following him around--I am wondering how a man who has had 100 heart procedures, heart attacks etc.....didnt have a heart attack when he SHOT someone he was hunting with-------------:eek: :confused: :doh:

"because he's heartless".....

i thought that was the best response i've read all day...hope it's ok to quote Cypros ...
Why does every post in this spot always comes down to debate.The VP made a mistake granted.He broke about 5 rules of hunting. So what I heard people calling on a radio show today talking about the same thim Quail hunting and being shot
close_enough said:
"because he's heartless".....

i thought that was the best response i've read all day...hope it's ok to quote Cypros ...
It looks like a lot of people are thinking on their feet.OMG, we aren't a sheep society.
JDB said:
Why does every post in this spot always comes down to debate.The VP made a mistake granted.He broke about 5 rules of hunting. So what I heard people calling on a radio show today talking about the same thim Quail hunting and being shot

not sure, but it's probaby the same reason the "look at the ugly picture of Hillary" thread took off like it did.... :rolleyes:
close_enough said:
not sure, but it's probaby the same reason the "look at the ugly picture of Hillary" thread took off like it did.... :rolleyes:

But she didn't shoot anybody but a bad pic of herself.
Becba said:
Link to incident report...

It has marked Game Code Violated and the number by it.
Also shows drawing of injuries.

Except the drawing of injuries shows the shot hitting the LEFT side of the vic's body instead of the right. Duh.

Looks pretty extensive though. Doesn't look like "peppering" to me. Looks like he took the better part of a load. No wonder he's still in the hospital 48 hours later.
luthersmama said:
Except the drawing of injuries shows the shot hitting the LEFT side of the vic's body instead of the right. Duh.

Looks pretty extensive though. Doesn't look like "peppering" to me. Looks like he took the better part of a load. No wonder he's still in the hospital 48 hours later.
Yes, the drawing shows extensive "peppering" in the chest area. Funny, before this incident, I always heard a person was shot, not peppered.
Becba said:
Yes, the drawing shows extensive "peppering" in the chest area. Funny, before this incident, I always heard a person was shot, not peppered.
Peppered is upsetting to me. This isn't that funny anymore.
concernedperson said:
But she didn't shoot anybody but a bad pic of herself.

right, CP...anytime a political figure is brought up, it ALWAYS ends up in a "debate" of some sorts...JDB couldn't understand why this thread had turned into debate...(that's how i took the question, anyway).....
Thanks for that link, Becba. To me, it also looked on the drawing like he was hit in the mouth, not just on the R or L side of the face. (Frontal picture shows L, side picture shows R)??? They have downplayed this from what it actually is, very serious injuries. "Peppered" is just a way to keep from saying Cheney shot somebody. IMO

Some quotes from the professionals:

"We always stress to anybody that before you make any kind of a shot, it's incumbent upon the shooter to assess the situation and make sure it's a safe shot. Once you squeeze that trigger, you can't bring that shot back." — Mark Birkhauser, president-elect of the International Hunter Education Association.

And this:

"I would be proud to hunt with the vice president — cautious, but proud." — Democratic Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal.
I wish I knew how to do these cute posts in quote. But cautious and proud? Is is person an imbecile?
Buzzm1 said:
Scandi, here is a shot size table:

Buckshot is large pellets, such that just one of them is capable of killing a deer.

Quail shot is normally about size 8 shot, more pellets, less damage overall to the bird.

A shotgun up close is a very deadly weapon, as the pellets haven't had time to spread out, so it is like getting hit by a shell that is 4" in diameter, and is capable of blowing the side of someone's head off.

I knew a guy who got shot, with a shotgun, in the groin, from a distance of about 15 feet, and went to see him in the hospital. He lived, but he was a mess.

A sawed-off shotgun would allow the pellets to spread out much more quickly.

I am reading all these posts for the first time,glanced earlier but had to leave..I could just visualize the VP Cheney using a sawed off shotgun..Rolling in LOL but I hope the man comes along ok..One of my customers at work said she heard he has a vision problem...
close_enough said:
"because he's heartless".....

i thought that was the best response i've read all day...hope it's ok to quote Cypros ...

Any time, Close_enough. :blushing:

So, what I want to know is:
1) What is the USUAL action taking for somebody who hunts without following the law and getting a stamp?

2) What is the USUAL action taking for somebody who shoots a fellow hunter due to negligence?

3) Does a person of wealth and power receive the same treatment as an average citizen when such laws are broken here in the US?

4) Would it make a difference if this had happened in another state besides Texas?
Reader said:
I heard Mr. Whittington would be the next head of the Secret Service. He has already met two vital qualifications:

1. He has proven he will take a bullet for the VP.

2. He knows not to talk about it.

OMG - thats funny!!!! Proven to take one for the VP...much better than Letterman!
close_enough said:
not sure, but it's probaby the same reason the "look at the ugly picture of Hillary" thread took off like it did.... :rolleyes:
I have looked and looked and have seen NO thread about Clinton, maybe being drunk or otherwise incapacitated, or maybe "busy" with a paramour or two, negligently killing the family dog.
I have also looked and looked and can find no thread discussing the Kennedy/Bessette murder. I mean, I guess you can call it murder, since JFK Jr. flew in conditions in which he wasn't qualified to fly.

Oh, wait a minute, I forgot the rule!!!

When Democrats kill, it's an "accident", even if it's murder. When Republicans have an accident, it's deemed as bad as a "murder", no matter what happened.:rolleyes: :snooty: :rolleyes:

It does get difficult keeping it straight, especially with the liberal media muddying the waters. :slap: :slap:

Of course, the above is only my :twocents: .
WOWZA - so far I have not heard Dick Cheney murdered anyone. Not even from the left wing media.

I thought is was a neighbor that ran over the Clintons dog. Unless of course 17 year olds are part of the left wing conspiracy and the Clintons cabinet to run over dogs.

It was determined that the 17-year-old driver of the vehicle, Halie Ritterman was not at fault. Officer Larry Green said that Buddy "just darted out in front of a car."

The Clinton's were not even in town at the time Buddy was killed:
A spokesperson for the Clinton family issued a statement that the former president and his wife are currently vacationing in Acapulco, but they are "deeply saddened by Buddy's death

No thread exists because the Clinton's did not kill the family dog. Facts just the facts please!
j2mirish said:
i'm just thankful the vp has medical staff following him around--I am wondering how a man who has had 100 heart procedures, heart attacks etc.....didnt have a heart attack when he SHOT someone he was hunting with-------------:eek: :confused: :doh:

Hey Mirish, here yu go! Jay Leno must have read your thoughts:

"Jay Leno said: "When the ambulance got there, out of force of habit they put Cheney on the stretcher. No, the other guy!"

And I thought this was - well interesting, Ya funny too!

"Jon Stewart tackled the Cheney topic on his Comedy Central show, saying Cheney's shooting made Whittington the first person shot by a sitting vice president since Alexander Hamilton. "Hamilton, of course, shot in a duel with Aaron Burr over issues of honor, integrity and political maneuvering. Whittington? Mistaken for a bird."


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