All Things Dick Cheney

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KrazyKollector said:
I'll bring up who I wish and when I wish. You aren't God, thank goodness.

You ARE making fun of the man who got injured. Whether directly or indirectly and it's digusting as he!!. :razz: :sick:

Clinton let his dog go off without a leash, all the time. Because of this, the dog took off and got struck by a car. He didn't have to be there to have a hand in it. :loser: :bang:

Maybe we SHOULD bring up seperate threads about these other incidents and make fun of them.
Naw, we conservatives have too much class. It's much more fun watching the libs roll in the mud. "sssssssooooooeeeeeeyyyyyyy"!!

to use a line quoted by Calus_3:

"I am rubber you are glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you! Circle circle dot dot, not I have my krazykollector shot!"

"Lighten up Frances....."

oh, & btw, "I am being completely sarchastic with you and playing around"
And while we're laughing, let's don't forget when Bush said back in a 2000 interview that Cheney was "somebody who is going to shoot straight with the American people." He sure got that right.
HeartofTexas said:
And while we're laughing, let's don't forget when Bush said back in a 2000 interview that Cheney was "somebody who is going to shoot straight with the American people." He sure got that right.'s all a matter of symatics.:D

calus_3 said:
Yeah, well my buddies and I must be real abnormal because I have both been peppered and peppered someone else while hunting. Usually it happens becuase one of us walks a little faster than the other and gets right on the edge of the other person's shooting area. This is best avoided by having a third person there who keeps the dogs safe and calls the hunters back when one gets ahead of the other. Most of my peppering experiences have been when hunting with one friend. We manage to usually keep a large distance between us and the peppering only amounted to feeling like you have been shot with a BB 50 times--at the same time.

I more or less quit wingshooting because of the peppering and the fact that I lost my hunting buddy to a woman. I didn't want to take the chances with someone new. That and the quail seem to have disappeared due to construction. I will find a covey every once in a while--usually while walking into the deer woods all alone in the dark.....anyone who knows how quail flush knows how good of a measure of one's heart strength that is. Second, only to surprising turkeys unexpectedly.

It was an accident folks. No one rushed to tell the press because the press is hostile....the best question I heard yesterday "Has the Vice President given his resignation over this?". Laughable folks....not even trying to be opaque.


I know very little about hunting, but I asked someone who is a avid hunter what it means to be "peppered". It was explained to me that being "peppered" by birdshot is not all that uncommon while hunting. It is what happens when someone a 100 yards away shoots at a bird and the shot, after reaching its farthest or highest point falls back to earth under gravity.

I think it was most likely an accident, but Cheney's hunting companion, at 30 ft. away, was shot at, not "peppered".
calus_3 said:
Yeah, well my buddies and I must be real abnormal because I have both been peppered and peppered someone else while hunting. Usually it happens becuase one of us walks a little faster than the other and gets right on the edge of the other person's shooting area. This is best avoided by having a third person there who keeps the dogs safe and calls the hunters back when one gets ahead of the other. Most of my peppering experiences have been when hunting with one friend. We manage to usually keep a large distance between us and the peppering only amounted to feeling like you have been shot with a BB 50 times--at the same time.

I more or less quit wingshooting because of the peppering and the fact that I lost my hunting buddy to a woman. I didn't want to take the chances with someone new. That and the quail seem to have disappeared due to construction. I will find a covey every once in a while--usually while walking into the deer woods all alone in the dark.....anyone who knows how quail flush knows how good of a measure of one's heart strength that is. Second, only to surprising turkeys unexpectedly.

Two things:
1. I would give up hunting after one "peppering" incident. That's just me. My father was shot with a rifle and was back in the woods before he'd completely healed. That's my Daddy. :rolleyes:

2. Regarding a covey...hubby said last night that if you can manage not to poop your britches when it happens, you have to stand there to catch your breath. :D What a rush.
Marine Mom said:
Two things:
1. I would give up hunting after one "peppering" incident. That's just me. My father was shot with a rifle and was back in the woods before he'd completely healed. That's my Daddy. :rolleyes:

2. Regarding a covey...hubby said last night that if you can manage not to poop your britches when it happens, you have to stand there to catch your breath. :D What a rush.

Regarding number 2....literally and figuratively....that is why in pictures you will see hunters with their pants tucked into their boots. That way it doesn't get all over the truck after the hunt! :D

I have had them scare me so bad I had to stop and sit down to catch my breath and calm my nerves! :D

Peppering happens both ways....we used to have dove hunters in the fields next to the house. You would hear what sounded like someone throwing BB's on the house and they would roll down the roof and into the gutters. That's peppering via gravity and the shot running out of energy and falling back to Earth.

Then you have the more direct route where the hunters are closer and one takes a direct shot from the other. You can still be farther away to where you just get stung. Or you can be close together so that the pellets pierce the skin.

Bush spoke to about one-thousand people yesterday in Tampa at the Florida State Fair Governor's Day Luncheon. All guests were
given stickers from the Florida Farm Bureau that read, quote -- "No Farmers, No Food."

Bush placed the bright orange sticker, the same color as a hunting jacket, on his chest and said, "I'm a little concerned that Dick Cheney is going to walk in."

I'll stay out of the political bickering on this, but I cant resist the jokes. :innocent:
Sorry Sis.
Sherlockmom said:
>1) What is the USUAL action taking for somebody who hunts without following the law and getting a stamp?

Probably a fine but it seems that some think there should be a Congressional Investigation, Cheney should be arrested, he should really resign and this will be the first time the left will be in favor of the death penalty.

2) What is the USUAL action taking for somebody who shoots a fellow hunter due to negligence? It depends on the circumstances. The police are investigating this. I think there is a difference between negligence and an accident. This sounds like an accident. Unless evidence points to the fact that Cheney attempted to murder his friend in cold blood I think you will be dissappointed in the outcome of this. After all, he IS the vice-prez. The left will have to keep looking for something else. Maybe he stole a pack of gum or something when he was a kid. After all, no charges were pressed against Clinton when the White House was vandalized the day he left office or for all of the items taken from it and Air Force One. And I don't think that was an accident. President Bush didn't want to make a big deal out of it and embarrass the outgoing Prez.

3) Does a person of wealth and power receive the same treatment as an average citizen when such laws are broken here in the US? No. consider Sandy Berger. He entered the national archives and stole top secret documents. Stuffed them down his pants and later burned them. What do you think would happen if WE did that? Sandy Berger is walking around free and the press never mentions it. Consider Ted Kennedy. He drives his girlfriend off a bridge, driving drunk, and doesn't report it for hours. Leaves her there to drown. Is he in jail? Would you be? Yet he is walking around free and is a Senator who lectures Supreme Court nominees on morality.

4) Would it make a difference if this had happened in another state besides Texas? Probably not. Dick Cheney would still be the Vice-President if he was in Maine, South Carolina or Massachusetts. Although I think in Massachusetts they would have dragged him out of his hotel room and lynched him by now.

Good grief. A cover up conspiracy too? I think the media is making a fool out of themselves over this. Why would Cheney be obligated to tell the press about this. Local law enforcement knew, I doubt he planned on keeping it a secret. As far as I know, he didn't break any law by NOT telling anyone the very minute it happened. This is just silly. The way this is causing such fits with the left you'd think Dick Cheney got caught with his pants down in the oval office or something.

Good post! :)
close_enough said:
oh my....i thought Letterman was great!!, the guy that kept running out in hunting gear, shooting up in the air during the show was hilarious, imo....everytime Dave would ask "what are you doing", the guy was say something like "i thought it was a bird".....oh my, & the Top Ten were great...(top ten excuses Cheney gave).....

I recorded it - I was on the computer and listening so I may have missed a lot. I will watch again later today.
hilarity ensues.....

Does this shooting make Cheney even cooler?

The Wonkette bloggers think so. Yesterday, they said on the Web site: "Dick Cheney is a badass, and we love him. He's like America's abusive father -- we're terrified of him, we hide under our beds when we smell whiskey on his breath, but we crave his attention."

For the record, on "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart," the Aerosmith song "Janie's Got a Gun" was repurposed as "Cheney's Got a Gun," and the accident was re-enacted as the Nintendo game, Duck Hunter.
So what do Cheney's hunting buddies and lemon chicken have in common?

{They're both peppered! BaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :laugh: :slap: }

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
scandi said:
So what do Cheney's hunting buddies and lemon chicken have in common?

{They're both peppered! BaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :laugh: :slap: }

YOU ALL ARE FLIPPIN HILARIOUS! I have been LMAO reading this thread today.

Cheney, an experienced hunter, has not commented publicly about the accident. His office said Monday night in a statement that Cheney had a $125 nonresident hunting license and has sent a $7 check to cover the cost of the stamp. “The staff asked for all permits needed, but was not informed of the $7 upland game bird stamp requirement,” the statement said.

So, let me understand, if I am stopped while driving without a license, I can just send in the money for the cost of a license and all is forgivin? Absolutely not! :snooty: Not only am I cited, but I have to pay a big fine, and there is a mark on my record (at the minimum). If paying for a license/permit AFTER-THE-FACT, only once we've been caught is acceptable then what is the point of having the laws?? :waitasec:
scandi said:
So what do Cheney's hunting buddies and lemon chicken have in common?

{They're both peppered! BaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :laugh: :slap: }


That is a good one Scandi! :)
IMHO, This whole thing is about taking responsibility. No one is saying it was on purpose. Just when you are the Vice Pres. and you accidently shoot your buddy you should be forthcoming about it, own up to it and not blame it on them walking up behind you. You should probably the one to break the news instead of leaving your country wondering why no one knew for almost a day.

This guy was shot. Not peppered like some have compared it too. If his injuries were so common than there would be many people having been in intensive care and hospitalized. Not "feeling like they were hit with 50 bbs." Being put in intensive care and still hospitalized days later.

It is too late, Cheney should have owned up to the accident, admitted fault and given his heart felt condolences publically within hours of the event. His is the Vice Pres. after all. One would expect him to show responsibility. He isn't represented the US with dignity when he hides.
CNN Breaking News

Man shot and wounded by Vice President Cheney suffers "minor heart attack" after birdshot becomes lodged in his heart, hospital spokesman says.

I guess there's already a new bumper sticker: I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney than ride with Ted Kennedy.

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