All Things Dick Cheney

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Becba said:
IMHO, This whole thing is about taking responsibility. No one is saying it was on purpose. Just when you are the Vice Pres. and you accidently shoot your buddy you should be forthcoming about it, own up to it and not blame it on them walking up behind you. You should probably the one to break the news instead of leaving your country wondering why no one knew for almost a day.

This guy was shot. Not peppered like some have compared it too. If his injuries were so common than there would be many people having been in intensive care and hospitalized. Not "feeling like they were hit with 50 bbs." Being put in intensive care and still hospitalized days later.

It is too late, Cheney should have owned up to the accident, admitted fault and given his heart felt condolences publically within hours of the event. His is the Vice Pres. after all. One would expect him to show responsibility. He isn't represented the US with dignity when he hides.

:clap: :clap:

And now the poor dude has had a heart attack! I never heard of "peppering" penetrating the chest cavity into the heart. This guy was shot.
Maral said:
CNN Breaking News

Man shot and wounded by Vice President Cheney suffers "minor heart attack" after birdshot becomes lodged in his heart, hospital spokesman says.


I bet you there are prayer services going on at CNN and ABC and NBC and especially CBS that this man kicks the can. In certain Congressional offices, a cheer has gone up in anticipation of this man's death. I can hear the chants now. Dan rather was seen naked in his front yard fanning a large fire he had set to offer up burnt sacrifices.

I hope the guy pulls through. It must have been much worse than some people seemed to indicate.

calus_3 said:
Dan rather was seen naked in his front yard fanning a large fire he had set to offer up burnt sacrifices.
I have to stop reading this thread, I am going to get fired for having too much fun at work. :crazy:
calus_3 said:
I bet you there are prayer services going on at CNN and ABC and NBC and especially CBS that this man kicks the can. In certain Congressional offices, a cheer has gone up in anticipation of this man's death. I can hear the chants now. Dan rather was seen naked in his front yard fanning a large fire he had set to offer up burnt sacrifices.

I hope the guy pulls through. It must have been much worse than some people seemed to indicate.

I am worried about the guy. He is 78 and this is a bad injury. I am not wanting him to die. Cheney has made the US look bad enough by not owning up and taking responsibility immediately. Aside from feeling sorry for the guy, if he dies it will reflect that much worse on the us. I have been wondering if Cheney was waiting it out to see if this guy was gonna live before he came forward.
luthersmama said:
:clap: :clap:

And now the poor dude has had a heart attack! I never heard of "peppering" penetrating the chest cavity into the heart. This guy was shot.
Wow. I just heard. This is bad news.
luthersmama said:
:clap: :clap:

And now the poor dude has had a heart attack! I never heard of "peppering" penetrating the chest cavity into the heart. This guy was shot.

Well, yes he was shot. However, with shootings like this, the shot can move fact, it often will work out of the body through pimples as the body expelles it. I had a buddy that got a lot of glass in his body due to a car wreck and they left much of it for fear of causing him more trauma. Later, he would have a pimple, pop it, and out would pop a small piece of glass. I am no doctor but I think it is more likely that it somehow got into an organ....say the lungs or even into an artery and was carried to the heart through the bloodstream. I think that if it had punctured the heart, he would have been in much worse shape from the beginning and required surgery I think.

I totally agree with everything you said, Becba. They certainly tried to hide what happened as long as possible and then tried to spin it to something less than it is. Mr. Whittington was seriously injured, which is shown by the length of his hospital stay. Just read about the heart attack! so that bears out that he is in very bad shape.

Cheney has not taken responsibility for what he did publically, which is what is expected of an elected official, when they have an encounter with LE for any reason, no matter their party. Whether we are for their party, or believe what they say is something else, but at least he should face the public about it and make his own statement. While he is in office, he is responsible to the country for any of his actions.

If he had done so, it probably would have stopped most of the joking because it would have been respected, and also shown his respect for the truth and his regret for what he did to Mr. Whittington.

But I love the jokes also!

scandi, that was a good one!
Congrats, mic730, on your joke getting used on TV!
I can't believe what this has turned into. I guess the only term that I can come close to describing this is Bush/Cheney Irrational Hatred Disorder.

My sister was right. This thread IS very funny. But not because of Dick Cheney.

Pssstt....just heard this. Bush really shot this guy and Cheney is just taking the fall for it. And it's all connected to Halliburton. That is why there was a delay in Cheney reporting it. They had to switch outfits.

And they weren't really hunting. There were no birds there. They were really drilling for oil. Why do you think they were "hunting" in Texas? Bush lied, someone almost died.

I predict that after a special prosecutor is appointed to investigate this, Cheney will resign. Word is that if Cheney's friend dies, Jesse Jackson will be asked to speak at the funeral about how Cheney only shoots at black Quail. Jimmy Carter will speak about how he almost shot a rabbit once. Bill Clinton will speak to the fact that Cheney really dropped the ball on the coverup and he should have at least been able to lie about it for about 6 months.

Maybe Cheney will address the nation yet, squeeze out a fake tear and tell us that he feels his friend's pain. Oh this IS fun!!!

That poor man. I hope he pulls through. I certainly haven't heard of anybody who wants him to die. He is a victim.
Cypros said:
That poor man. I hope he pulls through. I certainly haven't heard of anybody who wants him to die. He is a victim.

Oh Cypros, my good hearted friend, let me promise you that the liberal media is salivating at the prospects of serving Dick Cheney up on a platter. There are reporters right now that are breaking legs off chickens for voodoo rituals. Helen Thomas is in the press room wearing a black robe with a hood on it, sticking long pins into a voodoo doll of Cheney's friend. There would be no bigger story than the VP killing a friend in a hunting accident and the frickus to get him to resign over it. It would be the story that launched careers in journalism.

calus_3 said:
Oh Cypros, my good hearted friend, let me promise you that the liberal media is salivating at the prospects of serving Dick Cheney up on a platter. There are reporters right now that are breaking legs off chickens for voodoo rituals. Helen Thomas is in the press room wearing a black robe with a hood on it, sticking long pins into a voodoo doll of Cheney's friend. There would be no bigger story than the VP killing a friend in a hunting accident and the frickus to get him to resign over it. It would be the story that launched careers in journalism.


LOL! Can you please provide a link (with images) for that???! ;)

I am afraid that the "liberal media" no longer has to salivate over dirt on Cheney or any other member of the Bush administration. It has become old hat.
Cypros said:
LOL! Can you please provide a link (with images) for that???! ;)

I am afraid that the "liberal media" no longer has to salivate over dirt on Cheney or any other member of the Bush administration. It has become old hat.

Why sure I can, here's Helen Thomas....'t%20know%20the%20power%20(300w).jpg

Understandably, it is harder to get pics of the network news exectutives but I am on it.

Sherlockmom said:
My sister was right. This thread IS very funny. But not because of Dick Cheney.

Pssstt....just heard this. Bush really shot this guy and Cheney is just taking the fall for it. And it's all connected to Halliburton. That is why there was a delay in Cheney reporting it. They had to switch outfits.

And they weren't really hunting. There were no birds there. They were really drilling for oil. Why do you think they were "hunting" in Texas? Bush lied, someone almost died.

I can't take it anymore...:D :D :D My face hurts from smiling so much today reading these posts! This whole thing is just ridiculous, but hilariously funny! Sherlock, loved your earlier post too, you were right on!
>So, let me understand, if I am stopped while driving without a license, I can justsend in the money for the cost of a license and all is forgivin? Absolutely not! :snooty: Not only am I cited, but I have to pay a big fine, and there is a mark on my record (at the minimum). If paying for a license/permit AFTER-THE-FACT, only once we've been caught is acceptable then what is the point of having the laws?? <

This is very common for those types of citations. What would you expect? That he'd be arrested and thrown in jail for not having a $7 quail stamp? This is hardly comparing apples to apples. Most people know that you have to have a license to drive as well as to hunt. Cheney DID have a license to hunt and had paid the fee for the license. This stamp requirement was something new and only 6 months old. Cheney's staff had requested all of the required paperwork and this stamp was omitted.

He was cited and fined just like any other citizen would be. They don't throw people in jail for not having a sticker on their hunting license. Unless you think he should receive something more because he is Dick Cheney?

I'm interested to hear though, what YOU think should have been done for not having the sticker? Do you think that the laws should be stricter for people in public office?

Sherlockmom said:
Do you think that the laws should be stricter for people in public office?


I believe that most people who just shot a man in the face would be immediately questioned by authorities and not given until the next day to sober up or get their story straight or whatever was going on there.

I recognize that the whole hunting stamp thing was an oversight. This may be expected for someone who relies on other sto handle menial tasks -- especially if you are not in the habit of hiring people who will do things right the first time. He was cited and fined according to regulations. Sending the $7 after-the-fact just comes across as flipping the bird at the system.
BirdieBoo said:
LOL I love how accusations of low-class are followed by hog-calls. Just kind of...ironic.

Education & facts will usually eliminate the need for hog-calling in an argument. Hog calling detracts from credibility. In my opinion anyway.
Well, if you roll in the mud, you get called what it is.

I am sure you thought the description of Cheney "dressing" the shooting victim and getting ready to dig in, true classiness. :rolleyes: :slap:

Whatever...........:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Education and fact will usually eliminate the need to make disgusting remarks about cannibilism. Such low-class remarks detract from credibility. In my opinion anyway.:angel:
Sherlockmom said:
I can't believe what this has turned into. I guess the only term that I can come close to describing this is Bush/Cheney Irrational Hatred Disorder.

Hi Sherlockmom. After reading your post about this turning into "Bush/Cheney Irrational Hatred Disorder", I went back and re-read the entire thread. I honestly don't see where you are coming from. Maybe it is not in the best of taste to make jokes when someone has been seriously injured, but even G W Bush made a joke about the incident yesterday.

The only other thing I see people commenting on is why it took so long for this news to be released. I don't see how expecting an accurate and timely accounting of an incident involving the VP of the United States equates to hatred.
calus_3 said:
It was an accident folks. No one rushed to tell the press because the press is hostile....the best question I heard yesterday "Has the Vice President given his resignation over this?". Laughable folks....not even trying to be opaque.

Why wasn't the press notified immediately when Clinton "got some" in the Oval Office? I mean, the press and public had a right to know that Clinton was misusing a cigar.....:doh: :p

Cal--you just crack me up with your stories and the way you put things into perspective!:blowkiss:
HeartofTexas said:
And while we're laughing, let's don't forget when Bush said back in a 2000 interview that Cheney was "somebody who is going to shoot straight with the American people." He sure got that right.
Now THAT is funny!! :laugh:
calus_3 said:
Oh Cypros, my good hearted friend, let me promise you that the liberal media is salivating at the prospects of serving Dick Cheney up on a platter. There are reporters right now that are breaking legs off chickens for voodoo rituals. Helen Thomas is in the press room wearing a black robe with a hood on it, sticking long pins into a voodoo doll of Cheney's friend. There would be no bigger story than the VP killing a friend in a hunting accident and the frickus to get him to resign over it. It would be the story that launched careers in journalism.

I don't think it's just the liberals. Look here :

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