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DNA Solves
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Sorry I know it is tedious but I cannot get the car thing out of my head.

I have always assumed that on the Thursday night Allison was home last as she was at the hairdresser, and she would have parked behind GBC. But if GBC wanted to make it look like suicide he somehow had to get her body and car to where he wanted to go. But he also needed someone else to drive him back in that case.

Could it be possible that the cars were parked the other way around and GBC had to go and pick up GBC from the busstop (so no one saw his car). So GBC parks Allison's car at the show ground. Goes and picks up NBC, and maybe even picks up another car on the way from another 'friend'. They come back, GBC parks his car at home, picks up Allison's car and with the assustance if NBC loads the body in the car (maybe if she was actually knocked unconscious in the garden or somewhere closeby, hence the drag mark rumours Minni referred to) and drives to Kholo Creek.

Although having looked though some of the previous threads I lean more towards the Wirrabarra Road theory and Allison having been dislodged by the rising water because of the rain, and believe it is a miracle that she didn't end up washed into the Brisbane River.

Just MOO

The Captiva was the one parked in the carport...wonder whereabouts the location of that is compared to where the Prado was parked.

Re her body being washed into Brisbane River...I tend to wonder if it had been, there may have been a chance of her being found sooner...would have been floating & with all the traffic in river someone would have spotted her??
Thanks for this interesting info Rational.

I wonder what ALCAR stood for (ie how they came up with that name).

Also, I see that is still operating - are we presuming they sold it, or...?

I was trying to work that out last night but couldn't think of anything.

Yes from appearances it seems Homebound is still operational??

From previous searches and last nights I have a feeling that there was a lot of money going backwards and forwards between the companies of GBC and NBC. Maybe NBC put up a lot of capital, but also to be able to offer company mortgages and mortgage refinancing (funny that? Operating a real estate business on a license and also operating a finance company - what happened to conflict of interest?) they needed to have had access to a bigger bucket of money, and a lot of that came unstuck with he Global Finanial Crisis in 2008 and he sub prime mortgage market debacle. I would not be surprised if there is a lot more money owing in the family, and some very shady dealings of which Allison may have become aware.

Maybe she wanted to divorce (not separate) but that would have mean that a lot of financial and legal matters had to be untangled and things would have become even more difficult. Maybe he did the 'hey honey can you quickly sign this?' whilst she was busy making lunches and she was implicated and only found out when it was too late.

If neither NBC or EBC give evidence and are asked to explain the intricacies of the financial dealings Hawkins may well be right and we could see perjury and all sorts at the trial. Maybe being an accessory to the fact before or after is the least of their worries in their sick minds. All IMOO and MOO of course.
I was trying to work that out last night but couldn't think of anything.

Yes from appearances it seems Homebound is still operational??

From previous searches and last nights I have a feeling that there was a lot of money going backwards and forwards between the companies of GBC and NBC. Maybe NBC put up a lot of capital, but also to be able to offer company mortgages and mortgage refinancing (funny that? Operating a real estate business on a license and also operating a finance company - what happened to conflict of interest?) they needed to have had access to a bigger bucket of money, and a lot of that came unstuck with he Global Finanial Crisis in 2008 and he sub prime mortgage market debacle. I would not be surprised if there is a lot more money owing in the family, and some very shady dealings of which Allison may have become aware.

Maybe she wanted to divorce (not separate) but that sold have mean that a lot of financial and legal matters had to be untangled and things would have become even more difficult. Maybe he did he 'hey honey can you quickly sign this?' whilst she was busy making lunches and she was implicated and only found out when it was too late.

If neither NBC or EBC give evidence and are asked to explain the intricacies of the financial dealings Hawkins may well be right and we cold see perjury and all sorts at he trial. Maybe being an accessory to the fact before or after is the least a of their worries in their sick minds. All IMOO and MOO of course.

You'd have to wonder just how far back all that finance business goes...C21 was started up in 2004...wonder what NBC & EBC were up to way back prior to that.
I know this is a bit random... But in all seriousness if your husband or wife went out for their regular walk but didn't come back at the time they usually did... Would you call 000?

Personally, I'd try his mobile (which he wouldn't have on his run, though I would have on my walk) then if it was getting much later I would get in my car and drive around assuming he had twisted his ankle or something. Next I would call the local hospital to see if anyone had been hurt in an accident during a run in the last few hours.

I think even before calling hospitals I would probably assume he bumped into someone and stopped for coffee and just go about my day leaving him an angry not that he should have called or always have his mobile on him.

I would probably start raising alarms once I tried him later at work and discovered he was a no show.

I personally find it unusual the police we called so soon.

Further... If we were arguing I would call close family and friend's before the police assuming that maybe he needed some space.

Sorry that this was so disjointed I was thinking of more things as I was posting.

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Hate to rehash, but I drove down Rafting Ground Rd today. I could see how you could feasibly walk from B'fld Rd to Where Mr. Truter heard screams (little roundabout near Winrock St) in maybe 15+ minutes. Especially if you were angry. It has been bothering me that the screams were heard about the same time. Maybe the argument was heard a few min. before 10, and screams were heard a few min's after.. It's really all in the same neighborhood. Is there a link to discount those screams? I remember someone said it could have been a party? but was it? 543's posts talked about being run over near winrock st too. Dunno. I am going in circles.

OT, so weird, I was up thinking about Bayside last night, and what she's lived through. Hugs Bay!.... who would have thought, a WS friend..
My husband has been a real estate agent for over 30 years but no longer practices as our town has turned into a property wasteland. I worked beside him until we had our second child but still was involved in the bookwork side. In addition he had involvement in other businesses with other partners.

"the tangled web we weave" was very true, but not intentionally so. Our accountant set up companies with ASIC, a trust account in the family name, bank accounts for each entity and a dividend distribution scheme. In addition to this there was the trust account for the business to receive rent payments from tenants for owners, and deposits for properties sold. On top of this, some of the solicitors did not want deposits put into the R/E trust account so we had to make transfers to any number of solicitors' accounts! then there were commission payments from vendors, builders and developers. Each step of the way involved a "form" - can't remember all of them but the paperwork was a nightmare. I don't know the size and scope of the C21 sales and rent roll but my husband's had only 25 properties on the rent roll and 2 - 3 sales per month. The outgoings on the business for lease on office, vehicles, phone, internet, bookkeeper, secretary, property manager etc etc was around $12,000 per month - and this office was TINY in comparison to the "nationals"!

We did however own our own home!! and several investment properties - we took our own advice!!!!!!! Much easier to trust a real estate agent when they have taken the property leap of faith themselves - "high on their own supply".

I can only imagine that GBC's web would be similar to a multi story carpark of the spider world in comparison to my experiences! Two generations of sales agents, both wives, no property, trust accounts, extra women, leasing of vehicles, rent on large office, franchise fees, advertising bills - one wonders where he fitted in a walk on the dark side....?

IMO MOO IMHO (is this "in my HONEST opinion or HUMBLE opinion"?)
I've wondered if it's family trust money which will cover the lawyers? I wouldn't be surprised if there is some kind of family trust fund.

I wouldn't put it past GBC to use the girls trust fund monies for his own defence - would be justifying it to himself and whomever will listen, that he is doing it so the girls could have their dad back.
Thanks for that bit of information, we hear so little about what Freemason's do.

I was under the impression that it was only the Dickies that had Freemason connections.(This was written on the first tribute page)

That's what I thought. I was confused at the inference that the Freemasons might be bankrolling the defence team. I think there's some confusion. Besides, I can't see the Freemasons getting involved...

Also my hubby has no particular religious affiliations and is still a member.
I wouldn't put it past GBC to use the girls trust fund monies for his own defence - would be justifying it to himself and whomever will listen, that he is doing it so the girls could have their dad back.

Allisons sister and brother are the trustees of the fund so no $$ for GBC :moo:
Allisons sister and brother are the trustees of the fund so no $$ for GBC :moo:

Given the family set up, I suspect there would be a family trust fund that all the family use.
Hate to rehash, but I drove down Rafting Ground Rd today. I could see how you could feasibly walk from B'fld Rd to Where Mr. Truter heard screams (little roundabout near Winrock St) in maybe 15+ minutes. Especially if you were angry. It has been bothering me that the screams were heard about the same time. Maybe the argument was heard a few min. before 10, and screams were heard a few min's after.. It's really all in the same neighborhood. Is there a link to discount those screams? I remember someone said it could have been a party? but was it? 543's posts talked about being run over near winrock st too. Dunno. I am going in circles.

OT, so weird, I was up thinking about Bayside last night, and what she's lived through. Hugs Bay!.... who would have thought, a WS friend..

Dunnozo....I really do agree with you. I am stuck on this quite stubbornly. The media reported it would take 30 minutes to walk there. But you could get there pretty quick if you were a) angry or b) scared. and we dont know that Allison was home at 10pm......what makes us think she was home at 10pm? oh thats right Gerard told us so!! at least in one of his stories.

I think if you went up Boscombe Road, rather than down around the showgrounds it would be quicker?
Hate to rehash, but I drove down Rafting Ground Rd today. I could see how you could feasibly walk from B'fld Rd to Where Mr. Truter heard screams (little roundabout near Winrock St) in maybe 15+ minutes. Especially if you were angry. It has been bothering me that the screams were heard about the same time. Maybe the argument was heard a few min. before 10, and screams were heard a few min's after.. It's really all in the same neighborhood. Is there a link to discount those screams? I remember someone said it could have been a party? but was it? 543's posts talked about being run over near winrock st too. Dunno. I am going in circles.

OT, so weird, I was up thinking about Bayside last night, and what she's lived through. Hugs Bay!.... who would have thought, a WS friend..

No link that I've seen which discounts the screams DunnoZo...a few locals suggested it was probably teenagers but this is the last I've read from police...

April 29, 2012

Detective Superintendent Mark Ainsworth yesterday confirmed the reports were being treated seriously as plain-clothes officers again visited Mr Baden-Clay at his parents' Kenmore home.
Given the family set up, I suspect there would be a family trust fund that all the family use.

I dont doubt that but my reply was regarding the girls trust fund
Given the family set up, I suspect there would be a family trust fund that all the family use.

A Discretionary Family Trust is one of the most common small business structures in Australia. Unlike, say a Unit Trust, you establish a Discretionary Family Trust to benefit the members of a family. Discretionary Family Trusts provide families with a great deal of flexibility in sharing the tax burden among family members and protecting family assets.

The Discretionary Family Trust structure is useful if your family holds capital growth or income-generating assets. Some of the key attributes of the Discretionary Family Trust are:

It offers some protection from bankruptcy and insolvency
It is a relatively low cost and simple structure to use
It allows you to distribute income to family members who are on low tax rates
It allows you to "stream" income: you can distribute one type of income to one person and another type of income to another person

A Discretionary Family Trust can operate for up to 80 years.
Given the family set up, I suspect there would be a family trust fund that all the family use.

I think the trust fund is very safe in the Dickie families hands, there is no way in hell they would help Gerard out with money.
I've just read a report which says BOM is forecasting quite a bit of heavy rain for this coming Friday...IF the rain eventuates Saturday may be a good time to check out the flow/height of the creek??...

July 10, 2012

Weather Bureau forecast Michelle Berry said while showers had been light across the southeast so far, they would intensify throughout the week.

The bureau is expecting falls of around 50-100mm and thunderstorms in Brisbane on Friday.
Originally Posted by DunnoZo
Hate to rehash, but I drove down Rafting Ground Rd today. I could see how you could feasibly walk from B'fld Rd to Where Mr. Truter heard screams (little roundabout near Winrock St)

Hmmm - I thought the screams were heard down around Rees Way, which is the road leading into Huntingdon estate along the parklands and creek bank, off Rafting Ground Rd? The main entrance to Huntingdon....

The Winrock St roundabout is further up and around.

You could probably get from the BC house to Rees Way in 15 mins or so of brisk walking, up and over Boscombe Rd (which almost faces the BC house) then left into Rafting Ground Rd, past the bottom of Greentrees Avenue, and then into Rees Way. 15-20 minutes perhaps.

That spot - Rees Way - was the spot on the map that has been posted on here some time ago, labelled "Hot Zone" I think it was.

And yes - I'm still puzzled about that, especially given that most locals would go via Rafting Ground Rd to get to Kholo Creek, and not backtrack all the way to Kenmore first, unless for a specific reason.

EDIT: And come to think of it - Rafting Ground Rd would also be the quickest way to the BC Seniors house from Brookfield - then left into Moggill Rd and their place would be just up a little bit and on the left side of the road....

So why Kenmore Roundabout at all?

EDIT #2: Hmm - looking at it on Google Maps, I guess it's 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. If it were me, I would go Boscombe Rd, Rafting Ground Rd, Moggill Rd and into the Durness St complex. But I suppose it's a matter of habit - you could go the other way, around Kenmore roundabout, then outbound Moggill Rd, but then you'd have to turn across the inbound lanes to get into Kilkivan Ave etc. But each to their own habits, I guess. Probably not a valid point to be made there, on reflection.
Long time watcher first time participant.

I have many questions my learned friends may be able to solve?
If the Captival was Allison’s usual car and her youngest little girl is 5, then would there have been booster seats or car seats in the vehicle. Most mums usually leave the seats up and place tubs of things in the cargo bay, unless Allison was to pick up others. I noticed the back seats were down, I found that strange. JMO
Sorry I know it is tedious but I cannot get the car thing out of my head.

I have always assumed that on the Thursday night Allison was home last as she was at the hairdresser, and she would have parked behind GBC. But if GBC wanted to make it look like suicide he somehow had to get her body and car to where he wanted to go. But he also needed someone else to drive him back in that case.

Could it be possible that the cars were parked the other way around and GBC had to go and pick up GBC from the busstop (so no one saw his car). So GBC parks Allison's car at the show ground. Goes and picks up NBC, and maybe even picks up another car on the way from another 'friend'. They come back, GBC parks his car at home, picks up Allison's car and with the assustance if NBC loads the body in the car (maybe if she was actually knocked unconscious in the garden or somewhere closeby, hence the drag mark rumours Minni referred to) and drives to Kholo Creek.

Although having looked though some of the previous threads I lean more towards the Wirrabarra Road theory and Allison having been dislodged by the rising water because of the rain, and believe it is a miracle that she didn't end up washed into the Brisbane River.

Just MOO

WirraBurra Road does look like a good theory, with the simplicity, the privacy, the disturbed dogs, the flow into Kholo after the rainfall... I can't pick this apart really at all, other than my thoughts about coincidences and conveniently coming to rest in an 'obvious yet just hidden enough area'

very good point regarding the cars Rational....and very rational too! He would not have left her in the house with the children whilst he ran around sorting out help, setting up suicide scenarios etc...... he would have IMO perhaps wrapped her in a blanket and dragged her outside or out of sight should someone come over, or one of the girls wake up. this could back up the drag mark rumour, however its very much rumour the drag mark story, one we have never heard before so I am a bit hesitant to take it too seriously...

just an aside, but still on that topic.....if I had to drag a body downstairs and out to a car or to hide in the yard somewhere etc...I would use a blanket to wrap them in, making it much much easier to move (by pulling them along). It also helps disguise the body (barely) in case of unexpected company (child) and also, you wouldnt go outside with a body, you would wrap it.

I think too, if you wrapped a body in a blanket and put it in your car......there would only maybe be blood evidence in that car IF a small part of the head was exposed ie not fully wrapped, and most adults are close to the length of a blanket so it may be hard to fully engulf them in one. It would almost definitely rest against the wheel hub or against a door.
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