DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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OK, Tully has gone, so I just googled SVT - Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) I gather, but reading the spiel on it, way over my head lol
I have not been on for ages, and am pages and pages behind, been busy busy with EOFY... But how dirty and old is that house, what a sad for Allison and the girls living there while someone else was out living the high life (so they thought) and they had to live like that.....It really speaks volumes to me, that someone did not really care about anyone but himself..Just saying...

I agree what a dump. He spent money on his mistresses and Allison and the kids had to live in that house. The house reminds me of the student accommodation I used to share in Auchenflower in the 90's.
OK, Tully has gone, so I just googled SVT - Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) I gather, but reading the spiel on it, way over my head lol

I want the doc to explain the adrenaline side of things and my friend's SVT - would adrenaline be surging through her?

Was GBC full of it?
He would have been like a spider on Mogadon....all over the place.

God love ya KTK - I somehow read this as 'spiderman' on Mogadon - and loved it when I got the idea of mad a spidey guy all over the shop - his spider senses going ape shyte not just tingling!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I agree what a dump. He spent money on his mistresses and Allison and the kids had to live in that house. The house reminds me of the student accommodation I used to share in Auchenflower in the 90's.

Yes, it's not a 'home' anymore, it's empty. Allison and the children made it a home & they have gone. They shared Christmas, birthdays, homework and many wonderful memories. I wonder how many nights Allison and the girls were alone in their home, I wonder.....
I imagine she made it as pretty with what she had, remember the sunflower picture she had hanging? I wonder what happened to that picture? Hopefully Pashpap Incorporated didn't sell it at the garage sale.....or made it's way to the tip.
Further to my enquiry into the court proceedings, I want to share something which has caused me to worry and may have done to others about the charge of the interference with the body at Kholo Creek (versus Little Ugly Creek or elsewhere). What if they have the wrong place? I have found that the charge can be modified:

"If a magistrate commits an accused person for trial, the accused person must enter into a fresh bail undertaking and the matter is committed to the appropriate higher court. Some months later, an “indictment” is presented to the higher court. This is simply a document containing the charges to be heard by the higher court (usually the original charges brought by the police, unless modified following the committal).
While the house looks very dated, I think it's impossible to tell what kind of 'housekeeper' Allison was from a few pics, and I don't think it matters. The house may have looked lovely with all their 'stuff' in it. When people move out of a home, there is usually a fair bit of a mess after all the packing and moving, especially on the carpets - I just think they weren't cleaned properly before those pics were taken (whenever that was)

I'm sure Enthralled didn't mean any disrespect with the 'domestically challenged' thing, though I have never read that anywhere, certainly not in any media reports. There were hints at depression being a factor, but again, that is rumour as far as we know.

Personally, I'd rather live in a character filled old Queenslander any day, rather than a modern tiny box, but then again, I'm the sort of weirdo that prefers a camping holiday to a 5 star hotel lol :)
Honestly how do you keep a dump like that 'looking good'. That is an oxymoron if I ever came across one. You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear - so I doubt any woman could turn that house into a majestic abode. No one is going to spend money on a rental - so new fixtures and are out of the question and the money situation was non-existant for Allison so I doubt she could have spent money on nice things that made the house look good. She would have just done her best to put up and shut up!!!!! Poor girl!
IMO this is a rumour: "I heard Allison was domestically challenged". We need to be circumspect about such rumours. Who put this rumour about? Their motivation? Were they 'hostile' or a 'rival' to Allison? Were they distant and unempathetic to the pressures on a multi-tasking mother? It is easy to criticise if there is no empathy. Caring for the daily needs of three children under the age of 10 years is demanding, travelling to/from afterschool activites, part-time work, a failing marriage and money problems, etc. This sounds more like a criticism IMO. People have the right to prioritise where they expend their energy. From all accounts Allison looked after her children well. My opinion only, not fact.

I agree. Us women get a bad rap. MOO
Maybe Allison didn't place so much importance on the material things? Maybe that's all she felt they could afford - if they're charging $460 now, it probably wasn't much less 6 months ago? Maybe she felt they had no choice, maybe she was too stressed to care?

Who knows?

If she'd been living in a palace, chances are he still would have been rooting someone else, if not many others. If they'd been renting a gorgoeus house that they couldn't afford, he still might have killed her. I don't know, at the end of the day, I just don't see how the house thing is that relevant to what happened to her
Honestly how do you keep a dump like that 'looking good'. That is an oxymoron if I ever came across one. You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear - so I doubt any woman could turn that house into a majestic abode. No one is going to spend money on a rental - so new fixtures and are out of the question and the money situation was non-existant for Allison so I doubt she could have spent money on nice things that made the house look good. She would have just done her best to put up and shut up!!!!! Poor girl!

I'm sure that her stress would have been impossible to measure up.

All she would have owned was his washing.
Maybe Allison didn't place so much importance on the material things? Maybe that's all she felt they could afford - if they're charging $460 now, it probably wasn't much less 6 months ago? Maybe she felt they had no choice, maybe she was too stressed to care?

Who knows?

If she'd been living in a palace, chances are he still would have been rooting someone else, if not many others. If they'd been renting a gorgoeus house that they couldn't afford, he still might have killed her. I don't know, at the end of the day, I just don't see how the house thing is that relevant to what happened to her

:what: Say it like it is ! A rootathon :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I want the doc to explain the adrenaline side of things and my friend's SVT - would adrenaline be surging through her?

Was GBC full of it?

Hi again - sorry for the delay.

SVT (very fast heart rate, triggered from the atria, the "upper" chambers): adrenaline would exacerbate it, or bring it on if it not present, sometimes. But it is mainly an exacerbation rather than a cause. Most cases of SVT are due to things such as hyperthyroidism, aberrant conduction pathways in the electrical conducting system of the heart, and various other causes -probably enough potential causes to fill half a page in a textbook ;)

But yes, adrenaline would exacerbate the problem.

And KTK - what you are calling "adrenaline overflow" isn't really a medical entity as such. What you're describing is most likely acute anxiety, which in turn would be tied in with adrenaline secretion, either as a partial cause or an effect of the anxiety. But the stress response that we're all familiar with consists of more than just adrenaline. There are other hormones involved (part of a group called catecholamines) and including thyroid hormone and corticosteroids. Also acute changes in blood sugar levels, and numerous other physiological changes are all part of the stress response. It's not just adrenaline.

However, I think we may be drifting a wee bit off topic... ;)
I see on the real estate site that the house is open for inspection today from 4.30 to 4.40. Is anyone available to have a look and report back to us. At least we would then know if the photos are current or old. I tend to think they are current as I think I read somewhere that the BC's had lived there for maybe 6 years. I remember thinking at the time that the youngest girl would have lived there her whole life.

Did anyone go, I thought about it but decided it would be too sad.
IMO this is a rumour: "I heard Allison was domestically challenged". We need to be circumspect about such rumours. Who put this rumour about? Their motivation? Were they 'hostile' or a 'rival' to Allison? Were they distant and unempathetic to the pressures on a multi-tasking mother? It is easy to criticise if there is no empathy. Caring for the daily needs of three children under the age of 10 years is demanding, travelling to/from afterschool activites, part-time work, a failing marriage and money problems, etc. This sounds more like a criticism IMO. People have the right to prioritise where they expend their energy. From all accounts Allison looked after her children well. My opinion only, not fact.

Fuskier I wish I could remember who it was. What I do know is that at the time they were not meaning to say anything bad or negative about Allison. They were full of praise. It came across as a pure after thought or that they didnt think it was a big deal. Besides if Allison was depressed as it has been printed in the media, domestically challenged is quite the norm.

I truly believe the person who said it was not saying it as a slight against Allison, as I did not post it to be a negative. I was only stating that it was mentioned in the media (not sure if it was print or tv)
Hi again - sorry for the delay.

SVT (very fast heart rate, triggered from the atria, the "upper" chambers): adrenaline would exacerbate it, or bring it on if it not present, sometimes. But it is mainly an exacerbation rather than a cause. Most cases of SVT are due to things such as hyperthyroidism, aberrant conduction pathways in the electrical conducting system of the heart, and various other causes -probably enough potential causes to fill half a page in a textbook ;)

But yes, adrenaline would exacerbate the problem.

And KTK - what you are calling "adrenaline overflow" isn't really a medical entity as such. What you're describing is most likely acute anxiety, which in turn would be tied in with adrenaline secretion, either as a partial cause or an effect of the anxiety. But the stress response that we're all familiar with consists of more than just adrenaline. There are other hormones involved (part of a group called catecholamines) and including thyroid hormone and corticosteroids. Also acute changes in blood sugar levels, and numerous other physiological changes are all part of the stress response. It's not just adrenaline.

However, I think we may be drifting a wee bit off topic... ;)

Dr Watson, would it be possible that killing someone would produce a lot of adrenaline in a person and then that person would be working off adrenaline and not thinking straight? Does adrenaline give you extra strength that you wouldn't have usually?
I swear I just saw footage on ABC of Campbell Newman driving away and his numberplate was MOO
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