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DNA Solves
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Sorry Doc, missed your question with the fast pace of the posts in the last couple of days.

The company World Of Top Step P/L took out a loan for $335,000 (I don't know who from, maybe a bank) and gave a mortgage over the Paradise Point property as security for that loan. GBC and Allison as directors of the company gave personal guarantees ( probably joint and several) for the loan as is normal practice for loans to companies.

So if the sale of that property goes through, the secured creditor who holds the mortgage would be paid out of the settlement proceeds. Then there will likely be no further issue with the guarantee.

Ali, from memory the loan was from one of the other family companies.
THAT'S the one - thank you Makara and Possum. I KNEW I'd seen it somewhere.

Given that, then, my question remains - what would be the legal staus of that guarantee with GBC in the nick? And more to the point - would Allison's estate be liable for any of it if the borrower defaulted? In other words - is her estate still a guarantor? Or would the borrower need to seek a new guarantor?

Anyone with the knowledge? Alioop?

It is really bugging me (you probably guessed that) - but it could have implications both on Allison's estate, and also for the borrower whoever that was.

Perhaps he was guarantor to one of the family company's loans, if that's even possible. Why would they let someone in debt be a guarantor?

Edit - delete most of that, others have answered.
Ali, from memory the loan was from one of the other family companies.

Thanks Makara, I have edited my post to cover the possibility that WOTS just gave the security for the loan, the borrower may have been another one of their companies.
Well this family are the biggest bunch of low lifes. I am staggered that OW has been a puppet and taken care of 'business as usual' for her brother. At this rate I believe the whole family was involved as Paul Tully indicated so many months ago. Honestly, they obviously had Allison pegged as the black sheep of the family. (Probably because she was clever, and the rest of them were hapless ******s.)

OW is as big of a bold faced liar as her brother - there would have been NO way she loved Allison as she stated in her press interview. Now I feel sure that her standing behind Gerard in that awful 'little bit hurt interview'- OW KNEW EXACTLY what had happened. She empathised that GBC couldn't live with Allison any longer and was just as guilty as him at playing the victim with the missing relative. PATHETIC!

"We just adore Allison, we just want her home," Ms Walton said. "(We) just cry out to her if she can hear us, if she sees this: Please, darling Al, come home. We love you so much and we want you home."
"I spoke to her the night before she disappeared on Thursday night and she seemed fine," she said.
"I saw her last week and she seemed normal, delightful - her normal, easygoing, beautiful-natured, thoughtful, kind-hearted self.

The BC family actions are unconsionable!
THAT'S the one - thank you Makara and Possum. I KNEW I'd seen it somewhere.

Given that, then, my question remains - what would be the legal staus of that guarantee with GBC in the nick? And more to the point - would Allison's estate be liable for any of it if the borrower defaulted? In other words - is her estate still a guarantor? Or would the borrower need to seek a new guarantor?

Anyone with the knowledge? Alioop?

It is really bugging me (you probably guessed that) - but it could have implications both on Allison's estate, and also for the borrower whoever that was.

Found in Q & A[q].aspx

Q. What is the effect of death on the guarantee?

A. If there is an obligation to pay a debt or perform a service to another, upon the death of the guarantor obligation will cease but the guarantee is often drafted such that the obligation has to be satisfied by the guarantor's estate."

Seems very important to establish whether the guarantee agreement was made just with GBC or with the Company of which Allison was a Director? IMO
Well this family are the biggest bunch of low lifes. I am staggered that OW has been a puppet and taken care of 'business as usual' for her brother. At this rate I believe the whole family was involved as Paul Tully indicated so many months ago. Honestly, they obviously had Allison pegged as the black sheep of the family. (Probably because she was clever, and the rest of them were hapless ******s.)

OW is as big of a bold faced liar as her brother - there would have been NO way she loved Allison as she stated in her press interview. Now I feel sure that her standing behind Gerard in that awful 'little bit hurt interview'- OW KNEW EXACTLY what had happened. She empathised that GBC couldn't live with Allison any longer and was just as guilty as him at playing the victim with the missing relative. PATHETIC!

"We just adore Allison, we just want her home," Ms Walton said. "(We) just cry out to her if she can hear us, if she sees this: Please, darling Al, come home. We love you so much and we want you home."
"I spoke to her the night before she disappeared on Thursday night and she seemed fine," she said.
"I saw her last week and she seemed normal, delightful - her normal, easygoing, beautiful-natured, thoughtful, kind-hearted self.

The BC family actions are unconsionable!

Totally agree with you laidan
Well this family are the biggest bunch of low lifes. I am staggered that OW has been a puppet and taken care of 'business as usual' for her brother. At this rate I believe the whole family was involved as Paul Tully indicated so many months ago. Honestly, they obviously had Allison pegged as the black sheep of the family. (Probably because she was clever, and the rest of them were hapless ******s.)

OW is as big of a bold faced liar as her brother - there would have been NO way she loved Allison as she stated in her press interview. Now I feel sure that her standing behind Gerard in that awful 'little bit hurt interview'- OW KNEW EXACTLY what had happened. She empathised that GBC couldn't live with Allison any longer and was just as guilty as him at playing the victim with the missing relative. PATHETIC!

"We just adore Allison, we just want her home," Ms Walton said. "(We) just cry out to her if she can hear us, if she sees this: Please, darling Al, come home. We love you so much and we want you home."
"I spoke to her the night before she disappeared on Thursday night and she seemed fine," she said.
"I saw her last week and she seemed normal, delightful - her normal, easygoing, beautiful-natured, thoughtful, kind-hearted self.

The BC family actions are unconsionable!

I totally agree with you Liadan. OW is a bold faced liar just like her brother. IMO she should be in the cell next to him and I hope it happens soon. Just looking at her face makes my blood boil. :furious:

Yes it seems Olivia is as despicable as the others. I noticed she has the messages off on her fb now, maybe people were keen to tell her. I wonder what her husband thinks about this, is he in cahoots or disgusted? Imagine marrying into that family and discovering what lies behind it all, so gross.
One would think ,they would be monitered....Ive never been in jail,there is something not right with this.

52 Recording or monitoring prisoner communication

(1) The chief executive may record or monitor a prisoner communication.

(2) However, the chief executive must not record or monitor a prisoner communication the chief executive has authorised to be made between a prisoner and—

(a) the prisoner's lawyer; or
(b) an officer of a law enforcement agency; or
(c) a parole board; or
(d) the ombudsman.

I totally agree with you Liadan. OW is a bold faced liar just like her brother. IMO she should be in the cell next to him and I hope it happens soon. Just looking at her face makes my blood boil. :furious:

Who took the face time call???
Exactly Doc, we are on the same page here.

Joined owned but not even in their name, rather a business name owned by the BC's. If what we are reading is correct then the Dickies (including Ashley) will have no rights to the house. Only Allison and GBC will. How can they prove its their investment property if its not even in their own names.

For GBC to be able to sell the property then there are clearly no deeds with any of the Dickies on them. The company belongs to GBC and Allison's estate. Whilst what he has done is skeazy and lacking any morals its appearing to be legal.

If the Company name is on the title deed, then the property is a company asset. Disposal of the company asset will expose the proceeds of the sale (after outgoings and any mortgage), to Income Tax @ 30% company tax and likely Capital Gains Tax.
Rob Cheesman visited GBC in prison with big daddy, very emotional meeting. Rob Cheeseman is his accountant & I'm betting the sale was being set up then right under the police forensics noses then! No wonder the forensics team needed more time, what a tangled web! <modsnip>.
Is this the reason why the grab was on for the children by the BC's? Cash cows?
Twisted sister should hang her head in her Christian shame & that clan should hide for the rest of their miserable lives.
As confirmed earlier his facebook is shut down and it appears his LinkedIn in account is closed as well. Anyone save a copy of the LinkedIn account? He had a contact on there I want to revisit.

BTW I haven't been commenting or liking because there has been some
awesome reading that has been time consuming but, like the early days, it has been great reading.Loving all the posts.

I know the 1% is a touchy subject but if I were a defence lawyer this would be my spin-
She harmed herself and he disposed of her to take away any shame to her family and daughters. He thought he was doing the right thing for Allison. You all know I do not believe any of that but that's all I could come up with. Unlikely as it is,

Wonder if the buyer of the house was listed as a Facebook friend??????
Is the sale of the house stopped altogether or is it just stopping gbc from taking all the money.
I hope the sale is stopped altogether
A screencap of the last three documents lodged for WOTS, Allison and GBC's company. I am soooo tempted to lay a bit of money down to get the hard copies of these documents. :what:

View attachment 26494

Don't waste money Makara - the first 2 entries relate to removal of Allison as a Director and also as Company Secretary; the 3rd one is a change of address from Toowong to who knows where? Probably to OWs address or to Skull Manor. Not worth spending 1 cent to find that out. MOO
Hang on.... Back up a bit. How can GBC be entitled to 100% profit from the sale of the property ?
My understanding is that the house was divided amongst 4 people - Allison, her brother and their respective partners.
Wouldn't that mean that GBC at most was entitled to 50% (including Allisons share) ?
At this point-with Allisons father protecting her assets, I cannot see how GBC can claim more than 25% from the sale of the property.

All MOO.

As Director, GBC can disburse the trust proceeds to the Trustees as he sees fit. So 100% to GBC as Trustee could have been a reality.

FILTHY DIRTY SHAME on the BC's for this sly move :maddening:

GO GEOFFY GO!!! Keep up the good work champ! Love and thoughts to the Dickies in this stressful time :woohoo:

His Facebook and Linkedin acounts are closed but he still has his Twitter account. with his 49 followers. One of whom is young Ian. It will be interesting to see how long it now takes for that to be closed as well.

Now that you've mentioned it Makara, probably tonight. Sure they all read this, but I bet they won't raise a blush. MOO
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