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Actually, yes, given the situation, the tide of public opinion firmly and unwaveringly against them, the need for urgency and the ever mounting legal fees and stress related to that, then yes, in all probability, I would.

Put yourself for one minute in OW's shoes, however distasteful it seems to you. Become neutral and think - really think about - what YOU would do in her situation.

They believe the children are okay and being taken care of.

Their actions are desperate and all consuming.

The need for funds - quickly - would override any other feelings, both morally and or ethically, that may have been present before this whole situation arose.

I personally would be doing all and everything in my power to try to extracate my brother and family from this mess.

So, I believe, would you...

I'm certain they are telling themselves that they are doing the right thing by the children by trying to get dad out of jail (and using whatever funds they can get for this purpose) so he can be in a position to provide for them in future. This is perhaps what I would try to convince myself if I was OW, god forbid.
I agree. If I knew my brother killed ANYONE let alone the mother of my neices I would NOT sell & spend the children's inheritance to get the MURDERER out. I would not run from the media, I would stand shoulder to shoulder with the parents and give ultimate support. I WOULD BE HANGING MY HEAD IN SHAME! I would clear my association and these actions would clear the innocent parties in the public eyes. Yes I'm sure OW still loves her brother BUT I would never show public support to this horror.

I totally understand where you are coming from, believe me.

What I am trying to say though, isn that WHAT IF you believed in his innocence - if you believed him totally incapable of commiting such an act??

i am of the opinion, that if this were the case, that it would be an "act now, think later mentaility" - ie get him out, by whatever means, THEN set about trying to do the right thing.

Hope this is not too ineloquent and that you understand where I am coming from...
My issue with this is that had Mr Dickie NOT gotten wind of this sale, had he NOT gained approval from the court to oversee Allisons estate, then Allison would be paying (in part) for the legal fees of the person accused of murdering her. It riles me no end that GBC is acting as though it is Allisons responsibility to help pay his legal fees.
I agree that GBC has every right to raise money for his defence, but certainly not at the expense of his children interest, and certainly not in such a slimey, underhanded manner.

All MOO.

Well said Opinions. I so agree with you. WHERE IS THE CHILDRENS' INHERITANCE IN ALL THIS ? It's not there to be spent on anything other than them. Their shares should be kept safely until they are at least 18 years old. Full Stop!
I totally understand where you are coming from, believe me.

What I am trying to say though, isn that WHAT IF you believed in his innocence - if you believed him totally incapable of commiting such an act??

i am of the opinion, that if this were the case, that it would be an "act now, think later mentaility" - ie get him out, by whatever means, THEN set about trying to do the right thing.

Hope this is not too ineloquent and that you understand where I am coming from...

Yup, if I believed him totally I would face the media & tried to clear his (& family) name, searched and searched alongside with everyone else & screamed blue murder that you've got the wrong person and a murderer is still on the loose out there !
They are running like the dogs they are! hide mongrels hide.
I totally understand where you are coming from, believe me.

What I am trying to say though, isn that WHAT IF you believed in his innocence - if you believed him totally incapable of commiting such an act??

i am of the opinion, that if this were the case, that it would be an "act now, think later mentaility" - ie get him out, by whatever means, THEN set about trying to do the right thing.

Hope this is not too ineloquent and that you understand where I am coming from...

Oakington, we get exactly where you are coming from, I just put myself in, say ow's position in my above post, got quite carried away in fact (lol), channelling Meryl Streep - what I concluded, she and her family didn't appear to do any of those things, so they never acted like they thought he was innocent!!
Yup, if I believed him totally I would face the media & tried to clear his (& family) name, searched and searched alongside with everyone else & screamed blue murder that you've got the wrong person and a murderer is still on the loose out there !
They are running like the dogs they are! hide mongrels hide.

Absolutely TGY - I think they have come to the conclusion that Allison was a 'dead' weight around their necks even when she was alive and they are better off without her. Their words may sound like they have feelings for her but their actions speak so differently.

And as I have said in previous posts. People look harder for their dogs than that family looked for Allison. They will argue that whatever they do it would look wrong in the media's eye. But that family have the knack of only looking after themselves and couldn't give a fruit tree about anyone else. These two statements seem contradictory but what I mean is there is no victim empathy no sadness for the loss the girls have to endure only how hard done by the BC's are by the world misunderstanding them.
Was someone looking for GBC's LinkedIn page? Here's something similar, but with a fair bit more info, including some stuff I've never seen before.

Sorry, I can't remember who was looking but thought if someone more savvy could get some screenshots, we might have a little more info before it gets taken down. This may have already been posted, if so I apologise.
Yup, if I believed him totally I would face the media & tried to clear his (& family) name, searched and searched alongside with everyone else & screamed blue murder that you've got the wrong person and a murderer is still on the loose out there !
They are running like the dogs they are! hide mongrels hide.

Again, playing Devil's advocate here - and because I like to try to think outside the square - we, the public, are only privvy to a miniscule amount of the day to day mechanisms of what is in play here.

EVERYTHING, and I mean everything, the family do or don't do, can be misread and or misconstrued due to the tide of current public opinion and selected evidence released thus far.

She protests too much/too little. Family too public/hiding away due to guilt, etc etc.

We can hop up and down crying "I'd do this and this to protest his innocence" etc etc but in truth, NONE OF US is privvy to the private conversations between family members.

We can only speculate, summise and rehash those facts AVAILABLE TO US in order to reach our own conclusions, and let's face it, most of those are foregone.

We can only speculate - however passionately - as to how WE would react, because we have the higher moral ground.

We cannot be judge and jury til all has been revealed, however tempting.

Sorry that my posts come across as waffle - my command of the English language has diminished with each day of pregnancy.

Hope the above makes sense.
As I have said on several occasions, Oakington - playing devil's advocate is always a good thing to do. Even if only to try and seal off any possibilities of that 1% chance that the police have got it all wrong.

PS: what language will you be speaking by the time the baby is born? ;)
As I have said on several occasions, Oakington - playing devil's advocate is always a good thing to do. Even if only to try and seal off any possibilities of that 1% chance that the police have got it all wrong.

PS: what language will you be speaking by the time the baby is born? ;)

OMG - absolute rubbish as is painfully apparent by my posts ;):banghead:
Again, playing Devil's advocate here - and because I like to try to think outside the square - we, the public, are only privvy to a miniscule amount of the day to day mechanisms of what is in play here.

EVERYTHING, and I mean everything, the family do or don't do, can be misread and or misconstrued due to the tide of current public opinion and selected evidence released thus far.

She protests too much/too little. Family too public/hiding away due to guilt, etc etc.

We can hop up and down crying "I'd do this and this to protest his innocence" etc etc but in truth, NONE OF US is privvy to the private conversations between family members.

We can only speculate, summise and rehash those facts AVAILABLE TO US in order to reach our own conclusions, and let's face it, most of those are foregone.

We can only speculate - however passionately - as to how WE would react, because we have the higher moral ground.

We cannot be judge and jury til all has been revealed, however tempting.

Sorry that my posts come across as waffle - my command of the English language has diminished with each day of pregnancy.

Hope the above makes sense.

Oakington you're making complete sense :D
I agree in essence with you are saying, and I personally have come to enjoy sleuthers who play devils advocate, it brings the posts to life, and gives us all something to think about and comment on, so advocate away you devil ;D

All MOO.
Worth reading the justice for ABC Facebook site. Very interesting letter from the Gold Coast real estate agent outlying the sale. Sorry, don't know how to link. Apologies if this is not allowed.
Hi All :)
Just jumping in quickly to post, hopefully Alioop can clarify and give us her expert advice on Wrongful Death Claims in Qld? Apologies if already mentioned. Thank you in advance.

Where one person wrongfully causes the death of another, an action may be brought
for the benefit of certain relatives of the deceased. In a wrongful death action -
sometimes referred to as a Lord Campbell’s Act action - damages may be claimed
on behalf of those relatives for the loss of financial support and the loss of services
that they suffer as a result of the death.

Hypothetically, even if someone was bankrupt I would still file a Wrongful Death Claim and also make sure the defendant could not profit from X person's death in any way later down the track. Basically sue the defendant for wrongful death, can this only be done if defendant found guilty or can it be done if he has been charged with the crime, otherwise should be done asap if not already been done?
Worth reading the justice for ABC Facebook site. Very interesting letter from the Gold Coast real estate agent outlying the sale. Sorry, don't know how to link. Apologies if this is not allowed.

Not sure if allowed to link???, letter is on aussie crims

tried to link but the wrong thing came up, i give up.....
What strikes at the core of my being, and has done with each passing day of this crime having been played out amidst the hoopla of media circus and opinions from just about everyone you meet, especially in the early days, is the total sense of tragedy.

For me, this goes beyond the sad and pointless death of a young mother, with, as it appears superficially anyway, everything we hold most dear to us in plentiful supply in her life.

It has unfolded into a tragedy of epic proportions.

Its sadness permeates into every emotion and has radiated out amongst the players involved on so many levels.

Its ramifications will be deeply held, undoubtedly reviled and played out for perhaps generations of the family involved in this affair for years to come.

Its incidious nature will have spread like a cancer way past the relatives and relationships of family members that we, the public, are even aware of.

It has heralded the loss of childhood innocence and make believe and a feeling of protection for three young lives and those of their doting grandparents.

It has torn apart a family at a level so deep I do not think we will ever be able to comprehend. It has fractured family ties at every turn.

They will never be healed.

It actually moves me at such a deeply profound level that perhaps I do not even understand it....
Very interesting letter from the Harcourts agent. If it is all true and my guess is that it is or mostly is, then the agent appear to me to have acted properly in difficult circumstances.

EDIT.added in mostly is!
Was someone looking for GBC's LinkedIn page? Here's something similar, but with a fair bit more info, including some stuff I've never seen before.

Sorry, I can't remember who was looking but thought if someone more savvy could get some screenshots, we might have a little more info before it gets taken down. This may have already been posted, if so I apologise.

Hi Mystique. That was me. Thanks for posting. Will have a little look now.
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