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Committal hearing set down for March 11th next year, and expected to take at least 3 days. From Twitter.
From the below link it appears that the prosecution and the defence have been working hard to get an agreement on cross examining approx 40 witnesses and the scope of that cross examination. It appears the 40 witnesses are mainly experts. Committal likely to take 4 days which is shorter than I thought it would take to get through this number of witnesses. I think it means the scope of what the defence can cross examine each witness on must be very limited and won't take too long per witness. So 11 March will be very interesting and we will get to find out more about the evidence against GBC.
Only 3 days has been made available by the court so if it takes longer it will have to be adjourned to further dates to be allocated. Also no application for bail has been made (no surprises there).

Also as agreement has been reached about cross examination, the 20 November date has been cancelled as it is not needed.
Committal hearing date set for Gerard Baden-Clay, accused of murdering his wife Allison

November 12, 2012 10:00AM

GERARD Baden-Clay - the real estate agent accused of murdering his wife - will return to court for a three-day committal hearing in March

Prosecutor Danny Boyle said there were 43 witnesses to be called during the three-day hearing.

"The list if witnesses was only finalised this morning and for that reason I would seek the court's indulgence to file a list of witnesses in another week," he said.
Just throwing a few more tweets out there -

Kelly Higgins-Devine‏@kellyhd
At Brisbane SES Awards night. @Team_Quirk paying tribute to searchers in Morecombe/Baden-Clay cases.

Amelia Birnie‏@notamelia
Baden-Clay witness list only finalised this morning, asking for another week to file material, including scope of cross-examinations
Only three days for a committal hearing?!?! That seems very short when look at history of other cases, some hearings go on for months!!
I agree Marly, very short. With 10 witness per day including court breaks, one would think there wouldn't be much time to cross examine them on their evidence once you have got each of them seated then ask them them their name and refer to their statement and ask them if it is theirs etc. I have a theory about all this but not sure if I want to say it on open forum.
November 12, 2012 - 10:24AM

The witness list was only finalised on Monday morning and would primarily consist of experts, Mr Mahony said.

Due to scheduling conflicts, the hearing was listed for three days from March 11, meaning it might not be finished in the allotted time.

Baden-Clay was not in court and no application for bail was made
Does anyone know when GBC is next asked how he pleads? Will it be March 11?
I agree Marly, very short. With 10 witness per day including court breaks, one would think there wouldn't be much time to cross examine them on their evidence once you have got each of them seated then ask them them their name and refer to their statement and ask them if it is theirs etc. I have a theory about all this but not sure if I want to say it on open forum.

I would be extremely interested in reading your theory
I don't believe that GBC will be required to make a plea about guilt prior to the committal. If at the end of the committal the magistrate decides there is sufficient evidence to send him to trial, the magistrate will immediately require GBC to make a plea so that he can either be committed for sentencing ( if a guilty plea) or committed for trial (if a not guilty plea)
:spring::spring: Allison's sunflowers I planted so long ago opened today! :spring::spring:
While I was driving today, an add came on the radio for White Ribbon Day and it was talking about practical ways men can stop violence against women. I looked it up when I got home and found out that White Ribbon Day (November 25) is the day declared by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It was started in Canada and has spread around the world.

In Australia, it is a male led campaign and it is asking men to make an online pledge to never be violent towards women or never be silent about another's man's violence towards women.

It is gathering big support and a lot of male celebrities are making the pledge.

I am going to post this on Jill's site too.
Alioop your valuable contributions to the Thread are appreciated by many. Thanks for educating us on the steps through the Mentions towards The Committal Hearing and what it all means. You provide valuable interpretations on the legal process. Keep up the good work. :takeabow:

Thanks Fuskier. I am happy I can help with interpreting our legal system which can be very confusing, especially when MSM sometimes doesn't understand it properly and makes errors in reporting.

OMG this is another refection of the vulnerable place of women in our society. It does not say whether the offenders were male or female, but obviously they had no regard for life. Justice Nyland said that her sentence needed to reflect the shocking gravity of the crime, as well as protecting the community and deterring "like-minded youths" from committing similar acts.
OMG this is another refection of the vulnerable place of women in our society. It does not say whether the offenders were male or female, but obviously they had no regard for life. Justice Nyland said that her sentence needed to reflect the shocking gravity of the crime, as well as protecting the community and deterring "like-minded youths" from committing similar acts.

They were both boys, 16 and 17 at the time of the murder. One of them the son of a serving police officer. They both plead guilty.
Allegedly, Gerard Baden-Clay was once touted as a potential candidate for the LNP in the Mogill electorate and had political friends in the LNP. Today Newman minister, Dr. Bruce Flegg, is in trouble with Queensland State Opposition politicians calling for his sacking for alleged corrupt dealings with his son which may involve the Crime and Misconduct Commission. Wasn't he one of the prominent politicians who visited the Baden-Clay seniors home following the murder of Allison Baden-Clay?
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