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I would let the kids go to school so that I could go look for my husband!!

Understand your point of view Nads, maybe I'm too over protective and it struck a chord in me or I worded my post incorrectly. If my husband was missing, and it was a school day, I would still not take them to school though, I would leave them with 'trusted friend', because I wouldn't know what 'went down' so to speak, and of course I would go and look for him as well, all the while checking the kids were still ok. I'd be out there day and night, no sleep.

This is is why I'm so sceptical:
Back in the mid 90's I had a DV problem and sent kids to school, Family Court paperwork and all done and given to the school that no-one apart from the mother could pick the chidren up, Principal knew, teachers knew, Federal Police were involved as he would have skipped the country with the children as he had threatened to do so many times.

All ok for a few months, all on High Alert. Nothing had happened. I thought well good, even I became complacent. Then.......
Two months down the track the father walked into the school and picked up the children, no questions asked. There was someone relieving at Reception and they let the father whom they had seen before pick up his kids.

Kids were found all safe he just did it to upset the mother. That is why I don't trust anyone with my chidren (even though they are now 21 and 25 years old) with anyone. Now though I have no say, my boys have grown up independent of their worrying mum, which is all I could really ask for, bless their hearts.

**Sorry if off topic, but in my mind it's still relevant to a parent's Duty of Care for his/her children and the way GBC handled/mishandled this duty of care as the Primary Care Giver, as he would have been then, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it all ties in to what he did not do after Allison was found deceased.**
I don't believe a word of that crap on the FB site. Let's face it, something like that would have been in MSM very quickly.


ETA: I just emailed a reporter at the CM asking if they have heard anything about this. This is their reply.

Yes Makara I have, but apparently it’s not Toni McHugh or any of the others we’ve been tipped off about.

Oh dear!
I don't believe a word of that crap on the FB site. Let's face it, something like that would have been in MSM very quickly.


Agreed, but we do not know who the other two ladies are...Just saying.
Agreed, but we do not know who the other two ladies are...Just saying.

Thanks CC. I just edited my post that you quoted. Adding to that, apparently the CM reporter doesn't know if it's true but they have heard the rumour also. TM and the other mistresses they've been tipped off about are apparently alive and well.
Well that's an "interesting" rumour, if it is true a name will float to the surface pretty quickly I imagine.

I haven't been able to keep up with the business sleuthing you all have been doing but want to say well done. I just wanted to share how I screen capture because it is very easy. If you download Picasa and have it running, when you hit "print screen" picasa saves it straight away. You can just scroll and hit "prt sc" as you go, no extra work required, all time stamped and captured for you. Just a warning that Picasa will search your pc for all photos so be sure to disable that if you don't want that happening - takes awhile the first time.
Thanks CC. I just edited my post that you quoted. Adding to that, apparently the CM reporter doesn't know if it's true but they have heard the rumour also. TM and the other mistresses they've been tipped off about are apparently alive and well.

Oh my!
Thanks for doing that, bit sad if this is true!

As per the last thread and the questions re the company. This was why I was originally looking for the linkedin account. GBC stated his position with Astute there.

The other company director has not been named in MSN so I doubt we can write anything further than that?

It is not confirmed GBC has anything to do with discreet or Oz spy BUT one would imagine that the director that worked with GBC in another company would at least be business associates/friends.
On GBC's linkedin account it definitely stated that he was director of Astute with the other gentleman who is company director of the other companies.
Hope this clears it up a little for some.


Ah Curious, you've solved the mystery of where I originally read about GBC's connection to AREP! Thank you!!
You know, just a thought here.....

If my husband/wife had gone missing/found deceased, there is no way in the world that I would let my children go to school. I would be too scared to let them out of my sight and would keep them with me until such time as was necessary. I know kids need to be with their peers, but wouldn't their safety come first? Yes it would. I would be scared something would happen to them and would not trust anyone else to look after them except myself. Plus I would be asking the Police for protection for my children etc. It's really as simple as that I think anyway.

I agree Cyansea. Most normal people would feel like this. However if I had murdered my wife I would not have to worry about protection etc for my kids and I would need some time to plan my next move.
I agree Cyansea. Most normal people would feel like this. However if I had murdered my wife I would not have to worry about protection etc for my kids and I would need some time to plan my next move.

True BreakingNews, I would only be worried (for the protection of my children), if I knew I didn't have anything to do with murdering my wife.

Wow, how many mistresses did GBC have, I knew there were more than one but sounds like a bit of a harem.

I wonder if Allison knew he had more than 1 other mistress.
Well that's an "interesting" rumour, if it is true a name will float to the surface pretty quickly I imagine.

I haven't been able to keep up with the business sleuthing you all have been doing but want to say well done. I just wanted to share how I screen capture because it is very easy. If you download Picasa and have it running, when you hit "print screen" picasa saves it straight away. You can just scroll and hit "prt sc" as you go, no extra work required, all time stamped and captured for you. Just a warning that Picasa will search your pc for all photos so be sure to disable that if you don't want that happening - takes awhile the first time.

Or if you have an ipad it's very easy to do a screen capture. I googled it and all you have to do is click two of the external buttons together. Of course then it's bloody impossible to post it from the ipad onto websleuths!!
Hello, 1st time poster, a watcher since the 1st thread. Just a question, I am not on FB, what is the rumor, can you cut and paste or is that against the rules, sorry if already gone over this.
Hello, 1st time poster, a watcher since the 1st thread. Just a question, I am not on FB, what is the rumor, can you cut and paste or is that against the rules, sorry if already gone over this.

hi, welcome! you dont need to have face book to access this page just type justice for allison baden clay facebook into google then it will come up and you can read the page and click on comments
Hello, 1st time poster, a watcher since the 1st thread. Just a question, I am not on FB, what is the rumor, can you cut and paste or is that against the rules, sorry if already gone over this.

Hi missymoo...welcome to Websleuths :)

We can't copy & paste comments from Facebook but we are allowed to post a link to per the following WS rules...

Social Networks

Regarding Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networking or blog websites: Links may be used to direct posters to view something on a social networking page. But postings on social networking sites are not considered fact; they are rumor. Copying and pasting, or taking screen caps, directly from these pages is not allowed. Paraphrasing is okay.

[ame=""]Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Does anyone know a definite date that GBC is next at court? Planning on making the trip.
AAAA, I believe that it is only a committal mention once again on the 24th. Hopefully then a date for the actual committal hearing will be set.

The case was adjourned until September 24 when Baden-Clay will not be required to appear.

The prosecution expected to have all evidence in order in readiness for the next mention by yesterday (14 September). If anyone would like to meet up at the cafe outside the courts, I will also be there.
The prosecution expected to have all evidence in order in readiness for the next mention by yesterday (14 September). If anyone would like to meet up at the cafe outside the courts, I will also be there.

I possibly could.
There's a post about the girls on the fb page ( justice) am I allowed to say that?
I had a quick look but couldn't find what you were referring to?

There are 2 justice pages. Perhaps you were looking at the other one. I haven't been to see the post yet but feeling happy for the girls. Life seems much more child-friendly now they're with the Dickies that's for sure. Bless their little hearts!
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