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He may have decided to take his chances. Or he may have initially thought that the story was going to be that she was abducted and dumped by her abductor (far away from home!). Or he just didn't think further than "I want the body found .... $$$$". I guess, unless he gives a detailed confession, we will never really know the whole truth.

Re the dense vegetation. He is a scout, he is probably used to walking through bushes and in the state of mind that he must have been then, he probably didn't care about a few scratches? It is all very intriguing and I hope the committal gives us more clues.

He is an heir of the founder of scouting, and I have seen him in a scouting uniform, but do we know whether he was anything in the scouting world other than a public figure head?
My experience with scouting was crappy cuborees and singalongs and absolutely no bush work whatsoever, so I'm not sure how much credence we can place on his scouting prowess. (I was a leader)
Sorry if this sounds judgpmental, but other than a photo I have seen of him in the scouting uniform, I have never read anything about him leading packs of scouts on hikes or anything, and from what we do know of him I cant imagine him doing much in the way of nature walks. ??? Seems too interested in other exrtra-curricula stuff to me. ???

I only mention this cos its come up a few times, that him being a scout would mean..... but not necessarily right in my opinion. sorry
Could be wrong.

sorry I'll just add that regarding the dense vegetation, I was referring to your idea that she was rolled down the bank. I cant see this woudl be achievable.??
Just found the websleuths thread with all the photos. Many thanks for providing same. Thanks Makara for providing link.
I have following this case closely since last April.
And got struck anew how awfully desolate looking and feeling is this place. Not a nice place to be laid to rest. (Put a new lump in my throat.)
But the thing that struck the loudest chord just now was the call to the Insurance once the body was discovered at the Kholo Bridge. Not confirmed as Allison. But a body was found.
It appeared like, "Thank God! At last! Was starting to get concerned. What if she wasn't be found? Phase two may now begin. Insurance payout please."

I can really relate to what you have said ladybird. I am local and every night Allison was missing I lay awake wondering where she was and imagining her alone out in the rain. Ill never forget it.

The recent case of the missing woman Novy at the Gold Coast has made me wonder - does anyone think that gbc may have been rushing the payout so he could get the cash ASAP and flee the country before an arrest was made?
He is an heir of the founder of scouting, and I have seen him in a scouting uniform, but do we know whether he was anything in the scouting world other than a public figure head?
My experience with scouting was crappy cuborees and singalongs and absolutely no bush work whatsoever, so I'm not sure how much credence we can place on his scouting prowess. (I was a leader)
Sorry if this sounds judgpmental, but other than a photo I have seen of him in the scouting uniform, I have never read anything about him leading packs of scouts on hikes or anything, and from what we do know of him I cant imagine him doing much in the way of nature walks. ??? Seems too interested in other exrtra-curricula stuff to me. ???

I only mention this cos its come up a few times, that him being a scout would mean..... but not necessarily right in my opinion. sorry
Could be wrong.
Obsessor, I am but a humble scrubber from the bush, and I reckon I could have made that slope. The trek to Tabletop Mountain from Toowoomba for example needs way more effort and think power. And out west some paths way steeper and slippery as well.
Obsessor, I am but a humble scrubber from the bush, and I reckon I could have made that slope. The trek to Tabletop Mountain from Toowoomba for example needs way more effort and think power. And out west some paths way steeper and slippery as well.

No doubt many people could make that slope. I'm saying, there is an assumption that scouts do bush work, which unfortunately is no longer the case in the majority of packs. Also, there has been an assumption on here that GBC is one of those scouts- active and experienced. I doubt whether he was anything but a figure head asked to present awards at special days, but I'm only guessing.
I can really relate to what you have said ladybird. I am local and every night Allison was missing I lay awake wondering where she was and imagining her alone out in the rain. Ill never forget it.

The recent case of the missing woman Novy at the Gold Coast has made me wonder - does anyone think that gbc may have been rushing the payout so he could get the cash ASAP and flee the country before an arrest was made?
Too darned right! Get the all important money then skedaddle.
Just to clarify though, I was referring to the act of rolling Allison down the slope, to her resting place, through the dense scrub, as opposed to dropping her from the bridge, not whether or not GBC could get himself down.
We know she only had 2 leaves from Kholo shrubs on her body, so this needs to be considered too.
Here is a photo, that I have no idea how I have on my computer that shows the view of the pylons and slope cleared by the SES workers. It is not that steep except for the drop off below the pylon where Allison was found. I have also been there and only didn't walk down the slope as I didn't have suitable shoes on. Maybe GBC did walk down the slope with her body fireman style over the shoulder, then dropped her from the concrete base of the pylons directly onto the mud below which I think is less than say 2 meters. Sure it would have been difficult with the vegetation on the slope and in the dark but quite possible particularly if he did have a head light. I think he would feel fairly safe that no one would likely see a light under the bridge.


  • Southern view below bridge.jpg
    Southern view below bridge.jpg
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The detailed description of what she was wearing is unusual IMO. He claims he last saw her watching tv. He wasn't sure whether she went walking at night or early morning. He didn't see her leave the house. Yet he gave a detailed description of what she was wearing?

Further, if her body rolled down the slope through the vegetation, she her clothes would most likely have contained much more vegetation from plant material around the Kholo Bridge area. The fact cited at the second Bail hearing and reported by MSM, was that only two species of plant material from under the bridge was found on her body, but five or so species of plant material from the back patio of the rented house in Brookfield were found on her clothing and in her hair. IMO this may lean towards her being wrapped in something - shower curtain? then placed in the position in which she was found. Possible that the wrapping was removed at the site IMO.
No doubt many people could make that slope. I'm saying, there is an assumption that scouts do bush work, which unfortunately is no longer the case in the majority of packs. Also, there has been an assumption on here that GBC is one of those scouts- active and experienced. I doubt whether he was anything but a figure head asked to present awards at special days, but I'm only guessing.

Obsessor, I do get your point. However, for your point to work, that would invoke the notion that GBC was just a pretty face, so to speak.
A person who could talk the talk but not necessarily walk the walk.
A figurehead. No more.
Not necessarily a practical person with practical experience.
What time does it get dark in Brisbane in April ?
I was thinking about a post that I remembered about her arms or hands and googled it.

[ame=""]Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #40 - Page 3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

"Peter Davis then discussed the autopsy report by the coroners office. The judge said that he understood that that Judge Boddice was told the cause of death was undetermined through autopsy. Allison's body was found in a purple singlet incorporating a bra, dark 3/4 length pants and a light coloured jumper which one arm was slightly out of the sleeve. She was wearing sneakers"
The detailed description of what she was wearing is unusual IMO. He claims he last saw her watching tv. He wasn't sure whether she went walking at night or early morning. He didn't see her leave the house. Yet he gave a detailed description of what she was wearing?

I agree. That has always puzzled me.
He could have said, "I didn't see, Officer".

There has to be a reason he wanted to give a full description, I feel.

Obsessor, I do get your point. However, for your point to work, that would invoke the notion that GBC was just a pretty face, so to speak.
A person who could talk the talk but not necessarily walk the walk.
A figurehead. No more.
Not necessarily a practical person with practical experience.

No. I'm saying he had the name - Baden. That was all that was relevant.

Also, he would have been familiar with the scouts grounds out there, but I dont like assuming that he had bush skills or had ever been an active scout, if you know what I mean.
I haven't purchased any of the documents. But no 17 would be the first one I would purchase if I was going to and no 20 would be the second one I would get. This is because they are both the prosecutions documents, I wouldn't bother paying for the defence's documents.

Hi Ali. If the documents are purchased, are there any legal limitations discussing them on here?
It is possible that finding or not finding the body may not have even crossed his mind. As much as it appears he wanted the payout (enquiries and expedition of payout) he may not have known a body needs to be found. If it was unplanned to a large degree he may have just wanted to dispose of her ASAP. It's a possibility I guess.

I'm finding it so hard reading this lately. Maybe because she was from all accounts a lovely lady, a young mum and she didn't deserve this treatment. She didn't deserve to be disposed of so casually like she never mattered. I feel so sad about it. I hope whoever did this is brought to justice.

I lost a family member suddenly quite recently (blood clot to heart nothing as sinister as this) so I guess I'm a bit sensitive to the circle of life stuff. It's just not fair sometimes.
Could she have been killed earlier than we all think ?....5.30pm-ish.....just thinking out of the box.....
or could she have been place at Kholo Creek at sunrise ? (When he was out driving and looking for her ?)
(This is because of all the talk of darkness....)
Hi Ali. If the documents are purchased, are there any legal limitations discussing them on here?

As long as anything mentioned in the documents has been reported in MSM then it's fine to discuss.
I agree. That has always puzzled me.
He could have said, "I didn't see, Officer".

There has to be a reason he wanted to give a full description, I feel.


Maybe he saw no reason not to be truthful on that point. Easy to answer a question truthfully when it supports your version of events. She was likely wearing exactly what she was found in when she was last seen by her girls too. So if they were asked then that would support at least that part of his version.
It is possible that finding or not finding the body may not have even crossed his mind. As much as it appears he wanted the payout (enquiries and expedition of payout) he may not have known a body needs to be found. If it was unplanned to a large degree he may have just wanted to dispose of her ASAP. It's a possibility I guess.

I'm finding it so hard reading this lately. Maybe because she was from all accounts a lovely lady, a young mum and she didn't deserve this treatment. She didn't deserve to be disposed of so casually like she never mattered. I feel so sad about it. I hope whoever did this is brought to justice.

I lost a family member suddenly quite recently (blood clot to heart nothing as sinister as this) so I guess I'm a bit sensitive to the circle of life stuff. It's just not fair sometimes.

Whenever I wonder about whether he really wanted a body found, I keep returning to the same thoughts-
-he had tertairy education in accounting, and most lay people know this anyhow, so I cant imagine he wouldn't know this
-he apparently killed her for the money, not just to get rid of her out of his life, so this must have come into his plan

and if he didn't want her found, why not go fully bush and bury her. Apparently most murders are completed by a crude burying of the victim at the least.

Only thoughts.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Very sad.
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