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Toni stated that the QPS asked her if she was aware of other women in Gerards stable.. a reasonable question.. it couldnt be assumed by the QPS that Toni was all there was... they didnt name them. She named one, the QPS then named the other..or one other at that time..they had his pc and phone. Davis said the QPS told her, but that was a bit of a poetic licence. Toni didnt say that on the stand, and it isnt in any of her 4 statements that she was told off the bat the names.. she was asked if there were any others...

the point is.. why is Gerard instructing his barrister to chase this down? what is its relevance to Gerard? Every question Davis asked of witnesses goes to the heart of what Gerard thinks is relevant, so its curiousity value is in the time and amount of witnesses expended on it.

maybe they are wondering if, by putting the seed of doubt into tm by telling her or hinting about other women, it will prompt her to ring gbc asap on their bugged phones and hopefully their conversation will give the police some evidence? i dont know if they are hoping to get the police for entrapment or even if thats possible?
so while Olivia is telling us Allison had depression of such depth she probably left her kids and went for a long wallk, Gerard and Toni are discussing Killer, or Killers. Toni is discussing with her exhusband what route this killler, or killers most likely took.

* raised eyebrow*

Date of killer discussion is 27 May 2012, not 27 April 2012. See my earlier post in response.
2 things:

1. I know a salon I will never bother attending!

2. As someone who is coming back for repeated "fix ups" I too may come across as irritated also, especially after being stuck in traffic. I thought early on the hairdresser was quote as saying A was in a good mood and looking forward to the conference the next day?

I think when there are important things in your life that are beyond your control you can start to focus on controlling and perfecting the things that do not really matter so much.

I think it would be fair that Allison used the hairdresser to first complain (like she wants to about what she is dealing within her marriage) and the to get results (like she was striving for, by indication of her diary entries)

I BELIEVE that sometimes when people are depressed especially about something beyond their control, that they can fixate on other issues that they can take control over.

It's why eating disorders occur sometimes, when someone can't find the way to control an aspect of their life they find comfort in the control they have over their food intake, a lot of times it's not about body issues.

I believe other examples with people with problems beyond their control looking to get control in other aspects is when they throw themselves almost obsessively into a hobby, exercise, a particular relationship or their job - for example.

All MOO.
Thanks for the latest Ali. Strange. The hairdresser has a remarkable memory.
Allison didn't seem to sound very happy. I wonder if there had been an arguement earlier? Perhaps on the phone?

I wish she had been asked what Allison was wearing at the hairdressers. There must be other witness statements from the hairdresser's salon, as I recall a hairdresser being quoted as relating that Allison has said that she had the night off.
Trooper, that date should read Sunday 27 May, 2012 - Gerard's last phone call to Toni. He didn't call her on 28 May as he said he would.

appreciate that.. I was unable to copy paste and had to type the whole shebang, then the dog started up, the phone rang, the dryer began to scream, the next door neighbor banged on the door, and wanted to give me a wild duck he had shot, that just discombobulates me every time he does it, the bloke also wants to talk about how he shot it, where , it drives me nuts, so I got the month wrong... my apologies..

the date that Toni was discussing the Rafting Ground route with Robert MacKay -Wood is about spang on, because he made his statement about that matter on April 30th...
Its odd how Olivia never mentions a killer, or killers.. even now.. not a peep.
I wish she had been asked what Allison was wearing at the hairdressers. There must be other witness statements from the hairdresser's salon, as I recall a hairdresser being quoted as relating that Allison has said that she had the night off.

I think what we've heard to date is really only the tiniest tip of the iceberg. There's another TWO HUNDRED & FORTY witness statements to hear about.
But Toni believes its a killer.. or , to put it in Toni's words... whoever did this.. ( not Allison doing it to herself) .... which she says in... Ben Basingthwaites statement, she thought Allison had walked out and been picked up by someone to teach Gerard a lesson. * !!)....

so her mind has swayed from that proposition in the first couple of days, to when she speaks with Robert McKayWoods, that its 'whoever did this'..

Gerard tells Toni on May 27th, that he hopes the killer will be bought to justice.. although, he doesnt know what went wrong.

So both of them BY May 27th are agreed, that its a killer, or killers ..

Since she only had 2 events of 'physical intiimacy' with Gerard this year, she says, surely they would have been entered into her diary in letters of fire??

I thought that bit odd.. Gerard having complete faith in the Queensland Police Service, in his conversation with Toni.

or.. at least. more accurately, saying to TONI that he had complete faith in the QPS and their capacity to bring this killer to justice.. .

odd? or what??
I've just gone through some old posts made by one of our verified insiders "XYZQuestions". It seems one of her friends also gave a statement to police about Allison picking the girls up from school & taking them to ballet on that afternoon.

All "XYZQuestions" posts are on the following link. If you have trouble getting to them then I'll repost them separately...
Someone recently was asking about the photo of the Captiva with the toys in back of it. I had the screen shot photo but couldn't locate the link for the video which it came from.

Finally located the link so I can now post the photo...

I think what we've heard to date is really only the tiniest tip of the iceberg. There's another TWO HUNDRED & FORTY witness statements to hear about.

Good point! I think for me the most reassuring point is that the defence chose who they wanted to cross-examine, presumably in order to weaken the prosecutions case. I thought their choices were quite damming for their case. If that's the best they have, I can only imagine the other witnesses/statements :what: I think this is where dear Livvy fails to grasp how bad things look for her brother :jail:
I think when there are important things in your life that are beyond your control you can start to focus on controlling and perfecting the things that do not really matter so much.

I think it would be fair that Allison used the hairdresser to first complain (like she wants to about what she is dealing within her marriage) and the to get results (like she was striving for, by indication of her diary entries)

I BELIEVE that sometimes when people are depressed especially about something beyond their control, that they can fixate on other issues that they can take control over.

It's why eating disorders occur sometimes, when someone can't find the way to control an aspect of their life they find comfort in the control they have over their food intake, a lot of times it's not about body issues.

I believe other examples with people with problems beyond their control looking to get control in other aspects is when they throw themselves almost obsessively into a hobby, exercise, a particular relationship or their job - for example.

All MOO.

You're right. In order to cope, they become pedantic about the things that they CAN control.
But Toni believes its a killer.. or , to put it in Toni's words... whoever did this.. ( not Allison doing it to herself) .... which she says in... Ben Basingthwaites statement, she thought Allison had walked out and been picked up by someone to teach Gerard a lesson. * !!)....

so her mind has swayed from that proposition in the first couple of days, to when she speaks with Robert McKayWoods, that its 'whoever did this'..

Gerard tells Toni on May 27th, that he hopes the killer will be bought to justice.. although, he doesnt know what went wrong.

So both of them BY May 27th are agreed, that its a killer, or killers ..

Didn't we all believe it was a killer by 27th May?
Hi All, been here since the beginning and have finally decided to post. With regard to comments made by both Nigel and Olivia inferring that the 'truth will come out'. If they indeed know the truth why have they not said something to the police instead of allowing this process to unfold? Surely, if they knew what happened and could substantiate this they would tell someone instead of putting the whole family through this horrible experience? Not to mention avoiding the expense of his defense. I think it's more a case of it's easier for them to believe that there must be another explanation (not GBC killing Allison) and that they have 'faith' that the truth will come out. I find it hard to work out what they are thinking.

which makes me wonder if gbc could be covering for a family member? i doubt it but its still a niggling thought and maybe a possibility?
Thanks for the latest Ali. Strange. The hairdresser has a remarkable memory.
Allison didn't seem to sound very happy. I wonder if there had been an arguement earlier? Perhaps on the phone?

I feel the graze on his chest was from the sole of a jogger because the soles have uneven tread and that could leave grazes like that I think she was kicking him off her. Allison had some experience with martial arts.
I would love to see the CCTV to see the clothes if she wore them loose and her shoes if they were joggers.

I never imagined Allison so tall!
She looks such a little petite girl.
Didn't we all believe it was a killer by 27th May?

perhaps.. you could say that.. except, that generally speaking, all believe it was Gerard, except Gerard, and Olivia , , .. and of course, Toni..

welll.. I dont know what her expression on her face was when Gerard assured her the QPS would bring the killer to justice.. did she roll her eyes, or did she nod furiously?? I dunno. In her statement.. #4.. she gives no clue as to her response to that assurance.. so... .
perhaps.. you could say that.. except, that generally speaking, all believe it was Gerard, except Gerard, and Olivia , , .. and of course, Toni..

welll.. I dont know what her expression on her face was when Gerard assured her the QPS would bring the killer to justice.. did she roll her eyes, or did she nod furiously?? I dunno. In her statement.. #4.. she gives no clue as to her response to that assurance.. so... .

Bring on statement #5!!
I wish she had been asked what Allison was wearing at the hairdressers. There must be other witness statements from the hairdresser's salon, as I recall a hairdresser being quoted as relating that Allison has said that she had the night off.

Yes, I remember that, but aside from the hair app she didn't seem to have the night off as girls we now know were home ?
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