DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I feel the graze on his chest was from the sole of a jogger because the soles have uneven tread and that could leave grazes like that I think she was kicking him off her. Allison had some experience with martial arts.
I would love to see the CCTV to see the clothes if she wore them loose and her shoes if they were joggers.

I never imagined Allison so tall!
She looks such a little petite girl.

That's what I think as well re the joggers TGY...that she's kicked his chest. Her foot sliding up into a kick position to kick him off.

She was wearing white joggers as noted in affidavit report.
Yes, I remember that, but aside from the hair app she didn't seem to have the night off as girls we now know were home ?

Or not. They could have been brought back by NBC or OW in the morning. We only know for sure they were leaving with OW when police arrived. We only have G's word they woke up in their own beds.
Someone recently was asking about the photo of the Captiva with the toys in back of it. I had the screen shot photo but couldn't locate the link for the video which it came from.

Finally located the link so I can now post the photo...


Thanks Marly. I find this photo probably the most creepy of all. Surely with three girls these toys are part and parcel of what they play with. How did they end up in the boot?
Alioop would we know by now if the defence are bringing in their own witnesses? Can tgey do that? Specialists, other witnesses etc that may be able to provide an alternate theory/alibi or would ow be referring to witness statements already tendered that they intend to probe further ?
I have been looking at the phone records today and it really struck me when I made a table that GBC rang Allison's number twice and texted her twice when she supposedly has gone 'missing' yet later that day and the day after he doesn't appear to be able to get hold of NBC and rings him and EBC at least 10 times. Also no calls really from any of the family to Allison's number.

It just doesn't ring true. Wouldn't one of the first things you do when someone supposedly is missing (having a history ..NO not of depression...but massive relationship issues...) to keep ringing them from various numbers as they may not be answering the person they are trying to avoid. Something very fishy about all the phone records.

Alioop would we know by now if the defence are bringing in their own witnesses? Can tgey do that? Specialists, other witnesses etc that may be able to provide an alternate theory/alibi or would ow be referring to witness statements already tendered that they intend to probe further ?

I thought the same.
But Toni believes its a killer.. or , to put it in Toni's words... whoever did this.. ( not Allison doing it to herself) .... which she says in... Ben Basingthwaites statement, she thought Allison had walked out and been picked up by someone to teach Gerard a lesson. * !!)....

so her mind has swayed from that proposition in the first couple of days, to when she speaks with Robert McKayWoods, that its 'whoever did this'..

Gerard tells Toni on May 27th, that he hopes the killer will be bought to justice.. although, he doesnt know what went wrong.

So both of them BY May 27th are agreed, that its a killer, or killers ..

Hawkins wrote everything will presented including what ABC had for dinner.
I wonder about the "whoever did this". Is it possible that GBC was on the receiving end of a bit of a touch up ie in a headlock and another person is about to lay into him, Allison sees it and screams and suddenly it all goes wrong.

In that situation GBC isn't going to say anything of course at least not for a while and is actually out of harms way for a while...................
I picked up on that as well and initially thought she obviously doesn't understand the process but then it occurred to me that she may well be talking about evidence or arguments that she believes that they have presented that she feels the police and/or Prosecution have not considered properly. This may not have been in court. This would correlate with other comments that she has made suggesting that the police have not explored all avenues etc.

So I made a comment yesterday that I hope this will not involve some further suicide argument or other character assasination of Allison.

Good point Sandy, it would be good to hear that full interview to try to work out what she meant as we can't rely on the channel 9 person's comments as to what she said.
Ive just been re-reading Hawkins' posts. Damn they were spot on. I wish he would come back! He seemed to have a lot of criminal lawyer friends (not to mention his own great theories) that would really shed light on this mess. Sigh. Wish he would come back!
I meant to add that could also explain Scraps barking. Something made Scraps bark and it would not be unreasonable to assume that Scraps wouldn't be barking if anyone familiar is around just someone unfamiliar.
Maybe Alioop can shed some light here, but I don't think GBC "instructed" them to go for the suicide theory or any theory. I would imagine that the Defence pick what they think would have a better chance of getting him bail, considering whatever evidence they had at that point in time, and go with that. I would be more inclined to believe that the Defence suggested to GBC to go with the suicide theory, not the other way around.

I think that the strategies are discussed and agreed by GBC and his defence lawyers. As to who suggests any particular idea, who knows!
I wish she had been asked what Allison was wearing at the hairdressers. There must be other witness statements from the hairdresser's salon, as I recall a hairdresser being quoted as relating that Allison has said that she had the night off.

I do think there are other statements from the hairdressing salon but I don't have them.
Someone recently was asking about the photo of the Captiva with the toys in back of it. I had the screen shot photo but couldn't locate the link for the video which it came from.

Finally located the link so I can now post the photo...


Just to the right of the basket with the dolls in it was where the smear and drips of blood were found. Its at the back of the car were the boot section normally is if the seats are down. I would suggest that it was normal for them, just like in my captiva to have that 3rd row of seats down so I can use the boot for groceries etc. So it is the middle row of seats that it seems he may have put down to get her body in the back, though she would have fit just in the boot section. I know because I got in my boot section and got my brother to close the boot hatch. I fit and I am taller and bigger than Allison.
Yes, I remember that, but aside from the hair app she didn't seem to have the night off as girls we now know were home ?

But she didn't have to worry about getting dinner made and homework or maybe even baths. So that could be described as a night off I think.
Alioop would we know by now if the defence are bringing in their own witnesses? Can tgey do that? Specialists, other witnesses etc that may be able to provide an alternate theory/alibi or would ow be referring to witness statements already tendered that they intend to probe further ?

At the trial, the defence will most certainly be bringing in their own witnesses on all sorts of issues including specialists for everything. Anything to contradict the prosecutions evidence in any way.
I have been thinking about this since Olivia's channel nine interview but wasn't sure whether to post it or not. I may try and delete later if that's possible. I actually feel ill even typing the words.

Do you think it's possible that 'a minor' did something that has then set this chain of events in place. That's why the shutdown from family of GBC, from GBC himself and the 'debrief sessions' ? A huge coverup to protect that person.

There, it's out there now and I apologise :(

No I don't. I think the debriefs are about a sociopath reigning in his already heavily regimented daughters :furious:
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