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It's also interesting that Alison Sandy mentioned that there may be something later in the week separate from the court appearance. GBC appeared in court on Tuesday 21 May and by my calculations it is now "later in the week", although there is still tomorrow. This not knowing what GBC is up to now drives me crazy!

alisonsandy ‏@alisonsandy 3h there may be something later in the week separate from this though. Will keep you posted. RT @ZandaStrofield @benwakely @couriermail


Makara, not knowing is probably why we are on this site. Driving me crazy too. I can't stand not knowing. As a kid, I even thought of heading out into the Bermuda triangle to find out what really happened there. KeenToKnow, but also NeedToKnow.
Makara, not knowing is probably why we are on this site. Driving me crazy too. I can't stand not knowing. As a kid, I even thought of heading out into the Bermuda triangle to find out what really happened there. KeenToKnow, but also NeedToKnow.

You too with the Bermuda Triangle huh? Yep, as a kid I was ready to go out there and sort it all out once and for all, once I figured out where it was. :floorlaugh: Seriously though, I don't trust GBC even behind bars! What would require him to physically attend court with Nigelaine and OW no less.

The CM journo's are governed by their legal eagles as to what can be reported and apparently family law matters are a no no. So it is very likely that the court appearance on Tuesday was family law related. Alison Sandy throwing out that teaser is so frustrating if she can't report on it any further for legal reasons! :banghead:
I was at the library and checked Tuesday's law list. Nothing that I could see for GBC, unless it was kids where they wouldn't print names or maybe a business name for something else. I tried for Monday's & Wednesday's CM also, but having lost half my glasses on the Gold Coast Hwy, I need to wait for new ones before I can read too much.

You too with the Bermuda Triangle huh? Yep, as a kid I was ready to go out there and sort it all out once and for all, once I figured out where it was. :floorlaugh: Seriously though, I don't trust GBC even behind bars! What would require him to physically attend court with Nigelaine and OW no less.

The CM journo's are governed by their legal eagles as to what can be reported and apparently family law matters are a no no. So it is very likely that the court appearance on Tuesday was family law related. Alison Sandy throwing out that teaser is so frustrating if she can't report on it any further for legal reasons! :banghead:

Makara, from my experience no one is allowed into a family law court unless they have business there. This includes reporters. So I am now thinking it wasn't about the children.

If only I had my chance riding in the court lift with OW again!!!
Tonight when I was driving home I was next to one of those prison vans - along Milton rd. At the lights, I glanced over and got a really big fright because I could see someone! And they could see me! This was not in the cabin part, but in the back... Hopefully it was a staffer. I wonder if the prisoners can see out?
Tonight when I was driving home I was next to one of those prison vans - along Milton rd. At the lights, I glanced over and got a really big fright because I could see someone! And they could see me! This was not in the cabin part, but in the back... Hopefully it was a staffer. I wonder if the prisoners can see out?

Imagine if if was GM? Was GG following it? Sorry Marly, it's been a long day!
Yes I also checked the law list but I am thinking that this visit maybe him having to attend dues to fall out from business arrangements. So not really anything to do with the murder trial. We would have seen Darren Mahony at least had it been a visit for GBC. So I am thinking GBC was required to attend but nothing was able to be reported.
Thanks everyone for checking the list. What is strange is that when I searched 'baden-clay' in the online version of the CM, it seemed to return a hit for the 21st - I could only see the thumbnail (it wouldn't let me view it properly) but it did look like the public notices or text only listings. So his name or someone with that surname must appear somewhere on the 21st. Very weird nothing is showing up in the paper version.

I wonder if anyone has access to the online CM viewer - I would pay to sign up and get it, but it doesn't seem to let you view past dates - only from the date you sign up for the online version.
Thanks everyone for checking the list. What is strange is that when I searched 'baden-clay' in the online version of the CM, it seemed to return a hit for the 21st - I could only see the thumbnail (it wouldn't let me view it properly) but it did look like the public notices or text only listings. So his name or someone with that surname must appear somewhere on the 21st. Very weird nothing is showing up in the paper version.

I wonder if anyone has access to the online CM viewer - I would pay to sign up and get it, but it doesn't seem to let you view past dates - only from the date you sign up for the online version.

I have the online version and checked but couldn't find anything. There is a bit going on behind the scenes IMO.

OMG! I remember thinking the father was so lovely, but it looks like he is the one arrested (just said on tv news update that father was arrested). <shaking head> I am getting so sick of these headlines. I need to go look at some cute cats or something on youtube!

"Lovely" is only the facade that people portray, you never know what's going on behind closed doors. Clearly the police have a reason to charge him, and it's not always the males. There are sickos in every suburb and all walks of life unfortunately. Poor little poppet. I'm with you Strangeworld, enough! X

OMG! I remember thinking the father was so lovely, but it looks like he is the one arrested (just said on tv news update that father was arrested). <shaking head> I am getting so sick of these headlines. I need to go look at some cute cats or something on youtube!

That poor sweet baby - she looked such a beautiful little girl - what a hideous man to be able to do that to his daughter. I hope they are ready for him in jail! At least the guys there will be not be mistaking what he has done with her name tattoed on his arm. :stormingmad:
21st May Tweets

Gerard Baden-Clay was back in court today. He was not happy with the proceedings @couriermail

21/05. 6.56pm

for legal reasons I can't but I can comment on his appearance. He's gained a fair bit of weight.


no clean-shaven

@alisonsandy: no - I was hoping there might be something disclosed that was reportable but no

One of the worst weeks of violence we've seen for so so long, so why aren't we doing anything about it?
25/05 2.52pm
Thread started for Kyhesha-Lee. Absolutely heartbreaking!!

[ame=""]Aust -Brisbane- Kyhesha-Lee Joughin,3yrs old - Father charged with manslaughter - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
IMO Allison would have left work collected her girls from school and dropped them over to NBC to play with cousins while at her hair appointment. Then she would have gone to her hairdresser in her work attire IMO. I know someone suggested she went in the tracky but I'm a proud woman and there's no way I would go dressed to my hairdresser in a tracky and I don't live in Brisbane either rather a rural city. I suggest she got into this tracky when she got home. However the thing about all this that puzzles me - if it was me I certainly wouldn't then put on joggers to wear around the house late at night. I would put on something more comfortable on my feet. IMO again the joggers were put on by GBC after the fact to assist with his story of she went for a walk.
Off topic...

Sica is appealing his 35 year jail sentence. In the Brisbane Times 2 hrs ago.

There was a thread stated last year if anyone is interested.

[ame=""]Australia - Max Sica Trial - Brisbane - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
IMO Allison would have left work collected her girls from school and dropped them over to NBC to play with cousins while at her hair appointment. Then she would have gone to her hairdresser in her work attire IMO. I know someone suggested she went in the tracky but I'm a proud woman and there's no way I would go dressed to my hairdresser in a tracky and I don't live in Brisbane either rather a rural city. I suggest she got into this tracky when she got home. However the thing about all this that puzzles me - if it was me I certainly wouldn't then put on joggers to wear around the house late at night. I would put on something more comfortable on my feet. IMO again the joggers were put on by GBC after the fact to assist with his story of she went for a walk.

Hi PD, I have often thought of her clothes. This a post from earlier.

From nowvoyager

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44[/ame]

Just on the clothing issue, I think most unlikely that they were clothes belonging to anyone other than Allison. I agree with a lot of the posters that there are times looser clothing is preferred. Or something bought turns out to be slightly different than expected. Or that they were on sale, looked reasonably OK held up in front of you and who cares?
In the first interview GBC was asked what Al was wearing and said, of the pants "thry're like three-quarter length things. ".... "they're, her daggy old..."
What tickled me was that he then said "she bought some new Lorna Jane ones in black"..."But they're here"
I must be the queen of dag then coz I wouldn't know Lorna Jane if she bit me. How did he? Hardly relevant I expect unless they argued over the cost.
The autopsy described A as being 170cm tall (that's around 5ft 7 inches) and weight 72 kilos. But I am not sure if that was the (excuse me) weight of the body, or if they got that from her medical records. If the latter, then 72k is slightly chunky, not a size 12, and GBC said she was occasionally doing these walks to lose a little weight.
The only other thing I'd add is that, I might bung on some oversized daggy gear at home to do whatever, or even stay in for bed, but I wouldn't stay in the same gear and then get up and go for a walk in the morning, I'd have a shower even if it meant having another one when I got home.
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