Amanda Berry (2003), Gina deJesus (2004), & Michelle Knight (2002) found alive! #2

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How about the Amanda Berry's Dispatcher deserves to be FIRED/did nothing WRONG thread lol.

Agreed. The dispatcher who took Charles call should be the one scrutinized if anyone is. This dispatcher DID NOT stay on the line with him. He said thank you and hung up on Charles. Lol he even asked Charles if he wanted to leave his name...hello? Asked what Amanda was wearing :floorlaugh: What does that have to do with anything?! Oh Lawdy, yes I am somewhat upset about this dispatcher being dragged over the coals as I listened to the call numerous times and feel he did nothing wrong IMO. He kept saying talk to police when they get there and I see it that he was reassuring her police were on the way. Again, to me it's apparent Amanda was the one who cut off the call by saying BYE and hanging up.

Jennifer Ciaccia spokesperson for Cleveland Police department was asked by Anderson Cooper today about the 911 call (Amanda's) and she said it was handled just fine or something similar to that. The dispatcher put the call through and LE were at the scene in less than two minutes. She would not comment further about complaints coming in. I didn't get her exact wording sorry. I cannot find the video but will post once I do.
There will be an investigation into law enforcement over this.
Big time.
I personally hope that every inept Commander is fired.
I am so glad that these women escaped.
But LE in this town needs a complete retraining IMO.
Their lack of follow up is mind boggeling. Seriously.

Yeah there will be
There was an investigation after Sowell too.
Based on the amount of profanities in Charles call maybe that dispatcher didn't quite know how to react.
Been lurking for years, finally decided to make an account.

Thank you all who have been providing all these sources, I've been reading these threads all day and the amount of new info coming in is beyond overwhelming.

For every disgusting person like Castro there are hundreds of people like Ramsey willing to help people in need. People like him are the ones who make me not give up on the human race completely.


Based on the amount of profanities in Charles call maybe that dispatcher didn't quite know how to react.

At least that dispatcher acted like he cared... I think he handled the profanity and the situation quite well.
Regarding the naked women in the yard... I would probably call police just because it would bug me, but I would assume it was just someone stoned. Or in the case of the leashes, I would definitely call again if they didn't show up. But to be quite honest, in the absence of seeing anyone protesting and never dreaming someone had these women in captivity, you may think it was some sex game/party. I'm just playing devil's advocate here. In hindsight, sure, it seems like WTH didn't they keep bugging LE?!? But think about it - going about your day, women in captivity not even on your radar, and you see something like that. Now for all of us here on WS, we would probably assume something was up, but to the average person out there, they may just think, "Man, they're weird."

Make sense? Just trying to be objective here.

Yes, LE should've checked it out, just for the indecency at a minimum.

On Piers Morgan tonight he had the young girl on the show with her mother and another girl (possibly the other girl who witnessed this), who claims she and her friend were on the porch/balcony of the house and could see into AC's backyard. What they saw was a naked woman on the ground and AC telling her to get back into the house. He had a mattress (?) and held it up as if to shield anyone's view who may be looking on. The woman then disappeared into the house so the girl assumes. The girls who witnessed this were I IIRC 14 years old at the time, two years ago. She didn't tell her mom about it until sometime later, maybe days later. The mother thought it was very odd and didn't give it a lot of thought. She said in hindsight now, she wishes she would have called LE. So if this helps to clarify the numerous women in chains crawling around the backyard, glad I could help.
can someone please link the abc article regarding Amanda's daughter etc.
Abc report says little girl was eating Popsicle in hospital and that the girls asked to visit each other. Gina was showing off the little girls drawing. Article identifies little girls name. amanda homeschooled girl, they are doing DNA tests for paternity, it is not clear whether girl was ever outside the home.

At least the girls had each other, I am not sure that will help in their therapy

this report
Uh sorry, i read that earlier but can't remember the name.

I don't think we can post the names of minors, but her name also starts with J and is in the new stories about Emily Castro's trial.
Off topic but kinda on topic. Regarding the police not showing up and it being rather uncommon. In poverty stricken areas - they DO NOT CARE. I lived for 8 years in Humboldt Park (Chicago). Literally 3 blocks away was a very upper crust area (I used to have to walk there to get freakin' delivery!). Anyway - one night I'm in my living room and I hear shouting, lots of it. Nothing unheard of but I got up to look. There stood under a CAMERA on the light pole and the entire street is lit up too - a very pregnant woman fighting 2 men. These men were robbing her for her phone. I called 911 and was told to call 311 (non emergency). As I'm trying to rationalize with the operator that it's getting hairy out there - I see the woman fall against the domino table on the street (they are permanently there). The guys peddle off on bikes and I go out to her. The hospital is a stones throw away so I'm thinking "cops will be here soon". As I'm out there gun shots ring out and I'm frantically calling .. NO COPS EVER SHOWED UP. I took this woman to the ER in my car and even there she was treated horribly. She was stabbed in the arms and hands. Over a phone. All I could hear was "gangs" or "puerto rican's .. go figure".

This is an epidemic and not just privy to Cleveland. I could have lost my life that night as so could she and her unborn. Sadly this isn't the only crime and stabbing I reported in the 8 years. Puerto Rican pride was very brutal (it was held on my street). An 11 year old kid was stabbed to death at 10am on my buildings stoop. he was mistaken for a vice lord. Cops were blocks away setting up barricades for the festivities and it happened. Did they show up? yep. And they poked and prodded with their shoes before calling for help.

Sorry guys but this is a-typical for gang infested areas..sad but true.
I'm really surprised that two of the girls have been released from hospital so quickly. They've been together so long and been through so much you'd think it might be better to provide them with a "halfway house" where they can get to grips with their new situation and reintegrating with their family whilst having each others support.
So Ariel Castro has 2 kids, one son, one daughter? The son seems genuinely disgusted with his father and the daughter, Emily, is in jail for the above mentioned crime. Was she in contact with her dad when she slashed her babies throat? I was under the impression that Ariel was abusive and the family had sporadic contact with him afterwards. Just wondering if the family Emily was paranoid about was on the father's side or what?

Hope that makes sense!

eta: so his 5 grandkids r from his son, Anthony? o wait sorry, 4. Emily has the one.
I'm really surprised that two of the girls have been released from hospital so quickly. They've been together so long and been through so much you'd think it might be better to provide them with a "halfway house" where they can get to grips with their new situation and reintegrating with their family whilst having each others support.

Halfway houses are impossible to get into (beds are full). They might be sent to women's shelters that have no public address for the safety (both media and otherwise).

I'm hearing Michelle and both girls are released and then I'm hearing it was Gina and Amanda but not Michelle. Most the MSM are reporting Michelle was released too so I'm totally confused.

When is the next presser guys?
Just got here but Greta had a good show tonite and interviewed a man that lived behind the perp. This guy was at the local park last Sunday with his own daughter and said the man that was holding these girls hostage took the daughter of his hostage to a donut shop and bought her a pastry and that his daughter played with the daughter of the hostage...He said a lot more and I'm sure he will be a witness in the case. Hispanic guy - didn't catch his name.
No, there is another report. Some neighbors saw three men with three women on all fours, on leashes, naked. Separate from the one woman walking around.

ETA - here's a link:

Omg! :banghead::stormingmad::behindbar
WHY didn't the neighbor call LE FGS? Just omg! Why! :moo:
No, Ariler Castro had more than 2 kids. At least 3 daughters and one son. One daughter is in prison. The other daugher was friends with Gina, in fact was the last known person to have seen Gina before Gina went missing.
That daughter was interviewed on AMW and said Gina gave her fifty cents therefore Gina had to walk home instead of taking a bus.
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