Amanda Berry (2003), Gina deJesus (2004), & Michelle Knight (2002) found alive! #2

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This is awesome news!!!!!!! Very thankful the neighbor just did not ignore the plea for help.
Did Cleveland Cops Miss Chances to Rescue the 3 Young Women?


In 2004, Cleveland police showed up at the home after one of the suspects, Ariel Castro, a school bus driver at the time, left behind a passenger.

When no one answered, the officers left, officials say, adding that the bus incident was not a criminal matter.

But neighbors say there were more recent calls that could have led to a rescue.

Faliceonna Lopez, 16, says she once saw naked girls at least her same age hiding behind a mattress on the Castro property. She told her mom, who called police. "I don't think the police did anything," a clearly frustrated Lopez said. Her mother, Annita Lugo, backed up her daughter's story.

Israel Lugo, another family member, said he called police in 2011 after his sister spotted a woman with a baby in the home, banging on the window "like she wants to get out."

"The cops came. They pounded on that man's door around 15, 20 times, real hard. They looked in the driveway, they got back in the squad car and left," he told MSNBC.

Elsie Cintron, who lives three houses away, said her daughter called police after she saw saw a naked woman crawling on her hands and knees in the backyard several years ago. "But they didn't take it seriously," she said.,,20698310,00.html
In the mid 90's, my second home (as an adult woman) was on West 107th, just a few blocks north of where the girls disappeared from. I lived there for 2 years and never knew ANY of my neighbors. I briefly met the next door neighbors when they had a yard sale. They were friendly, but that was the end of the interaction. When I was outside, they wouldn't even look my way. No hi, nod, acknowledgement or anything. I never seen a person on the other side. I would see neighbors out on the porch regularly and some knew eachother, but it was few. I likely would have never known if something strange was going on, since there was always something strange and a lot of suspicion. This area was getting pretty rough back then.

I was waiting for a family member in front of a building one day. I was propositioned 3 times in 5 minutes, because everyone thought I was a prostitute. I was standing in a doorway of a storefront, wearing a regular pair of modest shorts and a t-shirt. No make-up, hair undone, at 4pm in the afternoon.

I once walked through my neighborhood after dark. I was approached by every unsavory character in my path, assuming that I was "looking for something". This is definitely an area where is is best to be very street wise.

The further you move east toward downtown, the longer these areas have been impoverished. Going up Lorain Road from where these girls were from, to where they were found, it just gets worse. The east side (where Anthony Sowell lived) is another story. Most of the east side of Cleveland has been impoverished for generations.

It doesn't surprise me at all that this went undetected. It is really sad that people can turn a blind eye. Maybe they are just desensitized to the unusual things going on around them?

I also think that people tend to "mind their own business", since doing otherwise may get them in trouble. (Being known as a snitch)

I am really sad about this. I loved living in Cleveland and have great memories of growing up there. We ran the neighborhood without much of a care. We knew most of the neighbors. There was a time when people watched over eachother in these tight knit communities. I think that my age group was the last to see the tight knit communities that this city had. The neighborhoods have changed a lot over the years. People who had been in areas for generations have started moving on and others move in and they don't know eachother anymore.

Sadly I can identify with you Stoshie. The same exact thing here in Philly and I'm fairly newsie. The elderly have died off and their next generation moves on and only a few of us are left. Especially bad is they flip the houses and make them rentals. People don't stay a year and beat the rent. Many immigrants "share" a house and only live here temporarily. How would a person know even right next door to them who "belonged" there and where did they go?

This is how even with rowhouses people don't know what is going on with neighbors.

So sad.
Charles Ramsey is on the Today Show this morning He looks exhausted. He has been talking to media for the last 24 hours and I think he needs a break. Bless his heart. I heard he said something last night about not wanting any reward, suggested it be given to the girls.

Does anyone have a link to this information?

I thought that was an awfully sweet thought.
Today Show

Police Chief confirming, chains and ropes in home

Women weren't malnourished, in good health considering

Charging process to be completed today

Wouldn't comment on the 6 yr old girl

Said they could find no calls to the house in regards to the 3 women

That's all I could catch
Charles Ramsey is on the Today Show this morning He looks exhausted. He has been talking to media for the last 24 hours and I think he needs a break. Bless his heart. I heard he said something last night about not wanting any reward, suggested it be given to the girls.

Does anyone have a link to this information?

I thought that was an awfully sweet thought.

Not wanting the reward was when he was interviewed last night on Anderson Cooper. I was watching it on TV on CNN, so I don't have a link.

I love Charles Ramsey! We need a smiley for him like we have for Juan Martinez! And we need a thread just for him!

ETA I found a video of it. Starting at 7 minutes. Bottom of this page. It doesn't have the whole thing. :( It was priceless.

I found a transcript!

COOPER: Has the FBI said anything about a reward or anything? Because there was that - there was a reward for finding her.

RAMSEY: I tell you what you do, give it to them. Because if folks been following this case since last night, you been following me since last night, you know I got a job anyway. Just went picked it up, paycheck. What that address say? That say?

COOPER: I don't have my glasses. I'm blind as a bat.

RAMSEY: 2203 Seymour. Where are them girls living? Right next door to this paycheck. So yes, take that reward and give it to - that little girl came out the house and she was crying. And I'm looking at her, right, I'm like your mama trying to help you, girl, shut up. I don't know, right. And she's like I want my daddy. And I said, who's her daddy? She said Ariel.
I keep seeing a picture of Michelle Knight, but not in print. Anyone else see it?
Charles Ramsey is on the Today Show this morning He looks exhausted. He has been talking to media for the last 24 hours and I think he needs a break.

The first time I heard his name I thought of our Chief Of Police. That's his name.

People can't get enough of this man, Ramsey because he is real. He's a human being. Plus he uses the term "Bro". Not to mention he didn't just keep eating and figure it was none of his business. Sad to say, but there's alot of people that would just keep on eating and ignore those cries.
Charles Ramsey is on the Today Show this morning He looks exhausted. He has been talking to media for the last 24 hours and I think he needs a break. Bless his heart. I heard he said something last night about not wanting any reward, suggested it be given to the girls.

Does anyone have a link to this information?

I thought that was an awfully sweet thought.

I don't know about a link but the interview was with Anderson Cooper of CNN and was in a back yard. You can see fencing behind them. So hopefully you can find it that way. it was a very emotional interview and Ramsey is clearly beating himself up for not knowing/doing something a year ago. He now seems to feel responsible for the girls. He's an angel !

eta.. this might be it [ame=""]Charles Ramsey Interview on Anderson Cooper - YouTube[/ame]

eta again, that is off someones' tv and lame quality and does not include the exchange you are looking for. I'm still looking, bbs !

TLCYA here you go at about the 6 minute mark,,
Not wanting the reward was when he was interviewed last night on Anderson Cooper. I was watching it on TV on CNN, so I don't have a link.

I love Charles Ramsey! We need a smiley for him like we have for Juan Martinez! And we need a thread just for him!

ETA I found a video of it. Starting at 7 minutes. Bottom of this page. It doesn't have the whole thing. :( It was priceless.

I found a transcript!

COOPER: Has the FBI said anything about a reward or anything? Because there was that - there was a reward for finding her.

RAMSEY: I tell you what you do, give it to them. Because if folks been following this case since last night, you been following me since last night, you know I got a job anyway. Just went picked it up, paycheck. What that address say? That say?

COOPER: I don't have my glasses. I'm blind as a bat.

RAMSEY: 2203 Seymour. Where are them girls living? Right next door to this paycheck. So yes, take that reward and give it to - that little girl came out the house and she was crying. And I'm looking at her, right, I'm like your mama trying to help you, girl, shut up. I don't know, right. And she's like I want my daddy. And I said, who's her daddy? She said Ariel.

Poor little 6 year old J. :( Can you imagine her confusion? What did life look like in that house for her? What concept does she have of "normal"? And now all this hubbub going on around her. I hope she has very qualified counseling available to help her adjust to her new reality.
Ramsey just becomes more beloved every time he speaks. That last link to cnn interview is the one where he makes the statement about how different the interview would be if he'd known AC had been raping them. " Now we wanna hurt you '' , also about giving the reward to the girls...also he seems very emotional and almost responsible for living next door and having no clue..he seems down on himself for not rescuing the girls sooner!

Does anyone know about the second man who helped?I've heard mention of him but wonder if he is steering clear of the spotlight. That would be fine but I'd hate for him to be ignored just because Ramsey is so charismatic ! Superstar !
Rescued captive’s mom: I haven’t talked to her yet

This is an interview with Michelle Night's mom. :dunno: Is it just me, or does she not seem very happy that her daughter was found? It just seems like an odd interview.

Weird. "I know she had asthma..." Did this woman even know her own daughter? My daughter is 15 and if she went missing for 10 years and suddenly reappeared, I would have much more to say about her.
Within hours of becoming a national hero, a viral video star and the top topic on Twitter, Charles Ramsey talked about having trouble getting sleep.

It wasn't because of all the excitement that followed his knocking down a Cleveland neighbor's door, freeing three women and a girl who police say were held hostage for years.

Instead, Ramsey told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, it was about knowing he had lived for a year near the captive women on the city's West Side.

"Up until yesterday the only thing that kept me from losing sleep was the lack of money," the restaurant dishwasher said on "Anderson Cooper 360."

"I could have done this last year, not this hero stuff," said Ramsey. "Just do the right thing."
Thanks for the links guys, I am just so taken with Charles. He is simply real folk, no artifice and I find it so refreshing. :)
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