Amanda Berry (2003), Gina deJesus (2004), & Michelle Knight (2002) found alive! #2

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lol. someone posted her that mcdonalds (as he mentioned in his news story) tweeted out to Charles, 'we'll be in touch.' hopefully they do something for him.

WAY MORE than egg mcmuffins for life!!
Women who are malnourished often do not get periods. So presuming this is what you're referring to, that's not foolproof.

The strange thing is that a reporter on Anderson Cooper on CNN last night said something I thought was a mistake. He said "ariel threatened amanda that if the baby died, she died". I was sure he got SOMETHING mixed up in there since that would imply that amanda would be somehow willing to lose the pregnancy intentionally, until i realized it was likely twisted speaking -- like "if you make me beat you to hte point of you losing the child, I will just go ahead and kill you completely. so behave and don't make me beat you!"

but who knows. I'll try to find the Anderson Cooper transcript from last night since he interviewed so many people and so much of that has been posted here. It would be good to get a hard copy straight from CNN if possible.

BBM ^^


DAN DEROOS, WOIO REPORTER: Well, Anderson, here at 19 Action News we've got an incredible team of reporters and we are very well connected with the police department and with sources.

Some of the latest information we're hearing as I'm sure people at home are saying how in the world can these women be held captive for 10 years and never make an attempt to get out. One of the latest pieces of information we've been told is that Amanda Berry, that's the woman you've seen in the picture in the hospital, she had been told she gave birth to a 6-year-old daughter in that home while in captivity. She had been told if the baby dies, you die. So that was one of the reasons that she was held captive.
I hope Jaycee D reaches out to these women . If anyone can help them get through this, it is her.

This is one of the segments regarding naked woman/women in the back yard:

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Me and my friends and my sister were across the street at a house, like spending the night, and we seen a naked lady in the backyard. And we like didn't know nothing about it so we said -- we said something to her. He told her to get down and we said something to him, he told -- he told her to get in the house and he ran behind the cars and got in the house.

DUNNAN: So -- what was she doing? She was --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She was just walking around.

DUNNAN: And naked?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. And we thought that was weird.

DUNNAN: Yes. I mean, what sort of came to your mind?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We thought it was funny at first, and then we like -- we just thought that was weird so we called the cops.

DUNNAN: And then what happened?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They thought that we were playing and joking. And they didn't believe us. When we seen -- the lady, like the backyard was open and then like after that, like a week or two after, he put tarps up, he like totally secluded himself.

DUNNAN: And you saw the tarps from where?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I could see them from my bedroom window. If we would like stand up on a log or something we could --

DUNNAN: We could actually see it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. But I think the police might have took them down. I don't know. Like he would open the window for maybe like an hour or two, and she would just sit there and look out the window, and then he would come back, close the window and then we don't know what happened to her the rest of the day. And then like he just had the windows boarded up, everything was closed down. One time he led us up to the front door to go get popsicles or candy or something like that. He didn't let us in the house ever.
That statement needs a lot of clarification. If the baby dies, you die-what does that mean? We heard that the women were beat up to miscarry, why would someone tell Amanda if the baby dies, she dies?
Not making sense to me right now.
The reporter on Fox 8 just said Mr. Ramsey was swept up in a limo and taken off to who knows where!

Hope many good things come Mr Ramsey's way. Maybe McDonald's can give him a job being in their commercials.
And on Piers Morgan the two sister and their mother admitted that the cops were not called when the two sisters saw naked woman in a back yard. Mother says her daughters told her hours later about the naked woman so she didn't call the cops then.
Cops also have no records of any of these calls. So I take any claims of calls being made with a big grain of salt.
I hope the media doesn't make the lives of these women a life of further confinement...afraid to even go out and try to shop lest a camera is shoved in your face. There have been many times I've said the wrong thing without thinking, but there were no microphones to record it---poor Amanda and the others need to have their privacy respected.
They could, if they wanted, record a statement with one trusted person/reporter, and just release that.

I'm worried the most for Michelle....not going to say why. (moo)
Also wanted to say that these women can know that they can talk to each other for support --- who else would understand what they've been through ?

per Fox8 at noon, she's back in the hospital.
UGH! Now the media is hunkered down for Gina. If I tweeted, I would tweet all of these media peeps to back off!!! FGS!!!! :gavel:
per Fox8 at noon, she's back in the hospital.

My thoughts are with her. I"m so sad to hear this. But I expect it may have been worse for her somehow. Some people break. Inside and out. I hope she finds her way back to the real world and I would be drugged for weeks. I'd beg to be drugged. Amanda is so strong. even on that tape and it pains me to hear her, she is so strong. All three are. Michelle may just need more help than the others. :(

Hodge's, the restaurant where Ramsey works in Downtown Cleveland, posted on its Facebook page that it was "extremely proud of our employee Charles Ramsey for not turning his back on the young women. He's a true Cleveland hero. Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with the women, their families and their friends".

Restaurant owner Chris Hodgson told that the video shows just what kind of person Ramsey is.

"What you see in the video is what you get with Chuck," Hodgson said. "He's calm in the face of crazy and hectic things going on. He always steps up to do anything you ask ... He never says no. He always jumps on it."

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I am amazed at the strength of the human spirit and these women and child. There are so many amazing wonderful people in the world
We need to be thankful. Lets celebrate and honor our
LE and first responders. After officials truly investigate their actions we can
Call for change and accountability when needed. God bless so many
Intelligent caring people on this site.
Just want to say that as a former EMD (emergency medical dispatcher). I was shocked that the dispatcher hung up with Amanda. I would have been fired on the spot if I had allowed the call to end without police present. Now I was in medical dispatch, but my sister was in police/fire dispatch and we often worked together. Something as serious as a kidnapping! Would NEVER have hung up that phone, it would have been priority. Not to mention that those of us in medical dispatch (here in my area anyway) took sensitivity training to deal with being more sensitive and caring because the people on the other end of the phone line have 99% of the time been through something scary and traumatizing, something Amanda's dispatcher didn't appear to have taken.
And on Piers Morgan the two sister and their mother admitted that the cops were not called when the two sisters saw naked woman in a back yard. Mother says her daughters told her hours later about the naked woman so she didn't call the cops then.
Cops also have no records of any of these calls. So I take any claims of calls being made with a big grain of salt.

I couldn't remember who had the othere interview so thanks for posting that it was Piers Morgan. Now I can post the transcript, since this was the interview that stood out the most to me:

MORGAN: Faliceonna, you are I believe 16 years old, is that right?


MORGAN: Now you witnessed two years ago Ariel Castro, one of the three brothers who is being held, the man that owns that house, you witnessed something extraordinary in his backyard. Tell me about that.

LOPEZ: Well, me and my sister Nina, we were across the street atop of a neighbor's porch and we were all just hanging out having fun and I hear my sister say, look, and we look across the street and it's Ariel, and he has a woman, she's naked, and she's just in the backyard, and my sister said something or he heard us, and like he like told her get down, get down, get in the house, and she like -- she was naked and he had like a mattress up, and he was like trying to disguise but he didn't know that we could still see over it.

And he made her crawl on her hands and knees to get into the back and he took her to the back like of the door and that's the last time we seen her. She was just like -- she was naked and it was hard, and we didn't really think nothing of it at first, and then we just thought it was weird so we like waited and just went home and we told our mom, and that's just what happened from there.

MORGAN: And Annita, when they came back and told you this story, clearly it's more than weird now, given what we now know. But at the time, did you take any action?

LUGO: No, I didn't, but I was kind of hurt that they didn't tell me as soon as they saw it, you know. They have cell phones for a reason, you know. You see awkward stuff like that, because I definitely would have called then but it was hours later and I really -- I really didn't -- you know, I was just stuck. I was dumbfounded, didn't know how to take it, you know?
Where did you hear that? His house was in foreclosure. :waitasec:

Oh! His uncle said in a CNN interview that (paraphrasing) the Castro brothers' father left a lot of money that was distributed between all his kids after he died ....

Probably the three monsters all blew through it long ago! I'll amend my post above so people aren't confused.
How many live children were found? If Michelle was a mother in addition to having been mistreated to the point of it affecting her appearance and hearing, she may have opted for privacy.
"Help me, I am Amanda Berry... need police! I've been kidnapped, I've been missing for ten years and I'm here. I'm free now," she frantically told the operator. A baby can be heard crying in the background.
Ramsey added: "When the police got here, she said there are three more girls up there. And that's when Gina DeJesus (appeared), and they brought two more girls out."
Police searched the house at 2207 Seymour Avenue after a 911 call led police to the three women and two children.
WEWS news reports the missing women were malnourished and dehydrated. Two children were seen inside the Cleveland house.
CNN reports the two children were girls.
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