Amanda Knox New Motivation Report RE: Meredith Kercher Murder #1 *new trial ordered*

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Perhaps Gecko could explain why a prosecutor in a modern nation would propose an outlandish conspiracy theory like Mignini did in the Monster of Florence case?

His theory was that the death of a doctor years ago wasn't a suicide, but a murder to cover up what was really going on in the Monster of Florence serial killer case. A cult operating out of a Masonic lodge was using the body parts of the murdered women in Satanic rituals. The members of this cult were all highly respected members of Italian society and the Italian secret police were running the cover up. The body of this doctor had been swapped to hide the truth when the original autopsy had been done.

During his investigation, the prosecutor had about 20 people arrested and charged with involvement in this crime. He also had the body of the doctor exhumed and a DNA test performed. When the results came back showing the right person was in the doctor's grave, he altered his theory and claimed that the body had been swapped twice.

This kind of plot is fun in a movie where you just turn off your brain and go along for the ride. But as a theory for an actual crime, it's has no basis in reality.
He didn't. The MOF case is an old case that he took over from somebody else. That is not his theory at all. You keep making up this stuff without providing any sources and post your opinions as facts. The case was just reopened and the investigation is ongoing. It is a complicated case and I have no idea who was involved, but I doubt you have any idea why these 20 people were charged. Somehow this old case is mentioned to attack the prosecutor in the Kercher case. Why don't you provide a list of every case he has been involved in in his career and judge him based on that? How come there is only one other case mentioned to discredit him?
The prosecution's case included positive presumptive tests for blood using ortho-tolidine in the car. This test for blood is presumptive, and it is now generally agreed that presumptive blood tests must be followed by confirmatory blood tests before an unequivocal claim that blood is present should be made. The Chamberlains lived in Mt. Isa, and copper dust and other metal ores were in the air. One report on this case indicated that many of the cars on the Chamberlain's street tested positive for blood with ortho-tolidene. Copper is one of the substances that can produce a false positive for blood using ortho-tolidene. The forensic police took the position that substances other than hemoglobin would produce a different color, an absurd statement. Another problem is that inaccessible areas of the car also tested positive. This should have been seen as a positive substrate control but was not.
Snipped. See they found an alternative in the Chamberlain case. Big difference with this case, where we are still stuck with illogical claims of rusty water and girls that were spitting on the floor. There is no disagreement between the defense and prosecution that a confirmatory test was not possible so I don't understand why you keep repeating that they must have.
Hi Gecko100, I am a biochemist, and for the last three years I have been studying forensics, much of which is applied biochemistry or applied organic chemistry. We will have to agree to disagree about the present case. I would also say that the Italian justice system has some principles that I admire and that I wish we would emulate. However, the present case is not the only time the system seems to have gone off the rails; the Sarah Scazzi murder shows a similar tendency to favor the complex over the simple explanation IMO.

Hi Mr Chris, I see now, that detail are incredibly important in you life and work so it makes sense:seeya:
I think the Italian Justice system is complex and so very different from the USA model, but even the USA model has some terrible inconsistencies a la Ms Casey A. OJ et al. So no system is perfect, and an unknown justice system is always confusing and frightening for the average bear including me.

Again, not directed at you Mr Chris:) just another general observation, to tack on to your post, if I may. I am happy to alter it to stand alone, I'm not a meanie:), and I like people from everywhere. And I think I write thoughtful posts generally. We are not enemies in any sense of the word, and I appreciate that you bring complex biochemical information to this thread, and I am sure that you contribute widely to society, that's good stuff!

My contributions are a little different in that I seek knowledge from different places in individuals and society, to contribute to everybodies social welbeing as a social worker of many years standing, and make analysis from a very different space. Polyocular viewpoints are vital in any vigorous discussion, because that's what we as social workers do, all people do their bit in informing our knowledge base, and all levels of professionals are crucial to our understanding society. Our analysis will include all aspects of behaviour in context. My language is as possibly foreign to you as yours is to me, science is very exact, social work is less so, but it does also rely on scientific facts.
You might view me as 'soft' in my approaches to life, I don't know since an argument for me involves making sense out of patterns of behaviour, taking place in a context in a society which may or may not be correct, which is a different view from a psychologist or any other professional. My argument would include a phenomenological, ecosystems theory, conflict theory, and social justice theories approaches to name a few. Sociological, psychological and grand paradigm theories influence my practice.
So we are a just bit of a different kettle of fish, but both contribute equally to society, through their own glasses.
You are as informative as I am, from wholly different perspectives. But all discourses are required to form opinions, as it should be.:seeya:
ps I removed it in case it was discourteous.
I still don't understand why this seemingly intelligent young woman with Jesuit values, would finger and ruin the life of the perfectly nice Mr Lumumba, (who gave her a job), and his family and business quite apart from any sort of science.
What did he do to deserve to have his family and business life ruined and his mental health and reputation threatened by spending time in jail? Absolutely nothing.
There is no science to argue that unless you believe it was the fault of the police 'terrorising' 'hitting' and questioning her for hours on end which I don't, quite the contrary, and indeed she may face further charges for slanderous accusations in her me me me sex me book, and so does the other one.
She has already been charged with lying, why would I believe her now?
I can't argue science, but I can argue extremely worrying behaviour from a very immature irresponsible, and impulsive young women who abuses drugs to the point of amnesia, and then blatantly lies and involves another innocent family to save her own skin.
I don't think everyone everywhere agrees at all. Read the newspapers from Meredith's (the actual victim) country of origin in the UK, you might find slightly different view points. And for anyone who can read Italian, read their newspapers. It's not a favourable view at all. Don't read the tabloids though, or if you do, read the comments sections, all is not what it seems. And Meredith's family and friends are constantly forgotten in the dialogue here, and so is Meredith.
We were not allowed to examine the history of the victim on the JA thread, but it's quite ok to discuss a perpetrator here. Makes no sense, so I am going to describe the victim for a bit of balance.
Meredith was a vibrant intelligent young women, she actually attended the university in Perugia - not the learning Italian part. She was wonderfully charismatic, and had all the potential in the world in her field of study, which I believe was Political Science. She is described as funny, sweet and giving. Her father is a white journalist, and her mother is Indian, who suffers ill health, which is why Meredith kept in such good contact with her, she loved her mum and her mum adored her.

Meredith was a beautiful mixture of cultures inside and out. She was a genuinely good person, and no-one has anything bad to say about her, and she had no past history of anything other than her intelligent goodness, and gentleness and appreciation of cultural depth.
Meredith grew up in the sophisticated highly cultured multi racial environment of Britain and Europe, she had travelled and she loved the differences and embraced them openly and appreciatively. She wanted to deepen her knowledge by immersing herself further into differing culture by attending an Italian university and exploring the arts, and culture, not for kicks and giggles.
The Kercher family and children are all high achieving intelligent sensitive people. No-one didn't love Meredith and she was every parent's dream. She also took hours to die...

None of the friends who lived in the house with them believe the two slaughterers one tiny bit, and they knew them both.
Her mother and father and siblings must feel very tortured by the protracted nature of this case too, they are also not a wealthy family.
They are at the bottom of the list in the empathy giving stakes. They are completely forgotten, and I have even read comments not necessarily here but in the American press comments - that indicate that Meredith was even to blame for her own death. How heartbreaking is that for her family?
What did she do wrong? Nothing - like poor Mr Lumumba and his long suffering family.

That means something to me, but might not I concede, mean much to anyone else. The ravages they did to her body are horrifically violent, and it is quite obvious from her injuries that more than one person was there.
Five or so years down the track and this family knows no peace, and they know who was responsible, as victims families often do.
They don't speak about their loss publically, which tells me something else again. How nauseating for them to know about these books of lies, and poor me attitude all the while making money out their child's/sister's dead and mutilated body...
Like I said empathy is totally lacking somewhere...
AK and RS writing books for money is so wrong on many levels.
I think she is 'waiting to be herded' and so she should be. Shameful behaviour, and it takes a lot of nerve to go on television like some sort of 'celebrity' to cry poor me after she did what she did if onlyto Mr Lumumba and his wife and family and friends and livelyhood, and think that's even close to ok.

There is a mile of outright straight up no-nonsense factual victims here that Mr Lumumba would attest to. And two drugged up to the eyeballs and sexually charged insignificant little nobodies with total or partial amnesia.

So if everyone's nose it twitching that something 'off' about this young couple, consider yourselves lucky, she is no 'victim', but she has certainly created some. The Kercher's family and friends of Meredith, Mr Lumumba and his family and friends would almost certainly absolutely agree with me. That's a lot of victims. Do you hear him and the Kercher's bleating poor me? I don't think so - I would run to Poland as well and hope I never saw her immature irresponsible and recklessly risky slippery slime again too.
Please somebody correct me if I am wrong, but were her parents also charged with reprehensible behavior by the courts too? I can't remember.
These two can't even get their story straight. Have a look at Statement Analysis by Peter Hyatt, he is an expert in his field, I expect this to be roundly criticized, but she is more inconsistent than the proverbial weather.:seeya:
He didn't. The MOF case is an old case that he took over from somebody else. That is not his theory at all. You keep making up this stuff without providing any sources and post your opinions as facts. The case was just reopened and the investigation is ongoing. It is a complicated case and I have no idea who was involved, but I doubt you have any idea why these 20 people were charged. Somehow this old case is mentioned to attack the prosecutor in the Kercher case. Why don't you provide a list of every case he has been involved in in his career and judge him based on that? How come there is only one other case mentioned to discredit him?

The MOF murders started in the 1960s. Dr. Narduchi, the man Mignini had exhumed died decades ago. Just over a month before Meridith Kercher died, the trial of Francisco Calamandre started with Mignini as the prosecutor. Calamandre was one of those charged with being part of the MOF Satanic conspiracy. The trial was underway at the same time as the Kercher investigation.
The MOF murders started in the 1960s. Dr. Narduchi, the man Mignini had exhumed died decades ago. Just over a month before Meridith Kercher died, the trial of Francisco Calamandre started with Mignini as the prosecutor. Calamandre was one of those charged with being part of the MOF Satanic conspiracy. The trial was underway at the same time as the Kercher investigation.
What is your point? How am i supposed to make the jump to the Calamandrei trial and from there somehow to this trial? That case has been reopened so it remains to be seen who is guilty and innocent. Mignini investigated an already existing theory about a cult. That doesn't mean he is into cults. If he investigates a murder then that doesn't mean he is into murdering people. These kind of jumps are absurd. Mignini had nothing to do with the SC appeal. The next appeal will be in Florence. Conspiracy theories about a single prosecutor somehow influencing a whole trial through different courts are only an example of how weak the case for innocence is.
Can someone please explain to me why <modsnip> moniker appears in red bright red, surely the real victim of an horrendous murder should be highlighted too this is a 'victim friendly' site or so I understood, since I was unable to discuss Travis Alexander?
Can someone please explain to me why Ms Foxy Knoxy's moniker appears in red bright red, surely the real victim of an horrendous murder should be highlighted too this is a 'victim friendly' site or so I understood, since I was unable to discuss Travis Alexander?

There is a world of difference between "Victim friendly" and "prosecutor friendly".

Meredith Kercher was a victim of a brutal rape and murder. Her family are victims - having lost someone so precious.

That in NO WAY means that everything an Italian prosecutor says about the case is true. When we stoop to accept that kind of thinking - we throw away justice entirely.

When someone is wrongly accused - THAT is NOT victim friendly. It's the opposite. It's using the memory of a innocent human being to hurt another innocent person.
What is your point? How am i supposed to make the jump to the Calamandrei trial and from there somehow to this trial? That case has been reopened so it remains to be seen who is guilty and innocent. Mignini investigated an already existing theory about a cult. That doesn't mean he is into cults. If he investigates a murder then that doesn't mean he is into murdering people. These kind of jumps are absurd. Mignini had nothing to do with the SC appeal. The next appeal will be in Florence. Conspiracy theories about a single prosecutor somehow influencing a whole trial through different courts are only an example of how weak the case for innocence is.

The same prosecutor that arrested 20 innocent people in the MOF case also arrested innocents in the Meredith Kercher murder case. The prosecution theories of these crimes were basically irrational. In the MOF case, they couldn't accept that it was the work of a mere serial killer. In the Kercher case, they couldn't accept that the murder was the tragic result of an interrupted burglary. Both cases were woven into bizarre conspiracy theories.

The book Law & Disorder by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker goes over the problems in the Kercher case that were obvious to an expert on criminal profiling.
The gorgeously stunning intelligently caring deeply thinking Meredith Kercher[/COLOR] or a lying fox?
Yes there is a world of difference!
Just how is Ms foxy 'innocent' of her own behaviour towards an innocent man and his wife and family? Discrediting him, jailing him changing his life forever and ever and causing trauma to him, his wife and children friends and family?
She is supposedly intelligent...and had a few weeks of non-drug addled thinking and still did nothing about it?
You have mixed the 'victims' up I think. THAT is NOT even close to 'victim' friendly, if you pardon my ignorance?
Too many drugs (self admitted by both parties) partial amnesia and a sex crime. It was not just maryjane I'm thinking.
This is just a small example of her childishly magical irresponsible impulsive drug affected thinking and actions endorsed and sanctioned her family.
That's just not normal behaviour.
She is a drug addled irresponsible child/woman thrill seeker of the first magnitude, and she tells whopping great porkies.
Not hard to spot.
Meredith, a charming friendly lovely young woman who was disturbed by foxes bringing random strangers to their home to have sex with?
I think I'm with the delightfully sweet real victimMeredith Kercher.
And the perfectly nice gentlemanly Mr Lumumba, who did nothing wrong.

See - I think the problem here is that people are confusing what they "perceive" as someone's character with what actually happened.

Not all innocent people are good, nice, perfectly moral, plain looking, never-do-wrong.

Plenty of innocent people act badly or may not be the kind of character the world will stand behind and support. Plenty of are drop dead gorgeous, or crazy ugly, or covered in tatoos, or have slept around, or silly or stupid or say things that aren't right.

It doesn't change innocence.

It doesn't change the fact that Meridith's murder has been overshadowed by using her (yes - "using" her) to victimize people and falsely accuse.
Just to put this into prospective, all four young women living in that small cottage were sexually active and smoked marijuana. It's also worth noting that the prosecutions theory of a sex game gone wrong is pure speculation and not supported by any evidence.

The crime scene evidence points to exactly two people being present at the time of the murder. The victim who died in a pool of her own blood and Rudy Guede who left his handprint and his size 14 shoe prints in that same blood. Rudy also left his DNA on and inside the victim.

The prosecution created an animation at great expense showing three people attacking the victim. To make it work, they had to increase the size of the room because three people would not fit in that location in the actual room.
The prosecutors story is cray cray .. this crime is a rape / murder .. the killer is in jail and he acted alone (as these kind of killers usually do) .. the whole sex game thing gone wrong thing really is nutty. We don't have crimes like that do we, yet we have rape / murders all the time .. I hope Amanda can get past the last few years and all the false accusations. I also hope Meredith's family can find some peace after this horrible tragedy and the loss of their daughter, but sadly they will no doubt grieve forever .. it's all very sad.
Just to put this into prospective, all four young women living in that small cottage were sexually active and smoked marijuana. It's also worth noting that the prosecutions theory of a sex game gone wrong is pure speculation and not supported by any evidence.

The crime scene evidence points to exactly two people being present at the time of the murder. The victim who died in a pool of her own blood and Rudy Guede who left his handprint and his size 14 shoe prints in that same blood. Rudy also left his DNA on and inside the victim.

The prosecution created an animation at great expense showing three people attacking the victim. To make it work, they had to increase the size of the room because three people would not fit in that location in the actual room.

Not to mention that 2 of the people apparently possessed some magical skill whereby they were able to identify their own fingerprints, footprints and DNA - then magically remove all traces of it - without disturbing the actual crime scene.

As possible as flying unicorns (but less probable).
Not to mention that 2 of the people apparently possessed some magical skill whereby they were able to identify their own fingerprints, footprints and DNA - then magically remove all traces of it - without disturbing the actual crime scene.

As possible as flying unicorns (but less probable).
What fingerprints, footprints, DNA? I thought that was supposed to be found all over the house because she lived there? Now it is evidence that she wasn't in the room? And lets just forget the DNA that her ex-bf left on the bra clasp. No defensive wounds on Meredith's hands, just one single DNA spot of Guede on the cuff of her shirt (as evidence of this supposedly violent one on one struggle), no DNA by whoever strangled Meredith, pulled her hair, caused all the bruising in her face and stabbed her multiple times in the neck. Zero DNA of all those actions. No bloody footprints of whoever left the bloody hand print on the wall or put the bloody knife on the bed. No bloody prints showing Guede tossed the blanket over Meredith, no prints showing that he closed the bedroom door, no prints showing he stopped at the front door, no prints that he went to the smaller bathroom, none of his DNA in the smaller bathroom, none of his DNA or prints in the room where he supposed to had broken into. Just another myth that somehow you have to leave DNA when you stab somebody. This is the only case I have ever read where this is made a requirement. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
The same prosecutor that arrested 20 innocent people in the MOF case also arrested innocents in the Meredith Kercher murder case. The prosecution theories of these crimes were basically irrational. In the MOF case, they couldn't accept that it was the work of a mere serial killer. In the Kercher case, they couldn't accept that the murder was the tragic result of an interrupted burglary. Both cases were woven into bizarre conspiracy theories.

The book Law & Disorder by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker goes over the problems in the Kercher case that were obvious to an expert on criminal profiling.
Who says they are innocent? The investigation is ongoing. Besides what has this to do with the current case where it is Galati who won the SC appeal? Or is he part of the conspiracy as well?
I know very little about the case. I remember snippets of TV reports and, just last night, read the Wikipedia entry after I caught a portion of Knox's interview on CNN.

Concerning her oddness, has Asperger Syndrome come up? That's what came to my mind when I was listening to and watching her--that she's very smart and possibly mildly autistic. And, on top of that, obviously traumatized.

I watched that interview, and that was the first thing that came to my mind. The reason is, I have Aspergers, and the way she was behaving was eerily similar to the way I would behave if falsely accused of something. Even down to tonal inclinations. It kind of freaked me out actually, it is reassuring to hear that someone else noted that too.

After watching that interview I'm pretty much convinced that she is telling the truth.
Please everyone ignore my limits of knowledge...I just have a question from reading through the thread...why is it pertinent that some is Jesuit educated? I have a very limited understanding of the different "parts" of the Catholic religion. Does this make a difference, I keep seeing it come up. TIA!

Always MOO
The prosecutors story is cray cray .. this crime is a rape / murder .. the killer is in jail and he acted alone (as these kind of killers usually do) .. the whole sex game thing gone wrong thing really is nutty. We don't have crimes like that do we, yet we have rape / murders all the time .. I hope Amanda can get past the last few years and all the false accusations. I also hope Meredith's family can find some peace after this horrible tragedy and the loss of their daughter, but sadly they will no doubt grieve forever .. it's all very sad.

What's worse, he originally got 30 years, then that was cut to 15 years because he was cooperative with LE [and fingered Amanda and Raffeale], and I just read that he could get out as early as next year for good behavior.


What fingerprints, footprints, DNA? I thought that was supposed to be found all over the house because she lived there? Now it is evidence that she wasn't in the room? And lets just forget the DNA that her ex-bf left on the bra clasp. No defensive wounds on Meredith's hands, just one single DNA spot of Guede on the cuff of her shirt (as evidence of this supposedly violent one on one struggle), no DNA by whoever strangled Meredith, pulled her hair, caused all the bruising in her face and stabbed her multiple times in the neck. Zero DNA of all those actions. No bloody footprints of whoever left the bloody hand print on the wall or put the bloody knife on the bed. No bloody prints showing Guede tossed the blanket over Meredith, no prints showing that he closed the bedroom door, no prints showing he stopped at the front door, no prints that he went to the smaller bathroom, none of his DNA in the smaller bathroom, none of his DNA or prints in the room where he supposed to had broken into. Just another myth that somehow you have to leave DNA when you stab somebody. This is the only case I have ever read where this is made a requirement. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

You need to go back and read the evidence (of the crime scene, not of the house, the village, the country or the planet - just the crime scene).

Guede's DNA was found INSIDE Meredith.
Guede's footprint was found IN BLOOD next to Meredith
Guede's fingerprints were found in the room

Additionally - feces found inside the toilet in another room were DNA traced to Guede (though that is outside the crime scene - it still places him in the house on the night of the murder).

Amanda and Raffaele's DNA was NOT found in the room**
Amanda and Raffaele's Fingerprints were NOT found in the room
Amanda and Raffaele's Footprints were NOT found in the room

NONE of Meredith's blood or secretions were co-mixed or mingled with Amanda or Raffaele's DNA or any other trace of their presence.

**a trace spec of DNA belonging to Raffaele was found on Meredith's bra clasp - but this was collected only after a 47 day delay in which the crime scene was NOT SECURED (ie: open) and in which videos show extreme contamination during collection.
I still don't understand why this seemingly intelligent young woman with Jesuit values, would finger and ruin the life of the perfectly nice Mr Lumumba, (who gave her a job), and his family and business quite apart from any sort of science.
What did he do to deserve to have his family and business life ruined and his mental health and reputation threatened by spending time in jail? Absolutely nothing.
There is no science to argue that unless you believe it was the fault of the police 'terrorising' 'hitting' and questioning her for hours on end which I don't, quite the contrary, and indeed she may face further charges for slanderous accusations in her me me me sex me book, and so does the other one.
She has already been charged with lying, why would I believe her now?
I can't argue science, but I can argue extremely worrying behaviour from a very immature irresponsible, and impulsive young women who abuses drugs to the point of amnesia, and then blatantly lies and involves another innocent family to save her own skin.
I don't think everyone everywhere agrees at all. Read the newspapers from Meredith's (the actual victim) country of origin in the UK, you might find slightly different view points. And for anyone who can read Italian, read their newspapers. It's not a favourable view at all. Don't read the tabloids though, or if you do, read the comments sections, all is not what it seems. And Meredith's family and friends are constantly forgotten in the dialogue here, and so is Meredith.
We were not allowed to examine the history of the victim on the JA thread, but it's quite ok to discuss a perpetrator here. Makes no sense, so I am going to describe the victim for a bit of balance.
Meredith was a vibrant intelligent young women, she actually attended the university in Perugia - not the learning Italian part. She was wonderfully charismatic, and had all the potential in the world in her field of study, which I believe was Political Science. She is described as funny, sweet and giving. Her father is a white journalist, and her mother is Indian, who suffers ill health, which is why Meredith kept in such good contact with her, she loved her mum and her mum adored her.

Meredith was a beautiful mixture of cultures inside and out. She was a genuinely good person, and no-one has anything bad to say about her, and she had no past history of anything other than her intelligent goodness, and gentleness and appreciation of cultural depth.
Meredith grew up in the sophisticated highly cultured multi racial environment of Britain and Europe, she had travelled and she loved the differences and embraced them openly and appreciatively. She wanted to deepen her knowledge by immersing herself further into differing culture by attending an Italian university and exploring the arts, and culture, not for kicks and giggles.
The Kercher family and children are all high achieving intelligent sensitive people. No-one didn't love Meredith and she was every parent's dream. She also took hours to die...

None of the friends who lived in the house with them believe the two slaughterers one tiny bit, and they knew them both.
Her mother and father and siblings must feel very tortured by the protracted nature of this case too, they are also not a wealthy family.
They are at the bottom of the list in the empathy giving stakes. They are completely forgotten, and I have even read comments not necessarily here but in the American press comments - that indicate that Meredith was even to blame for her own death. How heartbreaking is that for her family?
What did she do wrong? Nothing - like poor Mr Lumumba and his long suffering family.

That means something to me, but might not I concede, mean much to anyone else. The ravages they did to her body are horrifically violent, and it is quite obvious from her injuries that more than one person was there.
Five or so years down the track and this family knows no peace, and they know who was responsible, as victims families often do.
They don't speak about their loss publically, which tells me something else again. How nauseating for them to know about these books of lies, and poor me attitude all the while making money out their child's/sister's dead and mutilated body...
Like I said empathy is totally lacking somewhere...
AK and RS writing books for money is so wrong on many levels.
I think she is 'waiting to be herded' and so she should be. Shameful behaviour, and it takes a lot of nerve to go on television like some sort of 'celebrity' to cry poor me after she did what she did if onlyto Mr Lumumba and his wife and family and friends and livelyhood, and think that's even close to ok.

There is a mile of outright straight up no-nonsense factual victims here that Mr Lumumba would attest to. And two drugged up to the eyeballs and sexually charged insignificant little nobodies with total or partial amnesia.

So if everyone's nose it twitching that something 'off' about this young couple, consider yourselves lucky, she is no 'victim', but she has certainly created some. The Kercher's family and friends of Meredith, Mr Lumumba and his family and friends would almost certainly absolutely agree with me. That's a lot of victims. Do you hear him and the Kercher's bleating poor me? I don't think so - I would run to Poland as well and hope I never saw her immature irresponsible and recklessly risky slippery slime again too.
Please somebody correct me if I am wrong, but were her parents also charged with reprehensible behavior by the courts too? I can't remember.
These two can't even get their story straight. Have a look at Statement Analysis by Peter Hyatt, he is an expert in his field, I expect this to be roundly criticized, but she is more inconsistent than the proverbial weather.:seeya:

She was tortured all night by the Italian police--a 20 year old girl 6000 miles from home--and they are the ones who wrote the alleged confession involving Patrick, not her. She just went along with them finally and signed it.

As soon as she got some sleep and food, she retracted it in writing.

It's more complicated than that but go read about it. There's a lot of information about what they did to her to get that false confession.

By the way, false confessions are more common than thought. Twenty five percent of confessions where DNA is present turn out to be false confessions per the Innocence Project. That's one in four.

It's amazing what you'll say when you're being tortured and are scared out of your mind.

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