Amanda Knox New Motivation Report RE: Meredith Kercher Murder #1 *new trial ordered*

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She was tortured all night by the Italian police--a 20 year old girl 6000 miles from home--and they are the ones who wrote the alleged confession involving Patrick, not her. She just went along with them finally and signed it.

As soon as she got some sleep and food, she retracted it in writing.

It's more complicated than that but go read about it. There's a lot of information about what they did to her to get that false confession.

By the way, false confessions are more common than thought. Twenty five percent of confessions where DNA is present turn out to be false confessions per the Innocence Project. That's one in four.

It's amazing what you'll say when you're being tortured and are scared out of your mind.

The confession statement was written down at 1:45am. Questioning started at about 11pm. Knox herself claimed that she was 'coerced' with the help of the translator who arrived only at 0:30. Mignini was already called just before 1am. How does that translate to an 'all night torturing'?

It wasn't really a confession, but a false accusation where she put herself at the scene. She has been convicted for this and this conviction was confirmed by the SC.
The confession statement was written down at 1:45am. Questioning started at about 11pm. Knox herself claimed that she was 'coerced' with the help of the translator who arrived only at 0:30. Mignini was called before 1am. How does that translate to an 'all night torturing'?

It wasn't really a confession, but a false accusation. However, she did put herself at the scene. She has been convicted for this and this conviction was confirmed by the SC.

I do believe the record shows that all the notes of the original interrogation (including times) has gone "missing".

The only sources for when the statements were given are the translator - and the prosecutor - whose statements are more than 4 hours apart.

Amanda Knox entered an interrogation room at 10:32 pm - but wasn't arrested until 9:00 am the next morning - when she emerged from that room.

In TOTAL - she had been questioned and interrogated for 52 hours over a 5 day period.

Clip of interview with Migini (prosecutor) - regarding the missing interrogation information from the night / morning she was arrested:
06’11’’ Mignini: No, look, absolutely not. At 1 a.m., the minutes of Nov 6th has started at 1 a.m. and I arrived, 14 hours that cannot be, we are really… that’s absolutely impossible. So the minutes were done at one o’clock, then the minutes of the spontaneous declaration was taken at 5.45, it maybe lasted half an hour because no questions were asked. She made her statements; they were translated; then at around 8 a.m., I think, at approximately 8, I drew up the detention order. Thus it is… well, she had been heard earlier, so she had been questioned as a person informed of the facts at around one forty-five a.m. She had previously been heard by a female police officer, but [that’s] because she had gone voluntarily to the police and she reported that, she said things quite relevant to the investigation of Raffaele and was heard by the inspector [Rita] Ficarra. However this [event] ... I was not there, I do not know [about it]. But remember, there are the minutes. Then the minutes in which she was questioned as a person informed of the facts starts at 1:45 of November 6, and cannot have lasted 14 hours ... in no way whatsoever. Then she was arrested at around 8 a.m. or at about 9 a.m. or so."
The confession statement was written down at 1:45am. Questioning started at about 11pm. Knox herself claimed that she was 'coerced' with the help of the translator who arrived only at 0:30. Mignini was already called just before 1am. How does that translate to an 'all night torturing'?

It wasn't really a confession, but a false accusation where she did put herself at the scene. She has been convicted for this and this conviction was confirmed by the SC.

Questioning started between 1000pm and 1100pm.

The second confession was written at 530 am.

They were bringing a new team of interrogators in every hour all night long and screaming at her in a language she could barely speak, threatening her with 30 years in jail, and she would never see her family again, hitting her upside the head, telling her Raffeale had turned her in, that she was there she just couldn't remember, that there was evidence of her there, that she forgot due to trauma, that Patrick was there, that she heard Meredith scream, etc etc none of it on tape, no rights read to her, no lawyer offered to her. She walked into a hornets nest thinking she was just trying to help the police.

Then she was locked up and got some sleep, and food, and retracted it that day. But it was too late.

Questioning started between 1000pm and 1100pm.

The second confession was written at 530 am.

They were bringing a new team of interrogators in every hour all night long and screaming at her in a language she could barely speak, threatening her with 30 years in jail, and she would never see her family again, hitting her upside the head, telling her Raffeale had turned her in, that she was there she just couldn't remember, that there was evidence of her there, that she forgot due to trauma, that Patrick was there, that she heard Meredith scream, etc etc none of it on tape, no rights read to her, no lawyer offered to her. She walked into a hornets nest thinking she was just trying to help the police.

Then she was locked up and got some sleep, and food, and retracted it that day. But it was too late.

She was on the phone with her roommate at 10:30pm so it can't have started before that. Her boyfriend did turn her in as he claimed she was out from 9pm till 1am. He explained Knox asked him to lie. When they told Knox this she pretty much immediately threw out her false accusation. After 1:45am all questioning stopped since now she was a suspect and further questioning would be illegal. This is why the prosecutor was called. Later at 5:30am Knox herself requested to make a voluntary statement to explain her false accusation and she added some more details. Knox herself explained that there was just one police officer and the translator when she made the false accusation. She never retracted anything but kept writing in fake terms how she stood by her accusations. There is no time for an all night interrogation since it was all over before 1:45am.
She was on the phone with her roommate at 10:30pm so it can't have started before that. Her boyfriend did turn her in as he claimed she was out from 9pm till 1am. He explained Knox asked him to lie. When they told Knox this she pretty much immediately threw out her false accusation. After 1:45am all questioning stopped since now she was a suspect and further questioning would be illegal. This is why the prosecutor was called. Later at 5:30am Knox herself requested to make a voluntary statement to explain her false accusation and she added some more details. Knox herself explained that there was just one police officer and the translator when she made the false accusation. She never retracted anything but kept writing in fake terms how she stood by her accusations. There is no time for an all night interrogation since it was all over before 1:45am.

That's not how I understand what happened. She wrote the final 'confession' at 530 am. I've just read both of their books, but I'm reading them in my sleep because I don't have any other time to read. The police called them at home around 1000pm asking Raffeale to come down to the police station and Amanda went with him because she was scared to be alone. Her interrogation started out in the hallway of the police station while Raffeale was behind closed doors and then later they brought her into a room and it was off to the races.

But, if you like, I can find the section in her book where she recounts it and just outline it from the book.

BTW, it was the policeman in the hallway who asked her to show him some yoga moves and she did a split for him which later was recounted as cartwheels.

That's not how I understand what happened. She wrote the final 'confession' at 530 am. I've just read both of their books, but I'm reading them in my sleep because I don't have any other time to read. The police called them at home around 1000pm asking Raffeale to come down to the police station and Amanda went with him because she was scared to be alone. Her interrogation started out in the hallway of the police station while Raffeale was behind closed doors and then later they brought her into a room and it was off to the races.

But, if you like, I can find the section in her book where she recounts it and just outline it from the book.

BTW, it was the policeman in the hallway who asked her to show him some yoga moves and she did a split for him which later was recounted as cartwheels.

Ok thanks. Keep in mind that Knox is a proven liar, and what she wrote in her book can be proven to be a lie. It is not in dispute that the false accusation was written down at 1:45am. The 5:30am was a voluntary one and basically a repetition of the first one with some more details added. It can't have been anything else because this would be against the law.

Knox made up an illegal interrogation in her book, and the first complaint has already been filed. The same happened with her ex-bf's book where he made up some illegal deal negotiations between his lawyers and the prosecution. His own father had to claim on national tv that this was 'just' his sons imaginations. They must have gotten some bad legal advice as they are only getting themselves into more trouble. IMO writing a book while the trial is still ongoing is not moral. There is a place to be heard and that is in court.

“Knox never asked for an attorney. She wanted to talk,” Mignini wrote, adding that he did not contest her statements or question her at that time, because she was making a spontaneous declaration regarding Patrick Lumumba’s alleged involvement.
Amanda signed two documents during the interrogation sessions that night. One at 1:45 am and the second around 5:30 am. Both of these are in Italian, the later one was handwritten by PM Mignini. Some time later that day, Amanda wrote a note in English by herself.

The idea that Amanda requested to make the 5:30 am is pure invention by someone in the pro guilt camp.
Amanda signed two documents during the interrogation sessions that night. One at 1:45 am and the second around 5:30 am. Both of these are in Italian, the later one was handwritten by PM Mignini. Some time later that day, Amanda wrote a note in English by herself.

The idea that Amanda requested to make the 5:30 am is pure invention by someone in the pro guilt camp.

Right. They wrote the 'confessions' in Italian and had her sign them. Her Italian at that point was rudimentary at best.

From Amanda's book-- my paraphrase--

They call Raffaele at 1000pm. Ask him to come down to the station. She goes along because she was scared to be alone. Police gave her a chair by the elevator to wait for him to be done. She started working on her schoolwork there when a police officer came and sat beside her and started talking. He asked her to go through the list of guys that came by the house again. She got up to stretch and he asked to see her yoga moves so she did a split for him. Another cop came by, saw the split, saw that they were talking, and insisted they all go into a room and put it on the record. They question her some more. They call in an interpreter. They started questioning her story. Are you sure? They became more demanding. She starts getting confused. Their tone became shrill. They acted like she was lying.

She was already exhausted, having slept just a few hours a night since Meredith's death and this was day four.

Up to this point all questioning was in Italian. Interpreter came at 1230am. Cops started coming and going in the little room. They tell her Raffaele has told them she wasn't with him that night. They start questioning her about Patrick. They accuse her of being with Patrick that night. They ask if Patrick thought Meredith was pretty.

They ask when she left to be with Patrick. They misrepresent her message to Patrick, 'See you later.' They insist that's proof they were going to get together later. Now nonstop questions regarding Patrick and her meeting with Patrick that night. Interpreter tells her she has forgotten, she needs to remember. They start yelling at her. Then they start slapping her in the head to get her attention. Relentless yelling.

Now they tell her they have evidence she was in the house with Meredith that night. They told her she has amnesia from being traumatized. They wouldn't let her leave the room.

She started to believe them. They threatened her with 30 years in prison if she doesn't help them. She is feeling smaller and smaller and thinks they must be telling her the truth. Now she doesn't trust her own mind anymore. Now she starts mimicking back to them, it's Patrick. She can no longer tell what she is imagining and what is real. She weeps for a long time. They bring her a piece of paper with Italian written on it at 145am and tell her to sign it. It says that Patrick killed Meredith.

Then the prosecutor shows up. She says she is too confused to talk to him. She doesn't know if it's memory or imagination. But the prosecutor starts questioning her. She asks if she needs a lawyer. He says no, that will make it worse for her, make it look like she doesn't want to help them. He starts barraging her with questions. Now she feels like she's in a trance. He asks leading questions like, Did you hear Meredith screaming? He won't accept that she doesn't know and doesn't remember. This goes on with them making her 'remember.' They have her sign another confession in Italian, that they write up, involving Patrick, at 5:45am.

Then they stop questioning her and leave the room, except for one. She curls up on a chair and falls asleep.

PS These nonsense confessions would last two minutes in an American court. IMO
They bring her a piece of paper with Italian written on it at 145am and tell her to sign it. It says that Patrick killed Meredith.
Snipped. The paper 'says' what Knox had stated before 1:45am. This is not in dispute. This proves that the whole 'confession' was already made before that time. The rest of the story is pure fiction and contradicts what was declared during the trial. So what is left of the all night torture? It is 1:45am and Knox is now officially declared a suspect and no further interrogation is possible.
The ravages they did to her body are horrifically violent, and it is quite obvious from her injuries that more than one person was there.


Anne Pressly -- "horrifically violent" disfiguring injuries/rape inflicted by one male (taken off life support)
Jessica Harrell -- fatally stabbed 65 times by one male
Stephany Flores -- brutally murdered by one male
Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman -- brutally murdered by one male

Anne Pressly -- "horrifically violent" disfiguring injuries/rape inflicted by one male (taken off life support)
Jessica Harrell -- fatally stabbed 65 times by one male
Stephany Flores -- brutally murdered by one male
Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman -- brutally murdered by one male
It is the wounds in combination with the lack of defensive wounds that showed there were multiple attackers. It is impossible for one attacker to have hold down her legs, hold down her arms, strangled her, pulled her hair, stabbed her with 2 different knives from opposing angles, sexually assaulted her, and caused all the bruising on the body. It is a natural reaction that one would try to defend themselves against a knife attack. This results in the most horrific wounds such as broken fingers and knife cuts. The lack of defensive wounds showed that she was held down by multiple people.

Massei report (BBM)
they consist also in some tiny defensive wounds: one on the palm of her right hand of a length of .6cm showing a tiny amount of blood; another on the ulnar surface of the first phalange of the second finger of the left hand, also of length .6cm; another on the fingertip of the first finger with a superficial wound of .3cm, and another tiny wound corresponding to the fourth radius.

Compared with these almost nonexistent defensive wounds (cf. report of Dr Lalli, pp. 33, 34, 35 with the relevant photos), there is an injured area which is impressive by the number, distribution and diversity, specifically of the injuries (bruises and wounds) on the face and neck of Meredith.

This disproportion is all the more serious and inexplicable if one considers Meredith's physical and personality characteristics recalled above. It seems inevitable that it must be considered that the criminal action was carried out by several people acting together against Meredith, who, strongly limited in her movements, could not defend herself in any way nor shield herself with her hands in order to avoid a vital part of her body (the neck) being repeatedly struck.
It is the wounds in combination with the lack of defensive wounds that showed there were multiple attackers. It is impossible for one attacker to have hold down her legs, hold down her arms, strangled her, pulled her hair, stabbed her with 2 different knives from opposing angles, sexually assaulted her, and caused all the bruising on the body. It is a natural reaction that one would try to defend themselves against a knife attack. This results in the most horrific wounds such as broken fingers and knife cuts. The lack of defensive wounds showed that she was held down by multiple people.

Massei report (BBM)

Can you figure out another reason why not more defensive wounds--like she was knocked out or something? Because as the retired FBI agent said, there was only one person in that room with her, and his footprints, fingerprints, and DNA were everywhere in that room in her blood. No other perps could have been in that room with her and Rudy.

If someone were holding down her arms and legs, there would still be bruising in those areas where she was held. Is there any evidence of this?


Anne Pressly -- "horrifically violent" disfiguring injuries/rape inflicted by one male (taken off life support)
Jessica Harrell -- fatally stabbed 65 times by one male
Stephany Flores -- brutally murdered by one male
Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman -- brutally murdered by one male

I'm really not quite sure of your point, there is no other way to read her injuries unless the murderer who scaled unscalable walls with two different knives and four arms did it?
Someone has mentioned Asperger's because it relates to their own experience, I see narcissism because it relates to mine. She has definite problems in the empathy area, it screams in your face.
Where is any support for the lovely Mr Lumumba, wife and kids a black man whose life she destroyed by being a silly irresponsible, drug addled liar which she has been convicted for?
And spent time in prison for?
Three multicultural victim's?
I have some very clear issues with that little bit violent racism. A black man was locked up and his life destroyed and an Anglo/Indian woman murdered.
Another black man sits in jail, and these two are still floating around in lala land aided and abetted. When the same evidence and 'wonky' science (just about) is used to convict a black man, and no-one says that's in any dispute? You are all perfectly fine with any miscarriage of justice for him, based on the same screwed up evidence (apparently).
If I mention Jesuit educated, it's because I didn't know they were so racist.
I'm in no way convinced of her innocence at all.
Where her parents actually sanctioned for their behaviour in court, can anyone tell me?
Is it normal for a family of an alleged murder to be seen giggling and laughing while they are taking photographs of the place where poor Meredith was murdered?
And don't tell me they were holiday snaps, they were filmed doing it.
Highly inappropriate, in any sense of respectful decorum, these people apparently don't 'get it'.
It's like a big joke, and Meredith's family must be gobsmacked at their utter insensitivity, and I am quite sure it tells them they are absolutely correct in their thinking. No-one with any real sensitivity would broadcast their 'poor me, me sex me again' and not think it would be roundly criticised by any right thinking person on the planet. It is very unethical behaviour in the middle of an ongoing trial.
If she had committed this crime in America you would be horrified at her presumptions.
Imagine Casey Anthony Jodi Arias or any other perpetrators making money from the sensationalism
of their crimes in the middle of a trial GMAB. Everybody would scream and holler. It's no different anywhere else in the world that I know of. I can't recall anyone doing that ever...
Who in the world accords themselves 'celebrity' status to make money to promote a book and appears on television, when they are proven liars and jailbirds? While Meredith lies cold and mutilated in her grave, a charming funny intelligent woman with her head screwed on. That flat mates were not entirely entranced <modsnip>, and I for one, and many others on this agree with them, and they knew her better than anyone here.

That's a whole lot of incredible nerve.
This family has engaged a PR team, did they think they needed their collective behaviour in check/cheque why go to all the bother? Public Relations companies are well know for spin and muddying waters, that's the name of the game,

They have done nothing to suggest to me that they could give a toss about the destruction of 3 lives and a boatload of victims, in their wake.
How utterly disrespectful to real victims, they don't own the world and think that engaging a Judge from America to write to Judges in Italy expressing their opinion is an OK thing?
If I committed a crime in the US, do you think that it should influence due process by a friend of my family who is a Judge to criticise your country's management of my crime, and take it on board for a very different justice system? Maybe not.
The more I think I think about this family the less I like them....
I'm really not quite sure of your point, there is no other way to read her injuries unless the murderer who scaled unscalable walls with two different knives and four arms did it?
Someone has mentioned Asperger's because it relates to their own experience, I see narcissism because it relates to mine. She has definite problems in the empathy area, it screams in your face.
Where is any support for Mr Lumumba, a man whose life she destroyed by being a silly irresponsible, drug addled liar which she has been convicted for?
And spent time in prison for?
Three multicultural victim's?
I have some very clear issues with that little bit violent racism. A black man was locked up and his life destroyed and an Anglo/Indian woman murdered.
Another black man in jail, and these two are still floating around in lala land aided and abetted, when the same evidence and science (just about) is used to convict a black man, and no-one says that's in any dispute? You are all perfectly fine with any miscarriage of justice for him, based on the same screwed up evidence (apparently) for him?
If I mention Jesuit educated, it's because I didn't know they were so racist.
I'm in no way convinced of her innocence at all.
Where her parents actually sanctioned for their behaviour in court, can anyone tell me?

Again - I don't want to harp on this - but aren't you confusing your perception of her as a person, or of her behaviour - with evidence?

As for "black" - well, not being an american (and being from the Mediterranean) - I can assure you, dark skinned men and women in Europe do not face the same prejudice wrt the justice system or life in general.

In fact, around the Mediterranean (which is very close to Africa), "black" people are not the objects of racism in the same way as those of middle eastern background or race.

So I'm not sure why you find it so relevant that Rudy or Patrick are dark skinned (black) men. It's not as if Meredith had a choice on the skin color of the person who was going to rape, rob and murder her.

The man who did murder Meredith is in prison - and with a very short sentence that could end any day.

How just is that?

What kind of a man kills a young woman just because? What kind of man rapes and robs and steals the life of someone's daughter just because?

The kind of man who will very soon be free to walk the streets and find someone else's daughter - while a handful of people jump all over 2 innocent people trying to twist invisible and non-existent evidence.
It is the wounds in combination with the lack of defensive wounds that showed there were multiple attackers. It is impossible for one attacker to have hold down her legs, hold down her arms, strangled her, pulled her hair, stabbed her with 2 different knives from opposing angles, sexually assaulted her, and caused all the bruising on the body. It is a natural reaction that one would try to defend themselves against a knife attack. This results in the most horrific wounds such as broken fingers and knife cuts. The lack of defensive wounds showed that she was held down by multiple people.

Massei report (BBM)

The evidence supports a short violent struggle with one attacker who quickly overwhelmed the victim. Meredith's neck wounds are consistent with one knife of the shape and size indicated by the bloody outline on the bed. The larger of these wounds was not survivable and she would have lost consciousness rather quickly. The sexual assault happened afterwards, when Meredith was no longer capable of any resistance.

We don't know for certain where the fight started, but Rudy's statements do give us a clue. He claimed to have engaged Meredith's attacker in the kitchen, perhaps expecting the investigators to find signs of a fight there. Any such evidence would have been trampled by the small crowd in the room shortly before the body was discovered. Rudy didn't fight Meredith's attacker after leaving the bathroom, he fought Meredith.

Meredith arrived home while Rudy was sitting on the toilet. He probably waited a bit, then tried to sneak out the front door. But Meredith would have locked that with her key after entering. A quick scuffle in the kitchen, then a chase into Meredith's bedroom where he quickly overwhelmed the poor girl using his size advantage and a knife..

A few weeks before the murder, Rudy was confronted by a homeowner after climbing into a Perugia home via a window. Rudy responded by pulling a knife and threatening the homeowner.
the massei reported is hardly unbiased.

i provided numerous secondary examples of how a lone male can brutalize/slaughter a female victim... cases even more violent than what happened to MK.

believe what you wish.
Can you figure out another reason why not more defensive wounds--like she was knocked out or something? Because as the retired FBI agent said, there was only one person in that room with her, and his footprints, fingerprints, and DNA were everywhere in that room in her blood. No other perps could have been in that room with her and Rudy.

If someone were holding down her arms and legs, there would still be bruising in those areas where she was held. Is there any evidence of this?

The retired FBI dudes opinion means little to nothing to me...get him to post his reasoning and detail his involvement.

Everyone has an opinion.

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you'd believe the proven "shoddy" Italian investigators over an FBI agent with over 25 years experience in violent crimes???

My name is Steve Moore; I retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2008 after 25 years as a Special Agent and Supervisory Special Agent. My entire investigative experience was in the investigation and prosecution of violent crime, from murder to mass-murder and terrorism. In my last such assignment, I was the Supervisor of the Al Qaeda Investigations squad, following which I ran the FBI&#8217;s Los Angeles-based &#8220;Extra-Territorial Squad&#8221;, which was tasked with responding to any acts of terrorism against the United States in Asia and Pakistan. I have investigated murders throughout the United States and the world.
The retired FBI dudes opinion means little to nothing to me...get him to post his reasoning and detail his involvement.

Everyone has an opinion.

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Indeed - and everyone is entitled to an opinion.

But accusing someone of murder involves more than just having an opinion.

Murder is the most despicable crime of all. Especially murder for no reason - just because.

Meredith's young life was cut short in a horrific and gruesome way.

Getting justice for her should never involve "public opinion" about a suspect.

It should involve looking at the facts, determining who did this horrible thing, and making sure they pay.

So far - all the facts - all of them - point to Rudy Guede (who also agrees and admits to committing the act).

None of the facts - none of them - point to Amanda or Raffaele.

Not sure how opinion could change the fact that Rudy got a reduced sentence. That, in itself, is insane.

But caring about whether 2 more innocent lives are destroyed through Guede's actions - that's something I believe everyone is capable of....

But that's just my opinon.
Based on the same 'shoddy' Italian science, experts have then locked up a black man on the same evidence and that's ok then?
I think Steve Moore has his own issues to deal with.
Jumping on the notoriety bandwagon, for what?
Can someone please give me a rational opinion as to why AK's name is writ in large red bold letters?
And the lovely Meredith Kercher and Mr Lumumba not, where is the fairness in that?
Amanda Knox is a convicted proven liar, and has done time for it.
I don't think she is capable of honesty.
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