Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#13

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OK, but you haven't addressed the gist of my argument. Here it is again:

Braking modern hard double layered glass on the balcony would make a lot of noise. Let's say some neighbor hears it, looks and see a person there. The police would have surprised Guede inside the cottage.

OTOH Guede could break Filomena's ancient single pane window and withdraw into darkness to wait and see if someone noticed and then enter safely.

I don't think a window on the balcony was broken. Do you have a reliable source for this?

A window on the balcony was used for a breaking and entering in feb 2009. The glass can be broken it doesn't matter if its double paned. Glass breaking makes a loud noise either way I don't care how old it is.
A window on the balcony was used for a breaking and entering in feb 2009.
No, the link you gave doesn't say this as a matter of fact.

The glass can be broken it doesn't matter if its double paned. Glass breaking makes a loud noise either way I don't care how old it is.
Sure, that however doesn't answer the gist of my argument, let me point it out:

Braking modern hard double layered glass on the balcony would make a lot of noise. Let's say some neighbor hears it, looks and see a person there. The police would have surprised Guede inside the cottage.

OTOH Guede could break Filomena's ancient single pane window and withdraw into darkness to wait and see if someone noticed and then enter safely.
I thought glass fragments were found ON TOP of her clothes

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You're entitled.

I tend to believe more what he said when not under pressure of lengthy overnight interrogation without a lawyer.

In my opinion such methods don't necessarily lead to extracting truth and quite often to the opposite.

So again what was his excuse for the lie about being at the station 5hours earlier than evidence shows to be true? Who was pressuring him for that lie?
So again what was his excuse for the lie about being at the station 5hours earlier than evidence shows to be true?
I have the video quite freshly in mind and this is simply not what he said.

Returning to the topic:
In your opinion statements signed during long late night unrecorded interrogations without a lawyer are more believable than those given freely?
Speaking only for myself, I wasn't all that focused on the fame thing...more that RS sees her as having mental issues.

The way I see the discussion is Kelsey saying his fame as a murderer doesn't deter the way she feels about him. He says thanks only AK has felt that way about him in the past (but she's crazy) but then reminds Kelsey that she didn't want to be in any pics.

The way I read his text is that the woman wanted to date him because he was famous, and she wanted to experience the fame of being with him. To me, that description doesn't fit AK at all. Their relationship started before either of them became famous. And AK got way more fame out of the trial than RS did, so she didn't need to keep dating him in order to experience any fame. She was already involved in the murder trial. She didn't need him for fame. The woman he's referring to wasn't famous and only wanted to be with him because of his famous status related to the murder trial. So there is no way it could be AK that he's talking about, IMO.
The way I read his text is that the woman wanted to date him because he was famous, and she wanted to experience the fame of being with him. To me, that description doesn't fit AK at all. Their relationship started before either of them became famous. And AK got way more fame out of the trial than RS did, so she didn't need to keep dating him in order to experience any fame. She was already involved in the murder trial. She didn't need him for fame. The woman he's referring to wasn't famous and only wanted to be with him because of his famous status related to the murder trial. So there is no way it could be AK that he's talking about, IMO.

Accept that he was talking to Kelsey about marrying her. She was trying to make sure he loved her but it came out that it was just a means to try to gain US citizenship.

IMO, he was saying AK loved the fame but he did not.

On this note I will agree to disagree and stop posting about it. Thanks for being so kind in your post. I mean that sincerely.
I'm not. I understand your opinion and am just expressing my own.

Myvice wrote:
RS stating in a text that AK was a crazy girl that wanted fame that had mental issues.

The actual text says:
"Only a crazy girl wanted this fame, but she was really affected by mental illness".

There is no mention of Amanda. Just like I said. The fame in context is the fame of being associated with accused murderer. Common sense says it's not about Amanda. JMO.

Why wouldn't Myvice state outright it's his/her interpretation, not a fact? :facepalm:
I guess we all have our interpretations, and sometimes assume they are fact (I notice this in myself a lot). I can understand the view that it is Amanda he is speaking of, ( this was my initial 'gut' reaction) and also see where it may not be. In any case, I guess this Kelsey girl incident has just stirred things up on the eve of the verdict. None of us knows what the outcome will be, but I am ready to respect the court's ruling whichever way it goes, and will be happy when all is over - if it really will be over :(
The balcony is exposed, visible from the street and windows on the other side of it and lit by nearby streetlight. No way to safely break the glass.

Climb to Filomena's window which is not exposed and in the dark is childishly easy, as shown on TV :). Filomena herself was aware how unsafe her window was and petitioned her landlord to install bars.

BTW, jumping down from 2 meters off the ground is rather not going to kill you :facepalm:

I'm sorry, but denying the obvious does not make the case for innocence stronger. I think someone falling from a second floor just might either kill them, or if not that, severely injure their bones, neck, spine, head, or any other vital place. I certainly would not want to try it, would you?

Filomena's window is more exposed, IMO. Also something on a vertical plane is going to stand out more.

The climb to filomena's window is not easy.
I am not into the site war controversy. I want the truth regardless of where it comes from. Is the information accurate and true, Otto? Did Guede set a fire and kill a cat? Was he diagnosed with Psychogenic Dissociation?

It comes from Nina Burleigh's book 'A Fatal Gift Of Beauty'
Just wanted to interject something about Guede here:

Even viewing him somewhat liberally, he is clearly a suspicious character and clearly not above committing certain criminal acts.

That said, it doesn't really prove anything about Knox and Sollecito with regard to the particular crime in question.

I wont bore everyone with once again going into the details of my family's personal experience, but suffice it to say that it is possible - and I know this for a fact - for a collegiate type to deliberately hook up with someone known for their proclivity to commit criminal acts , in order to get something accomplished (such as a break and entry/violent assault on someone with whom they are angry).

Or a prank in which the purpose is for it to seem "real" and to really scare the person. He fits right in with the stereotype of burglar, criminal , drug dealer, violent, rapist, etc., etc.. I feel that Amanda and RS asked him to join in for specifically the stereotype he portrays.
He fits right in with the stereotype of burglar, criminal , drug dealer, violent, rapist, etc., etc.. I feel that Amanda and RS asked him to join in for specifically the stereotype he portrays.

Or he did it in a more stereotypical way. More common, more probable.
I have the video quite freshly in mind and this is simply not what he said.

Returning to the topic:
In your opinion statements signed during long late night unrecorded interrogations without a lawyer are more believable than those given freely?

What does he say then? Or rather what is your impression of his meaning AK had been waiting 5hours? To me, the only way she could've been waiting 5hours is if they arrived earlier than evidence proves.

Part of the topic was Raffaele being a liar, which his media interviews goes along with.

Anyways I don't know his exact statement given during his questioning. What I do know is that he freely admits to the "load of rubbish" statement. Goes into detail in his prison diary about it. He does this freely on his own. To this day he can't keep facts straight though, so no I just overall can't rely on him for truth or facts. Not only that but he's the defendant in this case, so no ill choose to get my information elsewhere.
ITA. I feel like I'm somehow defending RG all the time and that is not my intent. He's guilty and serving the time the court sentenced him to.

However, the author of that article laid judgment on RG for being diagnosed with fugue and went on to claim he had some kind of psychosis based on his personal beliefs... as if he knew more than the professional that had previously made a diagnosis. As far as we know, he had never personally met RG.

Then we have RS stating in a text that AK was a crazy girl that wanted fame that had mental issues. Considering he had lived with her, I'd say he has a better perspective than the author of the article had of RG.

Do we condemn AK in the same manner then?

I understand. It is quite different to be mentally slow than to be a sociopath/ psycho/murderer.

I am in no way saying that to excuse Rudy, no way. However, from reading about his past robberies, he seems more like mentally slow than sociopath. For example, cooking meals, making himself at home....I mean, there is a sense of, kind of, just not too bright. So for me, it is not that easy to make the leap from child-like robbery to violent rapist/murdere.

I believe that what happened with Rudy is the same thing happened to Amand and RS - prank and then accident.

I also believe that if Rudy was on the toilet when Meredith came in, he wouldn't have gone after her, he would instead have tried to run out. If, like some suggest, that the door was locked and had no key, he would have tried to get out some other way. For example, try the French doors by the balcony. If those were locked, pick up something and break a window somewhere where it would have been fairly easy for him to get away.

If we are to suppose that Meredith didn't notice him on the way in, she would not have noticed him coming out of the bathroom, either. It would have taken only secondds for him to find something and break a window and run away.

I do not think he would have thought, here is my chance to rape Meredith, or thought about raping her. He would have wanted to run away, IMO, and IMO that would not be hard to do. If she had never seen him, there was also nothing to id him for. Let's say she had seen him somewhere - I believe he would have turned around and gone out whatever way he could, even if that meant breaking a window with his body.

Yes, both of them "changed their stories" during the overnight unrecorded interrogation without a lawyer.

I wonder what would the recording show.

Possibly someone bringing her a cappuccino.
What does he say then? Or rather what is your impression of his meaning AK had been waiting 5hours? To me, the only way she could've been waiting 5hours is if they arrived earlier than evidence proves.
I like it when you separate your interpretations from what really have been said. Appreciated.

What is my impression? I take it for what has been said. He said she waited for hours. The fact is they started to interrogate her shortly after they started on him, not after they finished with him as he seems to think.
It's meaningless mistake because there's no need to justify Amanda's stretching. Obviously she was tired after days of no sleep and long hours with the police. Amanda making a split, a cartwheel or even dancing naked at the police station is no substitute for the actual evidence which is sorely lacking.

Anyways I don't know his exact statement given during his questioning. What I do know is that he freely admits to the "load of rubbish" statement. Goes into detail in his prison diary about it. He does this freely on his own.
I really don't think so, but please do follow with actual quotes. It doesn't offend me if I'm proven wrong.
It comes from Nina Burleigh's book 'A Fatal Gift Of Beauty'

Burleigh is very open about her sources: "Madu Diaz anecdote from my interview, January 2010. Items found in Guede backpack confirmed by Perugia carabiniere Francesco Zampa to me, spring 2010".
That's the problem, incomplete understanding of the evidence. The windows facing the balcony were new, modern frames with strong double panes.
Filomena's window was a rickety ancient single pane that didn't even close properly according to her testimony.

I think he was standing on the foothold below just like the guy in British TV reconstruction while opening the window.

How would Rudy know what kind of glass was in the balcony windows, if what you say is indeed true? There was no link provided, so first of all i am not sure about the modern glass part. Secondly, Rudy had never been in girls' flat so how would he know, and he would not be able to tell from down below.
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