Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#8

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Just trying to bring this forward in case anyone can answer these? I know they may seem like trivial questions, but it has to do with a theory I have. Oh well, if anyone can answer, I'd be grateful. Cannot seem to find online.:seeya:

There is a large blood smear on the wall opposite the door near the bed, made with three or four fingers:

I don't think either this or the towels were reported in media. I think Guede's knowledge of it was first hand.
It really does throw things off the rails.

In the 3 guilty vs lone wolf scenario, I had imagined perhaps Amanda rushing to help MK with the towels (while still being guilty of having put Guede up to it/participated in it).

But if Guede offered succor, that points back toward a lone wolf scenario.

Does anyone else have any other ideas regarding this info?

And Katody, why do you think he wiped his fingers on the wall like that? He obviously wasn't writing, yet knew he had done it, and wanted to account for it.
It really does throw things off the rails.

In the 3 guilty vs lone wolf scenario, I had imagined perhaps Amanda rushing to help MK with the towels (while still being guilty of having put Guede up to it/participated in it).

But if Guede offered succor, that points back toward a lone wolf scenario.

Does anyone else have any other ideas regarding this info?

And Katody, why do you think he wiped his fingers on the wall like that? He obviously wasn't writing, yet knew he had done it, and wanted to account for it.

I'm not sure it was him. In fact I suspect it was poor Meredith who held her hand to the first wound and then lost balance and touched the wall.

There is another blood trace on the wall, marked with "P" above the bed. I think this one was left by Guede when he sat on the bed.
I'm not sure it was him. In fact I suspect it was poor Meredith who held her hand to the first wound and then lost balance and touched the wall.

There is another blood trace on the wall, marked with "P" above the bed. I think this one was left by Guede when he sat on the bed.
Oh, I see - that is extremely sad. :(
It really does throw things off the rails.

In the 3 guilty vs lone wolf scenario, I had imagined perhaps Amanda rushing to help MK with the towels (while still being guilty of having put Guede up to it/participated in it).

But if Guede offered succor, that points back toward a lone wolf scenario.

Does anyone else have any other ideas regarding this info?

And Katody, why do you think he wiped his fingers on the wall like that? He obviously wasn't writing, yet knew he had done it, and wanted to account for it.

Let's suppose that Meredith and Knox both kept their towels in the bathroom. It's surprising that only Meredith's towels were taken by Guede. Let's suppose that Meredith kept her towels in the bathroom, but Knox kept her towels in her bedroom. This makes sense, as Knox claimed that after her shower, she had to go to her bedroom to get her towels.

I have to wonder why Meredith would keep her towels in the bathroom (given her concerns about cleanliness and Knox), but Knox would keep her towels in the bedroom. It seems rather neat and tidy story-wise that Guede only used Meredith's towels, that only Meredith's towels were in the bathroom, but Knox's towels were untouched, like her bedroom and all her possessions. That is, Knox has never said that after her shower, her towels were missing ... which would make a lot more sense in terms of the towels being taken by Guede. How would he know which towels belonged to Meredith?
Let's suppose that Meredith and Knox both kept their towels in the bathroom. It's surprising that only Meredith's towels were taken by Guede. Let's suppose that Meredith kept her towels in the bathroom, but Knox kept her towels in her bedroom. This makes sense, as Knox claimed that after her shower, she had to go to her bedroom to get her towels.

I have to wonder why Meredith would keep her towels in the bathroom (given her concerns about cleanliness and Knox), but Knox would keep her towels in the bedroom. It seems rather neat and tidy story-wise that Guede only used Meredith's towels, that only Meredith's towels were in the bathroom, but Knox's towels were untouched, like her bedroom and all her possessions. That is, Knox has never said that after her shower, her towels were missing ... which would make a lot more sense in terms of the towels being taken by Guede. How would he know which towels belonged to Meredith?
I am understanding what you are getting at, but missing the conclusion: You think these towels were in the bedroom already.(as they belonged to Meredith) But who took them? Try and clarify for me - you may be onto something....
I am understanding what you are getting at, but missing the conclusion: You think these towels were in the bedroom already.(as they belonged to Meredith) But who took them? Try and clarify for me - you may be onto something....

Either Knox and Meredith kept their towels in the bathroom and Knox made sure that Guede didn't touch her towels. I'm inclined to think that the towels were already in Meredith's room - if they were used to help her at all.
Either Knox and Meredith kept their towels in the bathroom and Knox made sure that Guede didn't touch her towels. I'm inclined to think that the towels were already in Meredith's room - if they were used to help her at all.
Yes, they were probably in the room. As they were blood-soaked, and Guede apparently knew this, doesn't it seem as though they must have been used in a too-late attempt to staunch the flow?
From what you said, 2 towels (Meredith's) were used "to stanch the bleeding", presumably also Meredith's. she was in the bedroom, doesn't it make sense that the towels were also in the bedroom and therefore at hand? And that both girls kept their personal towels in their own bedrooms?
From what you said, 2 towels (Meredith's) were used "to stanch the bleeding", presumably also Meredith's. she was in the bedroom, doesn't it make sense that the towels were also in the bedroom and therefore at hand? And that both girls kept their personal towels in their own bedrooms?
Yes, it does. But what I was trying to determine is (it we presume for a moment that Knox and Sollecito were there, as not all are wont to do) was it Guede himself who helped MK ? I guess so, as once he had left, if AK had helped, Guede would not have known that - unless some indication appeared in news articles.
Just trying to bring this forward in case anyone can answer these? I know they may seem like trivial questions, but it has to do with a theory I have. Oh well, if anyone can answer, I'd be grateful. Cannot seem to find online.:seeya:

I don't have answers for your questions, I can only say that RG lies clearly and use your best judgement when relying on his diary.

Do you believe RG when he said he used these towels to help Meredith?
Or what do you think he used them for?
IMO the towels were used somehow but how would a towel help?

He also says when he got home he washed his hands because they were covered in blood. Yet there's no blood on the outside of Meredith's door or the front door.

He also wonders how amanda could've slept there with all that blood in the bathroom and corridor.

It's hard to determine the truth from the lies, so IMO he's either credible or he's not and he's not.
Thank you.

Is there a way to link the actual text or no?

I always have issues with links from books because most are on my kindle app and some are actual copies I own, which I can't provide links to. Lol

I didn't mean to cause confusion. You do NOT have to link the passages. I was just requesting a link so others could quickly find the book online.

I found a link and placed it in my previous post. All is good now :)

I don't have answers for your questions, I can only say that RG lies clearly and use your best judgement when relying on his diary.

Do you believe RG when he said he used these towels to help Meredith?
Or what do you think he used them for?
IMO the towels were used somehow but how would a towel help?

He also says when he got home he washed his hands because they were covered in blood. Yet there's no blood on the outside of Meredith's door or the front door.

He also wonders how amanda could've slept there with all that blood in the bathroom and corridor.

It's hard to determine the truth from the lies, so IMO he's either credible or he's not and he's not.
Of course if a person has been stabbed in the throat, to try and stop the blood with towels would be of little use (although there was a time I cut my arm and it was bleeding profusely, and I did use a towel to staunch the flow before going to the ER). I assumed Guede (or the others) were too stoned to realize the futility: the stabbing could not be reversed.

But what do you think they were used for? As they were blood soaked (are there picture of them anywhere, btw?) I would assume they had been placed on her neck.

ETA: Or were they used in the clean up? Did they wipe the bathroom floor? But then, if Guede knew this, the lone wolf scenario is thereby bolstered. I had assumed Knox would have used them in the clean up. But I assumed Guede had already fled. So again, did he have access to this info in the news?
Let me back up. Is there testimony that the towels were taken from the bathroom to staunch the blood flow at the murder scene in the bedroom; or is there testimony that the towels were already in the bedroom at the time of the murder?
I didn't mean to cause confusion. You do NOT have to link the passages. I was just requesting a link so others could quickly find the book online.

I found a link and placed it in my previous post. All is good now :)


Great thank you!
Let's suppose that Meredith and Knox both kept their towels in the bathroom. It's surprising that only Meredith's towels were taken by Guede.
How do we know it?

Let's suppose that Meredith kept her towels in the bathroom, but Knox kept her towels in her bedroom. This makes sense, as Knox claimed that after her shower, she had to go to her bedroom to get her towels.
Which also may mean Guede took her towels, too, and she had to go to her room for another one.

I have to wonder why Meredith would keep her towels in the bathroom (given her concerns about cleanliness and Knox), but Knox would keep her towels in the bedroom.
Were there really any concerns about cleanliness apart from the episode with the toilet? I don't think the testimony supports it.
I also notice there were two razors in the bathroom. Apparently Meredith wasn't concerned as much as to keep her razor in her room.
Let me back up. Is there testimony that the towels were taken from the bathroom to staunch the blood flow at the murder scene in the bedroom; or is there testimony that the towels were already in the bedroom at the time of the murder?
Guede said ( correct me anyone, if I am wrong) that he went to the bathroom twice to get towels to staunch the blood flow, but neither aspect is believed.
Assuming Guede is a self-serving liar, let's assume he did not try and help Meredith by staunching the flow. Let's assume he used the towels in the clean up, particularly the bathroom floor.

Now we have the lone wolf doing the clean up. (it has taken me 6 years to realize Guede wiped the bathroom floor, yet in a self-serving way claimed he had tried to "save" the victim; plus tried to account for bloody prints in the bathroom in case he missed any-- what a shrewd liar he is indeed. )

I was trying to tie the blood soaked towels, at least theoretically, to Knox and Sollecito. Can anyone?
Assuming Guede is a self-serving liar, let's assume he did not try and help Meredith by staunching the flow. Let's assume he used the towels in the clean up, particularly the bathroom floor.

Now we have the lone wolf doing the clean up. (it has taken me 6 years to realize Guede wiped the bathroom floor, yet in a self-serving way claimed he had tried to "save" the victim; plus tried to account for bloody prints in the bathroom in case he missed any-- what a shrewd liar he is indeed. )

I was trying to tie the blood soaked towels, at least theoretically, to Knox and Sollecito. Can anyone?

I don't think anyone can say for sure about the towels.
Personally I think there's a serious lack of evidence that RG went to that bathroom even once much less twice.
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