Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#8

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Of course if a person has been stabbed in the throat, to try and stop the blood with towels would be of little use (although there was a time I cut my arm and it was bleeding profusely, and I did use a towel to staunch the flow before going to the ER). I assumed Guede (or the others) were too stoned to realize the futility: the stabbing could not be reversed.

But what do you think they were used for? As they were blood soaked (are there picture of them anywhere, btw?) I would assume they had been placed on her neck.

ETA: Or were they used in the clean up? Did they wipe the bathroom floor? But then, if Guede knew this, the lone wolf scenario is thereby bolstered. I had assumed Knox would have used them in the clean up. But I assumed Guede had already fled. So again, did he have access to this info in the news?

I don't think the towels were used to help her at all. I think Guede placed the towels around her head to soak up and stop the blood from flowing wide. It was to facilitate the sexual attack - he didn't want to get dirty.

I think Guede went to the bathroom primarily to wash hands and rinse his trousers from blood, not to fetch towels. It is of secondary importance if he got the towels from there of it they were already in the room.

I don't think there is evidence of any cleanup of the bathroom floor.
I don't think the towels were used to help her at all. I think Guede placed the towels around her head to soak up and stop the blood from flowing wide. It was to facilitate the sexual attack - he didn't want to get dirty.

I think Guede went to the bathroom primarily to wash hands and rinse his trousers from blood, not to fetch towels. It is of secondary importance if he got the towels from there of it they were already in the room.

I don't think there is evidence of any cleanup of the bathroom floor.
Well, IF he really did this alone, and if he is actually so vile and vulgar as that, he should be locked up and the key thrown in the sea. I am still theoretically trying to figure all the details with 3 wolves and not one. But if Guede was the lone wolf and he is released soon, I predict he will commit a crime which mirrors this one in all details, thereby clearing up the mystery of his modus operendum once and for all.
I suppose they found no dna on the towels other than the MK blood?
I don't think anyone can say for sure about the towels.
Personally I think there's a serious lack of evidence that RG went to that bathroom even once much less twice.

IMO there is a lot of evidence: blood smear on the bathroom door from his trousers, blood on the lightswitch, his bloody footprint on the bathmat, droplets of blood on the sink, the bidet, the toilet etc. His own story that he went there and that his trousers were wet.
Well, IF he really did this alone, and if he is actually so vile and vulgar as that, he should be locked up and the key thrown in the sea. I am still theoretically trying to figure all the details with 3 wolves and not one. But if Guede was the lone wolf and he is released soon, I predict he will commit a crime which mirrors this one in all details, thereby clearing up the mystery of his modus operendum once and for all.

Well that's a cheerful thought! Are you also predicting Amanda and Raffaele are planning their next crimes?
Well that's a cheerful thought! Are you also predicting Amanda and Raffaele are planning their next crimes?
No, even if guilty, I believe they had a peripheral role and would not commit such a crime again.
IMO there is a lot of evidence: blood smear on the bathroom door from his trousers, blood on the lightswitch, his bloody footprint on the bathmat, droplets of blood on the sink, the bidet, the toilet etc. His own story that he went there and that his trousers were wet.
Leaving aside the bathmat print, did the blood droplets match RG's dna? I thought they found only Knox and Kercher.
Leaving aside the bathmat print, did the blood droplets match RG's dna? I thought they found only Knox and Kercher.
They matched Meredith's DNA. It was her blood.
I think Ron Hendry's analysis has convinced many people that the Guede-as-lone-wolf scenario is the ONLY one; the sole one which makes sense.

Whether or not he is correct or qualified (as some feel he is not) his narrative is sheer genius and from what i have seen by posters here and elsewhere, his was the definitive voice, and the turning point.
IMO there is a lot of evidence: blood smear on the bathroom door from his trousers, blood on the lightswitch, his bloody footprint on the bathmat, droplets of blood on the sink, the bidet, the toilet etc. His own story that he went there and that his trousers were wet.

Well IMO there would have been more blood found in there had he actually washed up or did he attempt to clean the bathroom after cleaning himself?
And no DNA of him found when he supposed scrubbed blood off. I guess all his free DNA was gone

Blood is a liquid, he claimed his pants were wet and he tried to cover it with a sweatshirt. That can go both ways and does not IMO prove he cleaned his pant leg.

And his own story means nothing.. He's a liar.
But I meant mixed blood. Was there Guede/Kercher found in the small bath?

Guede makes no claims about cleaning up at the cottage and his footprints are tracked from Meredith's bedroom to the exit. I'm not aware of any evidence that places Guede in the small bathroom.
I didn't write that she called from the cottage. I do see that her email says something different regarding when she exactly saw the blood. Do you think that is a major inconsistency ? When she called Filomena the first time, did she tell her that her room was trashed? I think that all of them (Meredith's roommates and friends) suffered a major shock, and it's understandable that an exact accounting of the order of events and what was said (by all of them) may have been inconsistent.
Ok thanks. Inconsistencies due to shock? So it doesn't really matter how many errors she makes as it is always going to be ok. Sollecito writes in his prison diary he sees Filomena's door wide open and the mess inside. This fits with Knox telling the other girls that she sees Filomena's room before going back to Sollecito. Sollecito telling one of the girls that Knox didn't take a shower that morning. After all these years we are supposed to believe that Knox never checked the phone records, and was coerced by the prosecutor years during trial. Their stories changed so many times. There is only one truth. JMO.
Ok thanks. Inconsistencies due to shock? So it doesn't really matter how many errors she makes as it is always going to be ok. Sollecito writes in his prison diary he sees Filomena's door wide open and the mess inside. This fits with Knox telling the other girls that she sees Filomena's room before going back to Sollecito. Sollecito telling one of the girls that Knox didn't take a shower that morning. After all these years we are supposed to believe that Knox never checked the phone records, and was coerced by the prosecutor years during trial. Their stories changed so many times. There is only one truth. JMO.
BBM - Whom did he tell that to, and when?
Well IMO there would have been more blood found in there had he actually washed up or did he attempt to clean the bathroom after cleaning himself?
And no DNA of him found when he supposed scrubbed blood off. I guess all his free DNA was gone

Blood is a liquid, he claimed his pants were wet and he tried to cover it with a sweatshirt. That can go both ways and does not IMO prove he cleaned his pant leg.

And his own story means nothing.. He's a liar.

I suspect I'm not the only one who sees a grain of truth in Guede's stories. He's lies are self serving and he tries to incorporate into his story the evidence he knows he left behind. Thus he admitted sexual contact, the bloody towels, the visit to the bathroom, the time of death etc.

I don't think he scrubbed off anything to the point of leaving his own DNA.
I think he just rinsed himself under the shower head. And any trace of it in the shower had been washed away. The traces in the sink, bidet, on the side of the toilet are, let's say, secondary spatter, the remains of him operating there with blood on hands and clothes.

I think you are wrong in expecting more blood traces in the bathroom left by him. Look how little blood there is in Meredith's room apart from the places where she directly bled or exhaled blood onto surfaces. For example the bed cover where Guede sat to go through her purse has just two or three isolated blood traces. There were more blood droplets in the sink alone.
Ok thanks. Inconsistencies due to shock? So it doesn't really matter how many errors she makes as it is always going to be ok. Sollecito writes in his prison diary he sees Filomena's door wide open and the mess inside. This fits with Knox telling the other girls that she sees Filomena's room before going back to Sollecito. Sollecito telling one of the girls that Knox didn't take a shower that morning. After all these years we are supposed to believe that Knox never checked the phone records, and was coerced by the prosecutor years during trial. Their stories changed so many times. There is only one truth. JMO.

I think she misunderstood him because his English wasn't very good at the time.
Guede makes no claims about cleaning up at the cottage and his footprints are tracked from Meredith's bedroom to the exit.
He stepped on blood after returning to the room, IMO.
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