American doctor in Liberia tests positive for Ebola virus

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Ebola terror at Gatwick as passenger collapses and dies getting off Sierra Leone flight

Staff tell of fears as jet from Africa is quarantined after the death of passenger who was 'sweating and vomiting' before she collapsed

Not good
From your link
Speaking of the horrific moment the passenger collapsed, the shocked staff member added: “The woman was sweating buckets and vomiting.

“Paramedics arrived to try and help her. The next thing everybody was there… emergency crews, airfield operations, even immigration.

Will these people be put in isolation?
But how would they know when this incubation period is going to turn to symptoms if they travel during of it?

Thus is what I was wondering, how long does the symptoms start to show up after you have come in contact with the virus?

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Thus is what I was wondering, how long does the symptoms start to show up after you have come in contact with the virus?

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Anywhere from a few days to 25 days
They didn't visit. They lived there in Liberia with him. They left for US couple of days before he got symptoms. With incubation period of up to 21 or maybe even 25 days, seems like it should be better safe than sorry.


If they were gone by the time he began having symptoms, then they were not exposed. The literature says a person is not contagious while they are in the incubation period; they cannot transmit the virus until symptoms appear. I am open to any link which proves that is not the case.

If they were gone by the time he began having symptoms, then they were not exposed. The literature says a person is not contagious while they are in the incubation period; they cannot transmit the virus until symptoms appear. I am open to any link which proves that is not the case.

They were still living in the area of the outbreak. Supposedly he could have gotten it outside the hospital (since nobody knows how he got it). Which means they could have gotten it as well.

CDC director: "We can stop" Ebola from spreading


Question; "Why would the ambulance attendant even allow Dr. K Brantley, wearing a bio-hazard encapsulated suit and unsteady on his feet, to walk from the ambulance to the hospital"? "Why not use a wheelchair or ambulance stretcher as policy dictates"? "Imo, since this is not normal procedure, it was apparently to project a false impression to calm the public's concern"...

“Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.” quote by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
In re: the lady at Gatwick...sudden onset vomiting and sweating "buckets" could be a sign of a heart attack or a blood clot which "got thrown" and stopped her heart or lungs from functioning. While it certainly is panic-inducing, the symptoms, especially after a long flight with an elderly person, to me indicate something along those lines - a cardiac event or a pulmonary embolism - rather than ebola.

Foxfire, I think I mentioned that it was an "optics" thing, with the Dr walking; it's nice to see others confirm my thoughts.

Herding Cats
HMSHood, that's what I thought. This transmits differently and has a different mortality rate either a mutation, or a new virus. Either way, it goes back to that we don't know....we just don't know enough about this virus.

Herding Cats

I think it is a new strain that may have been in West Africa for some time. It shows genetics similar to Ebola Zaire.
In re: the lady at Gatwick...sudden onset vomiting and sweating "buckets" could be a sign of a heart attack or a blood clot which "got thrown" and stopped her heart or lungs from functioning. While it certainly is panic-inducing, the symptoms, especially after a long flight with an elderly person, to me indicate something along those lines - a cardiac event or a pulmonary embolism - rather than ebola.

Foxfire, I think I mentioned that it was an "optics" thing, with the Dr walking; it's nice to see others confirm my thoughts.

Herding Cats

I suspect heart attack or something related to it.
There does not seem to be any way of eradicating Ebola Virus.
The natural host of the virus is the fruit bat (acccording to WHO)
Humans contract the virus by eating animals that have "picked up" the virus by eating vegetation containing the fruit bats droppings.
Fruit bats all over the world carry some deadly diseased and viruses. The fruit bats in Africa carry Ebola Virus. If the people stopped eating "Jungle" food and ate "farmed food" the Ebola Virus would stop. Whether they ate the actual fruit bats or not would not matter because the Ebola virus is in the bats droppings which are all over the forest floor and on the vegetation. The "food" animals have picked up the virus without succumbing to it and pass the virus on "posthumously" when they them selves are eaten.
Humans have no immunity to the virus and succomb to it.

I also hope we do not get an Ebola Virus Pandemic, no-one has any immunity to it. It would be worse than the "Black Flu" pandemic of 1918, that has since been diagnosed as "Avine Virus", that had a much higher survival rate. It means that it has been nearly 100 years since any significant pandemic. :cat:
In jan h1n1 almost killed me. It changed me, and in Hv recovered vry vry slowly from this infectious disease. I am of the stance that I disagree w bringing anyone over to the states or the uk to help cure them. We know there is a 10% chance of that.....but I,disagree. Most hospitals totally break the rules w patients that r in isolation they did w me, and may be sued. We r still in litigation. I'm undecided. I think the dr who brought this couple .....we r seeing ego here....even w parenteral therapy patients feel better then can still die, no matter the care or drugs gvn. I see ego at play w this decision and if it spreads to one patient 0 there will b a class action law suit.
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Ebola terror at Gatwick as passenger collapses and dies getting off Sierra Leone flight

Staff tell of fears as jet from Africa is quarantined after the death of passenger who was 'sweating and vomiting' before she collapsed

"The Department for Health said the test on the elderly woman, who landed at Gatwick Airport, came back negative on Sunday afternoon."

The CDC PR DR; TV Pundit, in this update seemed to be overly emphasizing the fact that Dr Brantley, in grave condition, was able to walk from the ambulance to the hospital. Said he was very surprised..

Dr Kent Brantley was reported in Grave condition before arriving to Emery in a standard Grady Hospital ambulance.
Allowed to walk into the hospital..
Now, the family asks that his condition be kept private.. Why, if his condition is improving?

"Go figure... & Call me just a little bit more than skeptical"..
i read an article earlier today, and of course cannot find it now, that said dr brantly was able to take a shower, use a computer and assist the emory drs. with his care... which contradicts a "grave" condition imo.

also his wife amber made two statements which were published @ SP:

SP is also reporting he received a dose of the experimental serum before leaving for home... is this in addition to the blood donation or are they the same thing (and the media has gotten it wrong)?

edit: not the link i was refering to but this one mentions both the shower and assisting his drs:
i read an article earlier today, and of course cannot find it now, that said dr brantly was able to take a shower, use a computer and assist the emory drs. with his care... which contradicts a "grave" condition imo.

also his wife amber made two statements which were published @ SP:

SP is also reporting he received a dose of the experimental serum before leaving for home... is this in addition to the blood donation or are they the same thing (and the media has gotten it wrong)?

edit: not the link i was refering to but this one mentions both the shower and assisting his drs:

I believe the serum was in addition to blood injection.

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