American doctor in Liberia tests positive for Ebola virus

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
It's TOP SECRET, no one even knew they existed, it certainly is TOP SECRET as to how many................ move on as you please.................I remain very distrustful of the gov't, and willfully removing the wool/sheep placed over my eyes.:moo:

I am sorry but the company that made it already had animal trials using this drug in monkeys. How could no one know it existed?
I am sorry but the company that made it already had animal trials using this drug in monkeys. How could no one know it existed?

You're aware of what TOP SECRET means?

While they were doing this clinical (TOP SECRET TESTING) why keep it TOP SECRET? There lies the TOP QUESTION? Are we not entitled to know, what may come our way? Oh Then there's a hugh outbreak in a West African Country............... coinky doink , hmmmmmmmmmm:thinking:
You're aware of what TOP SECRET means?

While they were doing this clinical (TOP SECRET TESTING) why keep it TOP SECRET? There lies the TOP QUESTION? Are we not entitled to know, what may come our way? Oh Then there's a hugh outbreak in a West African Country............... coinky doink , hmmmmmmmmmm:thinking:

Can you say Bio-Terrorism?
Just saying.....
Son of SIM Missionary Nancy Writebol Issues Statement Today
""We are grateful to be able to see our mom once again, and we entrust her care both to the Lord and to the fine doctors and staff at Emory University Hospital. Mom is tired from her travel, but continues to fight the virus and strengthen her faith in her Redeemer, Jesus. We were able to spend a few minutes with her to encourage her and be encouraged by her condition. Her servant's heart is evident, as she expressed concern for us above and beyond her own circumstances.

"Please continue to pray for her recovery and for wisdom for the doctors and medical staff caring for her. We lean on Christ, our stronghold in this time of trouble, because we know the Lord has not forsaken us (Ps. 9:9-10)."

Medical workers that risk their lives to help others are truly angels on earth. I hope she pulls through.
Whoa! 8,952 likes already.

I must say that I am floored and shocked that folks from WS are not on this thread. Just really really shocked as missing discussions with folks at WS.

Guess it shows that folks at WS have no interest in following this. :thud:

ETA: No one person other than myself is on this thread right now... just SMH SMH SMH Guess it just goes to show that WS is for everyone, and none of us thinks alike as to what is important.


I'm here off and on following. I'm confused at the whole thing. So I come and read and when there is no new info posted here, I move on and read other stories.

Please everyone keep posted info. I want to know more.

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It's TOP SECRET, no one even knew they existed

You're aware of what TOP SECRET means?

While they were doing this clinical (TOP SECRET TESTING) why keep it TOP SECRET? There lies the TOP QUESTION? Are we not entitled to know, what may come our way? Oh Then there's a hugh outbreak in a West African Country............... coinky doink , hmmmmmmmmmm

aug 2013 press release

just b/c some media call it "top secret" doesn't make it so.
Does this mean the drug company needed a compassionate waiver for the dose given at Emory?

Caplan said he doubted the two Americans would have received the drug if they were in the United States. The FDA does have a system for allowing patients with life-threatening conditions to use unproven drugs when they have no other options, but they must get a "compassionate use" wavier and convince the agency that the drug won't present any unnecessary risks.

But Brantly and Writebol did not need such a waiver, because they received the drug in a Liberian hospital, beyond the FDA's jurisdiction.

An FDA spokeswoman said she could not reveal whether Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc., the company that developed ZMapp, applied for a waiver in this case.
Does this mean the drug company needed a compassionate waiver for the dose given at Emory?

Caplan said he doubted the two Americans would have received the drug if they were in the United States. The FDA does have a system for allowing patients with life-threatening conditions to use unproven drugs when they have no other options, but they must get a "compassionate use" wavier and convince the agency that the drug won't present any unnecessary risks.

But Brantly and Writebol did not need such a waiver, because they received the drug in a Liberian hospital, beyond the FDA's jurisdiction.

An FDA spokeswoman said she could not reveal whether Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc., the company that developed ZMapp, applied for a waiver in this case.

That's what it sounds like. So if they wouldn't even receive this drug if they were in US, they were better off in Liberia.
When one is dying from Ebola, one doesn't have time to wait for all the approvals and waivers.
So now it appears that Mr Sawyer came int contact with 70 people before he was isolated. Given that he collapsed on arrival at the airport, it seems likely that he was contagious for the whole time between then and being isolated. I cannot find the link now, but I believe another article stated this could have been as long as 24 hours. One contact has already died. What a nightmare.

If it was 24 hours then that is potentially three shifts of hospital workers who may have been infected, quite apart from the people at the airport. I suppose we just have to hope their contact tracing and observation works......

It was 24 hours before Sawyer was isolated. One nurse has died and 5 others infected, so far. (if correct)

The growing number of cases in Lagos, a megacity of some 21 million people, comes as authorities acknowledge they did not treat Patrick Sawyer as an Ebola patient and isolate him for the first 24 hours after his arrival in Nigeria last month.
First I ever heard of Ebola was 1995 the movie Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman, in the movie the disease was called mobota. All the news articles at the time scared the heck out of me. Now thinking about it again IMO if it ever comes to the US there would be wide spread panic. I'm not in the medical field but It is interesting how some diseases die down then flare back up or jump from animals to humans. Jmo

The movie was based on a novel by Robin Cook. Read it, it will really creep you out!
First I ever heard of Ebola was 1995 the movie Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman, in the movie the disease was called mobota. All the news articles at the time scared the heck out of me. Now thinking about it again IMO if it ever comes to the US there would be wide spread panic. I'm not in the medical field but It is interesting how some diseases die down then flare back up or jump from animals to humans. Jmo


I first heard of Ebola from a news magazine show on ABC. The movie, Outbreak had an Ebola like virus called Matoba.
CDC’s surge response to West African Ebola Outbreak

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is rapidly increasing its ongoing efforts to curb the expanding West African Ebola outbreak and deploying staff to four African nations currently affected: Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Nigeria.

The outbreak began in March 2014 in Guinea and spread to the neighboring countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone. It recently spread to Nigeria through a traveler from Liberia. On Aug. 5, the CDC issued an Alert Level 2 Travel Notice for travelers to Nigeria, notifying travelers to the area to practice careful hygiene and avoid contact with blood and body fluids of people ill with Ebola. A Warning Level 3 Travel Notice remains in effect for Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone advising people to avoid nonessential travel to these countries.

CDC’s 24/7 mission is to prevent, detect, and stop disease outbreaks wherever they occur and to protect America’s health by improving public health both at home and abroad. CDC has contributed to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) efforts to control the Ebola outbreak in West Africa since the start of the outbreak. CDC now is taking a more active role, and has been invited by WHO to provide leadership on the technical front. The CDC has activated its Emergency Operations Center to its highest response level.

This is getting serious.

The FDA has authorized use of an unapproved Ebola virus test under a special emergency-use provision, although efforts to develop a vaccine for the deadly illness are unlikely to bear fruit until 2015, officials say..

The test-tube diagnostic test was developed by the U.S. military and is used to detect the Zaire strain of Ebola, which has infected at least 1,711 and killed 932 in West Africa.

"The test is designed for use in individuals, including Department of Defense personnel and responders, who may be at risk of infection as a result of the outbreak," FDA spokeswoman Stephanie Yao said in a statement.
W.H.O. Weighing Emergency Decree on Ebola
"The health organization said an emergency committee of international experts was evaluating whether the Ebola outbreak constituted a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern,” a classification that has only rarely been invoked to combat deadly contagions. The classification gives health authorities greater powers that include quarantining people in affected areas. The committee’s recommendations are expected by Friday." has information of 2000-current info re outbreaks

2014: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in West Africa (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria)
2012: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in Uganda
2012: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo
2012: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in Uganda
2011: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Case in Uganda
2008: Ebola-Reston virus detected in pigs in Philippines
2007: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in Uganda
2007: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
2004: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in south Sudan
2003: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in The Republic of the Congo
2002: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in Gabon and The Republic of the Congo
2000-2001: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in Uganda
I'm here ATL.:seeya: I was traveling back from Oregon last night. On the road 'till 12:30a.m.

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