Andrea Lyon New DP Atty

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I was just watching some coverage of AL on HLN. One of the lawyer's on the show said that most likely JB would remain as lead during the guilt/innocence phase of the trial, and AL would take over during the penalty phase. He said, the reasoning for this, is that if there is a guilty verdict the jury has already spoken in that they didn't buy the lawyer's pitch for innocence, therefore a different lawyer in the penalty phase would present another lawyer, another personality, for the jury to hear. This wasn't worded very well, hopefully you can get my drift. Is this the norm for most trials and do you think this will be the plan for Caseys trial ? I automatically thought that AL would take over both phases of the trial.

What the big issue here is, is that if the jury convicts Casey and JB has presented a "she's innocent, SODDI" defense then how the heck is AL going to plead for her life? She can't say she suffered from postpartum depression or argue any other mitigating factors for that matter. She's completely locked into saying, "You can't put her to death because she didn't do it." It won't work. That's what drove JB and Lenamon apart. IMO, let JB keep using his brilliant trial strategy. Casey will be flipping her hair all the way to the needle and it won't make one whit of a difference how much of an "Angel of Death Row" AL supposedly is. JB's malignant ego and self-interest far overshadows anything else.
. . .Honestly, after yesterdays hearing, I see KC wanting to get rid of AL in the future. Her body language showed her trying to distance herself from her. She shook her hand and greeted her very quickly, as if she didn't care. AL appeared to have written KC a little note that told her to straighten up. KC spent more time schmoozing with JB at the end then she did thanking or acknowledging the woman who will devote herself to sparing her the death penalty. As we all know, KC is extremely stubborn and selfish and I see her choosing a less experienced attorney than someone she doesn't like, even if they have a better chance of saving her life. Seeing how vain she is too, I'm sure she doesn't want an unattractive female as her lead either.

I'm so glad you noticed the KC body language/semi-rejection of AL. I think that KC's sociopathy leads her to tune in to people with a type of "sixth sense"
where she picks up on such non-verbals as "vibes" and "energy" and other phenomena which we don't fully understand. After reading this thread and
the 60 Minutes Show revelation about AL's lapse in conscience (which allowed her to rationalize an innocent person's incarceration), I can see her
as not entirely trustworthy and KC would be first to pick-up on that.

Also, if anyone is skilled reading more subtle "body language" or the science of "bioenergetics," there's bound to be some revelations available to the
trained eye. I'll just describe a little for instance where, despite her schoolmarm/professorial facade, I detect a certain haughtiness. (Not sure
I'd want to hug her!)
I think if anyone can, this woman is more than capable. Whether or not she will, is still unanswered. Does anyone know if the promised paperwork was actually faxed to the court as promised for her entry?

I went to the courthouse today and her pro hac vice was in the file. Has it been posted yet by the media? Haven't had time to look today....
It takes a lot for me to say this but, I am in shock!:eek:
How does this monster sleep at night? And she has the audacity
to call herself an Angel?:furious:

She does get a lot of people off with Life and not Death. What I found so odd/wrong is that in the article all four attorneys said they would have done something if he had been sentenced to death. IMO the attorneys sentenced him to the possibility of Death by doing nothing. 26 years in prison is a long time. Accidents happen in prison.
I went to the courthouse today and her pro hac vice was in the file. Has it been posted yet by the media? Haven't had time to look today....
I haven't seen it and I have looked at all the news outlets...did she file it yesterday ? Thanks Muzikman for ALL you do for us !!!
I ,too, found the idea that these attorneys could live and function knowing that an innocent man was in prison...and for 26 years!!
The reason for attorney-client privilage is clear...but I agree with those who say that something is rotten in a system that can countanence such a horriffic miscarriage of justice.

Please...some WSer who is an us understand why and how this could happen?!
OK, here is a zip file with AL's Pro Hac Vice, and Stricklands (almost illegible, sorry) sign-off.

The quality is not great, unfortunately I did not have much cash on me today, so at $1 per page to copy I instead used the "camera phone" option, which is free. heh

This was my first time trying this option, I'll get better at it, promise! :)
OK, here is a zip file with AL's Pro Hac Vice, and Stricklands (almost illegible, sorry) sign-off.

The quality is not great, unfortunately I did not have much cash on me today, so at $1 per page to copy I instead used the "camera phone" option, which is free. heh

This was my first time trying this option, I'll get better at it, promise! :)
Thank you so very much Muzikman !!!!!!!!!
OK, here is a zip file with AL's Pro Hac Vice, and Stricklands (almost illegible, sorry) sign-off.

The quality is not great, unfortunately I did not have much cash on me today, so at $1 per page to copy I instead used the "camera phone" option, which is free. heh

This was my first time trying this option, I'll get better at it, promise! :)

Were you at the hearing? And Thanks for all you do.
I have said all along KC wont get death because of her looks and race.
So this lawyer makes no difference in that way IMO.
But I am mad she gets all these fancy schmancy lawyers. All she should have is a public defender like everyone else that has NO money!
I'd like to think your speculation on CA finally 'getting it' is so, but think you are overly generous in assessing her level of narcissism and need to control. She is not any more likely to believe AL than MN. She is far more likely to get angry and defensive with anyone who suggests that her conduct has in any way threatened rather than helped the outcome of her daughter's (eventual) trial. UNLESS maybe BC, AL and others all staged a massive intervention on her???
Hi PrintGal, I have a huge feeling you are right on the nose. CA.listen?
As bad as it sounds, deep down I want KC to have the worst representation possible that will most likely get her convicted. She was a terrible mother and should have a terrible attorney representing her. She wasn't fair to Caylee and the system shouldn't be fair to her IMO. Plus I really don't think she would get an appeal based on ineffective counsel down the road. Like someone had previously mentioned, it takes a LOT to get an appeal based on that and even though JB is a joke, he is still surrounding himself with the best of the best to give him advice (even if he isn't taking it). She has a ton of top co-counsel attorneys and forensic experts on her team which I'm sure would hurt any chance of appeal.

Honestly, after yesterdays hearing, I see KC wanting to get rid of AL in the future. Her body language showed her trying to distance herself from her. She shook her hand and greeted her very quickly, as if she didn't care. AL appeared to have written KC a little note that told her to straighten up. KC spent more time schmoozing with JB at the end then she did thanking or acknowledging the woman who will devote herself to sparing her the death penalty. As we all know, KC is extremely stubborn and selfish and I see her choosing a less experienced attorney than someone she doesn't like, even if they have a better chance of saving her life. Seeing how vain she is too, I'm sure she doesn't want an unattractive female as her lead either.

Bold mine.
You've got that right. KC would want a "9" to defend her...can't have the attorney outshine the defendent, now can we. :crazy:
I went to the courthouse today and her pro hac vice was in the file. Has it been posted yet by the media? Haven't had time to look today....

What kind of vice? LOL
Is what you saw in the file the same as a curriculum vitae? resume?

A rose by any other name and all that. . . . :rose:
I have said all along KC wont get death because of her looks and race.
So this lawyer makes no difference in that way IMO.
But I am mad she gets all these fancy schmancy lawyers. All she should have is a public defender like everyone else that has NO money!
I don't like it either that she is getting all of these expensive lawyer's, yet she is broke as they come. I have a feeling the women in prison, who were in the same economic category, but got a state issued public defender, will not appreciate her "free ride" either. Add to that the fact that she hurt a child...I don't think Ms. Casey is going to win any popularity contests where she's going.
Verité;3811112 said:
I'm so glad you noticed the KC body language/semi-rejection of AL. I think that KC's sociopathy leads her to tune in to people with a type of "sixth sense"
where she picks up on such non-verbals as "vibes" and "energy" and other phenomena which we don't fully understand. After reading this thread and
the 60 Minutes Show revelation about AL's lapse in conscience (which allowed her to rationalize an innocent person's incarceration), I can see her
as not entirely trustworthy and KC would be first to pick-up on that.

Also, if anyone is skilled reading more subtle "body language" or the science of "bioenergetics," there's bound to be some revelations available to the
trained eye. I'll just describe a little for instance where, despite her schoolmarm/professorial facade, I detect a certain haughtiness. (Not sure
I'd want to hug her!)

I think what Casey probably picked up on was that in AL she had finally met someone as reprehensible and as self-serving as Casey herself is! Casey knows darn good and well that someone like that is dangerous, not to be trusted and will glady throw her under the bus to further her own agenda if need be.

Casey must be starting to feel like she is in danger of losing control of this case and how it will be tried. AL will obviously do anything to aggrandize herself and gain publicity for her stand on the DP. Casey wants to go to trial claiming total innocence of her crime and that she is totally normal and there are no mental helath factors at work here. I'm sure that AL will have a problem with that stance since it won't work for keeping Casey off death row. AL is not going to mar her record for Casey. I predict a titanic battle of wills between two women who have no moral scruples whatsoever.
off in another direction regarding the new attorney.

comments have been made regarding the difference in presentation of the A's and KC, which all coincide with the arrival of the new death penalty attorney.

Just a food for thought, is it possible that the entire family, and subsequently, their representatives, are being taken in hand, brought into the fold and given their instructions on how to comport themselves for the remainder of the the procedures to bring this case to a close?

Mods, If this belongs in the rumor thread, please move it.

But I am speculating on this hearing, and the change in how things appear to be from previous hearings.

I dont believe the failure to register with the court was an oversight, I think the attorney was on a fishing expedition to see and asses whatever damages have been done to the defense case, to get the measure of the judge and all the players. I saw the attorney covering a smile a time or two and never observed the "aghast" look ( mentioned on these pages). If it had been a hopelessly mired procedure I doubt the proper paperwork would have been presented following the hearing. Excuses would have been made, and another attorney sought.

I have an opinion that she has taken them ALL in hand and suggested if they want her services that its going to be on her terms and her terms are in the form of instructions for each of them in how to comport themselves in the public eye. Hence, the sulleness of the grandparents, and weepiness ( from anger as well as sorrow) . (i.e. "THIS is how serious it is Cindy, so if you want your daughter to live, then do as I say without exception.... take down the publicity for the memorial page, and be quiet about the new business. Stay off the interview circuit, stay off camera and watch what you say and how you appear. Control your faces and speeches." ) I believe (imo) that everyone had a "come to Jesus meeting" behind the scenes and it was THIS that has affected most of the demeanor changes. I think this will limit also, the antics of JB, and his last huzzah was seen in this hearing. IF she decides to continue based upon what she saw in court; if they haven't already mucked it up beyond repair, I think she will decide to step aboard, but again, only on her terms. I think she's very keenly aware of the benefits of joining so close to her book release, but this is not a stupid woman and I dont believe she will join up forces if JB continues to call the shots. I will be surprised if she lets him appear more than nominally from here on out. The proof of this speculation will be in the rest of the proceedings, and the comportment of the grandparents regarding the public eye.

I think JB was performing for her benefit as much as for answering the court. Hence the delayed paperwork. She was observing his performance as well, grading him as it were and OBSERVING the judge. Even LKB deferred to her in seating . They want this woman on board badly and I suspect she can set whatever terms she wants to, including dictating the means and ways the grandparents comport themselves publically, (which should give their lawyer a huge sigh of relief...certainly he cant control them.)

I think (imo) that Cindy finally got confronted with the poor choices of actions she's made, and it wasn't tears of being sad we observed but anger at finally being backed into a corner and told to behave or else be responsible for her daughters death sentence. She wouldnt' like being controlled in any manner and it would explain the faces..... rather like a toddler after having a temper tantrum. But the low key presence in court is a very telling change imo. I do believe Cindy FINALLY gets it, and has met her match, at least in this environment. I also beleive, this may have been the moment and delivery of the reality of where her daughter stands. not just about the death penatly , although certainly includes that, but also the fact of KC's responses to them, and how this all came about in the first place. The glimmer of truth is sparkling before them, and for the first time, I think they are noticing it. As final proof, KC ignored them upon exiting.... it's like getting a sucker punch right after being beaten up by someone else.

Its the only thing that explains everything .....even to commanding or controlling KC... I believe we have seen the end of all of all over-played antics, including JB, and KC's. If there ever was any hanky panky going on there, I doubt if even JB is intrepid enough to continue it, faced with the "iron spaniel: at the other end of the table. She looks more than capable of protecting the law in the face of untoward actions of attorney and client.

If any of this speculation is true, I predict the beginning of legal proceedings more in line with what we are used to expecting and certainly, Caylee deserves.

I sincerely hope so.

I have a feeling that the circus is over (and the fat lady is about to sing.):crossfingers:

You could be right. You make some good points.

But I'm going to disagree. This case will not stop being a three ring circus. I think AL has just brought her own show to add to the mess. No one would join this case unless they liked the publicity, liked the controversy, and thought it would be a great stage for their own genius. AL is not there to get this show under control. She is there to add another, even more famous notch on her belt. She is there for her ego just like the rest of them. She is there for the financial pay off she can get at the end of the road. She is there because she has an agenda to push in regards to the DP and couldn't buy herself a bigger stage to perform on. IMHO any lawyer with an ounce of ethics and morals wouldn't go near this case.

And don't worry - even if Cindy has been brought up short and had her chain yanked she will bounce back in no time and go right back to being the Cindy we all know and love. :rolleyes: She can't stay out of the spotlight for more than three months. And that would be the longest three months of her life. No matter what any expert tells her Cindy is sure she knows better. I don't think for a minute that Cindy has met her match and will back down. And neither will Casey. I honestly don't think that AL will last on this case. And if she does it will be because she compromises and decides to play ball with the Casey is totally innocent and the Soddi defense.
Did anyone else notice that CA seemed to look at AL and shake her head in disgust, does anyone know why that would be her reaction to a woman who could save her daughters life? Sorry if this has already been asked. JMO
I think what Casey probably picked up on was that in AL she had finally met someone as reprehensible and as self-serving as Casey herself is . . . .

Ohh, nooo, I won't ever go so far as to say that! In fact, I've come off my high-horse a bit since just reading an article quoting the good professor,
though written by another lawyer of the same defense/DP/ilk. There's a discussion of psychological defense mechanisms from the perspective of
a defense attorney (I know, too many "defense" words with different meanings), and even empathy, though an admission of disregard for
the victim, and whether or not defendant would ever commit crime again, etc. Not saying that I agree with it, but now I understand where they're coming from.
Did anyone else notice that CA seemed to look at AL and shake her head in disgust, does anyone know why that would be her reaction to a woman who could save her daughters life? Sorry if this has already been asked. JMO

I suspect she was still stinging from a verbal beatdown that AL delivered to the entire family to get in line. Nobody tells CA what to do. And let's face it, AL is a formidable woman in terms of intelligence and... well... girth. CA wouldn't like her one bit.
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