Andrea Lyon New DP Atty

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Lyon is being discussed on Issues right now. She has a habit of crying in the court room, in front of the jury!:eek:
Marti M. JB's PR woman is on also and said Lyon will be at the Defense table for the entire tiral.

My bold ..

Oh brother ..
Here we go .. :rolleyes:
Did anyone else notice that CA seemed to look at AL and shake her head in disgust, does anyone know why that would be her reaction to a woman who could save her daughters life? Sorry if this has already been asked. JMO

She may have just found out that Al plans to use the defense of Cindy drove Casey insane. Just look how the woman acts in front of a camera,can you imagine living with her. What do ya think ??
She may have just found out that Al plans to use the defense of Cindy drove Casey insane. Just look how the woman acts in front of a camera,can you imagine living with her. What do ya think ??

And let us not forget that KC claimed at one time that she was thinking about committing herself ........ the storyboarding has been started people .......
Ok, the Lyon is there for DP. It was required by law. (Maybe she will stay on) whom has been a prof for quite a bit, but not the highest DP defense attorney of record. However, this woman has her legal, litigation reputation to protect. (KC is not getting DP regardless, sorry, it is just not gonna happen, sorry.) May we ask what is really going on. Yes, lawyers appear before putting the pro hoc vice motions in, for a reason. Pro Hoc Vice also means a heck of a lot more cost for the attorney then what they may or not be paid. JB's introduction was absurd without a filing. Still Strickland allowed the game to a degree. Lyon sat, watched, waited. DP qualified is important, but why the "book writer". Why not one whom is not doing self advertisement? (Sorry, I just know better. Most DP qualified may have come in without motions filed, but would not tolerate touting. Their record touts their accomplishments for what they have accomplished, period. No introduction, not b.s.) Why the hoopla? Lyon did not tout herself, but still, there is something amiss. (She knows she is hired, she knows she will make bookoo money, (hmm, wherever), she knows it is not a DP case, she knows it is an easy draw for her. I don't like it. I wanted someone more sincere. If she is, we shall see. (No harm in her making money, just the JB hoopla, that is my problem.) Well, heck, it is just JB that is a problem. Blah!
She may have just found out that Al plans to use the defense of Cindy drove Casey insane. Just look how the woman acts in front of a camera,can you imagine living with her. What do ya think ??

I am thinking the same thing...that this was either hinted at or disclosed..that AL will be holding the parents responsible for the KC's mental state and actions. Highly probable! Look at how KC is obviously alienated from CA & GA..not even a nod. KC's demeanor toward her parents is a major clue.

KC will not like being described as a nut-job. With the addition to the team of AL KC is losing the final vestiges of her "power" and she senses it.
Most Dp qualified may have come in without motions filed, but would not tolerate touting. Their record touts their accomplishments, period. No introduction, not b.s.)
Well, I wondered about this too...but frankly, what would you have had her do..stand up and tell JB to pipe down? She had to sit there uncomfortably through that--she didn't have a choice. It stands to reason that she wouldn't have expected him to do that. I imagine she told him later that she did not approve.
Well, I wondered about this too...but frankly, what would you have had her do..stand up and tell JB to pipe down? She had to sit there uncomfortably through that--she didn't have a choice. It stands to reason that she wouldn't have expected him to do that. I imagine she told him later that she did not approve.

One might expect--however naive that expectation--that a seasoned attorney just coming into a case might want to confer briefly, let's say for at least five whole minutes,
to ask, "Do we have all of our ducks in a row? Are all of the necessary pieces of paper filed with the Court?" Particularly, one might expect this, if the queen of criminal defense attorneys knew that her local cohort had been bumbling and stumbling in his previous efforts in the courtroom.

Granted, my naive expectation doesn't allow for the possibility that the Angel of Death Row had been kidnapped from Chicago and her mouth taped shut until
the minute the clerk called, "Order in the Court!" :shutup:
I'm sure her book was in the works long before she ever heard of Casey Anthony. I've read page after page about her and have read nothing but good about her. I wouldn't presume to judge her until I had been faced with a similar decision. I've also never read about an attorney violating attorney client privilege, just as I assume a priest or pastor wouldn't violate confession.

From an article dated 1995:
"Eventually I'll lose, won't I?" says Lyon. "I've won 18 out of 18 death hearings. Eventually they're going to get me, right?" ...Today the center's offices are on West Jackson Boulevard. There are* 16 full-time employees, including four attorneys, and an annual budget of $700,000. Lyon makes $62,000, "about $20,000 less than a starting associate in a big firm right out of law school. About a quarter of what I'm worth on the open market."

...Although her office handles only appeals, Lyon likes to try one or two cases a year, to keep her skills honed. She does them pro bono, on her own time. She is using her vacation time to work on the trial of James Kelly Jr., a former vice president of Merrill Lynch accused of murdering his ex-wife in 1991...

I don't think we can say that she is in this for the money. She could easily be doing this as her pro bono case to keep her skills sharp and give back to society. Yes, the article is a few years old but average incomes haven't changed that much. Today's wage for a law professor is between $76,000 and $140,000 with the mean being $104,000.
I'm sure her book was in the works long before she ever heard of Casey Anthony. I've read page after page about her and have read nothing but good about her. I wouldn't presume to judge her until I had been faced with a similar decision. I've also never read about an attorney violating attorney client privilege, just as I assume a priest or pastor wouldn't violate confession.
snipped - bold,me
Yes, her book was in the works before she signed on to Casey's case. That has no bearing on what she and the others did to Alton Logan. I would like to know how others might feel about her who "claim they have loved ones in prison for crimes they are not responsible for".
When it comes to stealing 26 years away from an innocent man, there is No Decision.:furious:
Andrea Lyon's faculty biography from DePaul University states the following:

"She has defended more than 30 potential capital cases at the trial level and has taken 19 through penalty phase; she won all 19."

This is the apparent basis for Jose Baez's inappropriate "commercial" at the motion hearing last week where he boasted of her having a perfect record in death penalty cases.

Perfect record? If the trial's in the penalty phase, the defendant has already lost and is convicted. What about the other 11? Did they get thrown under the bus?

Another possible interpretation of the same statement from her profile is that she's 0 for 30 at trial, but has a slightly better than 63% chance of keeping you from dying for your crime.
I'm sure her book was in the works long before she ever heard of Casey Anthony. I've read page after page about her and have read nothing but good about her. I wouldn't presume to judge her until I had been faced with a similar decision. I've also never read about an attorney violating attorney client privilege, just as I assume a priest or pastor wouldn't violate confession.

From an article dated 1995:

I don't think we can say that she is in this for the money. She could easily be doing this as her pro bono case to keep her skills sharp and give back to society. Yes, the article is a few years old but average incomes haven't changed that much. Today's wage for a law professor is between $76,000 and $140,000 with the mean being $104,000.

From the article you referenced: "She says she once cross-examined a police officer so ferociously that he came off the witness stand and tried to choke her.

"That," she says, "was a good moment."

Another was when she delivered her closing argument handcuffed to the witness box so jurors would appreciate the conditions under which her client made his confession."


Amongst other things, great trial attorneys are highly skilled in the art of cross-examination and highly persuasive in their arguments.

This case offers a national platform. It's provides a major opportunity for trial attorneys to showcase their skill set (or the lack thereof). Moreover, by my measure, the evidence support necessary to support premeditation is lacking. Like a moth to a flame, most any skilled DP attorney would be drawn to this case.
I am very enthused with AL. I hope she is all that they are portraying her to be and what I've learned of her, so far. She comes with some serious credentials. I do not by any shake of the imagination want this to end in a mistrial or many holes allowing for a guilty verdict to be overturned in appeals court. I believe that KC is guilty, but if and that is an enormous if, she is not, I want every stone unturned. I want the guilty to be brought to justice, DP or Life, I really don't care. I think AL is the best we have seen in this three ring circus. I am not of the mind set to believe that the FL courts will not stand up to AL. I feel that it should ultimately lead down the road of truth and justice. Let them try to throw the innocent under the bus, let the prosecution debunk. I want this all to come to an end and that end being Justice for Caylee.
Andrea Lyon's faculty biography from DePaul University states the following:

"She has defended more than 30 potential capital cases at the trial level and has taken 19 through penalty phase; she won all 19."

This is the apparent basis for Jose Baez's inappropriate "commercial" at the motion hearing last week where he boasted of her having a perfect record in death penalty cases.

Perfect record? If the trial's in the penalty phase, the defendant has already lost and is convicted. What about the other 11? Did they get thrown under the bus?

Another possible interpretation of the same statement from her profile is that she's 0 for 30 at trial, but has a slightly better than 63% chance of keeping you from dying for your crime.

Death penalty attorneys face a potential battle that other criminal trial attorneys do not; i.e., the death of their client. They know that if their client is convicted in the guilt phase of the trial that a second battle (the penalty phase) awaits them.

While a 19-0 record in the penalty phase may seem to be a phyrric victory to the general public, DP attorneys consider it to be a separate war. In those wars, Andrea's record is 19 battles fought, 19 battles won.
Death penalty attorneys face a potential battle that other criminal trial attorneys do not; i.e., the death of their client. They know that if their client is convicted in the guilt phase of the trial that a second battle (the penalty phase) awaits them.

While a 19-0 record in the penalty phase may seem to be a phyrric victory to the general public, DP attorneys consider it to be a separate war. In those wars, Andrea's record is 19 battles fought, 19 battles won.

While I understand and agree with your point as to two separate battles fought in each case, she is indeed 19-0 in the penalty phase, but clearly 0-19 in the trial phase of the same cases. I respectfully submit that within your analysis of two separate battles in each case, her record is at best 38 battles fought, 19 battles won, with no consideration of disposition for the remaining 11 cases. In my opinion, it is a reasonable assessment that none of those cases resulted in acquittal or mention would surely have been made in her biography.

I realize statistics can be analyzed in more ways than one. I also believe Andrea Lyon is one if the country's premier attorneys in the penalty phase of a trial. However, in the final analysis I feel that Casey Anthony would, when considering Ms. Lyon's total record and the evidence against her, be forced to accept that she would statistically be likely to be convicted of murdering her child, but not likely to receive the death penalty for her crime.

For these reasons, I believe a "full court press" will begin by the defense for a plea deal that is the most favorable for the defendant.
While I understand and agree with your point as to two separate battles fought in each case, she is indeed 19-0 in the penalty phase, but clearly 0-19 in the trial phase of the same cases. .

In these cases, do we know at which point she joined the team? Perhaps she only joined in after the guilt phase?
Wait until the jury sees the pix of Casey at Fusian after Caylee went "missing." AL's record is about to be 19 and 1. :boohoo:
To LawRig's post #155: Bravo! Well written post, with well written ideas. I agree with most all your points. I will be very entertained to see who "wears the pants" per say, as lead attorney as this case plays out.

I too, feel the A's were spoken to about Ms. AL's ideas on how this case should be played. Something was said to CA to cause her absolute disdain or disgust look and head shake just prior to this recent hearing starting, directed at Ms. AL. (IMHO) Plus I'm sure she is not impressed with how Ms. AL presents herself in dress and grooming (ie - she's not a 10) I can just imagine the dirty laundry and skeletons she's going to dig up about this family and their lifestyle. It's gonna git ugly!

While I think Ms. AL may get KC's life spared, I still feel a life sentence coming. Should some miracle come into play and perhaps KC gets out of this, can you imagine her life on the outside after this trial? I've often thought about how horrid it must be in the A's shoes now, for example going to the grocery store or getting gas. The stares, the glares, the comments, being spit at. But after the skeletons come out, good grief, moving isn't going to help them. The entire country would reject their presence. These are just my thoughts, of course. I'm just saying, I'm not so sure KC will adapt to her new life very well should she get off.
This is going to get interesting. If she has taken them through the penalty phase, that means they were found guilty and she successfully argued for life. In my opinion, the defense lost in the guilty phase. I'm ok with that.

sorry if this has been covered.......I heard her proclaim Casey's innocence

I also heard her "wins" were reduced to "Life in prison".....

How many 'Not Guilty" verdicts has she won???
In my opinion, Andrea Lyon has been brought into this case for 2 purposes. One is to provide the required death penalty qualified counsel for the defense. The other purpose is an attempt to negate what Ms. Lyon has already called the prosecution having sought a "tactical advantage" by asking for the death penalty.

I feel that the stated claim of never having lost a death penalty case is at best a misstatement. To my view she has been a defense counsel with 100% of her clients being, in fact, convicted of murder to one degree or another at their trial. I do not consider that to be "never having lost a death penalty case."

The defense strategy appears to have become resigned to a conviction of murder for the defendant. They need Andrea Lyon to attempt to prevent a death penalty sentence for her crime, thereby providing a "tactical advantage" of their own in obtaining a plea deal for their client.

"Andrea Lyon is called “the Angel of death row" because she has aided a number of people from being given the death penalty. In fact it is been said that she never is lost a death penalty case.

The Orlando Sentinel, the newspaper that has been following this case and has a special section devoted to tracking it, quotes Leon as saying, ”There is no question in my mind that they are seeking a tactical advantage, and I intend to say so bluntly and in front of this court. She went on to say, “ I believe that the Florida law simply doesn't allow asking for the death penalty in these circumstances.”
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