Andrew Kinsman, 49, Toronto, 26 June 2017

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The potential list is very long, spanning quite a few years. I wonder if the new evidence has anything to do with the Loblaws video? Or worse...a foot? YIKES!
This will zap the D office big time. Can't imagine how much time will be left for the Sherman's and poor little Tess.
So grateful that so much solid police work was happening behind the scenes. Very sad news but at least this monster is off the street...
Rsbm. I'm grateful they finally got the break that they did, I'm grateful these families will see justice, however I remain disappointed in TPS in the investigation of these cases. They went above and beyond to make it clear that there was no reason to suspect foul play. Time and time again, I hear "people often go missing on their own accord" implying that 5 men, all with connections to The Village, up and abandoned their lives and loved ones. They shot down valid theories and concerns of a serial killer targeting the LGBTQ+ community, which was insulting to those who held those concerns and were scared for their safety. Yet here we are, in the end, a likely serial killer. And in all honesty, I do wonder if they would have gotten here, if it wasn't for the unrelenting public pressure. JMO.
Wondering if they will have to rip up some beautiful gardens?
Santa, gross. parents must be freaking out!
Cat and dog pics.
Seemed to enjoy food .....
Posed with LE at what appears to be Pride.
If 66 now, hate to think when it all allegedly started?
Speculation, imo.

Re: "Back in the Santa Chair for another year......"

So disturbing. Glad he has been caught. My deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the victims.
So grateful that so much solid police work was happening behind the scenes. Very sad news but at least this monster is off the street...

Sorry Ava but I'm hardly grateful to LE. They knew about this man's connection to Kinsman for months and consistently denied there was a connection between all the disappearances. He was a landscaper for crying out loud. Toronto Police don't care about marginalized communities. Its Laura Babcock all over again. I am getting ready to gag when they start having press conferences where they are all sucking each other's d#@% saying how much effort/resources/manhours and how brilliant they are to have solved this case. I am not grateful I am angry.

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„Skandaraj “Skanda” Navaratnam, 40, and Abdulbasir “Basir” Faizi, 44, both went missing from the Church and Wellesley area in 2010. Majeed “Hamid” Kayhan, 58, vanished from the area in October, 2012.“

Skandaraj “Skanda” Navaratnam appears as „Skanda Nava“ in his FB friends list.

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They have individual threads here as well as this combined one.
[h=2]Canada - 3 men missing in same Toronto ON neighborhood, 2010-2012[/h]
Sorry Ava but I'm hardly grateful to LE. They knew about this man's connection to Kinsman for months and consistently denied there was a connection between all the disappearances. He was a landscaper for crying out loud. Toronto Police don't care about marginalized communities. Its Laura Babcock all over again. I am getting ready to gag when they start having press conferences where they are all sucking each other's d#@% saying how much effort/resources/manhours and how brilliant they are to have solved this case. I am not grateful I am angry.

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I'm with you. I resent how often I find myself saying "I'm disappointed with TPS on how they handled this investigation". It's all too frequent.
Sorry Ava but I'm hardly grateful to LE. They knew about this man's connection to Kinsman for months and consistently denied there was a connection between all the disappearances. He was a landscaper for crying out loud. Toronto Police don't care about marginalized communities. Its Laura Babcock all over again. I am getting ready to gag when they start having press conferences where they are all sucking each other's d#@% saying how much effort/resources/manhours and how brilliant they are to have solved this case. I am not grateful I am angry.

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I'm with you on all this.

Just joining this thread. Originally was following these cases myself, found this website because of Tess Richey. Now glad to see movement on this thread, even though it confirms our fears.
Skandaraj “Skanda” Navaratnam appears as „Skanda Nava“ in his FB friends list.

cybervampira you seem to be more qualified than the idiots that were actually paid to investigate this case.

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I have perused this monster's friends list. He seems to have a lot of friends who are middle-aged Middle Eastern men, possibly gay. Pics seem to show his current partner is Iranian. Andrew obviously breaks the mold but most of the men who have vanished since 2010 are Middle Eastern/ South Asian and the amount of friends McArthur has who also are... idk. You gotta wonder. A fetishist? Collecting potential victims??
Skandaraj “Skanda” Navaratnam appears as „Skanda Nava“ in his FB friends list.

cybervampira you seem to be more qualified than the idiots that were actually paid to investigate this case.

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Just did a lil‘ digging.

There‘s a „Jay Kinsman“ in his FB friends list (relative of the victim?).

Jean-Guy Cloutier who knew Skanda and spent the afternoon with him before he disappeared just unfriended him:

I‘m wondering if Todd McArthur is a relative of his. This guy has an „extensive record“ harassing women (same name as the one in his friends list):

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Thinking of all these (potential) victims & all their loved ones.

Here's just a few..

Skandaraj Navaratanam missing Sept 2010
Majeed (Hamid)Kayhan missing Oct 2012
Abdulbasir (Basir) Faizi missing Dec 2010
Aman Abdela missing May 2014
Chase Kinkaid missing Aug 2017
Eugene Kim missing Oct 2017
Selim Esen missing Apr 2017
Frank Wang missing May 2017
Alloura Wells missing July 2017-found dead
Zamil Ali missing November 2017
Jordan Russell missing Jan 2018
Here's just a few..

Skandaraj Navaratanam missing Sept 2010
Majeed (Hamid)Kayhan missing Oct 2012
Abdulbasir (Basir) Faizi missing Dec 2010
Aman Abdela missing May 2014
Chase Kinkaid missing Aug 2017
Eugene Kim missing Oct 2017
Selim Esen missing Apr 2017
Frank Wang missing May 2017
Alloura Wells missing July 2017-found dead
Zamil Ali missing November 2017
Jordan Russell missing Jan 2018

There‘s a „Frank Ng“ in his friends list. Maybe a Frank Wang profile?

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The suspect, who is said to be the owner of landscape company “A. D.” reportedly had sexual relationship with Kinsman, but the relationship between the accused and Esen is not yet clear, Idsinga said.

McArthur was known to use dating apps and websites that were also used by Esen and Kinsman.
“We do have some evidence which leads us to believe there are further victims. We aren't able at this time to identify those victims based on the evidence we have. It's a work in progress, we hope to get there,” he said. “We are aware of the other missing men from the village and we're trying to identify whether they may have become victims (sic) as well.”

Investigators searched four properties in Toronto and one in Madoc, Ont., about 220 kilometres away, in connection with the investigation.

Idsinga identified the suspect as Bruce McArthur, 66.

McArthur is expected to appear in court at College Park on Friday at 10 a.m.
Police were seen combing an apartment suite on the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] floor of a building at 95 Thorncliffe Park Drive, where it is believed McArthur lives.

Residents of the building described McArthur as friendly and helpful.

“He helped me a couple of times when I was pregnant and helped me when the elevators weren’t working and he seemed like a really nice guy,” resident Emily Everett said.

Another resident, Tamasin Ashby, said McArthur “always chatted to people.”

“I actually only ever saw him by himself.”

Residents said McArthur had lived in the building for about 10 years.

Upon hearing of the news, ward councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam called the arrest “shocking and upsetting, but also a validation to many in the community.”

The 519 Community Centre issued a statement offering its sympathies to those mourning the lose of Esen and Kinsman.

"It is a tragic day for the LGBTQ community, our neighbourhood and the city."

"The 519 stands with and by the community in this time of grief and grave concern, and offers our deepest condolences to the families and friends of Andrew and Selim. In support of our communities, we are mobilizing our resources, reaching out to community members and partners to offer and coordinate support to communities in this difficult time," the organization said.
What We Know About the Toronto Man Charged With Murdering Two Gay Men

Dating and Facebook profiles that appear to be linked to Bruce McArthur provide details about the alleged killer.
This story has been updated with new information about alleged killer Bruce McArthur.

“I can be a bit shy until i get to know you, but am a romantic at heart. I love to cook and enjoy most types of food,” the dating profile says. “Just here to see whats out there and maybe make a few new friends.”

Facebook photos indicate he had also been a mall Santa Claus. One of them, taken at Toronto Pride, is captioned “Happy Pride.” Other media outlets have published photos of the same man
Police reported that McArthur’s business was in the Thorncliffe Park area of Toronto—just a 10 minute drive from where Faizi’s car was discovered, abandoned, and from an oft-trodden cruising path where I believe he was last seen alive.

McArthur is set to appear in court on Friday morning.
Someone posted his profile on Twitter. Profile ID is 500542
Thank you to all of Andrew's friends who kept the searches going for months and months. I followed the fb group and the dedication involved. This must be so devastating to everyone.
Thank you to all of Andrew's friends who kept the searches going for months and months. I followed the fb group and the dedication involved. This must be so devastating to everyone.
I too followed this story for years from a news perspective, and must say "job well done, such dedication"

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