It should go without saying that this is all my opinion, and just some thoughts I am trying to reconcile or dismiss:
What gives me pause about WH's guilt of the actual murder, other than being a complete moron, is the way AJ's debit card and items of clothing were discarded..
A person guilty of a murder, who is trying to get rid of and destroy evidence, would not do so in such a haphazard manner. You don't go through the trouble of cutting up a debit card to destroy it, taking great pains to leave the name intact. The way the items disposed of was deliberate, in terms of making sure they were identifiably AJ's. So, the first question is:
For what purpose would one to leave evidence, obviously, purposely indentifiable as AJ's, to so easily be found?
If WH is guilty, how are the ways he would benefit from the items being easily found and so obviously AJ's? It takes a deliberate decision to cut up a card in such a way. Why do that, when in probably the same amount of time, one could cut the card to absolute smithereens, and it would likely never be found?
And what guilty person then goes and finds the absurdly easily found, obviously AJ's belongings, himself?
Is there anyone who would benefit from the items being "destroyed" and discarded in the manner that they were? And why would someone benefit from this? Someone hoping that WH would act like WH is known to act (completely irrational, impulsive, blustering and foolish), making it absurdly easy to "frame" him. I don't even consider that framing; with a character like WH, it is more like fishing in a baited pond... you know he is going to bite.
IMO, the items were discarded in the manner they were NOT to get rid of evidence or to shift blame away from the person discarding them. The deliberateness indicates the items were treated in such a way as to POINT a finger at a suspect. Not away from one. What guilty person would point so many fingers at themselves without confessing?
I think if every murderer had a WH in the picture, there would be a lot of people getting away with murder.
And, I am not defending WH or saying I believe he is completely innocent. I think he is in the picture, for sure.. But, this is no slam dunk by far for me.